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Jinger and the Jock- I only wanna be with you!


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On the young marriage topic, I know of a few couples right now (all people involved are under the age of 25) who are dealing with what happens when you marry young, with little to no higher education or job training, and start having babies right away. It's not romantic, and it's not easy. They're prime examples of why I'm not a fan of young marriage, especially among couples with a lack of work/school/life experience. I realize there are always exceptions, but not enough for me to encourage young marriage.

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I understand what @QuiverDance was getting at.  It's common for southerners to read repeatedly about how uneducated and backwards we are, only because our culture is so different from other cultures in the US.  Whether it's calling our parents Momma and Daddy as adults, to having only cake and mints and punch for our wedding receptions, to our love for football teams from colleges we never attend, to how silly we are to marry so dang young....as if we don't fall in love and truly want to spend our lives with someone else.  Somehow it feels like an FJ sin to marry before menopause....it must be because we're too stupid or too religious to know better.  


I don't take an issue with the graphs presented by @luv2laugh, but please understand that southerners get knocked regularly on tv and in the media for our stupidity (because clearly not spending our lives till we're 30 in college means we're dumb, unintelligent, backwards, and unable to learn)--and then on FJ for our separate culture...it can make one testy.  

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8 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

Lifelong New Englander here. That's actually not really true for many areas up here. Yeah, many people may fall into those categories - but we tend to be more of a "live and let live" group of people. It's really not a big deal if someone isn't Ivy League educated, Protestant, or Anglo-Saxon. And you really don't stick out too much if you don't fall into those categories - maybe in heavily rural areas you would because there isn't as much diversity, but not in the suburbs or cities where most people are concentrated.

@QuiverDance I missed the barefoot and pregnant reference, but I do see why that would be upsetting. It doesn't really matter if it's true or not - it is a stereotype and it's likely that many Southerners do not fall into that category anymore. Thank you for your response - I'll keep that in mind for future p

I'm not sure whether Jinger will wear pants or not. I think a lot depends on Jeremy and what type of husband he will be. If he's ok with it then it could happen... but even then, Jinger may just feel more comfortable in skirts and dresses and prefer to stick with that. If that's the case then I think that's fine. I get the feeling sometimes that Ben and Derick aren't really convicted about the whole strict skirt thing, but let their wives make the call for themselves. I could be wrong about that of course though. 

I definitely get that vibe from Derrick. I feel like Ben is leaving it up to Jim Bob.

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I agree that I feel like the wives are more concerned about wearing skirts than the husbands. I feel like Derick probably wouldn't mind if Jill started wearing pants, after all his mother wears pants. Ben I'm a little more iffy on, but we have seen Jessa wearing board shorts by the pool and pants in the snow, so who knows. As far as Jeremy goes, I'd need to see a little more of him. Not sure if he'd care about skirts.

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Whatever happens, I hope Jinger gets private social media. Fundies can seem so attractive on Instagram and fans can overstep boundaries.

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2 hours ago, luv2laugh said:

Excuse me? Don't tell me what to do. That is an example of an opinion of mine that I included and I have a right to my own opinion. People in the south and other rural areas in my opinion, yes, marry ASAP with the intention to get pregnant many times. Also, AR is part of the Bible belt. I believe the south the studies are referring to are mostly those in the bible belt. If you look at the maps again, you will see that people in the Bible Belt south marry young in addition to other rural areas. If you are offended by my own opinion which was not directed at you in the first place, then I believe it's possible you are being convicted and need to not be so sensitive.

Thank you for apologizing. Indeed, all I did was lay out all of the facts and included my own opinion that these areas have a culture of marrying ASAP with the intention of getting barefoot and pregnant. This is my own opinion based on the facts and what I have noticed about people that live in those areas in regard to what they embrace and consider most important to them. These areas have a predominant culture in my own opinion, of frowning upon women who are 26 & not married and pursuing higher education and/or are career oriented. This occurs because the norm is to be married under 24 in these areas and have many babies by 30. If you do not fit into this box, you will stick out like a sore thumb.

For an example, in the northeast, there is a predominant WASP culture (White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestants that are typically highly educated from an Ivy league school , very preppy, and have old money).  If you do not fit in the box of the WASP culture in the northeast, you tend to stick out. It's the exact opposite in the south (specifically, the bible belt), rural areas, and heavily Mormon influenced states but has the same psychological reasoning.

For the reference, I'm actually in my early 20s, living in a metropolitan area, and am not married but am in a long term relationship. I personally know many fundies and people living in other areas of the county.

Not telling you to do anything other than  own up to your condescension, but instead you doubled down on it. So be it. 

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Oh, and FYI, you know nothing about the South if you think it is the opposite of WASPY.   We have institutions of higher learning, Vineyard Vines, and even tall buildings and paved roads.   Our moneyed folks pride themselves on their country club manners and impeccable taste.  I haven't seen refinement, education, and conspicuous consumption that rivals New Orleans or Nashville.  And I may be a bumpkin, but I do get around.  I'm really not into painting with a broad brush and not going to engage on the broad, sweeping generalizations you are making based on nothing but what you think you know.   I say this with candor, I remember having a conversation similar to this at your age, with someone my age (40's), making similar general statements. That lady took me to task, and I learned something.  Maybe instead of digging in, you could consider how questionably accurate it is to call everyone in the  Northeast an educated, preppy WASP and everyone South the opposite of one.  

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I grew up in the South. 15 minutes from the house I grew up in is "ground zero" of our country. There is one of the oldest universities in the US there too. 3 hours to the west of my hometown is another university with at least a 200 year history, founded by one of the founding fathers of our republic. 5 minutes up the road from that house is one of the leading physics research labs in the country. 20 minutes east of that same place is where the space program got its start. 

If that makes me a backwards country bumpkin, then bring it. 

PS...I may refer to myself as a redneck...but if you aren't from there, you just don't get it. And no, I don't have the Confederate flag displayed anywhere...and I now live on the other side of the country where I get a whole lot of "where are you from, you talk funny" crap. 


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We've seen Jinger in pants, but with a skirt over them. Time will tell if she'll ditch the skirt occasionally. I wouldn't expect her to give up skirts entirely, but it would be nice (for me) to see her wearing pants once in a while. However, Jinger needs to do what's comfortable for her, not me.

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In Australia, Queenslanders are considered very conservative.  Rural Queensland is the only area that is against same sex marriage. ( but we still have to spend millions on a plebiscite to confirm this, even though the politicians will vote with their conscience so the plebiscite is for nothing, but that is another topic).

Queensland is in the north of Australia, so we have a conservative north not a conservative south.


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1 hour ago, QuiverDance said:

Oh, and FYI, you know nothing about the South if you think it is the opposite of WASPY.   We have institutions of higher learning, Vineyard Vines, and even tall buildings and paved roads.   Our moneyed folks pride themselves on their country club manners and impeccable taste.  I haven't seen refinement, education, and conspicuous consumption that rivals New Orleans or Nashville.  And I may be a bumpkin, but I do get around.  I'm really not into painting with a broad brush and not going to engage on the broad, sweeping generalizations you are making based on nothing but what you think you know.   I say this with candor, I remember having a conversation similar to this at your age, with someone my age (40's), making similar general statements. That lady took me to task, and I learned something.  Maybe instead of digging in, you could consider how questionably accurate it is to call everyone in the  Northeast an educated, preppy WASP and everyone South the opposite of one.  

Even Princeton isn't majority preppy anymore. No European ethic Catholic or Eastern Ortodox communities? No Jews? No Latino or black communities? What northeast is this person living in?

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8 minutes ago, patsymae said:

Even Princeton isn't majority preppy anymore. No European ethic Catholic or Eastern Ortodox communities? No Jews? No Latino or black communities? What northeast is this person living in?

Exactly. It's an incredibly diverse area and I'd be more surprised if it were as homogenous as the poster seemed to imply - I mean, the Northeast stretches from Pennsylvania all the way up to Maine and includes New York City! That's a massive area that's densely populated with a ton of different people from all walks of life.

If the poster had said, "Fairfield County" or "Greenwich, Connecticut" is filled with preppy and rich people then I could probably see the argument being made to a certain extent. But the entire Northeast? Nope.

And the same goes for the South. That's an even bigger mass of land and it has areas that are pretty heavily populated as well - meaning more diversity. I haven't traveled in the South much, but I would be willing to bet that Texas is different from North Carolina in many ways and that not everyone is going to fit into some sort of stereotypical mold.

(Also, for the record, my husband and I seriously considered relocating to Charlotte early this year. He traveled there for work once and absolutely loved it. We're likely going to stay in Connecticut instead, but I'd love to visit - after they eventually repeal HB2 of course.)

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21 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:

And the same goes for the South. That's an even bigger mass of land and it has areas that are pretty heavily populated as well - meaning more diversity. I haven't traveled in the South much, but I would be willing to bet that Texas is different from North Carolina in many ways and that not everyone is going to fit into some sort of stereotypical mold.

Yes!!! There are parts of the south that fit the "barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen" and "religious nutjob" stereotype...I'm thinking more like in the mountains of VA/NC. There are places that are diverse and urbane...Richmond VA, Charlotte NC and Atlanta GA are just a few places that come to mind. BUT...there are jerks everywhere. I grew up in the area known as "Hampton Roads, VA", specifically from a place now known as "Bad Newz". There are some who are the typical "redneck" sort...not too well educated, works at the shipyard, vacations in Nags Head every year and attends the local SBC. There are others that have an alphabet soup after their names, wouldn't be caught dead in an SBC and vacations all over the world. And...then there's the huge military population. So, it is unfair to characterize the entire south in a stereotype. 

Yes, I am defending where I grew up. I left twice...came back once. I have no desire to move back there again...I much prefer being in Nevada to being in VA...but...I feel that I need to defend my hometown/area from those who would characterize them all as a certain type, purely out of ignorance. 

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3 hours ago, QuiverFullOfTacos said:

On the young marriage topic, I know of a few couples right now (all people involved are under the age of 25) who are dealing with what happens when you marry young, with little to no higher education or job training, and start having babies right away. It's not romantic, and it's not easy. They're prime examples of why I'm not a fan of young marriage, especially among couples with a lack of work/school/life experience. I realize there are always exceptions, but not enough for me to encourage young marriage.

I married at 21. (Mr. Scribber was 26, and we'd been together since I was 14.) 

While we didn't start having babies right away? (We only have 1) Our life has been tough - financially, emotionally, etc. I hope every day my daughter doesn't get married until she's established a career and herself as her own person. Sure, we're still married - mostly happily - but I wouldn't wish what we've been through on anyone. Especially since most of it could have been avoided if we'd been more mature and more "ourselves" when we married. 

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20 hours ago, luv2laugh said:


QuiverDance show me where I insulted anyone. I have presented data and the facts. There's no reason to get personally offended over this.  The DATA shows that those in the south have a tendency to marry young. The DATA shows that those in the south that have young marriage rates usually do not have a bachelor's degree. Research has shown correlation between education, geographics, and marrying young. This is not something I made up but have rather simply posted the data on here.

Season of life, my comment to you is the same as QuiverDance: show me where I insulted anyone. I have presented data and the facts. There's no reason to get personally offended over this. These are FACTS and DATA and NOT my own opinions. 

In fact, according to NCBI, yes, people that marry young tend to come from the south or rural areas and tend to not have a bachelor's degree, 

According to NCBI, education is a factor in that marry young tend to come from a disadvantaged economic background and not have a bachelor's degree.

  •  "Individuals who marry earlier are more likely to be from disadvantaged families, from conservative Protestant or Mormon families, to value their religious faith more highly, to have a high-school diploma but a lower educational trajectory, and to cohabit before marriage."
  • "Young adults who have earned a high school diploma will be more likely to marry early, but those with a higher GPA and college aspirations will be less likely to marry early."
  • Young adults with more educated parents and from families with higher incomes will be less likely to marry early.
  • Parental socioeconomic status was also an important factor for marrying young in the United States. Only about 16% of young women with a college-educated parent and just about 10% of young men married prior to age 23, compared to 29% and 19% of young women and men, respectively, with no college-educated parent. 

Also according to NCBI, geographic location is a factor in that those that marry young tend to come from the south or nonmetroplitan, rural areas.

  • "Moreover, geographic location has also been found to be associated with early marriage. Individuals who live in the southern United States are more likely to marry at young ages, as are people living in nonmetropolitan areas
  •   Young adults who live in the South and in rural areas will be more likely than their counterparts to marry early .(Bramlett & Mosher, 2002; Goldscheider & Waite; McLaughlin, Lichter, & Johnson, 1993)."
  • As the geography hypothesis predicted, early marriage was more common for those who grew up in the South and in rural areas. More than 30% of all women who lived in the South during adolescence married before their 23rd birthday, as did about 37% of those living in rural areas. Young men from the South also had higher rates of early marriage, though rural men were not statistically more or less likely to marry early than their counterparts. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2841346/

Can you show me where I'm wrong? These are the facts.



On 10/7/2016 at 0:55 PM, luv2laugh said:

Here's the scoop on Marrying Young:

  • It IS geographical. Women who marry young typically come from the south or Utah (heavily Mormon areas). 
    • It's also cultural. In the south and in Utah, there is again, a marry ASAP and be barefoot & pregnant culture.
  • Those that are more educated DO marry later in life. Women who marry young usually do not have a college degree.
    • Thus it is not surprising to me that some have marry ASAP barefoot in braces with a cake and punch parking lot reception and some have fancy, ritzy glamorous weddings that rival Princess Kate's. If you are marrying at 20 vs 30, there will  most likely be a difference in the type of wedding you have. This is why I find it silly to poke fun at people's weddings. It's totally cultural and geographical! 
  • Marrying under 25 increases your divorce rate. Note my above post.

For the record, there are obvious exceptions and these are not typical. This is only what the studies have shown so please don't be offended. This is not oversimplifying a blatant fact. 

The Atlantic did an entire story on rural women who marry young. 
They found, "women outside cities tend to marry earlier, have limited access to good healthcare, and experience higher rates of domestic violence."

Marrying Young:  "According to a 2010 study "Early marriage in the U.S. Why Some Marry Young, Why Many Don't and What Difference It Makes," early marriage occurs most frequently among young adults with low educational trajectories, who come from families with more limited resources. These young adults typically come from rural communities and the Southern U.S.

Rural women are more likely to have sex and marry earlier than urban women according to studies.    Why is this? The less educated you are, the more likely you are to marry young. 53% of women with a high school diploma married by 25 years old compared with 37% of women with bachelor's degrees, according to the CDC. Rural women are less likely to have earned a bachelor's degree or master's degree compared to urban women, according to 2011 U.S. Health and Human Services statistics, priming them for early marriages."

The NY Times reported on something called The Small Town Effect when it comes to early marriage.  Basically, rural areas RULE when it comes to marrying young:

"Less densely populated places seem to promote marriage, The places that discourage marriage most tend to be cities, including San Francisco, Philadelphia and New Orleans, as well as their surrounding areas...spending childhood nearly anywhere in blue America — especially liberal bastions like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston and Washington — makes people about 10 percentage points less likely to marry relative to the rest of the country. And no place encourages marriage quite like the conservative Mountain West, especially the heavily Mormon areas of Utah, southern Idaho and parts of Colorado."

Places that make being married by age 26 Less Likely & More Likely
"Utah is worth special attention. It’s not surprising that it leads the nation in encouraging marriage: The state is home to a large Mormon population, which is well known for marrying young. A childhood in Utah, makes marriage 20 percentage points more likely by age 26 than an average childhood in the United States.

By comparison, a childhood in Manhattan, on the other end of the spectrum, makes marriage only 12 percentage points less likely ...by comparison, the Northeast generally discourages marriage for children of all income levels, and the Mountain West encourages it for children of all levels."

Map of where you are more likely & less likely to be married by 26:


As long as we're talking about what age everyone's getting married, here's a neat Pew Research graphic on median ages of first marriages: mARRIAGE 1.JPG

It is not surprising that the median ages of marriage are lowest (younger) in the south being Arkansas, Oklahoma, and a combo of the heavily Mormon areas  of Utah and Idaho.  It also does not surprise me that the areas of highest median age of marriage are career-oriented and abundantly educated cities of NY & DC.

The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/06/the-particular-struggles-of-rural-women/276803/

NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/05/15/upshot/the-places-that-discourage-marriage-most.html



To those taking personal offense, read the facts and tell me where I'm wrong. It's pretty hard to argue against the facts (FYI it's pretty obvious that if you read the facts, the data refers to areas of the rural south, predominantly Bible Belt rural south, not the entire south.)

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8 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:


To those taking personal offense, read the facts and tell me where I'm wrong. It's pretty hard to argue against the facts (FYI it's pretty obvious that if you read the facts, the data refers to areas of the rural south, predominantly Bible Belt rural south, not the entire south.)

I think you're missing the point. No one has an issue with showing facts to back up a claim (so long as it's from a reliable source). It's actually something I highly encourage because it normally adds a great deal of depth to the conversation. I have no issue with the data you've presented.

What is at issue is the use of the term "barefoot and pregnant" or other statements that use stereotypes to generalize an entire area or population. 

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You can quote yourself however many times you damn well please...that won't stop the FACT that you fell for and perpetrated certain stereotypes of certain areas of the US...THAT is where you fucked up. 


And FTR...I'm barefoot, fat and live in Las Vegas, NV. 

3 hours ago, QuiverDance said:

People in the south and other rural areas in my opinion, yes, marry ASAP with the intention to get pregnant many times. 

People in the south DO know how to use birth control. I don't give a flying fuck about your "opinion". Take it from someone who grew up in fucking NEWPORT NEWS GODDAMN VIRGINIA...I personally knew of a couple of families that had 7-8 kids...and guess what...they were FUCKING TRANSPLANTS FROM UP NORTH!!!!! None of the "natives" I knew or know have more than 3 kids. 

Take your narrow-minded "academic" snooty-ass opinion and shove it where the sun don't shine. 

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Im in the south a very well known part of the Bible Belt. Yes, people do marry here young and it often doesnt work out.  Ive seen it a lot.Thankfully my husband and i have so far been an exception. I was engaged at 17 so I wasnt even out of highschool when I was planning my wedding and honestly, I got some junk about it from others.Early 20s is the norm, not juniors in highschool.lol.im working towards my bachelors of science currently and i can say with certainity i would have started college late regardless of my marital status. Really, im thankful i waited because at 18 i had zero idea what i wanted to do career wise.I'm in the honors program and do fairly well which probably would not have been the case had I went right after highschool.  It wasnt until after i had my kid i started getting an idea of what i wanted to do and really had a drive to earn a degree.  I have one child with my husband and really thats odd for my family. However, all that being said I love the south. I wouldnt trade it for anything, where else can I go to a local diner and  get my chocolate gravy and biscuits? 

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I brought the secrets of sausage gravy and biscuits and a couple of Robbin Thompson cd's with me when I moved out west 

Now I'm going to make arroz con carne with homemade tortillas. 

I was at this concert at the NORVA


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39 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

You can quote yourself however many times you damn well please...that won't stop the FACT that you fell for and perpetrated certain stereotypes of certain areas of the US...THAT is where you fucked up. 


And FTR...I'm barefoot, fat and live in Las Vegas, NV. 

People in the south DO know how to use birth control. I don't give a flying fuck about your "opinion". Take it from someone who grew up in fucking NEWPORT NEWS GODDAMN VIRGINIA...I personally knew of a couple of families that had 7-8 kids...and guess what...they were FUCKING TRANSPLANTS FROM UP NORTH!!!!! None of the "natives" I knew or know have more than 3 kids. 

Take your narrow-minded "academic" snooty-ass opinion and shove it where the sun don't shine. 

QuiverDance is on your side of the argument here, agreeing that those things do in fact happen in the South. She took offense to the stereotype of "barefoot and pregnant," but conceded that yes, it happens. But hell, it happens everywhere, even in my neck of the woods, which is about as blue as it gets. 

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Hell...it happens here in Las Vegas. what I took offense to was characterizing the SOUTH as the place it happens. 

If I remember correctly, Phoenix AZ has a teen pregnancy issue...Maricopa county has 4 million people and it's more ethnically diverse than almost anywhere in the south. 

I object to the overall tone where she seems to characterize all us "rednecks" as dumb, uneducated, get married and get knocked up pronto. That is my objection. I lived there for most of my life. I think I can speak for at least my little corner of the south. 

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34 minutes ago, feministxtian said:

Hell...it happens here in Las Vegas. what I took offense to was characterizing the SOUTH as the place it happens. 

If I remember correctly, Phoenix AZ has a teen pregnancy issue...Maricopa county has 4 million people and it's more ethnically diverse than almost anywhere in the south. 

I object to the overall tone where she seems to characterize all us "rednecks" as dumb, uneducated, get married and get knocked up pronto. That is my objection. I lived there for most of my life. I think I can speak for at least my little corner of the south. 

Quit lying I did not say anyone was dumb. Let's stick to the facts, shall we? The facts are need I bring in the quote full of the data again, state the marrying young culture (which has been found to derive from economic factors, lack of a bachelor's degree, and geographic factors) occurs in the rural south and in heavily Mormon influenced areas such as Utah, Idaho, and parts of Colorado. I am really sorry you have been so offended over these facts as offending you and others here was not my intention. I also don't appreciate you cursing at me and insulting me when I didn't insult you. I laid out the facts and you became offended over them but I didn't stoop to your level by cursing you and insulting you. 

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2 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

Quit your lying I did not say anyone was dumb. Let's stick to the facts, shall we?

Let's try some reading comprehension here...I said "SHE SEEMS TO CHARACTERIZE...". I was making an observation regarding what you had written. I was not quoting you. Damn, this dumb, uneducated redneck has to teach the college-educated snoot about reading comprehension and drawing conclusions from the things stated vs. direct quotes? 

And, I may be a dumb, uneducated redneck who got knocked up at 17, but I sure as fuck ain't stupid. Remember that when you talk about us dumb rednecks. We ain't nearly as dumb as you think. 

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19 minutes ago, luv2laugh said:

I laid out the facts and you became offended over them but I didn't stoop to your level by cursing you and insulting you. 

Your arrogance is what pissed me right off. You show some "facts and figures" and think you know so much. 

I may not have much of an education but...I lived there. You came off condescending as hell thinking you're so much better than, especially us "dumb" southerners. 

And that is what pissed me right the fuck off. You don't like my language...then hit the ignore button...that would be fine with me. 

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22 hours ago, luv2laugh said:


QuiverDance show me where I insulted anyone. I have presented data and the facts. There's no reason to get personally offended over this.  The DATA shows that those in the south have a tendency to marry young. The DATA shows that those in the south that have young marriage rates usually do not have a bachelor's degree. Research has shown correlation between education, geographics, and marrying young. This is not something I made up but have rather simply posted the data on here.

Season of life, my comment to you is the same as QuiverDance: show me where I insulted anyone. I have presented data and the facts. There's no reason to get personally offended over this. These are FACTS and DATA and NOT my own opinions. 

In fact, according to NCBI, yes, people that marry young tend to come from the south or rural areas and tend to not have a bachelor's degree, 

According to NCBI, education is a factor in that marry young tend to come from a disadvantaged economic background and not have a bachelor's degree.

  •  "Individuals who marry earlier are more likely to be from disadvantaged families, from conservative Protestant or Mormon families, to value their religious faith more highly, to have a high-school diploma but a lower educational trajectory, and to cohabit before marriage."
  • "Young adults who have earned a high school diploma will be more likely to marry early, but those with a higher GPA and college aspirations will be less likely to marry early."
  • Young adults with more educated parents and from families with higher incomes will be less likely to marry early.
  • Parental socioeconomic status was also an important factor for marrying young in the United States. Only about 16% of young women with a college-educated parent and just about 10% of young men married prior to age 23, compared to 29% and 19% of young women and men, respectively, with no college-educated parent. 

Also according to NCBI, geographic location is a factor in that those that marry young tend to come from the south or nonmetroplitan, rural areas.

  • "Moreover, geographic location has also been found to be associated with early marriage. Individuals who live in the southern United States are more likely to marry at young ages, as are people living in nonmetropolitan areas
  •   Young adults who live in the South and in rural areas will be more likely than their counterparts to marry early .(Bramlett & Mosher, 2002; Goldscheider & Waite; McLaughlin, Lichter, & Johnson, 1993)."
  • As the geography hypothesis predicted, early marriage was more common for those who grew up in the South and in rural areas. More than 30% of all women who lived in the South during adolescence married before their 23rd birthday, as did about 37% of those living in rural areas. Young men from the South also had higher rates of early marriage, though rural men were not statistically more or less likely to marry early than their counterparts. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2841346/

Can you show me where I'm wrong? These are the facts.


Here's the scoop on Marrying Young:

It IS geographical. Women who marry young typically come from the south or Utah (heavily Mormon areas). 

It's also cultural. In the south and in Utah, there is again, a marry ASAP and be barefoot & pregnant culture.

Those that are more educated DO marry later in life. Women who marry young usually do not have a college degree.

Thus it is not surprising to me that some have marry ASAP barefoot in braces with a cake and punch parking lot reception and some have fancy, ritzy glamorous weddings that rival Princess Kate's. If you are marrying at 20 vs 30, there will  most likely be a difference in the type of wedding you have. This is why I find it silly to poke fun at people's weddings. It's totally cultural and geographical! 

Marrying under 25 increases your divorce rate. Note my above post.

For the record, there are obvious exceptions and these are not typical. This is only what the studies have shown so please don't be offended. This is not oversimplifying a blatant fact. 

The Atlantic did an entire story on rural women who marry young. 
They found, "women outside cities tend to marry earlier, have limited access to good healthcare, and experience higher rates of domestic violence."

Marrying Young:  "According to a 2010 study "Early marriage in the U.S. Why Some Marry Young, Why Many Don't and What Difference It Makes," early marriage occurs most frequently among young adults with low educational trajectories, who come from families with more limited resources. These young adults typically come from rural communities and the Southern U.S.

Rural women are more likely to have sex and marry earlier than urban women according to studies.    Why is this? The less educated you are, the more likely you are to marry young. 53% of women with a high school diploma married by 25 years old compared with 37% of women with bachelor's degrees, according to the CDC. Rural women are less likely to have earned a bachelor's degree or master's degree compared to urban women, according to 2011 U.S. Health and Human Services statistics, priming them for early marriages."

The NY Times reported on something called The Small Town Effect when it comes to early marriage.  Basically, rural areas RULE when it comes to marrying young:

"Less densely populated places seem to promote marriage, The places that discourage marriage most tend to be cities, including San Francisco, Philadelphia and New Orleans, as well as their surrounding areas...spending childhood nearly anywhere in blue America — especially liberal bastions like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston and Washington — makes people about 10 percentage points less likely to marry relative to the rest of the country. And no place encourages marriage quite like the conservative Mountain West, especially the heavily Mormon areas of Utah, southern Idaho and parts of Colorado."

Places that make being married by age 26 Less Likely & More Likely
"Utah is worth special attention. It’s not surprising that it leads the nation in encouraging marriage: The state is home to a large Mormon population, which is well known for marrying young. A childhood in Utah, makes marriage 20 percentage points more likely by age 26 than an average childhood in the United States.

By comparison, a childhood in Manhattan, on the other end of the spectrum, makes marriage only 12 percentage points less likely ...by comparison, the Northeast generally discourages marriage for children of all income levels, and the Mountain West encourages it for children of all levels."

Map of where you are more likely & less likely to be married by 26:


As long as we're talking about what age everyone's getting married, here's a neat Pew Research graphic on median ages of first marriages: 

It is not surprising that the median ages of marriage are lowest (younger) in the south being Arkansas, Oklahoma, and a combo of the heavily Mormon areas  of Utah and Idaho.  It also does not surprise me that the areas of highest median age of marriage are career-oriented and abundantly educated cities of NY & DC.

The Atlantic http://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/06/the-particular-struggles-of-rural-women/276803/

NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/05/15/upshot/the-places-that-discourage-marriage-most.html


Well, Feministxian, I'm very sorry you were offended. Looking back, I agree that stating that these areas of marrying young seem to have a "marry ASAP with the intention to get barefoot and pregnant" wasn't the best use of words at all. I sincerely apologize to those I offended, including you, for stating that and I really see how that was painting with a broad brush with a stereotype, which is something I'm very against. But I'm not sorry for showing the data and the facts and I can't really control who gets offended over the data. I'd like you to apologize for cursing me out and attempting to insult me. I'd also like for you to tell me how I am being conceited and snooty when I thought that in the context of this discussion of the median age of marriage, these statistics would be interesting to see, especially on a forum about fundamentalism.

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