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The Botkinettes on boys. Again. Book sales must be down.

Marian the Librarian

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They're back, those experienced, seasoned relationship experts. But this time, they've peppered their little sermonette with hip cultural references and lingo. "Look, we're not so isolated and sheltered! We saw Star Wars (Han Solo!) We've read Twilight (Edward Cullen!)."

And while they may not know the correct spelling of "wookie," they can certainly take those creepy, nasty menfolk down a notch or three with dazzling theological sweet nothings: “What is your position on supralapsarianism vs. infralapsarianism?†“I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how God judges sin.†But in the end, it all boils down to "Let your Daddy deal with it," and "Just Say No."


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oh the Botkinettes.. they are nothing else than her daddy's little robots. If they weren't so annoying, I'd probably feel more sorry for them.


Just reflecting on the fact that they're getting on in years. By the time I was their age, I was married and had two or three kids. (I forget exactly how old Les Botkinettes are now.) I also had a college degree. I had spent between five and ten years in a Catholic fundie religious group that was sort of a semi-commune. Overall, this turned out to be a very bad idea. However, it meant I'd taken on a lot of responsibility in the group--like running a household of single men and women who lived with us, managing the grocery shopping and cooking on a tiny budget, dealing with social interactions, doing child care both for my own and for groups of community kids, and welcoming and caring for hundreds of guests, all strangers I'd never seen before. In addition, I wrote articles and did some proofreading and such for one of our publications. We had a big house and my brother and sister both lived with us for extended periods of time. At some point in there, I started a food co-op with friends.

Back in high school, I had been a Girl Scout and learned to canoe and sail, build fires and cook over them, set up a tent, plan menus for group camping trips, etc. I had a lot of survival skills. I also listened to popular music, had a boyfriend, and attended parties with peers who were smoking dope and drinking. Yet, mysteriously, I was somehow able to stay true to my own principles.

I feel so sorry for these young women who apparently never leave the house unless it's to attend a conference under Daddy's wing. But I'm also pissed off--both on their account and on my own. What on earth do they have to teach girls? They don't actually know how to do anything. They've never been out on their own. Ever. It's pathetic that they believe they have a teaching ministry.

I forget exactly how old Les Botkinettes are now.

A-S is 26, E is 24. And I agree - it's pure hubris for them to represent themselves as experienced and worldly-wise, and qualified to give advice to anyone about anything. They're programmed to be their father's sock puppets.


Bolting madonna viaup the same with me. I went to public school one me my very best friends has always loved to get high on a regular basis... I had friends that were boy crazy some who were sexually active... Some who wound up teem moms... And yet i always managed to stay true to myself and never im down any 'bad' roads. I knew how to say no to drugs and sex and did so... I turned out alright and it didn't matter who i hung around with. I had guy friends and all we were was friends. I dont understand there people who think you have to shelter your kids in order to raise them well. Granted i have always been naturally naive and innocent... But still.

I feel so sorry for these young women who apparently never leave the house unless it's to attend a conference under Daddy's wing. But I'm also pissed off--both on their account and on my own. What on earth do they have to teach girls? They don't actually know how to do anything. They've never been out on their own. Ever. It's pathetic that they believe they have a teaching ministry.

This. I don't get why fundies accept teachings from someone with no experience. Would they take sewing lessons from someone who had never sewn anything? Piano lessons from someone who is tone deaf? Then why learn about relationships from someone who has never had one?!?


FMJ, sex isn't necessarily "going down a bad road". It's great that you made the choice that was right for you personally and waited, but not all teens who have sex are doing something bad, and most of them don't end up teen parents or with other major consequences. And teens having sex doesn't mean that their parents didn't raise them well.


This. I don't get why fundies accept teachings from someone with no experience. Would they take sewing lessons from someone who had never sewn anything? Piano lessons from someone who is tone deaf? Then why learn about relationships from someone who has never had one?!?

It is the same madness.. An over 60yo bachelor giving advice on marriage, sex and raising kids.


It is the same madness.. An over 60yo bachelor giving advice on marriage, sex and raising kids.

True. Didn't Gothard live with mommy until her death, or something?


Yes, I think he did.

It’s like dating, only you don’t go out – you use email, chat, or phone, or just pair off whenever you’re in the same vicinity. Either way, you’re definitely – though not officially – well, apparently, anyway – boyfriend and girlfriend.

Ridiculous :roll: Now "Daddy" has them convinced that any contact with a man is sinful. I'd like to see him quote the verse on that.

If your friend Han Solo asks if he can take you for a ride in the Millennium Falcon and you are affronted because it is a bucket of bolts and you’ve already kissed romantic intergalactic joyrides goodbye (and you’d rather kiss a wookiee anyway) – you don’t have to tell him so rudely; there is a polite way to say, for example, “Have you checked with my dad on that?â€

Or you can be the adult you are and tell him to back the eff off. ;)

Our fathers are also our secret weapons in the area of dealing with guys. They are the strength that we don’t have –

No, YOU need to be your OWN strength when "dealing with guys". Is Daddy going to "deal" with your husband too? Hell, there's really no need for you at all if that's the case. If you don't have the strength to "deal with guys" then it's a good thing that you're not married.

If your friend Han Solo asks if he can take you for a ride in the Millennium Falcon and you are affronted because it is a bucket of bolts and you’ve already kissed romantic intergalactic joyrides goodbye (and you’d rather kiss a wookiee anyway) – you don’t have to tell him so rudely; there is a polite way to say, for example, “Have you checked with my dad on that?â€

Well, that throws all of their credibility out of the window! Han Solo was my first crush! They obv have no taste in men! :doh:


Their father has no taste in men as Han Solo is not on the Daddy approved list.


Bananacat i know its not bad. Viaup why i put it im parentheses. Bad is what the fundies think. :-)


I wonder if they'll accidentally say "have you checked with my dad on that" after (if) they get married. :think:

Although to be honest, I feel sorry for them as they've only had vicarious experiences. When they say university is full of evil feminists, they have no experience of it (me either actually- my uni has only nice ones ;) ). When they talk about romantic relationships, they must be refer to those of their brothers or friends. At least Rebecca Pearl got to tour the world before she was married off. I guess all that's left to the sisters are books and maybe ceiling paintings and chameleons.


The Botkinettes are getting old, in both senses of the word....

If your friend Han Solo asks if he can take you for a ride in the Millennium Falcon and you are affronted because it is a bucket of bolts and you’ve already kissed romantic intergalactic joyrides goodbye (and you’d rather kiss a wookiee anyway) –

I thought this was their subtle way of outing themselves as lesbians. :gay-umbrella: (Note the umbrella of protection.)

If your friend Han Solo asks if he can take you for a ride in the Millennium Falcon and you are affronted because it is a bucket of bolts and you’ve already kissed romantic intergalactic joyrides goodbye (and you’d rather kiss a wookiee anyway) –

I doubt that the average fundie girl knows who Han Solo is...


A-S is 26, E is 24.

According to their website, they're 28 and 26 now.


I had to click away from their site. I only visit the Botkinette site a few times a year, because every time I end up getting sucked into reading more and more, and my blood pressure steadily rises without my realizing it, to the point where I start shouting at the computer screen and my foster cat once again runs away from me to cower from life.

In all sincerity though, the entire section to me read as: Listen to Daddy until you're married. When you're married, you can listen to your husband, but until then, it's all Daddy. And that sends icky shivers done my spine. :?

Their father has no taste in men as Han Solo is not on the Daddy approved list.

QFT. :mrgreen:


If you would turn down an intergalactic joyride with Han Solo on the fucking Millennium Falcon, then . . . I just don't know how to help you. I just don't even. Words cannot express Teh Sad. :cry: Oh well--more for the rest of us!

If you would turn down an intergalactic joyride with Han Solo on the fucking Millennium Falcon, then . . . I just don't know how to help you. I just don't even. Words cannot express Teh Sad. :cry: Oh well--more for the rest of us!

No joke.....not sure what to even think of them!

Bolting madonna viaup the same with me. I went to public school one me my very best friends has always loved to get high on a regular basis... I had friends that were boy crazy some who were sexually active... Some who wound up teem moms... And yet i always managed to stay true to myself and never im down any 'bad' roads. I knew how to say no to drugs and sex and did so... I turned out alright and it didn't matter who i hung around with. I had guy friends and all we were was friends. I dont understand there people who think you have to shelter your kids in order to raise them well. Granted i have always been naturally naive and innocent... But still.

If you raise your children to be little Yes Men/Women, you can't let them do a lot of thinking for themselves. The children have to be receptive and unquestioning to authority, so you have to make sure they aren't around anyone that could misuse authority. If you grow up thinking all important decisions should be made by your father, what are you going to do if something important comes up (like peer pressure) but your father isn't available for consult? Could lead to things like handholding with a boy your father hasn't approved of!

Better to control the children at all times, then you can make sure they are obedient only to the people of your choosing.

oh the Botkinettes.. they are nothing else than her daddy's little robots. If they weren't so annoying, I'd probably feel more sorry for them.

More like Daddy's very own Stepford emasculated harem.


Why would anyone take the advice of these women? With no experience and no education (not even a degree in life from the school of hard knocks) how can anyone take their advice seriously? I doubt they would listen but they need to hear this: (1) watching someone else do something does not make you an expert in that thing and (2) studying something does not mean you have discussed it over dinner with your family - it means a degree or degrees and/or years of practical experience in the field.

edited for riffle


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