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Jericho, still waiting to hear about this wonderful period in time where there was a small government and private programs took care of all poor in a wondeful fashion. Even if those groups you mentioned did help, it was for a very short period of time. And are you telling me that they helped people regardless of their race, religion or sexual preferences? Because if not than they didn't do as well as the government currently does.

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What makes you say I am not concerned about children who are born?

Well for starters, you thought the early 1900's were a great place to send a single poor mother. Either you don't care about children or you have no knowledge of history outside those biased sources you use.

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Yes, why are you afraid to "go there"? If you're proposing criminalizing something, don't we need to discuss what the penalty should be?

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I'm really baffled by the assertion that when we end welfare, private organizations will step up to fill the gap. As if the existence of welfare has prevented private organizations from doing as much as they would like or as if the existence of welfare has prevented philanthropy.

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Because you want for those children to be dependent on private assistance that has been proven to be inadequate for their most basic needs. You want us to return to a time when my 4 year old daughter would work in a factory for an crust of bread in the evening and my baby would lay alone and crying in a shack while I went out to work. That was the reality of the poor before government social services.

I absolutely do not want anyone to have to use private or government assistance. I want everyone to be able to prosper in a free market by working hard and sacrificing. Do people need a helping hand once and a while to get back on their feet? Yes. But not consistently unless you are disabled. We are all given the hand we are dealt and its time people start using it. Children deserve to be taught these principles instead of learning how to collect hand outs.

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Do people need a helping hand once and a while to get back on their feet? Yes.

Hey, I can think of something that provides this service. I just can't ... it's on the tip of my tongue ...

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Hey Jericho, it seems to me (a Canadian with publicly-funded health care) that the health care system in the States was screwed up long before "Obamacare." And to us more socialist nations, we see your system as really sad. We have a hard time believing that a first-world country can be like that.

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Your level of grammar is a tragedy.

Oh my, a wrong contraction! That has never happened to anyone else I'm sure, especially when they are typing as fast as they can.

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Those gosh darn lazy poor kids, they should just go work in the coal mines like they did in the early 1900's. If you are poor and can't afford private school, you don't need any of that fancy book learning anyway. You can live and die in poverty. Not that this doesn't happen now, but with public school and laws against child workers at least everyone has a chance at escaping.

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Hey Jericho, it seems to me (a Canadian with publicly-funded health care) that the health care system in the States was screwed up long before "Obamacare." And to us more socialist nations, we see your system as really sad. We have a hard time believing that a first-world country can be like that.

Yep it sure was! So lets bring in the government. They can fix everything!

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So these children deserve to learn these principles by working in a factory? I am having a hard time following your train of thought.

I work, honey. Full time. My husband worked as well until he lost his job. He is looking for one in between full time classes.

This is what "pulling yourself up by the bootstraps" looks like in real life: If I were not in subsidized housing, my checks would not be enough to pay rent. If not for food stamps, WIC and school lunches, my children would go to bed hungry. If we did not have Medicaid, my kids would be dead from preventable illness. If we did not have public schools, my kids would not get much of an education. That is the reality of pulling oneself up by the bootstraps: it takes a long, long time. Without government services, it's long enough for a poor child to die of hunger or exposure or preventable disease. Like they routinely did one hundred years ago, when the government let private charities handle these things.

You are a giant hypocrite if you are pro-life but oppose government social services. You are basically saying that children only matter before they are born.

edited to finish a sentence.

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I absolutely do not want anyone to have to use private or government assistance. I want everyone to be able to prosper in a free market by working hard and sacrificing. Do people need a helping hand once and a while to get back on their feet? Yes. But not consistently unless you are disabled. We are all given the hand we are dealt and its time people start using it. Children deserve to be taught these principles instead of learning how to collect hand outs.

And how are the disabled going to fare under this system, you utter fucking buffoon?



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Yep it sure was! So lets bring in the government. They can fix everything!

Well you haven't exactly been able to produce a period in time where private programs took care of all the poor in a better manner than today.

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Oh my, a wrong contraction! That has never happened to anyone else I'm sure, especially when they are typing as fast as they can.

Lolol, "typing as fast as you can". I have this image of jericho hunched over his/her keyboard all "If i just write more words THEN they'll see the error of their ways. Oh yes. Oh yes! AHAHAHAHAAAA!"

jericho, you're a lunatic who thinks in a free market magical privately-organised fairies will pop up and provide poor children with shelter and food. You can type slower, it's okay.

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I don't know what more to say. I believe abortion should be against the law because it takes the life if a child in the womb. Many people do agree with this, that is why we have a huge debate on the issue.

Many people also disagree with this. Why is your personal belief about when life begins the one that should be legislated? Why should you get to inflict your personal beliefs onto other people? If abortion is legal then you are able to practice your own personal beliefs and other people are able to practice theirs, everybody gets to practice what they believe. If abortion is legal only part of the population gets to practice what they believe. That is neither right nor fair.

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Personally, I can't wait for debtor's prisons to make a comeback.

I agree. I can still hear my great-great-grandparents talking about how life was so much better when everything was just like you read in those Dickens' novels!

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Erm, just wanted to point out that currently we have both publicly-funded assistance and private charity...and there are still people who go without food, medicine, shelter, etc in the US. So I don't see how completely eliminating one of those sources of assistance would help anyone or would result in more help/assistance for those in need.

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I work, honey. Full time. My husband worked as well until he lost his job. He is looking for one in between full time classes.

Heh, right?

Actually, I don't work. I am looking for a job, hard. Temping when I can. I've done medical studies to make money. I want a fucking full-time job more than I want anything. Thanks, assistance. Next scholastic year, I plan to take the federal pell grant (from the government!!! oh noooo! [drinks the blood of a taxpayer]) and complete a trade program. But I guess I should just be homeless instead.

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Well you haven't exactly been able to produce a period in time where private programs took care of all the poor in a better manner than today.

At least nobody here loses their house because they can't afford to pay for medical treatment AND a mortgage.

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I've heard work houses were AWESOME. Like a slumber party every night. Gee, I wish I had picked a different time to be a poor person. Not.

It's easy to be conservative from the other side of the poverty line. From where I live, the message gets garbled and all I hear is "STARVE ALREADY, YOU STUPID WHORE!!!"

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Personally, I can't wait for debtor's prisons to make a comeback.

If you don't want to go there, you can just die and decrease the surplus population.

If Jericho's claims that it is Welfare that prevents private programs from helping the poor is true, than there should be huge portions of American history where this is shown. So far all he has shown are some Mason Lodges and other groups that helped for a brief time, but I'm not sure it wasn't just for their own members and that the 1900's were a great time for poor children.

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And what should happen to those rampant whores who get an abortion???

Goddammit, the public needs to know!

I had a post typed out but the internet ate it. So sad. Basically jericho, I carried your beliefs to their logical conclusion. Life begins at conception, abortion ends that "life", woman and doctor preforming abortion are murderers, woman and docotr are dealt appropriate punishment up to and including the death penalty. This is the logical outcome to your belief system. Do you agree with this assessment? How does this jive with your ideal of a smaller government?

P.S. Constance Vigilance I love your username. HP reference? (If not, I don't actually like it, jk)

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If you don't want to go there, you can just die and decrease the surplus population.

I'm ready to do my part for America! USA, USA!

I'm wondering what people like Jericho would say if part of my bootstraps plan for making money while I look for a full-time position included becoming a stripper. Because if I had the body, I absolutely would.

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