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Maxwell 14: Editing Out Fun-Loving

Coconut Flan

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I may or may not have binge read the entire forum. Extremely interesting--they really were a lot more active and outspoken with religiosity and f*n at that point compared to now. I also felt a bit of whiplash from seeing the Girls as eligible maidens instead of inevitable old maids-- it has become more clear that Steve will never let them marry. (Abandonment issues? )

@Palimpsest I found all your long posts enlightening! Thanks for undergoing the trial! No embarrassing content at all. 


10 hours ago, love2scrap said:

I feel sad for anna. I am her age, and grew up with a stevehovah-ish dad. There were lots of mindgames, powerplay and manipulation. Siblings had to be our bestfriends too, if you didn't accept that ideal you were branded ungrateful and covetous. The maxwell girls' dressing reminds me of what we were "encouraged" to wear. To this day, my dad who is pretty much alienated from all of us kids, still refuses to speak or look at me if i turn up at family gatherings in shorts or a sleeveless top. For reference: my sisters and I wore these to one of our family trips circa 2010.


So sorry you had to and have to deal with that controlling, manipulative bullshit. Glad you left something that was unhealthy for you. I can't imagine it being an easy choice. 

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8 hours ago, Palimpsest said:

This session is for men only (although a few bring their tiny sons) and I think Mr. P is the only mole we have so far.  He still talks about it with disgust.  Steve does a lot of nudge-nudging, winking, and weeping.

I went nuts on FJ after attending that conference with multiple embarrassingly long posts.  We were both upset by Steve and needed to process. 

Nothing like his own words, and I actually managed to find them.  Mr. P wrote up his own report and I posted it here:




Please let Mr. P know that we Free Jingers are forever grateful to him for taking one for the team!

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5 hours ago, FloraDoraDolly said:

Please let Mr. P know that we Free Jingers are forever grateful to him for taking one for the team!


I do feel a sense of vindication though. It seems like the seminars are actually intended to be Introduction to Maxwellism 101, with the intention being for attendees to progress to upper levels by buying the books and/or attending future seminars. It's as if Steve expected an army of Maxbots lapping up his methods and hanging on to every word. Yes - Stevehovah is L. Ron Hubbard. Or as I like to call him - L. Ron Fucktard.

I'm assuming they would have sold a fair amount of books at the time, but clearly that has dropped off and only a tiny number even of  fundies agree with their schtick. The ones that do agree may not even include members of the Maxwell "extended family", since we haven't seen much evidence of the married brothers following the same methods for their own families, at least not to be same extent.

And what's more obvious is that almost none of the churches that had the Maxwells attend in their heyday invited them back. For all the apparent receptiveness of their audiences, seems like the men in attendance actually regarded Steve like they would their crazy uncle who says crazy stuff every Thanksgiving. They politely agreed with him so as not to cause a scene, but then decided they'd have nothing to do with it.

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I think Melanie looks ill because she's in a basement in late autumn and that light can never be flattering.


I hope she isn't pregnant again, I think probably she just has a little bit of a tummy from all the babies.

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New post up.  A stray cat showed up and Griselda Teri adopted him.  His name is Arnold.  I wonder if Arnold knows where he is going when he dies.

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1 hour ago, SPHASH said:

I wonder if Arnold knows where he is going when he dies.

And how does Arnold take his coffee?

edit. Took a look at Arnold. Although I'm a firm dog person (corgis <3), I must admit Arnold is one damn beautiful cat. I would adopt him in a heartbeat.

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How sad and stupid is that Teri gas to wait that Stehova suggest her to Bring the caf to the vet before just even thinking about it? 

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Omg I love Arnold. Poor guy has no clue what kind of family he chose to adopt him. I'm laughing at the thought of the Maxwells saying "Hey Arnold!" And he came running. The cat must be a 1990s NickToons fan ;)

Does anyone know the story of the play set in the Maxwell backyard? Did they buy it used? Because I know for a fact that structure would be thousands of dollars brand new. 

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5 hours ago, SPHASH said:

New post up.  A stray cat showed up and Griselda Teri adopted him.  His name is Arnold.  I wonder if Arnold knows where he is going when he dies.

Between Uriah and now Arnold, I gotta say, the Maxwells do a surprisingly good job naming things. 

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I also gotta say, I am shocked and (plesantly) surprised that Steve would "allow" a cat to come and go in His garage like that.

Apart from the part about Terri following her Headshits idea instead of thinking about it, vocalizing it, or just taking her own money from her j-o-b and doing it herself, I can't really snark on the cat post.

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Teri has posted about taking in a stray cat. He (Arnold) sleeps in the garage at night and roams the neighborhood through the day. With winter coming, I really hope they will consider a heated cat bed for Arnold. We've been looking into them for our two newest cats because we keep our house pretty cold at night. We have found several kinds to choose from, including self heating ones. Kansas winters can get very cold so I really hope they will do this. 

Having said that, Kudos to the Maxwell family for giving a stray cat a home and for making sure he had proper vet care. 

Our senior cat sleeps in her own little bed that has a heating pad tucked into it. Once the babies discovered that warmth,  they were all too eager to try it out. When the Feline Matriarch saw this, a Game of Thrones type battle broke out and we think they have learned their lesson. NOBODY sleeps in Boss Cat's bed.  So, time for another bed; but it's going to have to be at least a queen sized :pb_biggrin: one because the babies always sleep wrapped around each other. It is so cute. 

Also; yes, when they are fifteen years old, we will still be calling them "The Babies."

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59 minutes ago, usmcmom said:

 With winter coming, I really hope they will consider a heated cat bed for Arnold. We've been looking into them for our two newest cats because we keep our house pretty cold at night. We have found several kinds to choose from, including self heating ones. Kansas winters can get very cold so I really hope they will do this. 

Or bring him inside, FFS.

But then again, I'm sure if they did that, Steve would claim that the cat is becoming an idol, or worse - expensive. 

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Arnold is adorbs! Short-haired tabby cats are my all-time favorite. And so glad Arnold and Ellie get along!  Tabbies and labs can be a great combination. 

Cats like that have a way of encroaching on and then gradually inserting themselves into the lives of people who take them in. 

Exhibit 1: my late mom and Catlin, a stray who hung onto a window screen over the kitchen sink and meowed loudly at my mom while she was doing dishes. 

  1. Well, I'll feed the cat, she looks hungry.
  2. Well, I'll feed the cat,  but she can't come inside.
  3. Well, I'll let the cat come inside, but she can't get on the furniture. 
  4. Well, maybe she can get on the furniture, but not sleep on the bed. 
  5. Well, maybe she can sleep on the bed during the day, but not at night..... 

To clarify, my mom had a very long history of pet ownership, and us kids foisted several dogs and cats on her when life circumstances changed and they went to live with her for awhile.  When she retired and moved to a new house, she wanted to be free of pet responsibilities.  But cats happen.

I'm so glad there are pets in this household, because I know it gives Sarah and Terri some way to express unconditional love and receive cat/dog love in return. 

Stevehovah is such a neurotic, repressed (nudge nudge, wink wink) schlub of a man, and evil in that he uses religion as a way to oppress his family.  That he has a chronically depressed wife and uses religion as a way to keep her from getting treatment is so sick. 


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I hope Arnold is neutered.  But then I wonder if they would even dream of "going against God's will"

He is a pretty kitty and I'm glad Teri was "allowed" to adopt him.


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9 minutes ago, Bajovane said:

I hope Arnold is neutered.  But then I wonder if they would even dream of "going against God's will"

He is a pretty kitty and I'm glad Teri was "allowed" to adopt him.

He looks like a sweetie pie who had an original family, so hopefully he arrived already snipped.  If that's the case, will Steve will look into a reversal? 

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2 hours ago, JermajestyDuggar said:


Does anyone know the story of the play set in the Maxwell backyard? Did they buy it used? Because I know for a fact that structure would be thousands of dollars brand new. 

I believe that's the one they bought for Auntie's Park.  They got it from a church that was getting rid of it.  As long as they dismantled it and carried it away themselves, the church gave it to them at either a very good price, or maybe even free.

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8 minutes ago, Howl said:

He looks like a sweetie pie who had an original family, so hopefully he arrived already snipped.  If that's the case, will Steve will look into a reversal? 

Aren't they basically castrated? So would Steve need to find donor kitty balls? :kitty-wink:

I'm going to stick up for the Maxwells here. They said as it gets colder he spends more time in the garage. He will be fine in the garage over the winter. There are also pictures of him in the house so it looks like they occasionally allow him in the house. Arnold will be treated decently by them. Unless they force a kitty testes transplant. 

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Arnold is a beautiful cat.  He looks like a cat my mom used to have, he was a stray too and loved her dog.  Arnold and Ellie are my favorite Maxwells.

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This talk about reversals and ball implants made me think of the Penn and Teller episode about neutering. They talked about a product for dogs that provided implants to give the appearance that the dog was not casterated.

OMG it took me a minute but I figured out the name of the product and the website: http://www.neuticles.com/ :pb_lol:

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My son-in-law wanted neuticles for their Great Pyranees mix.  He did get snipped, but he didn't get the neuticles!

I helped my brother neuter cats before.  It's extremely easy, but the kitty does need to be anesthetized for it.  Cut the scrotum, expose the testicle and cut it off.  Maybe put a suture in the vas. That's it.  The skin is not necessarily sutured.  His practice partner would actually pull them out and twist those little stinkers off. No suture necessary!

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I had an ex boyfriend who worked on a farm as a teen and castrated piglets. He acted like it was no big deal and rather simple. Sorry I don't have the stomach for that sort of thing! 

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According to Griselda Teri they had Arnold neutered.  Now he can't give away pieces of his heart aka get laid.

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9 hours ago, Howl said:

Arnold is adorbs! Short-haired tabby cats are my all-time favorite. And so glad Arnold and Ellie get along!  Tabbies and labs can be a great combination. 

Cats like that have a way of encroaching on and then gradually inserting themselves into the lives of people who take them in. 

Exhibit 1: my late mom and Catlin, a stray who hung onto a window screen over the kitchen sink and meowed loudly at my mom while she was doing dishes. 

  1. Well, I'll feed the cat, she looks hungry.
  2. Well, I'll feed the cat,  but she can't come inside.
  3. Well, I'll let the cat come inside, but she can't get on the furniture. 
  4. Well, maybe she can get on the furniture, but not sleep on the bed. 
  5. Well, maybe she can sleep on the bed during the day, but not at night..... 

Awwww, that sounds familiar...

There was a shorthair tabby cat that turned up at our house. Our process went like this:

1. Well I'm not feeding him, or he'll never leave.

2. Oh crap it's been two days and he's still here. Poor thing. Maybe if I fed him he'd move on.

3. (3 days later, now having to actively stop cat from running inside) I think I'm going to have to take him to the vet to find a microchip. 

4. No microchip. I guess I'll take him to the pound. But what if they put him down? Oh no.

5. I know, let's try and find a home for him. But he needs to be desexed first. OK we'll do that. 

6. (Step-daughter insists on naming cat after departed One Direction band member "because he's going to leave".) OK but he's staying outside, you know.

8. (After desexing). The vet says the cat has feline HIV. Lots of strays have it. I guess nobody will want an infected cat. To the pound it is.

9. (Calls pounds). "I'm sorry but we put down all FIV+ cats".  Damn.

10. (Calls rescue orgs). Well one of them said they could advertise him for us. In the meantime we need to housetrain him to increase adoptability, and we can't let him roam outside any more either. Let's buy a cheapo outside enclosure for him.

11. (After a week of seeing cat huddled in cat enclosure, looking mournful, and not using litter tray either.) Maybe if he comes inside at night? He can stay in separate room.

12. Well he's using litter tray a bit. And it's winter now. I guess it can't hurt to keep him inside where it's warm.

14. (Cat keeps having litter issues, trys lots of things, husband wants to have him put down). But I'm kind of fond of him actually. 

15. (Vet says cat's teeth condition is probably contributing to litter issues. Suggests operation to remove all teeth.) It's worth a try I guess?

16. Oh crap we've now had the cat over a year and spent over $2000 on vet bills.

17. Somehow get to stage of accepting cat's occasional toilet issues, other cat wrecking expensive amplifier in protest at him being there, him frequently breaking plates/glasses because he's completely fucking uncoordinated. 

I'd say the stray cat is on my lap as I type that but no - that's occupied by my actual cats. He's probably in his usual spot on top of the fridge, hiding from the other cats and looking sad. But that makes him literally part of the furniture. And we eventually realised he wasn't going anywhere.

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19 hours ago, SPHASH said:

New post up.  A stray cat showed up and Griselda Teri adopted him.  His name is Arnold.  I wonder if Arnold knows where he is going when he dies.

There's a nine lives joke to be had here, but I can't quite get it to happen.

13 hours ago, johnhugh said:

Woukd I be pushing my luck on tits2 to comment on Teri’s pussy?

Do it! And sign it "Mrs. Betty Slocum."

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