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Lori Alexander 42: Biblically A Bitch, Now Dressed Up In White Privilege


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26 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

If someone wants to you can leave this for Helen and say its from someone who can't comment because they were banned and therefore can't even see Lori's comment on Matt's post (something like that). Or you can claim it as your own. I really don't care. 



2 minutes ago, Loveday said:

I'm not sure, but it looks to me like the entire POST is gone!

It's still there....just moved around.   It's posted twice, but the one with more  comments is the one


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Of course, some agreed and some disagreed. Those who disagreed don’t like to discuss or acknowledge the facts. No, they have to attack and make false accusations against those to whom they disagree with because they despise the ways of the Lord.

#1.  You either agree with Lori 100% or you "don't like to discuss or acknowledge the facts".  It couldn't be that you have a different point of view. It definitely couldn't be that she's wrong. 

Of course, the irony is not lost that it is Lori who shuts down discussion by deleting anyone or anything that contradicts "her message" (including the Bible itself).

#2. Lori was "attacked" and people made false allegations against her. Carefully note that Lori doesn't make any effort to refute these supposed "false allegations", or explain how she was "attacked".  Why?  Because someone would quote her directly, and then what?  She would be shown for the liar she is.  No, it's much easier for her just to make a blanket claim, and hope her readers don't dig any further.

That's why she stopped commenting.  She knew she couldn't deny direct quotes, and that was bound to come up if she even tried.  She very quickly retreated to the safety of her blog, where she can easily delete any unfortunate truths.

#3.  You "despise the ways of the Lord" if you don't agree with Lori Alexander.  Lori= The Lord.  There is no differentiation.  They are one and the same.  

I would bet anything that she messaged Matt Walsh and tried to have the negative comments removed.  I would also be that he completely and totally ignored her.  

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This is really good as it relates to Lori. 


One quote from the article:


What holds me back from commenting about individuals on Twitter, Facebook, and this blog is the awareness that I may be wrong. I may not have all the facts. When I don’t know the particular individual or situation or wasn’t there, I’m more likely to be wrong than right. And my uninformed opinion really shouldn’t matter to anyone, least of all myself.

That is exactly Lori's problem. She can't even consider that she might be wrong or not have all the facts. She was quick to write that post yesterday about the woman who divorced her husband and condemn her for leaving, but she doesn't have all the facts. Ken went so far as to call the woman the real crybaby. The woman may be in the wrong, but how does calling her a crybaby help?


More from the article:



If you are arrogant, harsh, impatient, unkind, and judgmental instead of compassionate, patient and gentle, you are not acting as one of “God’s chosen people” regardless of how many graduate degrees you have, how many Bible verses you know, how many books you have published, how big your church, organization, or social media impact is or even how well you control yourself sexually. It doesn’t even matter if you are “right” on the issue if you are acting in a wrong manner. You’re adding to the overall problem rather than being part of the solution.

One of the greatest temptations to be mean, of course, is when we catch someone else in a sin. We’ve all read of the Pharisees who caught a woman in the act of adultery (obviously and discriminatorily letting the man go!) and demanded she be publicly shamed, which Jesus refused to do. The Pharisees were right in thinking adultery is wrong; they were wrong in that they were acting in a mean instead of a redemptive way. This mob mentality currently has the Internet on its side, so public shaming can now be national and even international.



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2 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

That is exactly Lori's problem. She can't even consider that she might be wrong or not have all the facts.

Except when it's someone like Josh Duggar, then she doesn't have all the facts, and can't condemn him for anything.  

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Okay, I'm not sure what's going on now on Walsh's page, but Rachelle posted this about half an hour ago, and when I went to 'like' the comment, I got "The comment you're trying to react to was deleted. Try refreshing the page." 


"And today Lori is on her Facebook "ministry" page saying all of us who disagreed with her yesterday "despise the ways of the Lord." 

Yea, pretty sure people that are okay with child molestation, spanking babies under a year old for being normal babies, saying Jesus was wrong, that women aren't created in the image of God, deleting suicide hotlines posted to help a suicidal mother, saying your husband has every right to demand you stay thin, even to the point of weighing you every day, that you must enable your husband in his sin, and that it's all your fault if your husband is violent and dangerous are the ones who are despising the way of the Lord. Since nothing they teach aligns with what He taught."

And of course, when I refreshed, the comment disappeared. I hope she's the one who deleted it, but somehow...I have my doubts.


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Something fishy is going on. It was 103 replies and now it says 95. Although Rachelle's original comment is there. 

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Just popping in here to muse about what “the Lord’s ways” are:

7:30 AM—Get up. Drink first cup of coffee.

7:45 AM—Light cardio, followed by weight training.

9:00 AM—Shower.

9:15 AM—Breakfast (loaves and fishes).

10:00 AM—Oversee births of cute animals and humans.

11:00 AM—Try desperately to make humanity realize they should be taking care of these animal, humans, and all of creation.

1:30 PM—Give up and have lunch. Turn pitcher of ice water into wine. Drink entire pitcher.


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Her new keeping a clean house video isn't about cleaning but just showing people around her house. We see their bedroom but it looks like its really her room? Its way too small to be a master. Could they really sleep in separate rooms? She says "I don't have many knick knacks around". She really talks like its her room. Does she force Ken do put everything away. Its sterile. I can't tell if they really live this way or was it all carefully staged. 

Then we see her new kitchen sink and she does that cackle laugh about how she really has to do nothing to it! Doesn't have to clean it because of whatever material it is.  


She responded at Matt's. Given those comments recently were deleted and now she shows up. I def say she had something to do with that. She proves rightly all of our points! She is accusing us all of hating her and that she is blessed to have our hate! The smugness of this comment is unreal.



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Well, that was just about the most boring house tour I've ever been on, whether virtually or in reality.  No pictures around, no special mementos, and not one single book anywhere. Of course, the only thing Lori seems to read is her KJV*--but I didn't even see that! :my_dodgy:

And that tiny basket with toys for her grandchildren? I hope they don't ever visit all at once because it's obvious she hasn't got enough toys to go around! If I'm ever blessed with grandchildren, I plan on having an entire ROOM full of toys for them to play with, forget that little bitty basket crap. :roll:


ETA: *excuse me, PARTS of her KJV. Very few parts...


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2 minutes ago, Frog99 said:

OT- but is anyone else having trouble reading posts here because of google ads over parts of them?

yes but only on mobile

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That video. Gag. 

First, a year or so ago, someone asked Lori on her blog for her cleaning schedule to use as a guide (because of course she did) and Lazy Lori said she had no schedule. She just cleaned when she needed to. Apparently, that doesn’t make for a good video, so - voila- she now has a schedule. 

Second, from someone who really does like a tidy house...that crooked lamp shade next to her “perfectly made bed” (more gag] was making me crazy. 

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That house has zero cheer or personality. Just like her. 

I wonder if she spanked her kids for not making their beds perfectly? Mr. EW's Dad would spank them if they didn't make their beds up neat. 

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So I don't know which comments have been deleted on Matt Walsh's facebook page, so I am going to post the 4 screenshots I captured this morning.







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6 minutes ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

I see a bible on an end table and coffee table. Perfectly positioned. It looks all so staged. 

Thanks. I had thought about watching again to see if I'd missed them, because SURELY there would be at least one Bible in evidence, but I really didn't want to be bored for three minutes all over again, so you've saved me. :pb_lol:

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That bedroom cannot be the master. Besides being too small, the bed is almost up against the window (the curtainless window! or maybe I'm just weird about having curtains). Why have one person up against the window? They would have to crawl over someone if they woke up before their bed partner.

Maybe it's just me, but I put the bed in the middle of the room if there is going to be more than one person in it. :dontgetit:

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2 minutes ago, TeddyBonkers said:

That bedroom cannot be the master. Besides being too small, the bed is almost up against the window (the curtainless window! or maybe I'm just weird about having curtains). Why have one person up against the window? They would have to crawl over someone if they woke up before their bed partner.

Maybe it's just me, but I put the bed in the middle of the room if there is going to be more than one person in it. :dontgetit:

I am really thinking that has to be a guest room and she just didn't specify. No night stands either. 

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That Leigh Pryor says let Lori have her opinion! We are!! Matt is doing that! No one is deleting Lori, are they? Nope. So all we ask is that we don't get deleted in return. 

Someone should say that to her. 

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43 minutes ago, EowynW said:

Lori is back on her fat shaming women kick. 

She'd have a hey-day with me, then. It would probably get to me at first, but then I would remember that my husband deems me of worthy of far more than ten minutes and lube and I would be fine.

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What an uppity bougie bitch. Yes Lori, you have a pretty house. Yes, you have a super clean, pretty house. Yes, you have a sparkly new kitchen. We get it. You're still a well off old W.A.S.P. with a ungrateful attitude & no clue about life. 



Spoiled. Ass. Golddigger. 

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1 hour ago, EowynW said:

Lori is back on her fat shaming women kick. 

Of course she is. Because it's SO much better when your daughters develop (or are suspected to have developed) eating disorders and you watch and count every bite of food and every glass of water your guests consume, isn't it?  Sometimes I think it would serve her right if she were to develop a medical condition that would make it very difficult or impossible to keep her weight down.

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