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Lori Alexander 25: A Wife Is a Good *Thing*

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Many people see no harm in women pursuing professional careers, but when it comes down to reality these types of women act and think like men.

They are decisive, strong-willed, tough, loud mouthed, demanding, dominant and lack the biblical traits God desires in a Christian woman.

She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house. 
Proverbs 7:11

(Yes, this is a verse concerning prostitutes but many women are prostituting themselves on the idol of feminism and unfortunately, many are sexually promiscuous and acting like prostitutes as well.)


Here we go again comparing career woman to prostitutes. God wants us to do laundry! Feminism makes us infertile! No, Joke, Lori says so. 

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So, by Lori's reckoning the women who work in the orthodontists offices where Ken consults are prostitutes, right?

And if these women didn't work in these offices they would be shut down, right?

So really, Ken and Lori make their living off these women, right?

And there's a word for people who make their living off prostitutes, right?

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She didn't write this post but took it "from a YouTube by Traditional Catholic Faith and Morals." When did Lori start watching Catholic videos? I thought she thought she was on the anti-Catholic bandwagon.

During the past month, the majority of her posts have been about men's lust and angry women. She has posts about modesty, looking good for your husband, and all the immodest women out there who men are lusting after on the one hand, and on the other hand she has a ton of posts about women who are angry and brawling. It isn't that these things are new for her, but in the past she's also had more about health, motherhood, bible studies, women's ministry, etc. Recently it seems that she is just ramping up on the lust/modesty and anger/strife issues.

What is going on in LoriLand these days? I do think she's trying to go viral again, because the more persecuted she is the more she can feel like she is obeying God--but the focus on these topics suggests more than just wanting to go viral. Something's going on.

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18 hours ago, Destiny said:

Uhhhhh the news absolutely does affect me. Yes, lately it steals my fucking joy, but fuck you and your feelings oriented horseshoe Lori. ARGH! 

I hate that little wimmins are too emotional bullshit.

Yeah,  I'm a newsaholic, read a lot, listen a lot, learn a lot.   But a few years ago my Navy daughter was  stationed in Afghanistan.  Before she left, she made me cut off my newspapers and promise to not watch the news till she came home.   That didn't work - I was scrolling on FB one day and saw there had been a bombing and multiple deaths over there,  and as she knew I would, freaked out.   You can't not see stuff and be on line.   If they are reading Lori, they are seeing news.   Liars.    (Daughter is stationed in Djibouti now and I was 'allowed' to keep my papers and watch the news this deployment.  LOL!)  

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When I first moved out here, I could not watch the news because there is so much more "random" crime here than what I was used to.  I made my husband call me the minute he got to work and would have a panic attack if he was more than about 5 minutes late (he rode a bike to work so I envisioned him splatted on a street somewhere if he was late).

There was one time they broke in with a breaking story on the local channel I was watching, talking about a guy with a bomb in a van and I swore it was his office in the background.  I hadn't really been to his office that much, but I recognized the area, I thought.   I was on the phone with my BFF and she said I should call him.  I did and he said it wasn't his building, there were no evacs going on, etc.  So I said ok and figured I had just been wrong about the location.  When he got home that night, he told me it WAS his building, but they had managed to get the guy to surrender before they got to his building to evacuate.

I watch CNN or other news channels now, but still don't watch the local news.

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Time for a patent-pending "Teddy Bonkers" break down!

Quotes from Lori's blog are in bold, my witty commentary is in italics.

"Careers for Women Came from the Ungodly Heathen World"

When exactly did this 'ungodly heathen world' come into being? To hear Lori tell it, modern feminism was the cause of women working outside of the home. Women were always stay at home moms before modern feminism!

Many feminists view children as a nuisance, a hindrance to personal success; thus, many blinded women have chosen not to get married, not to bear children and not to guide the house.

Citation needed.

God never intended for women to pursue careers at the expense of motherhood.

Did you ask Him?

Many people see no harm in women pursuing professional careers, but when it comes down to reality these types of women act and think like men.

"Act and think like men"? You mean wear pants?  Want a fair wage for work? Prefer not to be talked down to?  Be able to vote? Yeah, I can see the correlation between these ideas and....PROSTITUTES????

(Yes, this is a verse concerning prostitutes but many women are prostituting themselves on the idol of feminism and unfortunately, many are sexually promiscuous and acting like prostitutes as well.)

First, citation needed. Second, I'd like her to expound on her opinions of this behavior. Is "acting like a prostitute" flirting? (Asking for a friend)

Feminism is a “social movement”

or just belief in the equality of the sexes

It makes us like men.

If by "like" you mean "equal to", then congrats to feminists!

It makes us infertile, frustrated, unhappy, and empty inside. There is no true happiness in feminism.

Citation needed (AGAIN). I consider myself a feminist. I have two children, girls even! I'm not frustrated, or unhappy, or empty. Rather, I have found a great deal of fulfillment, joy, and dare I say PEACE in accepting the talents that God has blessed me with and using them to His glory and to benefit ALL His people, not just those who happen to have penises.


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37 minutes ago, SweetLaurel said:

Yeah,  I'm a newsaholic, read a lot, listen a lot, learn a lot.   But a few years ago my Navy daughter was  stationed in Afghanistan.  Before she left, she made me cut off my newspapers and promise to not watch the news till she came home.   That didn't work - I was scrolling on FB one day and saw there had been a bombing and multiple deaths over there,  and as she knew I would, freaked out.   You can't not see stuff and be on line.   If they are reading Lori, they are seeing news.   Liars.    (Daughter is stationed in Djibouti now and I was 'allowed' to keep my papers and watch the news this deployment.  LOL!)  

I feel for you and am sorry you had to be so frightened and worried. You really cannot escape it. 

One morning I woke up to a frantic text from a friend "OMG IS YOUR SON OKAY?!?" Then she linked to an article about Marines dying in a helicopter crash on his base. It was the first I'd seen of it and I went into full on panic mode. I was LIVID at my friend for that. 

So, I found that even limiting my news outlets didn't minimize my worry because people were always so quick to send me links about military tragedies. I also, at least once a week, used to get emails that contained photos of flag draped coffins with a "thinking of your family" type message. I mean, who thinks that helps a military mom?!? 

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Same for cops and firemen and a few other occupations families,  I imagine.  All we can do is the best we can.  But you are right, there is no escaping it.   We just deal.  And who knows what people think with sometimes.  :( I'm sorry.  

I don't understand people who think ignorance is bliss.  Most things I'm ignorant about (like fixing stuff) is just frustrating and not blissful.   And who are these men who want empty headed little dolls?  How can they not be bored out of their minds?  

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Interestingly, the same Paul who advocates wifely submission (although I believe not like they make it out to be) also advocates young women not to marry, but choose to give themselves fully to the work of God. He goes as far as to say that marriage is good, but singleness is better, for those strong enough to control their sex drives.

So no undue glorification of motherhood or wifely duties, and no nonsense about women needing umbrellas of authority. He encourages singles  to consider devoting themselves to God (making Christian work their career?) and not marry, so their attention does not have to be divided. 

 Now how would that work if a woman was made for pleasing a husband and motherhood her highest calling? Obviously Paul considers women fully competent and able members of the church community, married or single, without necessarily assigning them the role of helpmeet or mum.


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The 1828 Webster's Dictionary defines career as: A course; a race, or running; a rapid running; speed in motion. General course of action or movement; procedure; course of proceeding.

By this definition, isn't Lori's writing and blogging an unpaid career?

How can Lori go viral again if she always publishes the same hateful posts?

"God wants young women to be keepers at home – baking, cooking, sewing, doing laundry, teachers of her children, taking care of family business, and being a help meet to her husband anyway she can."

People search for sites that can solve their problems and improve their lives. I read Lori's blog for the entertainment value but do not learn anything useful.

Suggestion to Lori: Blog about baking, cooking, sewing, doing laundry, teaching children, taking care of children, and taking care of a family business. Post your own YouTube videos of baking and cooking but just show the food. 

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"many are ... acting like prostitutes as well."

Do you mean like ... giving a man 10-minutes-with-lube in exchange for free use of his salary? Like that kind of prostitution? 


2 hours ago, molecule said:

During the past month, the majority of her posts have been about men's lust and angry women. She has posts about modesty, looking good for your husband, and all the immodest women out there who men are lusting after on the one hand, and on the other hand she has a ton of posts about women who are angry and brawling. It isn't that these things are new for her, but in the past she's also had more about health, motherhood, bible studies, women's ministry, etc. Recently it seems that she is just ramping up on the lust/modesty and anger/strife issues.

Wild guess and conjecture (and mostly just me amusing myself at her expense):

Summertime = people showing more skin because it's hot = Ken craning his head this way and that to get peeks = Lori feeling less secure in her own skin = Lori lashing out at everyone she can (not Ken, though!) = lots of blog posts about immodest women

As for angry women, Lori's on vacation with her whole family, right? Maybe a DIL wasn't 100 percent Lori-approved on that vacation, so now Lori is getting even. 

Again -- pure conjecture.

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A couple of people on FB ask who would do all the nursing jobs if all women stayed home like Lori wants them to. Lori's obnoxious, bitchy response:


All of the women who don't care if strangers raise their children will be the nurses, teachers, etc. and there will always be plenty of them.

I'll be sure to let my mother in law, my husband's cousin, and my sister in law (all strong Christian women, albeit of the 'wrong,' Catholic kind, according to Lori) know that they should be ashamed of themselves for not caring about their kids while they pranced off to their cushy nursing careers, where all they did was flirt with Dr McDreamy, soothe an occasional fevered brow, and perfect their hospital-corner bed-making skills.





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Yes, I'm wondering what Lori's reaction would have been if her surgeon told her, "I'm sorry Mrs Alexander but we're going to have to postpone indefinitely  your surgery for that tumor on your brain.  All of our female staff has decided to be stay at home wives, mothers and daughters, so the hospital will be closed until further notice.  Meanwhile, why don't check out what black salve can do for you?"

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1 hour ago, Loveday said:

A couple of people on FB ask who would do all the nursing jobs if all women stayed home like Lori wants them to. Lori's obnoxious, bitchy response:

I'll be sure to let my mother in law, my husband's cousin, and my sister in law (all strong Christian women, albeit of the 'wrong,' Catholic kind, according to Lori) know that they should be ashamed of themselves for not caring about their kids while they pranced off to their cushy nursing careers, where all they did was flirt with Dr McDreamy, soothe an occasional fevered brow, and perfect their hospital-corner bed-making skills.





Fuck Lori for that comment. She's a fucking ungrateful bitch who fails to see that without women working in various fields society would suffer as a whole. Women working in healthcare in different roles have benefited Lori.

I wonder how long these comments will stay up



I work part time (four shifts a pay period) and I homeschool my daughters. My family isn't suffering. My children get two home cooked meals every day. working part time gives my family the benefit of travel. I refuse to give that up. Also, before there was feminism, Black women were working outside of the home. Being a stay at home wife, just isn't something that we do in my culture.




I was a stay at home mom for 17 years until my husband left. Now I have no skills to get a job that makes enough to support me and my 4 kids. It's not always bad to have the education because you never know what will happen. My husband was the last man on earth I would imagine would leave us. I felt secure in staying home and raising our kids. Now I work 3 low paying jobs to take care of my family, I wish I had gotten my education 16 years ago




I absolutely love working and having a career. Independence is wonderful. Education has opened so many doors for me and I don't believe God would be against that.



I love being an educator. The heart is meant to multiply. It takes a village to raise children. I love being part of that village. Some people have gifts and they ARE meant to be SHARED WITH THE WORLD. I will not hide in my houseand waste away.

You believe what you want. But the world is a much better place because some women did not stay home


I see it both ways. Moms are meant to stay at home with the kids and raise them. But in our imperfect world, moms sometimes do have to work outside. Sometimes it's a single mom situation, there's no choice. Sometimes it's just not enough funds to cover basics, or hubby doesn't make enough at his job to pay the rent AND utilities, or whatever. It's not all about having luxuries...for many it's just making ends meet. I'm able to stay at home for now, but soon I will re enter the work force after the kids are grown and in their own houses.

I was surprised that Lori didn't leave some shitty comment to the SAHM whose husband left.

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20 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

I was surprised that Lori didn't leave some shitty comment to the SAHM whose husband left

Worry not, she'll dedicate a post to all those "women today" who aren't submissive enough or didn't  "stand" for their marriages and are now in a place where they've lost their providers (their fault), are falling for the lies of evil feminism and abandoning their children to pursue high-flying careers. 

The jezebels! 

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2 hours ago, Joyce said:


"God wants young women to be keepers at home – baking, cooking, sewing, doing laundry, teachers of her children, taking care of family business, and being a help meet to her husband anyway she can."


Suggestion to Lori: Blog about baking, cooking, sewing, doing laundry, teaching children, taking care of children, and taking care of a family business. Post your own YouTube videos of baking and cooking but just show the food. 

Lori is always talking about the why but not the how of being a godly SAHM.

She says to not waste your husband's money, but doesn't talk about how to make a household budget.

She derides public schools, but doesn't offer insight into homeschool methods.

She talks about feeding your family nourishing meals, but never shares recipes. Just pics of restaurant food and organic produce.

Submission and "being available" to your husband isn't enough, and she knows it. But she can't be bothered to offer practical advice because she's doing this for attention and she seems to have no experience being an actual godly SAHM.

She's not qualified to mentor young wives and mothers. She's also a terrible writer - which includes researching and providing citations.

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Something tells me Lori was the kind of very hands-off let-the-kids-teach-themselves type a la Teri Maxwell.

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3 minutes ago, mango_fandango said:

Something tells me Lori was the kind of very hands-off let-the-kids-teach-themselves type a la Teri Maxwell.

She sure as fuck stepped up for the beatings, though. Educating her kids was sooooo hard, but she ducking found time to beat her kids for hours at a time.

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4 hours ago, usmcmom said:

One morning I woke up to a frantic text from a friend "OMG IS YOUR SON OKAY?!?" Then she linked to an article about Marines dying in a helicopter crash on his base. It was the first I'd seen of it and I went into full on panic mode. I was LIVID at my friend for that. 

So, I found that even limiting my news outlets didn't minimize my worry because people were always so quick to send me links about military tragedies. I also, at least once a week, used to get emails that contained photos of flag draped coffins with a "thinking of your family" type message. I mean, who thinks that helps a military mom?!? 

Yup...got a lot of the same crap when my son was deployed. My son purposely kept me "in the dark" as to where he was during his deployments so I wouldn't worry (yeah, right). BUT...some "friends" would send me shit like that...

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Here's one thing Lori and I can agree on: I'm glad she was able to stay home. Imagine if she had continued to teach, and the negativity she would have spread throughout so many lives. 

I get so angry when she targets careers that are built around caring for others. As a woman, isn't that what we are *born* to do? Why would we be so selfish as to limit our nurturing natures to just our household? I am a teacher, and I love it. I love being able to form connections with students and their families. I love being in a position to advocate for others. To me that seems more Christlike than what Lori is espousing. (And I'm agnostic.) 

She just makes me so flipping angry. How can she survive with so much hate in her heart?

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My daughter is a nurse and I know one thing for certain. She and her co-workers would never do the equivalent of blocking or deleting a patient like Lori. You know - like she just deletes her "detractors?"  They would never ignore her call light. They would treat her gently and kindly despite her hateful remarks and uppity attitude. They would do their best to meet her every need despite her husband's pervy leering and inappropriate remarks as they worked.  

Can you imagine a female nurse tending to Lori while Ken is at her bedside?? Of course that might not be an issue because Ken doesn't seem to spend much time with Lori when she in hospitalized. Can you imagine how hateful Lori is to nursing staff?? Her entitlement and arrogance would be suffocating. 



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2 hours ago, Exposed Collarbone said:

I get so angry when she targets careers that are built around caring for others. As a woman, isn't that what we are *born* to do? Why would we be so selfish as to limit our nurturing natures to just our household?

(snipped for brevity)
Women are socialized to nurture and care for other people almost from birth. We're not born that way. 

That said, nursing and teaching are the very careers that women are socialized to do and should fit in quite well with the fundy ideal of womanhood, and why they'd have issues with those careers of all things is beyond me -- especially if a fundy woman is teaching in a Christian school and her own kids are school-aged.



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6 hours ago, Joyce said:

"God wants young women to be keepers at home – baking, cooking, sewing, doing laundry, teachers of her children, taking care of family business, and being a help meet to her husband anyway she can."

Honestly, if Lazy Lori can do so much as thread a needle, I'll eat my 1979 Singer sewing machine (on which I sewed my wedding dress, in between gardening and cooking and cleaning and canning...and having a non-prostitution career which was 80% travel).

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How about staying home, bored out of my skull? Our apartment doesn't get messy, it's just the 2 of us and the felines. Vacuuming and unloading the dishwasher are no-nos for me...the bending over and the fkd up back just don't mix. It's hotter than the surface of the sun in the desert right now so there's no way in hell I'm firing up the oven. 

Right now, I'm potentially lazier than Lori...I don't have the sooper sekret chat room and pages to monitor and shit. 

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