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Donald Trump - Merged


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I don't like Trump. I have never liked Trump.  But at least he wasn't photographed with Smuggar.  

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One incredibly evil part of me wants to see what would happen if... BUT my morals kick in and I can only hope that the democrats win. At this point it doesn't even matter if Clinton or Bernie. Everyone would be better than this idiot. Or well, the worst swear word in my local dialect is "Halbdaggl" and he is exactly that. A half-wiener-dog. Yeah, don't ask me on the history of it, but I grew up with that being swearword no. 1 in Swabian German.

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I've got a few dozen other Good Solid Words words in plain American English, plus a few culled from High German and Yiddish, but if they were used, SOOOOO many babas ("grandmothers" or "elders" would be washing my mouth out with Fels-Naphtha soap)

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On 2/20/2016 at 9:14 PM, FloraKitty35 said:

I don't like Trump. I have never liked Trump.  But at least he wasn't photographed with Smuggar.  

I literally cheered when Fuckabee dropped out of the race.

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I know peeps who've never voted anything other than Republican in their whole lives who are thinking about just staying home this year, no matter who the nominee is.  I think there's some WOW factor here. . . .

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As an Irish person with no skin in this game, can I thank the USA from the bottom of my heart for Donald Trump? The man is comedy gold :my_biggrin::my_biggrin:

We have our own elections here next Friday and I've barely read a single article on them, because I'm spending all my time reading about The Donald.

And yes, it wouldn't be at all funny if he were elected :my_dodgy: But I have no control over that, so I put the possibility out of my head and trust the universe to find a big black hole to push him into...

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Trump crashed a speech where Glenn Beck was gushing over his man crush Ted Cruz



Donald Trump crashed the Nevada caucus location at which conservative talk show host Glenn Beck was speaking Tuesday night on behalf of Ted Cruz.

MSNBC was broadcasting a live look at the caucus site, Palo Verde High School in Summerlin, when Trump suddenly showed up and made an impromptu speech of his own.

“We are going to have hopefully a historic night,” Trump said. “I appreciate everybody being here. I wanted to be here myself and say a few words.”

The billionaire informed his Twitter followers he would be “at various caucus sites” throughout Nevada on Tuesday, but didn’t specify where.

Jesus I'm surprised with that much dumb fuck in such a small space that the universe didn't implode or some damn thing.

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I FINALLY figured out why this smile looks so familiar. donald-trump.jpg

It's the look my kids would get when they were filling their diaper.

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I have been watching the Donald give speech after speech.  Why?  Perhaps to torture myself.  It is very upsetting that such a mean spirited, bigoted, mysogonist BULLY can be attracting so much support.  

And his policies?  His ideas?  He has nothing of substance to offer.  No details.  He just keeps repeating  "We'll be great. We'll be big again.   We'll get all the jobs again"  without any clear path to those goals.   He actually said last night  "I'm greedy greedy greedy"   He said we would get "stuff" in the USA.  "Stuff?"     It is ludicrous.  He talks about "punching (people who disagree with him) in the face".  Seriously?  

Such a hypocrite.  His clothing lines ALL relied on Chinese manufacturing.    So does his wife's jewelry line.  He called for a boycott of Apple (due to their disagreement with the FBI) but he tweeted the call for a boycott from his iPhone.  I kid you not! 

It strikes me that his speeches are all about "me-me-me".   HOW BIG and by HOW MUCH much he is winning... how he will win some more.... "me me me"  and then maybe something about the wall.    How he'll make America great again (really? like in the 50's?  That time was SOOOOO great for gays and blacks and women.)

Last night, in a telling example of how his mind lives back in the 50s and 60s, he introduced two Las Vegas hotel owning couples as "Mr. and Mrs. Steve Winn" and "Mr.and Mrs. Guy'sName LastName (I forget the second one)  NO FIRST NAME for the women!  It's been a long time since I heard someone refer to a successful couple as "Mr and Mrs GuysName".  Now, I am not all politically correct but this is just a little bit tone-deaf.   

So...I am comforted by the fact that only 28% of Americans identify as Republicans ... of those, roughly half support Trump. They are a very loud minority in our country.

In other words, his success in the primaries does not necessarily translate to success in the general election.  Of course, some independents will vote for him and even some Democrats will crossover. I get that people are angry.  I am convinced now that he will win the Republican nomination. There is no clear path for anyone else.  Most tellingly, the big money donors (Koch bros, Sheldon Adelson) have closed their wallets and are not supporting anyone.  

I hope that reasonable people of conscience will prevail.    These reasonable people must get out and VOTE.  

We'll see either President Clinton or President Sanders in the White House.   Both are long-time public servants and have the best interests of the country at heart.   Even if you disagree with their politics and feel they are too liberal ...they far exceed anything Trump can offer to the country or to the world.  

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I actually feel physically ill when I see Trump on screen these days. I get so agitated that I have to walk away. Honestly, not to get all Godwin-y here, but whenever he starts ranting and raving and his supporters whip themselves up into a frenzy, I can't help but think back to Nazi Germany. It's terrifying, really.

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8 minutes ago, SilverBeach said:

The Trump candidacy has reinforced for me that the lowest common denominator in the US is pretty darn low, lower than I ever thought. 

Well, you know, he just loves all those "poorly educated" people.

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4 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

The Trump candidacy has reinforced for me that the lowest common denominator in the US is pretty darn low, lower than I ever thought. 

Least Common Denominator. That is EXACTLY what I have been saying - repeatedly - about this Trump thing.

4 hours ago, sparkles said:

Well, you know, he just loves all those "poorly educated" people.

... and just when I thought nothing could surprise me about this idiot ... I saw that clip when I got up this morning.

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5 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

The Trump candidacy has reinforced for me that the lowest common denominator in the US is pretty darn low, lower than I ever thought. 

Maybe this is a quasi-heretical thought, but the rise of Trump has finally made me realize why democracy had a bad reputation for being "mob rule" for much of Western history. Of course, with the electoral college, we don't really have a true democracy, but the fact that Trump is a serious contender for leader of the free world is disturbing. Given how the South will vote in a bloc for whoever the GOP candidate is, there's a very good chance that Trump could be elected, especially if the "angry white male" voters come out in force in the key Rust Belt states.

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8 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

The Trump candidacy has reinforced for me that the lowest common denominator in the US is pretty darn low, lower than I ever thought. 

The fact that Trump has great success with a lot of voters doesn't sursprise me at all. He is outrageous, but that is exactly the reason why they love him, because he bulldozes the establishment that by now really about everybody hates. The fact that he bullies everybody else is collateral damage people are willing to accept and the irony that he himself belongs to the said establishment isn't important to them.

And Trump is actually right about some things. For example the fact that free trade only works if it is fair trade, which right now, clearly isn't the case and this really does cause damage to the average US citizen. Of course, most of his solutions aren't realistic and would probably cause more harm than good, but that isn't what's important to his voters. They simply love the fact that he unapologetically goes on a rampage just like they would love to do if they had the means and opportunity.

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3 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Maybe this is a quasi-heretical thought, but the rise of Trump has finally made me realize why democracy had a bad reputation for being "mob rule" for much of Western history. Of course, with the electoral college, we don't really have a true democracy, but the fact that Trump is a serious contender for leader of the free world is disturbing. Given how the South will vote in a bloc for whoever the GOP candidate is, there's a very good chance that Trump could be elected, especially if the "angry white male" voters come out in force in the key Rust Belt states.

One of the reasons why many people are so angry is that they feel that once they've elected the officials, they do whatever the hell the want and don't care about their voters anymore. This drives the voters to more and more extreme candidates in the hopes that they can finally achieve some change.

Politicians do have too much power and very little accountability. It isn't the voters who are the main problem, but power-hungry and incompetent politicians and government officials who mainly care about themselves and their career instead ot the good of their voters. I'm not saying that there aren't any exceptions, but if you look at the state of politics in most countries, you can clearly see that pattern. You can't fix that problem by taking voting rights away from people, but you have to heavily limit the power of politicians and government in general.

This video clip actually sums up the problem with politicians and politics in general pretty neatly.






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4 hours ago, Sundaymorning said:

This drives the voters to more and more extreme candidates in the hopes that they can finally achieve some change.

This! it's so true. I know left-leaning people who voted in the last election here for an extreme right party because that party was selling themselves as "new"(they weren't!) and going to make big changes. Those people were/are disenchanted with politics and wanted change, that they were willing to vote for a party which goes against all their views, just because there is a small chance the status quo government shit might change. That scares me


Has Trump released his dr's note yet?

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1 hour ago, OnceUponATime said:

Has Trump released his dr's note yet?

He did that a long time ago. The signature on it was actually by the son of the doctor that - now deceased - once was his doctor. And the language in it could have only been written by either Trump himself, or by Trump's PR people. I - an allied health professional for too long to say - who have seen many and varied statements written by doctors - am quite sure that no physician used that type of language, nor wrote that statement.


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@apple1 that makes me a bit sad. I was secretly hoping that his dr would write a letter saying he is not mentally fit to be president.

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11 hours ago, Sundaymorning said:

One of the reasons why many people are so angry is that they feel that once they've elected the officials, they do whatever the hell the want and don't care about their voters anymore. This drives the voters to more and more extreme candidates in the hopes that they can finally achieve some change.

Politicians do have too much power and very little accountability. It isn't the voters who are the main problem, but power-hungry and incompetent politicians and government officials who mainly care about themselves and their career instead ot the good of their voters. I'm not saying that there aren't any exceptions, but if you look at the state of politics in most countries, you can clearly see that pattern. You can't fix that problem by taking voting rights away from people, but you have to heavily limit the power of politicians and government in general.

This video clip actually sums up the problem with politicians and politics in general pretty neatly.

  Reveal hidden contents





To me, the real problem is that many working class white voters see racism as a zero sum game. Either non-whites gain at the expense of whites or whites gain at the expense of non-whites. Everyone's boat can't rise at once. Thus, candidates and politicians have to appeal either to whites or to non-whites, but not to both. Frankly, there are many whites who don't want to invest in an America in which they will be a minority. Thus, they support policies that keep minority communities in ingrained States of dysfunction, because they feel it is their right to do so, as America exists for them and only them. Donald Trump is using overt white nationalist language and getting away with it, which speaks volumes about the state of our country. 

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6 hours ago, apple1 said:

He did that a long time ago. The signature on it was actually by the son of the doctor that - now deceased - once was his doctor. And the language in it could have only been written by either Trump himself, or by Trump's PR people. I - an allied health professional for too long to say - who have seen many and varied statements written by doctors - am quite sure that no physician used that type of language, nor wrote that statement.


I'm in healthcare and that was my first and strongest thought.  No way a physician wrote this, or at least no reputable internist or FM doc. (And I can't imagine Trump going to anyone but "THE BEST" "THE MOST WORLD RENOWNED, I mean this guy is seen by ALL THE MOST FAMOUS WORLD LEADERS AND CELEBRITIES." )

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The "physician" statement is so hilarious. As has been pointed out, it's been around for a few months. Did the Trumpster actually think people would believe this was an actual bill of clean health? Omg.

So this was humorous....but

It won't be quite so humorous when Trump really gets vetted...this "qualification and vetting" process should have taken place already...spurred by Trump's competitors perhaps. But they're afraid to do it. For good reason!

But the dems will do it. I can't wait for the ads...Trump outsourced to China all the time for his clothing line. He's used illegal labor. "Trump University" was charged with fraud (it's now closed but Trump may be called to testify in an upcoming judicial proceeding.)

Funny to think the 47% comment brought Romney down and now Romney looks wonderful.

Just today a grand wizard of the KKK came out and said WHITE people have to vote for Trump...they'd be going against their race to vote for a Cuban or Mexican. Wow. Just wow. Trump will say he can't control who endorses him but he re-tweets this drivel.

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