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Lori Alexander 40: Learning Nothing, Teaching Nothing


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3 hours ago, usmcmom said:

You Silly Billies!  OF COURSE you are being banned if you are writing all that logical, fact-based...stuff. I mean, if you use big words like "regulations" and "reputable sources," what do you expect? 

Now get out there and dumb yourselves down like real godly women. 

Yes, go and be scared of your bra! That's what godly women do.

1 hour ago, EowynW said:

I try to ignore Lori and her teachings. But it's hard when I have so much family struggling under that bondage and I see how it hurts them. 

Just today my sister texted and asked me to pray that she wouldn't get pregnant, because they were out of one of their main birth control components and her husband wouldn't wait, so she felt like she had to make love anyway. Lori would praise that! And say how wonderful of a wife she was! But it made me sick to my stomach. I went back over consent and equality in sex with her and how if the agreement is to avoid children both parties must take on the responsibility. 

I stay near the border line of this world for my siblings. I feel like some days i am literally going to war against people like Lori. 

Wouldn't wait? Tell him to make friends with his right hand. (sorry, I try not to be so tacky, but really. . . .learn some self-discipline, buddy!)

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@EowynW I’m sorry. I think that’s what upsets me most about Lori and her mandates. When they ask what rights we don’t have that we need- how about body autonomy for starters?

In contrast to Lori, here’s what Ann Voskamp posted on her instastory today: 


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On 3/3/2018 at 10:16 AM, Koala said:

Oh, the hypocrisy...

I guess it's not having an ego problem if you delete the person correcting you.  Or if you accuse them of hating God, and write a scathing post about them (which you don't allow them to respond to).

It's probably also not considered an "ego problem" if you presume to speak for God, and believe you alone interpret scripture correctly. 

I swear, it's days like this I'd swear she's a troll.  Her lack of self awareness is a study...

I'm shocked that this level of lack of self-awareness didn't spontaneously cause a black hole or some type of paradox to open directly over Lori's house.   Holy cats this woman can't really be this obtuse.

Re: the picture with her and the new grandbaby.  That baby is adorable and so sweet looking and all I can think is that in less than a year she will likely be hit by a strap for some innocent baby action that is deemed as "sin" :(

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Happy Women’s Day everyone. I was so sure Lori would have a “scriptured” post on her blog today about it.

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Lori and her followers need to quit trying to twist the scripture to fit the point she is trying to make. 

If we believe that god knows everything, the beginning and end, which he says in the Bible he does. Then he would have known that schools would exist and if he didn’t want kids to go to them he would have specifically said so. 


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I’ve been a long-time lurker (a couple of months I guess) here at FJ - you all are the BEST and always so eloquently say what I believe to be sane, rational and loving responses to the crazy bs that comes out of loco Lori. I genuinely think she’s not playing with a full deck and I *try* every damn day not to get sucked into that craziness, but it’s just a train wreck I can’t avoid looking at.


Anyway, the specific question/thought I have about this thread comes from a comment on yesterday’s blog post (from Sarah): 

“I am so convicted! At this season in      my life, I felt I had to send my precious daughters to public school. Their father, my husband, left me for another woman. And moved to California. I got a job to keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths. But after your post that school causes mental illness I said NO MORE. 

MY parents have allowed us to move in with them praise God!! And I have found a home school curriculum for my girls! God is faithful in all things!”


I’m having a hard time believing that this is for real. Granted my kids are still only preschool age but this doesn’t seem like an actual situation that could resolve itself in two days. Lori posted the crap about working mothers/public school causing mental illness (ugh...all the eye rolls ever) on Monday and then somehow this Sarah girl said ‘NO MORE!’, quit her job, moved in with her parents, decided to homeschool AND found the appropriate curriculum by Wednesday? Sorry, but no. Does Lori have a history of adding these so-called testimonials to boost her street cred?

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Just wanted to say that many of the leghumper fangirls probably went to public school -- some of them went to college.  Lori did both.

So.... using Lori's "fact"that public school causes mental illness we can thus deduce these fangirls are mentally ill  -- that is effing nuts.

If they are nuts then their decision/ideas/beliefs/comments are also nuts.  Lori is nuts.

But then we always knew that.


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1 hour ago, FloraBama said:

I’ve been a long-time lurker (a couple of months I guess) here at FJ - you all are the BEST and always so eloquently say what I believe to be sane, rational and loving responses to the crazy bs that comes out of loco Lori. I genuinely think she’s not playing with a full deck and I *try* every damn day not to get sucked into that craziness, but it’s just a train wreck I can’t avoid looking at.


Anyway, the specific question/thought I have about this thread comes from a comment on yesterday’s blog post (from Sarah): 

“I am so convicted! At this season in      my life, I felt I had to send my precious daughters to public school. Their father, my husband, left me for another woman. And moved to California. I got a job to keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths. But after your post that school causes mental illness I said NO MORE. 

MY parents have allowed us to move in with them praise God!! And I have found a home school curriculum for my girls! God is faithful in all things!”


I’m having a hard time believing that this is for real. Granted my kids are still only preschool age but this doesn’t seem like an actual situation that could resolve itself in two days. Lori posted the crap about working mothers/public school causing mental illness (ugh...all the eye rolls ever) on Monday and then somehow this Sarah girl said ‘NO MORE!’, quit her job, moved in with her parents, decided to homeschool AND found the appropriate curriculum by Wednesday? Sorry, but no. Does Lori have a history of adding these so-called testimonials to boost her street cred?

Welcome! And I believe in the past she's paid to have her posts boosted on Facebook so more people would see them. But I'm not positive about the adding fake testimonies part. That story does seem unbelievable but maybe she noticed an earlier post that Lori wrote on homeschooling? Regardless, that tone of "I just decided to do this" and then everything just was perfect isn't uncommon in her comments. Like "I just decided to submit to my husband and our marriage was instantly better". 

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4 hours ago, Hisey said:

Wouldn't wait? Tell him to make friends with his right hand. (sorry, I try not to be so tacky, but really. . . .learn some self-discipline, buddy!)

That's one of those things I can't stand about this whole submission shit. Excuse me? My BC isn't working (for whatever reason) and you want to fuck? What part of "go fuck yourself" do you NOT understand. 

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On 3/6/2018 at 9:36 AM, Frog99 said:

i am curious about why she is doubling down so hard on the working Mom/homeschool Mom thing. She’s never had much variety in her material but she seems to be headed towards some sort of breakdown or episode.

My guess:  She has grandkids that are getting near school age and I suspect that there is talk about them going to public school.  Whether that is because mom doesn't feel like she can educate them properly or because mom (Erin) now has a thriving business and it would be much better for her if the kids weren't underfoot all day.


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On 3/6/2018 at 3:11 PM, cara said:

According to the Alexanders, adults who had to go to school and spend a few hours away from their mothers are destined for a lifetime of mental illness. 

But adults who experienced childhood molestation? The trauma is in their heads, they can choose not to dwell on it and play the victim. 



Not to put to fine a point on this, but didn't both Lori and Ken go to public schools? .....

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On 3/7/2018 at 2:22 PM, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Her response...here we go again with the sound mind...



The "something terrible [that's] going on is called KNOWLEDGE.   Many years ago we did not have the KNOWLEDGE  that we do now.   Some examples:  people were not as aware of child abuse as they are now so more kids slipped through the cracks.  Now we have CPS, mandated reporters and good people that report things when they see things that are wrong/bad.

Many years ago people thought choke chains and ear pinches were the ONLY way to train dogs.  Now we know dogs respond happily and quickly using positive methods like clicker training (even for learning to fetch, so less ear pinching goes on in training now).

Many years ago, there was not as much understanding of how the brain works so depression was diagnosed later after all other potential options were exhausted.  Now we know more so depression is diagnosed and treated earlier, which gives people a better chance at a successful life.

When you KNOW better, you DO better (a motto I try to live by)

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On 3/7/2018 at 2:57 PM, AlwaysDiscerning said:

Please explain this to me. For the love of all things how is metal wire going to be different than plastic?


I currently have a swollen inguinal lymph node so I have just recently done a lot of reading on lymph nodes and the lymphatic system.   I'm obviously not a great dr. like the quacks Lori manages to find, but you really don't have any lymph nodes under your breasts, so I'm not sure how underwires would cause cancer by inhibiting the flow of your lymphatic system.

Nothing I've read suggests that inhibiting lymphatic flow causes cancer.  Swollen lymph nodes can be a sign of both Hodgkin's and non-hodkin's lymphoma, but there are also many other reasons for swelling in lymph nodes.

I just noticed the one I have a few days ago, so we are just monitoring for the next few weeks since it is likely related to my leg vs cancer.


Also: Lori is crazy

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Underwires go all the way out to the underarm, just where those lymph nodes are in your picture. The flow of lymph fluid out to the nodes can also be obstructed by underwires IN THIS TOTALLY BOGUS THEORY.

Hope you can get your swollen lymph node checked @Curious - one common reason for swollen nodes is infection, so it’s worth checking, especially if you have impaired sensation

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52 minutes ago, Jellybean said:

Underwires go all the way out to the underarm, just where those lymph nodes are in your picture. The flow of lymph fluid out to the nodes can also be obstructed by underwires IN THIS TOTALLY BOGUS THEORY.

Hope you can get your swollen lymph node checked @Curious - one common reason for swollen nodes is infection, so it’s worth checking, especially if you have impaired sensation

I guess you can tell it's been a few years since I've worn a bra (they rub my incision line open so I just gave them up.  My breasts aren't quite to my knees yet, but they are getting there.  I don't care.  I'd rather have saggy boobs (and I have small ones) vs open wounds.   I didn't remember underwires going up that far.

I thought infection first myself.   I don't have any open wounds currently (cheer!) so not sure, but I have been having more nerve pain in the leg on that side.  I just had bloodwork done maybe 10 days ago.  I haven't been to the dr for the results yet, but I assume if there was anything wonky in it, he would have called by now.

This is my first swollen lymph node so apparently since my spine and wound are no longer a cause for worry, my body has found something new to torture me with ;)

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That’s one thing about using a wheelchair -  my breasts can reach my knees much sooner than if I were standing!

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My boobs were floppy from day 1. The bottom part of my breasts didn't develop properly...so they just kinda flop down...and have from the time I was 15. I'd love to have a boob job just to have perky tits...but I'm too fucking old to go thru that bullshit. And, seeing as how hubby has no problem with the floppy, saggy tits, then fugeddabout. 

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So this popped up on my FB feed

Tudor and Stuart women spent more time making money than caring for their families, new research shows


Tudor and Stuart women spent more time making money than caring for their families and were regularly employed in physically demanding jobs, according to major new research.

Women in early modern England played a key role in the economy, and did much more than just unpaid housework and care work, new analysis of previously ignored records by University of Exeter experts shows.

Cleaning, cooking and childcare were less than a third of the tasks undertaken by women between 1500 and 1700. The rest of their time they spent engaged in agriculture and making and selling goods and food such as cheese.

Almost 40 per cent of work in agriculture was done by women, and a similar proportion of work in making and transporting goods and food was female, while half of those involved in managing finances and selling goods were women, University of Exeter academics have found.

This was in addition to their role in looking after their family and home.

Jane Whittle, Professor of Economic and Social History, who led the project, said: “It’s very likely that women in early modern Britain worked longer hours than men, but it has been very hard to find exactly what their contribution was. Women’s work is often dismissed by historians as being ‘mainly domestic’ without investigating the actual tasks undertaken by women inside or outside the home. Women’s role in making food or other products at home – the main centre of production at the time - to be sold disappears from view. Activities at home then were very different, yet it’s easy to wrongly assume households were run in a similar way to those in the 19th or 20th centuries.”

Evidence of women’s work in the period has until now mainly come from records of wages paid by large farms. But most work was unwaged or carried out on small farms, so these accounts don’t reveal the extensive role women played in the economy.

The University of Exeter historians spent the past three years collecting fresh evidence about work activities carried out by women between 1500 and 1700 found in church court depositions, quarter sessions examinations and coroners’ reports from Devon, Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and Cornwall. Witness statements contain 4,300 references to tasks carried out by men and women. The research team have analysed the frequency each task is mentioned for either men or women.

The court records show, for instance, that in Street, Somerset, in 1551, Margaret Parsons, a servant, helped to plough a 7 acre field, while in Knook, Wiltshire, in 1622, Robert Griffin put mutton “into the pot over the fire to make broth and some provision for his wife being great with child and their children”.  Margaret gave evidence as part of a tithe dispute, while Robert was confessing to sheep stealing.

The data shows during this period men and women did have different roles in agriculture, such as mowing or milking, but they also worked together when extra labour was needed, or a member of the opposite gender was lacking.

The South West in this period had a varied economy with fishing on the coast, mining in Cornwall and Somerset, and woollen cloth was produced for international markets in Devon, Somerset and Wiltshire. Farming ranged from cattle and sheep rearing in the uplands of Devon and Cornwall, stock fattening the Somerset Levels, and dairying in east Devon and north-west Wiltshire, to arable farming in the clay vales of Devon and Somerset and sheep-corn farming in the chalk lands of Wiltshire and Hampshire. The researchers say they would expect to see similar findings about the role of women in other parts of England with a similar economy at the time.

Professor Whittle added:  “We need to challenge assumptions. We know women played an important role in housework and care work, but this research shows they also played a significant role in male-dominated activities such as agriculture and transport, as well as commerce, managing finances and food processing.”

Dr Mark Hailwood, from the University of Bristol, a member of the project team, said: “Women’s work was an essential element of the early modern economy, but it was hidden because their roles were often not recorded in official records. Others have assumed unpaid housework and care work for their families left women little time for other work tasks, or that it is possible to guess what women’s work was by looking at men’s occupations.

“We have found that women worked in all areas of the economy; that their work was not dominated by housework and care work; that much of women’s housework and care work was undertaken either for pay or for other households; and that the women’s tasks on family farms were not the same as those undertaken for wage labour on large farms.”


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6 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

Like "I just decided to submit to my husband and our marriage was instantly better". 

because if you do that, stop wearing leggings, buy Norwex cloths, and follow everything hook, line and sinker....its just like a magic wand.  Life will be so simple and blessed. 

Even though two of my kids are out of the house (working/college) and my youngest is 13, I think I need to quit my job (mortgage? food? WHO CARES!) and round up some neighborhood kids to start homeschooling.


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32 minutes ago, SongRed7 said:

because if you do that, stop wearing leggings, buy Norwex cloths, and follow everything hook, line and sinker....its just like a magic wand.  Life will be so simple and blessed. 


Like she says here. Don't think, just do whatever your owner husband tells you, and you'll be fine. Thinking is evil! Thinking will get you in trouble, you silly, deceived female person!  Ignorance is knowledge...right?  


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I truly believe that Lori has orchestrated this whole thing so she doesn't have to justify why she doesn't want to work, why she does want to judge others, why she doesn't want to leave the house, and why she wants to boss people around 100% of the time. Lori, just be a bitch. Be a big old bossy world-hating bitch. No need for all these theatrics. 

I have wondered if perhaps Lori has agoraphobia and that's why she doesn't want to go anywhere or do anything. I wouldn't say I have agoraphobia exactly, but I have something akin to it, where sometimes going out and doing anything above what I absolutely must (groceries, taking kids to school, etc) seems daunting and horrible and I can't do it. 

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14 minutes ago, Frog99 said:

What happened to the Lori Alexander undeleted page? 

I came here to ask the same thing. So it isn't just me. I am worried. 

9 hours ago, FloraBama said:


I’m having a hard time believing that this is for real. Granted my kids are still only preschool age but this doesn’t seem like an actual situation that could resolve itself in two days. Lori posted the crap about working mothers/public school causing mental illness (ugh...all the eye rolls ever) on Monday and then somehow this Sarah girl said ‘NO MORE!’, quit her job, moved in with her parents, decided to homeschool AND found the appropriate curriculum by Wednesday? Sorry, but no. Does Lori have a history of adding these so-called testimonials to boost her street cred?

This is a great observation. It sure doesn't add up. I will really have to do some digging but I know for sure somewhere she mentioned that she edits comments. 

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