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Jinger and Jeremy: She's in Shorts?!


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Every time you guys talk about your so-called sex-ed (which is really more aptly named do-not-have-sex non-ed), I thank my lucky stars that I went to school in Germany. And I despair for my potential future children who will most likely have the misfortune of attending school in the US. I'll obviously do my best to give them proper information at home, but some of the damage can't easily be undone.

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My sex education was pretty good. My health teacher in high school was dedicated to making sure we were educated and knowledgeable about our bodies. I wish I had paid more attention to his lessons. I will say that I learned some things about sex just from the Internet. There are a lot of helpful resources out there.

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I honestly can't remember much of my sex ed classes. Perhaps its for the best. I think I remember a little bit of them trying to scare us with the STI stuff. I probably let everything go in one ear and out the other because my parents didn't really hide anything so I already knew all the sex basics years before.

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I think my sex ed class was decent. I don't recall any fear mongering. We were definitely taught that abstinence was the only 100% way to not get pregnant or get an STD, but we were also taught about safe sex, condoms and all that. I remember watching a video about this girl who had sex with a sleazy guy who refused to use a condom, then she started dating this good guy who always used a condom. Then she found out sleazy guy had an STD. The film ended with her going to the clinic to find out if she had it too. We had to write about what we thought happened to the characters.

7 hours ago, HarryPotterFan said:

Ugh. In middle school they did the "if you have sex you are like a used stick of gum" thing. And had multiple people chew the same piece of gum to show when you have sex with someone, you are having sex with everyone they ever had sex with.

Ewww no I would have had to take a zero that day. I am not chewing any gum that's been in a bunch of other people's mouths.

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Real talk, I learned most of my sexved from MTV watching teen mom and 16 and pregnant with the special bonus itsyoursexlife.com. Actually my school health class compared someone who had sex out of marriage to a dirty t shirt no one wanted with actual exsamples of a clean t shirt and a dirty one and they went around the room asking people which one they'd rather put on. I went to a well funded public school too. 

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4 minutes ago, Daisy0322 said:

Real talk, I learned most of my sexved from MTV watching teen mom and 16 and pregnant with the special bonus itsyoursexlife.com. Actually my school health class compared someone who had sex out of marriage to a dirty t shirt no one wanted with actual exsamples of a clean t shirt and a dirty one and they went around the room asking people which one they'd rather put on. I went to a well funded public school too. 

What message does that send to kids that have been molested or raped?  That's horrible.

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On 3/10/2017 at 10:11 PM, Jilli said:

I'm aware it might be Jeremy's idea/desire. I'm mostly happy because it's different. I don't expect Jinger to change her views or to deviate from the program. It's just a small bite of individuality(again you could argue it's Jeremy, but not strictly Duggar is my point).

I agree that it might be Jeremy's idea but Jinger is probably falling in love with him all over again. Jeremy's church is in a hugely Hispanic area and he may want Jinger to fit in more, Anglo wise. For some reason, at least in Texas, the older Hispanic women wear skirts often, just not the long skirts. It is very common for the ladies to wear mismatched tops with print skirts, not in a fashionable way.

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9 hours ago, HarryPotterFan said:

I also remember a similar demonstration where everyone had a beaker of water, a couple kids had dye in theirs. Then they had us go around giving drops of water to each other (without telling us why) to show how STIs spread. At the end it was like, "see, everyone has dye in their beaker! All of you will die because of sex!" I also remember the teacher giggling like an asshole when two boys exchanged water.

We had to do something very similar but everyone had a beaker of what appeared to be plain water. After we exchanged the drops they put some type of reagent/chemical in the water and they turned pink. One of my classmates, a budding genius, then drank his "water". He spent the weekend in the hospital because the "water" was actually some type of acid that burned his esophagus. That was the last time they tried that experiment in our school district. 

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same where I'm from, I am a disappointment because I am 26 and single. Shorts had to have a 7 inch inseam, skirts had to be fingertip length and you couldn't show your collarbone.  We actually begged for uniforms.

Omg, collarbones??? I'm not doubting you at all, just can't figure out the sex angle with collarbones. Good lord!
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6 hours ago, JillyO said:

Every time you guys talk about your so-called sex-ed (which is really more aptly named do-not-have-sex non-ed), I thank my lucky stars that I went to school in Germany. And I despair for my potential future children who will most likely have the misfortune of attending school in the US. I'll obviously do my best to give them proper information at home, but some of the damage can't easily be undone.

Sex Ed is getting much better in the US. That's a big reason why teen pregnancy is going down. Abstinence only areas of the country have higher rates of teen pregnancy (the south). 

My kids will probably already know everything about sex before they get to sex Ed. I'm really not embarrassed by it, unlike my prude parents. 

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I'm curious to see what happens with the next generation. Will they be allowed to go to school (Christian if course), join sports teams or scouts? That will show some cracks in the fundie upbringing. Well, not Derick, of course, he's not going to let Izzy join ebil boy scouts.

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I was taught sex education as part of Heath/PE in jr high and high school. We have no teen pregnancies in my area in northern New Jersery. 

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1 hour ago, Bethella said:

We had to do something very similar but everyone had a beaker of what appeared to be plain water. After we exchanged the drops they put some type of reagent/chemical in the water and they turned pink. One of my classmates, a budding genius, then drank his "water". He spent the weekend in the hospital because the "water" was actually some type of acid that burned his esophagus. That was the last time they tried that experiment in our school district. 

Talk about taking one for the team!

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37 minutes ago, Jana814 said:

I was taught sex education as part of Heath/PE in jr high and high school. We have no teen pregnancies in my area in northern New Jersery. 

Yes, you do, it is everywhere, YOU just don't know any pregnant teens. 

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10 minutes ago, allthegoodnamesrgone said:

Yes, you do, it is everywhere, YOU just don't know any pregnant teens. 

As a fellow New Jersian who graduated high school 10 years ago, I'll add that there were no teen moms in my entire 4 years there. There were, however, a plethora of teen pregnancies that ended in abortion. That's not information people typically shout from the roof tops to their friends; like, "hey Susan, little Susie is pregnant so we're taking her to get it "taken care of."" doesn't come up too often at mom's book club. There's a lot of money in NJ and a lot of keeping up appearances. 

Teen pregnancy rates may be down and lower in the Northeast due to better sex ed/more liberal-ness about birth control/etc. but it certainly still happens. 

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15 hours ago, Jillian said:

It's a ridiculous disservice to girls that we teach them that sex changes them, that their virginity is something can lose, or give away.  That it is this precious gift that you need to protect, and that you are supposedly damaged if you do have sex.  It's so not ok.  

I agree. I actually grew up in a non-religious household as well so I cannot even imagine the pressure/attention on this for fundie girls. I was extremely anti-drug/alcohol until after I "lost" my virginity at 18. 

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46 minutes ago, Casserole said:

As a fellow New Jersian who graduated high school 10 years ago, I'll add that there were no teen moms in my entire 4 years there. There were, however, a plethora of teen pregnancies that ended in abortion. That's not information people typically shout from the roof tops to their friends; like, "hey Susan, little Susie is pregnant so we're taking her to get it "taken care of."" doesn't come up too often at mom's book club. There's a lot of money in NJ and a lot of keeping up appearances. 

Teen pregnancy rates may be down and lower in the Northeast due to better sex ed/more liberal-ness about birth control/etc. but it certainly still happens. 

In my 4 years of high school I never saw a pregnant girl either (I graduated 6 years ago) .... because they sent them to a special school attached to the county rec center for "troubled teens". They named it the school of possibilities and hid all of the kids they considered trouble makers and bad PR there. It was never talked about and still isn't to this day. I only happen to know they try and force teen moms there is because in the class after mine there was a girl who got pregnant who was in all honor classes who fought to stay because they didn't offer honor classes at the other school. On the sexist flip side one of the guys who had a baby and was actually an awesome dad and the baby's primary care giver (mom didn't want anything to do with the baby) was given Very special treatment by the school.

but this is the kind of thing you get with a lot of very right winged republican families who are against abortion but also need to keep up image. They just hid them away.

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1 hour ago, Casserole said:

As a fellow New Jersian who graduated high school 10 years ago, I'll add that there were no teen moms in my entire 4 years there. There were, however, a plethora of teen pregnancies that ended in abortion. That's not information people typically shout from the roof tops to their friends; like, "hey Susan, little Susie is pregnant so we're taking her to get it "taken care of."" doesn't come up too often at mom's book club. There's a lot of money in NJ and a lot of keeping up appearances. 

Teen pregnancy rates may be down and lower in the Northeast due to better sex ed/more liberal-ness about birth control/etc. but it certainly still happens. 

I'm also from NJ, and I know of 5 people from my hs who were pregnant as a teenager. Three of them had the baby my sophomore year, one is due this July, and the last- my best friend- had an abortion. Obviously, if we weren't so close I never would have known about her abortion, and I assume others in my class had one too.  I don't know about the other girls, but my friend always practiced safe sex. It just happened, as this sometimes does. 

In my school district, along with the towns around me, we had pretty good sex ed every year since 6th grade (actually in 10th grade we had drivers ed instead). In 9th grade my teacher wore a belt of condoms to show us the different types and flavors. Personally, what I didn't learn from school I learned through the internet, tv, and movies. My generation (millenials) is pretty open about their sexcapades. 

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I cant believe though how everybod said long shorts.... They are ending over the neww, they dont look particularly "long". they are normal lengths shorts and not hot pants ...

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14 minutes ago, morri said:

I cant believe though how everybod said long shorts.... They are ending over the neww, they dont look particularly "long". they are normal lengths shorts and not hot pants ...

They were to her knee, so they were as long as a "short" can be in my vernacular . . . if the went past her knee, they'd be capris. 

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Hot pants barely cover your rear end. There's a lot of space between knee length and booty shorts! 

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49 minutes ago, morri said:

I cant believe though how everybod said long shorts.... They are ending over the neww, they dont look particularly "long". they are normal lengths shorts and not hot pants ...

You really can't get shorts any longer than this!  Lol

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I seriously doubt Jeremy cares if Jinger is showing her kneecaps, shoulders or clavicles.

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