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Lori Alexander 54: Embracing the Manosphere

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I think she is jealous of Rachel Hollis who has a huge following and a 5-star book.  Anyway:  at least Rachel is teaching love and grace.  Lori, on the other hand, teaches none of the Gospel.   Lori, like many fundamentalists, has a corner on the "truth" and other peoples' failings.  They, and they alone have the "truth", the right belief system, and are "saved".   It's an arrogance born of ignorance.  jmo, here, but no one has a corner on the truth.  It can be found both within, and outside of, religion.   

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What the ever lovin' frickety frack? 

Well, I guess Lori found something new to write about. 

Question: isn't she sinning by addressing an article that is written for males? I think I remember reading somewhere that Lori only teaches women. Does she only teach women?  I'm not sure if she's ever told us before. :content:





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My mom is 74 and looks years younger than Lori. 

Her bit against swearing makes me think of a priest at Catholic school when I was in seventh grade. We had class confessions every other month. Basically, he took each section of religion class to the church across the parking lot and heard each kid's confession. So one day when we came back, he had apparently had enough of what he heard and lost it on us. The topic: Kids confessing that they said "hell" or "shit" or even "fuck". 

He went off on how (if you're reading Lori, you are about to lose it and also have your opinion of Catholics confirmed!) those words by themselves are not sinful to say. He told us that words like that are given the connotation of vulgarity by cultural use but are not sinful. He even went so far as to say that any word could be used as a swear word, but our language and culture gave those particular ones that meaning. They could have been different words. "Chair" could have been one and we could have had a euphemism for a chair and told people "Chair you" when we were mad. 

He told us that the attitude behind them sometimes needs to be confessed but not the words themselves. His example was that if, as a seventh grader, you told your parents their reasonable request of you was "bullshit", that you might need to confess not honoring your parents, but you didn't need to confess that you "said a bad word". 

And after all that, I presume to make sure the very scary nun that was the principal didn't come after him, he did say they were vulgar and we shouldn't say them and absolutely not at school. 

I always remembered that later when people in evangelical world were wringing their hands over the ungodliness of students caught uttering benign phrases like "what the hell" or even just  "heck" or "crap" which were also banned at crazy Christian school. 

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11 hours ago, CatholicLite said:

A question: What is Einkorn bread and why does she worship it?

I know!

You'd think Jesus broke Einkorn bread during the last supper the way she goes on about it.

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I'm not going to give her a click by reading this horrible article.  Do they also go blind and grow hair on their hands if they masturbate?  My hospital does a class called "Boy Talk" led by a physician and a male counselor for adolescents where they explain normal feelings and desires.  We call it healthy.  She calls it sin and makes it shameful.  She's venturing further and further toward the cliff of craziness just to get attention.  If my cousin "likes" this post, I may have to drive from Mississippi to West Virginia to slap her upside the head.

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So I see Ms. Modest and Discreet is discussing masturbation today.  Good grief.

I have a 15 year old son. My hubby told him it's not a sin, but it is private. You also don't want to do it so much that it begins to affect your relationships with real women. 

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She's got someone disagreeing here. Will she accept the instruction of a penis-bearer man, or will she delete because it goes against what she's teaching? Not to mention that she's trying to teach MEN...very young men, but men nonetheless!  


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1 hour ago, usmcmom said:


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I'm not sure what to make of the article. The author says a lot of things about lustful thinking which I mostly agree with. He implies that male teen masturbation always involves lustful thoughts, and that is what he says parents need to talk with the teens about. He doesn't actually say that masturbation itself is wrong (although he does seem to imply it).

What is beyond me is why on earth Lori is sharing it on her page. My guess is that she caught Ken having some solo sex and is passively aggressively making sure he knows she's pissed off and morally superior.


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1 hour ago, kpmom said:

I know!

You'd think Jesus broke Einkorn bread during the last supper the way she goes on about it.

Paul ate it everyday didn’t you know? He had a women make it for him. Can’t have a man baking.

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"Teach them to want for a holy and pure wife, to want to love and dominate her, and to want many children."  - Edward, commenting on today's post on the blog.




have a commanding influence on; exercise control over.

"the company dominates the market for operating system software"

synonyms:control, influence, exercise control over, command, be in command of, be in charge of, rule, govern, direct, have ascendancy over, have mastery over; More

be the most important or conspicuous person or thing in.

"the race was dominated by the 1992 champion"

(of something tall or high) have a commanding position over; overlook.

"a picturesque city dominated by the cathedral tower"

synonyms:overlook, command, tower above/over, loom over

"the village is dominated by the viaduct"


Ummm....NO.  This is what is wrong with strict Comp'ism, which Lori teaches.  


NOWHERE in Scripture are men told to dominate their holy, little wives, or any other PERSON on earth!




THIS is a sick, perverse statement written by a mind that has been perverted by religion to the degree that he cannot see what is written clearly in the Word of God he claims to obey.

DOMINION was given to men AND women BY GOD over all created THINGS (not other PEOPLE!)


This man needs to be immediately busy doing the things the Bible tells him to do rather than worrying about teaching boys to dominate their good wives.

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Lori is trying to go viral again.  She do anything, say anything including teaching men in order to get attention.

What the fuck does Ken see in her that is so holy?  She's a stinking pile of shit.  What the fuck does she see in him?  Well, duh...money for sex. 

They are both so fucked up.

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10 hours ago, ladyicantxplain said:




have a commanding influence on; exercise control over.

"the company dominates the market for operating system software"

synonyms:control, influence, exercise control over, command, be in command of, be in charge of, rule, govern, direct, have ascendancy over, have mastery over; More

be the most important or conspicuous person or thing in.

"the race was dominated by the 1992 champion"

(of something tall or high) have a commanding position over; overlook.

"a picturesque city dominated by the cathedral tower"

synonyms:overlook, command, tower above/over, loom over

"the village is dominated by the viaduct"


Ummm....NO.  This is what is wrong with strict Comp'ism, which Lori teaches.  


NOWHERE in Scripture are men told to dominate their holy, little wives, or any other PERSON on earth!




THIS is a sick, perverse statement written by a mind that has been perverted by religion to the degree that he cannot see what is written clearly in the Word of God he claims to obey.

DOMINION was given to men AND women BY GOD over all created THINGS (not other PEOPLE!)


This man needs to be immediately busy doing the things the Bible tells him to do rather than worrying about teaching boys to dominate their good wives.

"Husbands, love your wives as Christ loves the Church"

Umm... any bible believing man shouldn't look at this phrase and, sure the one talking about submission right above it, and see the reasoning that they should control and dominate their wives???

What the hell? How is anything she teaches biblical? Just because the bible says wives should submit doesn't mean the man is supposed to dominate them! God has dominion, and nope, they are called to love- not control.

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In today's bucket of swill labeled 'CHILDREN BEING SWALLOWED UP BY THOSE BIG YELLOW MONSTERS' Lori says 'God commands fathers to raise their children in the nurture (to educate; to bring or train up) and the admonition (gentle reproof; counseling against a fault; instructions in duties; caution; direction) of the Lord.' FATHERS.  So why aren't the fathers at home educating their children?  It's a direct command for fathers, the Bible is very clear on this!  It's sad that Lori doesn't love God, or his perfect ways.  

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I haven't been following Lori threads for a while because she's been exceptionally boring lately. The only times I'm really interested is when Ken intervenes! 

That masturbation post tho ... and the comments! They seem to associate masturbation with a lack of control or a sense of urgency. They have a funny idea that marriage is the only 'cure' for this uncontrollable lust. I am happily partnered for years but I still masturbate as much as ever. To me, it's something very different form sex and intimacy. 'Lust' as these guys define it doesn't even come into it. For me it's just a comfort thing, like a nice soft blanket or a cup of tea. It also helps me sleep! Most of the time I'm not thinking of anything sexy while I do it, TMI sorry!  

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Seriously? Why do the fundies think everyone in public school is a devil worshiper or something?

I can't understand the arrogance of these people. No one elese is capable of contributing to their child's growth but them.  My son's science teacher has a double major in chemistry and physics and his English teacher has a Ph. D.  

Something tells me they can do a better job than me with my middle school history certification.

BTW The evil WOMAN principal is Presbyterian.

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On 9/2/2018 at 11:52 PM, CatholicLite said:

A question: What is Einkorn bread and why does she worship it?

My oldest (young adult) daughter is a vegan and i was getting ingredients yesterday to make her a birthday cake (she's 25 today!) and I saw in the organic/vegan/health section of my normal grocery store, a package of Einkorn flour!   I started laughing out loud. People may or may not have given me a "look."  LOL


About her homeschooling post today. I sent my youngest off for her first day of 8th grade at our wonderful Catholic School.   All three of my kids (25, 22,13) attended there and received a wonderful education and are good human beings.  We didn't abdicate our responsibility to our children by sending them to school.   I'm so tired of Lori adding to scripture and making it sound like homeschooling is a Christian requirement.  It isn't, no matter how you try to manipulate scripture.  Once and for all, people are individuals with individual needs. 

I know people who homeschooled....their kids turned out great.

I know people who sent their kids to public school. Their kids turned out great. 

I know people who sent their kids to secular private school. Their kids turned out great.  

I know people sent their kids to private Christian and Catholic Schools. Their kids turned out great. 

Similarly there are lousy homeschoolers, lousy public schools, lousy private/religious schools as well. It's up to you to figure out the best situation considering your individuals circumstances/needs. 

Moral of the story: Whatever is best for you (and could be a combo) and your children is BEST FOR YOU. 

Lori: Once again, stop shaming people into thinking one way is best or the only way to be a "REAL CHRISTIAN" is xyz. Where God is silent there is liberty. God doesn't say don't send your children to school or homeschool only no matter how you try to bend scripture to do so.


That said, I hope my youngest has a great last year before she goes to HS next ! So proud of SongRed #3


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4 hours ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

Seriously? Why do the fundies think everyone in public school is a devil worshiper or something?

I can't understand the arrogance of these people. No one elese is capable of contributing to their child's growth but them.  My son's science teacher has a double major in chemistry and physics and his English teacher has a Ph. D.  

Something tells me they can do a better job than me with my middle school history certification.

BTW The evil WOMAN principal is Presbyterian.

It astonishes me the way they talk about the children in public school. I've spent a lot of time in public elementary schools for the last few years (unlike Lori). The children there are. .  . little kids. During the first week, many are frightened, some are curious about their teacher, most are very excited to see their friends. They think about their new sneakers, their lunches, the new kid in their class. The littlest ones are babies, really, some still have issues with using the bathroom or paying for their lunch. They are not thinking about the devilish things Lori thinks they are thinking about.

Actually, the same is true with my high schooler. She and her friends aren't focusing on sex, rock and roll and drugs the way Lori seems to think they are. They think about their sport (will I make the volleyball team?), their classes (is this class too hard for me?), the clubs they want to join, about the new privileges they gain from being in a new school (wow, we get to go off campus at lunch!). 

I volunteer in several low income schools, and the children there are as innocent as the wealthier schools my kids attended.

It just amazes me that these troubled adults project all their evil thoughts onto children. If they spent some time in an actual public school, they'd see how wrong they are.

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@Hisey , and then there all the Evil Godless Teachers waiting to corrupt their innocent children. The ones I know are mainly concerned about whether the kids in their classes are learning to read or solve equations or conjugate Spanish verbs. Oh—or then there are the horrible ones like my sister, who (before free school breakfasts) used to keep healthy snacks in her desk for kids who came to school hungry. 

You know, awful people like those.

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Because I'm feeling particularly bitchy today, I'm just going to say it. 

Most of the public school teachers my kids had (k-12) loved their students more than Lori seems to have loved her own children. 

I'd stack their public school environment against Lori's idea of Godly any day. 

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I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this, but when I first saw the headline on my phone (which doesn't show the picture and entire article until you click on 'Read More'), I didn't know what a big yellow monster was.  The only thing that came to mind was Big Bird, and I thought she was going to complain about Sesame Street.  I was way off...

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I work with kids now and I think a vast majority of kids want to be good, even the most violent ones. They just haven't developed the emotional tools to do so and their parents tend to either be crap parents or have problems of their own. If anything school give these kids a reprieve and a place to work off energy and learn in a safe environment. 

When we were taking care of my nieces they just did not do well learning from us at home. We just didn't have the knowledge or tools to work with kids who'd experienced such delays in their learning. However, the moment they hit public school they took off. Now they're both super intelligent and doing very well. The oldest loves science and has talked about becoming a mechanical engineer and building robots. 

I didn't have one teacher try to make me into a godless heathen. TBH I think they're to overworked to be worrying about anything else but teaching the class. 

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12 minutes ago, crawfishgirl said:

I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this, but when I first saw the headline on my phone (which doesn't show the picture and entire article until you click on 'Read More'), I didn't know what a big yellow monster was.  The only thing that came to mind was Big Bird, and I thought she was going to complain about Sesame Street.  I was way off...

I'm sure she'll gripe about Sesame Street, if she hasn't already.  Remember the scare tactic stories about Bert and Ernie being secretly gay?

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It really depends on the child and the individual schools as to what is a best fit.  My kids went to a Catholic school for the lower elementary grades.  It was somewhat affluent - in 3rd grade, there was already a lot of showing-off and mean-spirited behavior that I usually associate with older kids.  My oldest was a bit awkward and got bullied, so we changed schools at the end of the school year, and I decided to try the public school.  The public elementary was diverse in every way imaginable, and the culture was just a much better fit for her.  I also found that she was a little behind there, though she had been a straight-A kid at the private school, which I found telling.  She is now in a public high school, and loving it, and is near the top of her class.  It's not perfect, but we like it better than the private school she attended - and we can save the tuition money towards college.  And she has yet to be brainwashed......

Anyway, I think that any of the options (homeschool, private, public) can be good if it's done correctly (i.e., not Duggar-style) and the best fit for each kid.  

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Some of the things I did with special ed kids in a wicked public elementary school today: 

Practiced writing the numbers 4 and 5. 

Practiced writing the letter B. 

Practiced colors by sorting little plastic animals. 

Practiced counting and numbers using the same animals. 

Read a story about a caterpillar in a yard who becomes a butterfly at the end. 

Drew pictures of the story in the order it happened. 

Read a story about hide and seek. 

So, yep, tons of evil being poured into those kids. Nothing is more useful for indoctrinating kids to secularism than "how many yellow bunnies do you have?". And that whole letter B thing, well, that's just satanism right there. :my_confused:

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