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Mississippi's 'Personhood' Law Could Outlaw Birth Control


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Lets look at more photos of what life was like for poor children back in Jericho's day of loving private programs caring for the poor children. Yes or no Jericho, do you think children living like this is acceptable? This is what you would send a single poor mother and her children back too?


http://msholcombsushistoryclass.blogspo ... ssion.html


http://www.historynyc.com/proddetail.as ... 310&cat=83

I could show you pictures of children in poverty today. What does that prove? No time period is perfect, but things sure are going to get worse if we don't stop government spending. I don't know anyone's particular situation, but I can guarantee that as a whole, American society is more spoiled, lazy, and selfish than any other time in history.

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Please show me pictures of American children today working in those conditions without the government trying to protect them. And please show how the government ignoring things like that and leaving it to private programs made things better. And you didn't answer my question, is living that way acceptable?

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No you didn't, my bad. Sorry bout that.

But you said "Because there are other lives at stake. The lives of the unborn." in answer to the question of why your belief on the legality of abortion is the one we should follow. Which is saying your belief is right, because you believe it's right.

Our country is split nearly 50/50 on abortion. One side is always going to be upset and believe they are right.

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Proof of your beliefs are not on your side, though. If it would all work like you say, you should be able to show in huge portions of American history before the government started providing for those in need. History has proven your beliefs wrong. Unless you looked at those photes I posted from the early 1900's of what children who lived in poverty really lived like and you think it is okay. And if you do, you hate children and suck as a Christian.

I think she wants to privatize social welfare services because she doesn't want to pay for them herself though her tax dollars. So pass the buck/responsibility to someone else, so she doesn't have to give up any of her money. She doesn't want children to eat, go to school and have shelter on her dime.

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Awwww, it's so cute our little fundie thinks banning abortion would stop it. It wouldn't. There were still a lot of people having abortions when it was banned, if you were rich you got a doctor to do it under the table, if you were poor you took your chances with other methods...

Ugh if I wasn't on my phone I could link to some stuff.

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I could show you pictures of children in poverty today. What does that prove?

And are they working 14 hours day to avoid starving to death? Or is there some...some big agency...like almost a national one or somethng, that provides them with basic food and medical care and subsidises their parents keeping a roof over their heads? Don't tell me! I'll get it.

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I can guarantee that as a whole, American society is more spoiled, lazy, and selfish than any other time in history.

So we're fighting that by, what, outlawing abortion and ending welfare in favor of a hardline JUST DEAL WITH IT policy?

Pretty sure the people on government assistance are not the most spoiled, lazy, selfish people in this country.

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But the pro-choice side doesn't want to force anyone to have an abortion. In fact, most pro-choice people want to minimize the need for abortion. I certainly do. On the other hand, you want to legislate forced birth.

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Our country is split nearly 50/50 on abortion. One side is always going to be upset and believe they are right.

Very true. However, if abortion remains legal BOTH sides get to do what they believe is right for them. If it is outlawed only one side gets to do what they believe in.

Here is the Gallup Poll indicating that it is pretty much split: http://www.gallup.com/poll/147734/Ameri ... Lines.aspx

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Our country is split nearly 50/50 on abortion. One side is always going to be upset and believe they are right.

So here's an idea. Let the 50% who think it's a woman's choice...oh, I dunno...choose! And let the 50% who oppose it NOT HAVE ABORTIONS. Nothing is forcing anyone who doesn't believe in abortion to have one. Your side wants to force women to carry pregnancies they don't want to full term. I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. If you don't agree with abortions, Do Not Have One.

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But the pro-choice side doesn't want to force anyone to have an abortion. In fact, most pro-choice people want to minimize the need for abortion. I certainly do. On the other hand, you want to legislate forced birth.

And as-yet-undetermined punishments for women who try to avoid it! Mystery punishments: the most Christian kind.

Having said that, as long as the all-volunteer police force are enforcing said punishments we should be all right. The ludicrous inefficency will preclude any real crackdown.

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Mystery punishments: the most Christian kind.

I picture making persons who have had abortions spin a giant wheel. It could even be a TV game show.

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I can guarantee that as a whole, American society is more spoiled, lazy, and selfish than any other time in history.

We agree on something!

But cutting government social services will only give more money back to those spoiled, lazy and selfish capitalist barons, while forcing the hardworking, unselfish and unentitled to starve.

Wait, you weren't suggesting that a poor person working two jobs to support their children is selfish, lazy and spoiled, right? Because only a total douchebag would imply that...

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How about this one: it seems like the best way to prevent abortions is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. So I assume you support thorough sex education for all American kids to teach them how to minimize their chance of getting pregnant/getting someone pregnant?

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Let us all read now quotes about these unspoiled children in time periods that Jericho wants us to go back to. Small government is sooooo wonderful for children. I can't wait to get rid of all these pesky laws and go back to the simpler time when private programs and companies valued life so much.

"The smallest child in the factories were scavengers……they go under the machine, while it is going……….it is very dangerous when they first come, but they become used to it." Charles Aberdeen worked in a Manchester cotton factory, written in 1832.

"The task first allotted to Robert Blincoe was to pick up the loose cotton, that fell upon the floor. Apparently nothing could be easier……..although he was much terrified by the whirling motion and noise of the machinery and the dust with which he was half suffocated………he soon felt sick and was constantly stooping; his back ached. Blincoe took the liberty to sit down. But this he soon found was strictly forbidden in cotton mills. His overlooker, Mr. Smith, told him he must keep on his legs. This he did for six and a half hours without a break." John Brown, a reporter for "The Lion". Written in 1828.

"We went to the mill at five in the morning. We worked until dinner time and then to nine or ten at night; on Saturday it could be till eleven and often till twelve at night. We were sent to clean the machinery on the Sunday." Man interviewed in 1849 who had worked in a mill as a child.

"Very often the children are woken at four in the morning. The children are carried on the backs of the older children asleep to the mill, and they see no more of their parents till they go home at night and are sent to bed." Richard Oastler, interviewed in 1832.

"Sarah Golding was poorly and so she stopped her machine. James Birch, the overlooker, knocked her to the floor. She got up as well as she could. He knocked her down again. Then she was carried to her house.......she was found dead in her bed. There was another girl called Mary......she knocked her food can to the floor. The master, Mr. Newton, kicked her and caused her to wear away till she died. There was another, Caroline Thompson, who was beaten till she went out of her mind. The overlookers used to cut off the hair of any girl caught talking to a lad. This head shaving was a dreadful punishment. We were more afraid of it than any other punishment for girls are proud of their hair." An interview in 1849 with an unknown woman who worked in a cotton factory as a child.

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So here's an idea. Let the 50% who think it's a woman's choice...oh, I dunno...choose! And let the 50% who oppose it NOT HAVE ABORTIONS. Nothing is forcing anyone who doesn't believe in abortion to have one. Your side wants to force women to carry pregnancies they don't want to full term. I don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend. If you don't agree with abortions, Do Not Have One.

But god has spoken to them or they made themselves gods spokesperson and god says no abortions. So this is why their way is the only way. :icon-twisted:

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How about this one: it seems like the best way to prevent abortions is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. So I assume you support thorough sex education for all American kids to teach them how to minimize their chance of getting pregnant/getting someone pregnant?

As has been stunningly successful in the Netherlands. Their rates on teen pregnancies, stds, etc put America to shame.

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I think she wants to privatize social welfare services because she doesn't want to pay for them herself though her tax dollars. So pass the buck/responsibility to someone else, so she doesn't have to give up any of her money. She doesn't want children to eat, go to school and have shelter on her dime.

No, its not about that. I will gladly pay taxes that go toward social services if I knew the government was using the money efficiently. But since they are dysfunctional and have little competition to keep them efficient, they continue to spend spend spend and increase it every decade. A little bit of government welfare is okay, if they are being challenged by competition.

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Most of the Americans I know work plenty hard. My BFF and her husband lifted themselves out of near homelessness, overcoming poor education (thanks to the SOTDRT) and health problems. They did it with hard work and a hand up from the social programs you sneer at. I am back in school due to a layoff and my classmates are definitely working. One will start nursing school next semester and works over 30 hours a week, takes a tough courseload and still finds time to study with me every weekend. Another has one husband, two children, two jobs and we meet up at least twice a week to review. The people I deal with are not spoiled or lazy and as for selfish you may want to look in the mirror.

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How about this one: it seems like the best way to prevent abortions is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. So I assume you support thorough sex education for all American kids to teach them how to minimize their chance of getting pregnant/getting someone pregnant?

You would think right? but really they don't want birth control used at all. I really don't know what they want exactly maybe lots of kids to convert?

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little bit of government welfare is okay, if they are being challenged by competition.

Who is the they here? The welfare system itself? Persons who require assistance of some kind?

Personally, I'm finding the much-loved competition quite stiff out here in the job-hunting front. Since, you know, for every open position there are multiple applicants.

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But since they are dysfunctional and have little competition to keep them efficient, they continue to spend spend spend and increase it every decade.

Inflation, you laughable ignoramus.

*Edited for more riffling

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Competition to care for those who most need it has never been too strong, though. We learn through history and history has shown that we can't depend of private programs to care for the most vulnerable.

Now, I really want to know if you view the way those children lived as acceptable and if not, why did you say that time period is one you would send a single poor mother too?

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No, its not about that. I will gladly pay taxes that go toward social services if I knew the government was using the money efficiently. But since they are dysfunctional and have little competition to keep them efficient, they continue to spend spend spend and increase it every decade. A little bit of government welfare is okay, if they are being challenged by competition.

well were is your free help to challenge them?

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