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Lori Alexander 42: Biblically A Bitch, Now Dressed Up In White Privilege


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@Red Hair, Black Dress,  I was just thinking that Lori failed to peanut oil to her list.  I use peanut and sesame oil a lot.  Peanut oil is great for stir-frying and sesame oil is divine for lots of Chinese dishes.  I don't recall if Lori listed flaxseed (linseed) oil either.

Every single one of the fats on both of Lori's list are processed in some ways.  Lard and tallow have to be rendered.

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44 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

This one was zapped quickly. Today's post. 


She's so dishonest.  It would be nice if she just came right out and said, "Sorry.  I was talking out of my ass."

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29 minutes ago, PennySycamore said:

Every single one of the fats on both of Lori's list are processed in some ways.  Lard and tallow have to be rendered.

Yeah, most of the time, buying animal fats means you're buying something that was both rendered (as you said, a type of processing, technically?) and made from animals that were raised and slaughtered through factory farming.

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It annoys me when Lori and her ilk suggest that women who can’t have children should foster or adopt. I worked in child welfare for 14 years and supervised it for 5 after that. Children aren’t commodities. Children who have been placed in foster care have often experienced unimaginable things, and those experiences don’t just disappear when an adult rides in to save him/her. It requires a lot of patience and thoughtful planning, and in fostering, you have to be willing to work with the family. Foster and adoptive kiddos aren’t replacements for bio kids someone can’t have.  I also say this as an adult who was adopted as an infant- I love my parents and am so grateful for them, and I had a very privileged upbringing.  But I do at times wonder about my bio family. 

*I have worked with foster and adoptive parents who could not have kids of their own. Those that were successful were the ones that resolved all of the feelings and emotions associated with not being able to have bio kids, and they were the ones that gave kids in their home appropriate space. The ones that did not resolve those issues ahead of time often undermined child, family, and agency, and became enmeshed and over attached. They also tended to put their vision of what their child would be like into the foster/adoptive child and that ever ended well. 

Sorry for the rant. That always just rubs me the wrong way. 

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Total BUTTER user here. When hubs got sick, it was strongly suggested that we avoid most processed foods (not arguing with anyone here) so we use butter, "real" cheese, and cook with only corn and peanut oils. Not saying that my way is best...it was and is best for my husband's needs. Remember, he has no pancreas and no gall bladder. He takes replacement pancreatic enzymes with everything he eats, and using what I listed makes his digestive system MUCH happier. I will strongly suggest the same to other panky families but if you've got all your digestive organs, do what you damn well please. 

Lori is an idiot, a fucking hypocritical bitch and really needs to STFU. 

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@Petronella I guess I can't drop it either. In the food industry the words "factory processed" are used to describe any foodstuff that is not delivered to the customer in its original, raw state. Here's Lori's shitty infographic: 



Every single item on this list is processed in a factory, some minimally but definitely processed. Olive trees don't ooze oil, the oil has to be expeller pressed and filtered before being sent to packaging. Butter doesn't fall out of the cow and get delivered to the store, cream has to be pasteurized to kill bacteria, then churned, sometimes with the extra step of adding salt. Tallow must be rendered.

Palm oil is in a class by itself for a multitude of reasons. In addition raising "bad" LDL cholesterol, it contributes massively to deforestation, exploitation of indigenous people, and loss of habitat to orangutans. It is simply unsustainable.

Granted, the items in the "bad" column have their own issues. Grapeseed for example uses chemicals to help the expelling process. Corn oil is heavily processed as well.

All that to say that this infographic is pointless. As an argument between good vs. bad fats, there is some truth but adding a picture of a wholesome all natural cow against an evil factory is stupid and misleading. 

Sorry for the long post. I've mentioned before that I worked for many years in the food industry and things like this get me worked up. Now back to your regularly scheduled snark.


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She just purged tons of comments from today's post. Including this one. I figured she would have got rid of it, but she replied and still got rid of it!! I guess she really doesn't care if she finds the Lord. Lori left her a message that she hopes she finds her savior and then deletes it!!! There are no words for this madness. 








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2 hours ago, Koala said:

She's so dishonest.  It would be nice if she just came right out and said, "Sorry.  I was talking out of my ass."

Lori can ONLY talk out of her ass because that's where her mouth is located.   While at first this appears to be a ludicrous claim, ass-mouth is a natural consequence of sticking one's entire head up one's own ass, which has been the case with Lori for years now.  

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That 'everyone knows there's a God' bullshit is just that, bullshit.  Miss Lori is most assuredly not an expert on what other people know, or don't know.  She just likes to think she knows everything, EVERYTHING, because 'Gawd says so.'  Idjit.  

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I'm using Ghee tonight. It's says clarified butter so that's good, right?


But it's produced in UAE so that makes it unholy and therefore bad as per Lori, correct?


I'm confused.

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On the topic of all things processed but delicious, I was curious as to why the organic milk that I buy lasts longer and found out it's because it's PROCESSED differently. 

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Palm oil? Really?? 

Not surprised because Lori has made a few remarks in the past about environmentalism being false and ungodly. If she is concerned about things being 'organic' or 'natural' it is only in the sense that they can serve *her* precious body. 

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She can't be serious right now...

Umm, other than "walk in lines", how the hell is this any different from the kind of life Lori describes her kids having?  Of course, Lori's kids DID go to school, but even if she had homeschooled them, that's exactly what their lives would have been like.

Also, she talks about "negative reinforcement", but she brags that she didn't use stickers or rewards, in favor of beating her kids with a leather strap!  I have also seen her complain (multiple times) that principals no longer use paddles.


I went to elementary school, the principal had a paddle in his office and there were very few disobedient children. 


The principal at our elementary school when I was growing up had a big paddle on the wall of his office and he used it when necessary. There were so few discipline problems back then.


Our Principal in our elementary school had a large paddle and used it when needed. Therefore, there wasn't a lot of misbehaving going on. 

That is 3 (yes, THREE) separate posts about the virtues of the paddle.  Now that it suits her, though, negative reinforcement is a bad thing.

She is so disingenuous.  I could literally go through point by point and show how she has advocated for ALL of these things.

It's insane.

Side note: The whole "many are bullied" bit?  LORI bullied her sisters, her kids, her husband, and her neighbors!  She BRAGGED that her kids were afraid of her.  They were living with a bully!!!!

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I really have to stop reading Lori's posts about education, as it must make my blood pressure skyrocket.

She knows nothing.

First of all, I am not forbidden from saying the name of Jesus. What I am forbidden from doing is "preaching to a captive audience"; this is on all subjects, liberal and conservative viewpoints included. We were cautioned against speaking on the battle currently going on over gun rights and arming teachers NO MATTER WHAT SIDE WE WERE ON for this reason.

I agree with this. My personal beliefs are not relevant in the classroom other than how I choose to live them out personally.

Secondly, we do not encourage silence. We encourage healthy and appropriate discussions. So much of our curriculum emphasizes collaboration, seeing as it's a necessary work place skill for just about every job these days.

All the current research shows that restorative justice (when applied appropriately and with enough resources) has a FAR greater impact than any other punishment. I don't want a student afraid of me! I want them to have a conversation with me and to help teach them the skills that they are lacking. How in the hell is smacking them going to promote that?!

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1 hour ago, PinkPrincess0213 said:

I really have to stop reading Lori's posts about education, as it must make my blood pressure skyrocket.

She knows nothing.

First of all, I am not forbidden from saying the name of Jesus. What I am forbidden from doing is "preaching to a captive audience"; this is on all subjects, liberal and conservative viewpoints included. We were cautioned against speaking on the battle currently going on over gun rights and arming teachers NO MATTER WHAT SIDE WE WERE ON for this reason.

I agree with this. My personal beliefs are not relevant in the classroom other than how I choose to live them out personally.

Secondly, we do not encourage silence. We encourage healthy and appropriate discussions. So much of our curriculum emphasizes collaboration, seeing as it's a necessary work place skill for just about every job these days.

All the current research shows that restorative justice (when applied appropriately and with enough resources) has a FAR greater impact than any other punishment. I don't want a student afraid of me! I want them to have a conversation with me and to help teach them the skills that they are lacking. How in the hell is smacking them going to promote that?!

LOL, nearly all the things listed about public school could ALSO be said about church.

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10 hours ago, SongRed7 said:

I'm with you.   I personally don't care what people eat.  I have friends and family all over the spectrum when it comes to healthy or less-than-health food choices.  I have a problem when Lori infers that what you eat has something to do with your faith or devotion as a Christian.  The inference is: "only good Christians eat THIS way....otherwise you don't love God and his ways."

Put that on the TOP 10 list of things that make me ragey about Lori. (The list is crowded for sure)

We had salad for dinner tonight, since we splurged and had a big lunch.  I have to admit that I thought about Lori the entire time I was assembling the salad!!  But Lori really has no business telling anyone else how or what to eat. (But we did enjoy the salad).

4 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

That 'everyone knows there's a God' bullshit is just that, bullshit.  Miss Lori is most assuredly not an expert on what other people know, or don't know.  She just likes to think she knows everything, EVERYTHING, because 'Gawd says so.'  Idjit.  

Well, my opinion is that I know that there is a God. Because I'm a Christian. But if someone else thinks that there is no God, because they are an Athiest - then who am I to judge which one of us is right? It's a personal decision. If I'm right, then fine. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong and it won't matter after I'm gone.  I hope I'm making myself clear because I'm afraid I'm not.  Basically, I follow my beliefs and fell like everybody else can follow theirs.  We don't have to try to force each other into all believing the same thing.  Although Lori and people like her seem to think that we do.

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@Koala would it be possible to make a Helpmeet vs. Prison list with quotes from Lori? It seems that everything there with the exception of walking in lines is what she promotes for grown women. 

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1 minute ago, SuperNova said:

@Koala would it be possible to make a Helpmeet vs. Prison list with quotes from Lori? It seems that everything there with the exception of walking in lines is what she promotes for grown women. 

This please!

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My dad was a prison guard for sometime, and I have to say while there might be some similarities generally the tone is different. Sitting in silence because one if learning and working on homework is very different than enforced quiet times while sitting in a bunk. 

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@PinkPrincess0213 I would love to see restorative practices and restorative justice a part of all schools. So much value there. 

I watched the instastory on her bread technique- at the very end she says “women” and then I think something about how it’s easy to do.  I also watched the new bread YouTube tutorial- she again says “women” along with a directive or admonishment. It’s so condescending, especially in light of the ways she uses that in her posts. I guess that’s a new word I’ll be hating soon. 

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@Frog99 my new word that I hate because of Lori is slather. Lori doesn't have bread and butter like the rest of us. She eats her Einkorn bread slathered with organic butter. Btw, I hate the word Einkorn now, too.

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2 hours ago, Briefly said:

Well, my opinion is that I know that there is a God. Because I'm a Christian. But if someone else thinks that there is no God, because they are an Athiest - then who am I to judge which one of us is right? It's a personal decision. If I'm right, then fine. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong and it won't matter after I'm gone.  I hope I'm making myself clear because I'm afraid I'm not.  Basically, I follow my beliefs and fell like everybody else can follow theirs.  We don't have to try to force each other into all believing the same thing.  Although Lori and people like her seem to think that we do.

I think I get what you're saying, your clarity is fine, and I absolutely respect that.  I'm OK with you thinking there's a god, I wouldn't have a problem if you said you know there's a god, that's cool. Your life, your decision.  :)  What I have a problem with is people like Lori who claim to know what's in the hearts of other people, that everyone 'knows' there's a god, and is just denying what they 'know.'  She thinks she can judge not only the behavior of others, but their motives, saying that she knows why people do, say, and believe what they do...and that is absolutely not cool.  

I try to assume the best possible motives for what other people do, that they mostly at least think they're doing the right thing, but Lori is making that assumption about her motives very, very difficult.  

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7 hours ago, Seahorse Wrangler said:

I'm using Ghee tonight. It's says clarified butter so that's good, right?

But it's produced in UAE so that makes it unholy and therefore bad as per Lori, correct?

I'm confused.

You're going to hell anyway, right? So it doesn't matter.

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2 hours ago, delphinium65 said:

I try to assume the best possible motives for what other people do, that they mostly at least think they're doing the right thing, but Lori is making that assumption about her motives very, very difficult.  

I sometimes find myself assuming the worst possible motives for what other people do, but then I try to stop, I try to think of several other reasons for their actions, and then I hope for the best, or if we know each other, I ask for more information.  (Unless it's my husband when I have PMS. Then, I need to eat some chocolate before I can think of any good motives, or ask calmly for more information. :my_blush: )

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