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Aunt Lori Alexander 23: Transformed to Evil

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1 hour ago, EowynW said:

Slapping people in the face is so Christlike. 




Oh bring it bitch!  I double dog dare you.

30 minutes ago, Evangeline said:

SilverBeach, exactly! And TMI time: I definitely don't need any coconut oil. :GPn0zNK:

They probably never even thought of why Mr. Beer and I use it.  TMI time.....when you have great sex for an extended period of time, it comes in handy sometimes.   Put that in your salad and eat it.

*we're probably giving Ken a boner.  

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Door County Report, Day 6:

Lori sightings: 0

Chickenetti wins: 6

(Still winning ... except for the sick tummy that won't give up.  Oh Rufus, have mercy!)

Signing off,


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50 minutes ago, Beermeet said:

Oh bring it bitch!  I double dog dare you.


Lori and Debi Pearl..


One of these days one of them is going to try to baitch-slap a woman who isn't dressed modestly or doesn't want her beloved mauling her in public and end up on the floor suing for assault charges..


Cos in their own tiny minds, they are right..

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3 hours ago, EowynW said:

Slapping people in the face is so Christlike. 




First, anyone that is still using AOL in 2017 doesn't get to talk about people being brainless.

Semi-unrelated:  Lori can force her ADULT children and their spouses to hide their profiles all she wants (personally as a DiL, I'd tell her to pound sand, but to each their own).  She was caught in her own hypocrisy...again and those pictures are going to live her in perpetuity and be brought out again and again, just like the cut-down-to-there navy blue dress and there is NOTHING Lori can do about it.

She regularly shows her ass, this time it was just literal ;)

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23 minutes ago, Curious said:

First, anyone that is still using AOL in 2017 doesn't get to talk about people being brainless.

Hahahahaaaaa!  I can't stop laughing at that.  I'm picturing a sign hung around her neck saying " It's 2017 and I still use AOL"  A la dog shaming.  :562479569aefe_32(14):

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2 hours ago, Evangeline said:

SilverBeach, exactly! And TMI time: I definitely don't need any coconut oil. :GPn0zNK:

In the immortal words of my grandmother: no one likes a dry cookie. I remember her saying it while we were baking and she and my mom would laugh. I was too small to get the double entendre. Now I know...

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I pray that one day her hypocrisy will get the best of her. She'd shit bricks about "immodesty" after spending 5 minutes people-watching on the strip...oh my god, the sights you see! And...look, I KNOW my husband looks...he's still breathing, I'd worry if he didn't. However, he can "window-shop" all he wants...but when it comes to buying, it'd better be with me. But then again...I look too. A nice set of buns in the right pants or shorts...yeah buddy...and it's the same thing, I can "window-shop" all I want...but my buying better be at home (of course it doesn't hurt that my beloved is easy on the eyes and definitely my type), 

I don't really wear shorts or pants anymore, it's a long story with a nasty skin disease involved. The skirts are "healthier" for me. But, unlike Lori the bitch, I don't go around saying that ALL women need to dress like me. Shit, I don't care if you go 'round buck-ass nekkid...if that's your style, that's your style. 

Oh and if it's only 10 minutes and lube...you ain't doing it right. 

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43 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

However, he can "window-shop" all he wants.

Even while on a diet, one can always read the menu....

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When I was a newlywed, an older, already-married friend told me: It doesn't matter where he gets his appetite, as long as he eats at home.

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6 hours ago, Beermeet said:

Hahahahaaaaa!  I can't stop laughing at that.  I'm picturing a sign hung around her neck saying " It's 2017 and I still use AOL"  A la dog shaming.  :562479569aefe_32(14):

Wow...I still have AOL. It's laziness since I've been using the same e-mail address since 1995 or so.


I also have several other .com e-mails, however.

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I use a product by Lush to help with rubbing and chafing. I also own some mid thigh covering undies. They are so unattractive, but I don't worry about chafing down there. I lost weight after going gluten-free (thanks gluten sensitivity), but my thighs will forever be my bane.

I normally wear dresses and skirts, but love me some shorts. 

What I don't appreciate about Lori is that she will harp on a lady at church for being able to see down her blouse (I'd be so weirded out if some stranger was staring down my blouse period) when she has a pic of her floating around of her in a top/dress almost down to her naval. She will harp about the thong-wearing bikini women on the beach, when she and her thong paddle can decide to not go to the beach during tourist season (assuming there are thongs everywhere, which I highly doubt because I live by a very popular beach and I've never encountered a thong attack). She will harp on women who wear leggings when her own daughter wears them.  She tells women to live on a budget, but fails to do so herself.  She only makes big salads ,  some nasty egg dressing, and soups and appears to have disordered eating (4 chips y'all, 4 this and that), yet tells women to provide nourishing meals for their families.  She harps on women being keepers of the home, but takes shortcuts and buys carpet that "hides" dirt so she doesn't have to vacuum so often, and uses chicken-juiced clothes repeatedly until they fail the smell test.  Yea, I don't appreciate Lori one bit, but I can't seem to stay away from this train wreck either.

Just a hunch: Lori's harping is a result of Ken straying.  Maybe Lori needs to be more "joyfully available" for more than 5 minutes, actually cook some decent meals, and stop spending so much time "mentoring".  

Ok, my apologies for the long post, but she really gets under my skin.  It's time to go work my job that pays for frivolous things like food, shelter, and medication.  

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1 hour ago, Seahorse Wrangler said:

Wow...I still have AOL. It's laziness since I've been using the same e-mail address since 1995 or so.


I also have several other .com e-mails, however.

I knew that was going to bite me in the ass.  I know there are good reasons for people to keep their AOL accounts and if I had my main email address through them I would still have it as well.

Historically, people who still use AOL tend to be ones that find another service provider too "complex" to change and fit in with the mindset of Lori and her ilk.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, @Seahorse Wrangler

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7 hours ago, MarblesMom said:

Even while on a diet, one can always read the menu....

My college roommate said this to me once. I was engaged and told her "I think this other guy in my psych class is so cute. Is that bad of me?"  I had never heard it before then. 

When I laughed about it she added " Also, just because you're chained to the fence, doesn't meant you can't bark at the mailman."  

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A couple of weeks ago, I was at physical therapy and as the therapist bent down to attach weights to my legs, I could see "into the valley."  Know what I did? Looked somewhere else.

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And there is a difference between  normal noticing, looking and appreciating, and creepy drooling, lusting and staring.  Learning where the line is means you don't need to stumble through  life staring at your shoes.

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Here's a screenshot of Lori's photo on her modesty post. :)

Edit: The comment was deleted, and I was banned. The delete finger is swift with this one. :)


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@Joyce first, you win the internet today! second, did anyone else see the picture before she/they deleted the picture?

@AlwaysDiscerning will the picture be on the deleted f/b and your tumbler page? This picture is gold!

Ironic thing is Lori would look at me and think I am modest in the summer with long skirts or pants on and long sleeve shirts. I have developed (they think) an allergy to the sun. I itch where ever my skin is exposed to the sun. Let me tell you it sucks being at softball games in jeans and a long sleeve wicking shirt. (I wear a long black skirt if it is too hot for jeans). Believe you me, I am not covering up to be modest, I am covering up so I don't itch. (It takes about 4 weeks with no sun exposure to have the itching go away. So far no drugs (besides a steroid treatment) or lotions will stop the itching. Makes me go insane.)

And about looking but shopping at home. So I have VIVID dreams (good and bad ones). Well last night I dreamt of Patrick Swayze (with his Dirty Dancing body). Oh boy, x-rated and oh so nice.  If I wasn't coughing up a lung from my allergies right now, I would have woken up my husband. I am sure in the fundie world I would be flogged for not being able to control my dreams. I love my vivid dreams (even the scary ones that wake me up with my heart pounding out of my chest because the flip side is sometimes I have a hot man in my dreams and it makes my heart pound too. :) )

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2 hours ago, Joyce said:

Here's a screenshot of Lori's photo on her modesty post. :)

Edit: The comment was deleted, and I was banned. The delete finger is swift with this one. :)

OH SNAP! @Joyce, you rock.


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Gather 'round, friends and neighbors! Join me as I unpack the suitcase of logic fails that is Lori Alexander's patented "Diatribe of Nonsense" today!

Lori starts off by saying she got a comment on her modesty post (helpfully providing a link, although CURIOUSLY that comment is nowhere to be found). She mentions a topless march in Ohio, which I was unable to confirm with Google searches. She gets partial credit for knowing that there was a march in Washington, D.C. Points were docked for insinuating that all the women there wore "vagina hats and bloody menstrual pads". Firstly-the majority of the pink hats worn by women there were kitty hats, pussy hats, if you will. While there might have been a few depictions of the female anatomy, I can assure you that they were few and far between. Secondly, blood in public spaces, especially close quarters public spaces such as a march, is asking for trouble. Blood spreads diseases. Nobody had bloody pads on their clothing. Is Lori thinking of ink or marker on pads? Methinks yes.

Cue the standard "I never wanted to do this therefore no woman should want to do this". Well, honey, I never wanted to be an astronaut, doesn't mean I'm going to stop my daughter from being one.

Next paragraph, we get a glimpse of the offending comment, which was too racy to keep up on Lori's Facebook page, where it could cause ideas and thinking:


“Yes, that is exactly what some women believe (that they aren’t in any way responsible for men lusting at them no matter what they wear) because women don’t exist solely for men’s eyes. This is not strange. This is progress and empowerment. If you find empowerment in dressing modestly, please do so. I find empowerment in being able to choose to wear shorts when it’s hot outside (not that it’s anyone’s business but mine). I refuse to take responsibility for your or anyone’s husband or wife’s eyes.”

Note the lack of any mention of pussy hats or wearing of bloody menstrual pads. I know, RIGHT? Why would Lori's mind skip over shorts (the article of clothing mentioned in the comment) and go right to the extreme?



Lori wants us all to know that we aren't really empowered when we wear vagina hats and walk around topless. (Raise your hand if you've done that today. If not, please turn in your feminist card as you leave. *sarcasm*) We are really in BONDAGE. But not bondage to the arbitrary rules of modesty, that's just silly; we are in bondage to sin and selfishness.

Cue the humblebragging of how "we" (she really means only Lori) don't live like this. They find joy and satisfaction in Jesus. And potatoes in soup. And a kitchen remodel. And beating toddlers over raisains. And foot rubs. And seven week vacations. And $70 skirts.

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1 hour ago, quiversR4hunting said:

So far no drugs (besides a steroid treatment) or lotions will stop the itching. Makes me go insane.)

Have you tried good old benedryl?  I have had a sun allergy since I was a pre-teen and always keep benedryl on hand.  I get hives and it stops it quickly.  Unfortunately, it also puts me right to sleep, but since I don't have a set schedule, it's just an annoyance.  An annoyance that is far better than itching!

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I woman in the comments for today's post asks Lori about breastfeeding in public uncovered. Lori tells the woman it's immodest and improper. A quick search under the term Victorian women breastfeeding turns up hundreds of images of women feeding their babies with nothing to cover their immodesty. Miss Hot Pants is more modest than a victorian. 

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15 minutes ago, TeddyBonkers said:

She mentions a topless march in Ohio

I think Lori is probably talking about this: http://www.christianpost.com/news/topless-strippers-to-protest-in-front-of-ohio-church-strip-club-owner-says-congregants-dont-go-away-harass-patrons-124549/

Notice I picked the Christian Post out of all the links I could have chosen.  IMO, they have a fair account of what is happening in Warsaw.

Notice that the club owner has tried various means to get the churchgoers to stop harassing his girls and patrons, including legal options, to no avail.  So finally, as a last resort, they are fighting fire with fire.

Good for them, says I.

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11 minutes ago, TeddyBonkers said:

Next paragraph, we get a glimpse of the offending comment, which was too racy to keep up on Lori's Facebook page, where it could cause ideas and thinking:

Ideas? Thinking? Can't have that.

11 minutes ago, TeddyBonkers said:

Note the lack of any mention of pussy hats or wearing of bloody menstrual pads. I know, RIGHT? Why would Lori's mind skip over shorts (the article of clothing mentioned in the comment) and go right to the extreme?

Oh yeah, skip the subject of shorts. Go straight for the sensational and the extreme. Shorts won't make a post go viral. It's all about going viral.

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