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Jill Duggar Dillard Part 9: They slosh through the rain.

Coconut Flan

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Yeah, Catholic marriages just aren't as good as the Dillard's covenant marriage. Don't those Spanish-speaking, Catholic-loving people understand thatttttt???:my_blush:

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1 hour ago, MakeItSo said:

Jill...and Derick....marriage counsellors.....:pb_lol:


ETA: I am only laughing because for me to take someone seriously in a counselling role, they better have had life experience in whatever they're counselling me in and (hopefully, but not always) some sort of education to back it up, too. 

Decades ago, when I was just a young whippersnapper (okay, about 18 years old), I was engaged to be married.  At that time, I was still a practicing Catholic and wanted to be married in the Catholic church, so my fiance agreed to participate in mandatory couples counseling.  We chose not to go on a week-end intensive retreat, but instead went to weekly sessions with a married couple.  I really liked them and my memory of those sessions is that some important topics were discussed (like, parenting styles, do you plan to raise your children in the Catholic faith, financial issues, etc).  They had been married for close to 20 years and had several children, so they had a depth of life experience on which to draw.  They weren't still on their extended 18-month honeymoon, like Jill and Derick.  Really, the hubris of these two is quite something to see.

1 hour ago, Screamapillar said:

The statement that really got me was "Both of them will help with strengthening and encouraging married couples, which is mostly neglected in the Latin world..." The "Latin world"? It's like they got their cultural education from the It's a Small World Ride at Disneyland.

Not to mention, that's a load of bullshit right there. 

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1 hour ago, Screamapillar said:

The statement that really got me was "Both of them will help with strengthening and encouraging married couples, which is mostly neglected in the Latin world..." The "Latin world"? It's like they got their cultural education from the It's a Small World Ride at Disneyland.

The "Latin World" here surely refers to those poor suffering victims of Roman Catholicism who are guided by celibate priests who surely don't know anything about marriage and who, if you don't watch them carefully, will use Latin to pray to God instead of English.:irony:

As for the "It's a Small World Ride," -- even in its monolingual Disney World version, it is far more aware of differences in culture than the Duggars seem to be.  Of course this is not saying much-- the differences of the world cannot be reduced to differences in clothing on cute little dolls--but Disney knew that the traditional clothes of Mexico are different from the traditional clothes of Peru, which is more, I bet, than Jill and Dillard know. :56247957a2c7b_32(17):

(Re.: "monolingual" comment! -- My memory is that the original ride, on the NY World's Fair in 1964-65, had the singing in different languages as you went through the ride.  I forget if this was the case when we rode it in Disneyland in 1968-- but I think I would have noticed if it wasn't.  On our 1990 visit to Disney World, I was disappointed that the song was always in English.)  


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5 hours ago, WhatWouldJohnCrichtonDo? said:

(My bold) Um, do you mean Mohave County, Arizona, the Mojave Desert (California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona), or the Mojave People, mostly centered in the Colorado River Indian Reservation? In all 3 cases, I'm afraid Christianity was introduced over 100 years ago and the indigenous people have mostly been introduced to the idea.


3 hours ago, Mela99 said:

Not what I meant. My bad. Not very good with geography.

I think @Mela99 that you may have been thinking of the Gobi desert, which is roughly in Mongolia and was associated with some pretty dangerous Christian missionary in the late 19th and early 20th century. 

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Marriage in the "Latin World" is neglected?

What, are Jilly and Derick going to become time travelers & go back and counsel Anthony and Cleopatra? 

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How can a couple married for 18 months be marriage counsellors? How condescending of the Dillards to think they can do this.

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8 minutes ago, Sweet Fellowship said:

How can a couple married for 18 months be marriage counsellors? How condescending of the Dillards to think they can do this.

Exactly. The dim girl can not even let go of her husband long enough to go to the bathroom. How are they going to counsel a couple that works 8 hours a day and are not together 24/7? Plus, they have no experience in either marriage or counseling. What a bunch a garbage.

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4 minutes ago, Sweet Fellowship said:

How can a couple married for 18 months be marriage counsellors? How condescending of the Dillards to think they can do this.

Agreed. Not only do the Dillards think they can do this, SOS does as well. It cements them in the 'leghumper' category like we knew all along. 

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17 minutes ago, Catholic and NOT 'ebil' said:

Aww, thanks. It's how I would introduce myself to them if I ever had the *displeasure* of meeting them in person LOL 

I would do the exact same haha! 

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So how will they counsel when the subject of income comes up? "Well, the wife should have as many children as possible and the husband can ... Beg?"

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2 hours ago, EmCatlyn said:

Wasn't there some speculation in an earlier thread that Derek might be after some kind of "coordinator of missionary-vacations" position with SOS?  Maybe this is it.  Their real "mission" may be public relations and attracting more American " missionaries"?

This rings a bell. Isn't SOS in the missioncation biz? 

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Marriage counselors. Because marriage in the "Latin world" is neglected.

Those two deserve everything bad that can happen to people short if death. Fuck them.

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2 hours ago, EmCatlyn said:

The "Latin World" here surely refers to those poor suffering victims of Roman Catholicism who are guided by celibate priests who surely don't know anything about marriage and who, if you don't watch them carefully, will use Latin to pray to God instead of English.:irony:

As for the "It's a Small World Ride," -- even in its monolingual Disney World version, it is far more aware of differences in culture than the Duggars seem to be.  Of course this is not saying much-- the differences of the world cannot be reduced to differences in clothing on cute little dolls--but Disney knew that the traditional clothes of Mexico are different from the traditional clothes of Peru, which is more, I bet, than Jill and Dillard know. :56247957a2c7b_32(17):

(Re.: "monolingual" comment! -- My memory is that the original ride, on the NY World's Fair in 1964-65, had the singing in different languages as you went through the ride.  I forget if this was the case when we rode it in Disneyland in 1968-- but I think I would have noticed if it wasn't.  On our 1990 visit to Disney World, I was disappointed that the song was always in English.)  


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I think @Mela99 that you may have been thinking of the Gobi desert, which is roughly in Mongolia and was associated with some pretty dangerous Christian missionary in the late 19th and early 20th century. 

Thank you - Mohave, Mongolia, potato, potato. Law school didn't  focus much on geography. :embarrassed:

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So this SOS mission-- this is the same group that the Duggars use when they go hand out candy to kids on the street, right?  We were speculating from the beginning of the Dillard's "mission" that it would be tied into the SOS ministries.  Basically TLC/JB bought them a mission-vacation and these two Kidults are now going to preach and lecture to the poor folk of "LatinLand."  Okeydokey.  I find it especially interesting that Miss Jill will not be a midwife but will be both a marriage counselor and a...what...Sunday school teacher?


If I sound jocular about this, I'm not amused-- far from it.  This actually pisses me off mightily.  I can't imagine the poisonous shit that they are going to be spreading through their marriage counseling.  The man is the head and authority.  The woman can never say "No." The couple can never use birth control. Education and outside influences are suspicious if you want a happy home.  Your children should be each others best friends, but you should raise your children with safe guards.  Your hair should be a certain way (long and curly) and your husband should have control over your hair. 

Are they going to go full Gothard do you think?

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14 minutes ago, Handmaiden of Dog said:

So this SOS mission-- this is the same group that the Duggars use when they go hand out candy to kids on the street, right?  We were speculating from the beginning of the Dillard's "mission" that it would be tied into the SOS ministries.  Basically TLC/JB bought them a mission-vacation and these two Kidults are now going to preach and lecture to the poor folk of "LatinLand."  Okeydokey.  I find it especially interesting that Miss Jill will not be a midwife but will be both a marriage counselor and a...what...Sunday school teacher?

If I sound jocular about this, I'm not amused-- far from it.  This actually pisses me off mightily.  I can't imagine the poisonous shit that they are going to be spreading through their marriage counseling.  The man is the head and authority.  The woman can never say "No." The couple can never use birth control. Education and outside influences are suspicious if you want a happy home.  Your children should be each others best friends, but you should raise your children with safe guards.  Your hair should be a certain way (long and curly) and your husband should have control over your hair. 

Are they going to go full Gothard do you think?

Fully agree, but I am almost happy that she will not be a "midwife", at least she won't have the chance to do some serious damage to those poor folks! The thought is horrifying. 

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It is not the 18 months that bothers me as much as do they even know what it is like to walk in these couple's shoes? They have not lived there long enough or studied the culture, history and belief systems to know how to really help. I have spent the last 20+ years on and off working with the FLDS and I have a graduate degree and I still with almost every interaction, think twice before I give any advice. Even though I have seen countless positive and negative examples over the years to draw from I still feel beyond working with legal, housing  or school needs it is so hard to know how the women I am speaking to really feels. I just do not see how Jill's few candy handing out mission trips and now a few months in a country qualify her to know the plight of the average marriage couple.

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3 hours ago, EmCatlyn said:

The "Latin World" here surely refers to those poor suffering victims of Roman Catholicism who are guided by celibate priests who surely don't know anything about marriage and who, if you don't watch them carefully, will use Latin to pray to God instead of English.:irony:

As for the "It's a Small World Ride," -- even in its monolingual Disney World version, it is far more aware of differences in culture than the Duggars seem to be.  Of course this is not saying much-- the differences of the world cannot be reduced to differences in clothing on cute little dolls--but Disney knew that the traditional clothes of Mexico are different from the traditional clothes of Peru, which is more, I bet, than Jill and Dillard know. :56247957a2c7b_32(17):

(Re.: "monolingual" comment! -- My memory is that the original ride, on the NY World's Fair in 1964-65, had the singing in different languages as you went through the ride.  I forget if this was the case when we rode it in Disneyland in 1968-- but I think I would have noticed if it wasn't.  On our 1990 visit to Disney World, I was disappointed that the song was always in English.)  


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I think @Mela99 that you may have been thinking of the Gobi desert, which is roughly in Mongolia and was associated with some pretty dangerous Christian missionary in the late 19th and early 20th century. 

Fun fact about It's A Small World: it's the only Disney song in the public domain. At UNICEF's request, it was not copyrighted, so the song could be a gift to all the children of the world. Also, I remember it being only in English when I went to Disneyland, but apparently it's multilingual at other Disney parks. The song was, in fact, written in such a way that it could be sung in multiple languages (speaking of which, if you want to have a warm and fuzzy feeling and see something kinda cool, Disney sometimes releases versions of their most famous songs where they switch the language every line to show how many languages they translate their movies into).

I could make a joke about how UNICEF should have picked a less annoying song, but...

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Thanks a lot. Now I'll have that song running through my head for the rest of the day. :argumentative:

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The Disneyland in Anaheim has it's a small world in multiple languages as you travel through the various countries. It's pretty awesome and somewhat relaxing. 

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I could have sworn it went into other languages at Magic Kingdom in FL.   

It's in my head now too! :smiley-signs131:

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How do you fully engage with a culture you obviously dispise?  

I really cannot stand the mindset some people seem to have that 3rd world people are just so "sweet" , and ignorant, and just really need nice Christian morals and to worship Jesus just so. They seem to infantalize the people they encounter. They also have no respect for differences and at times outright mock them (like the picture taken last year with Derrick, Jill, Izzy and the Jslave and Bates girl making the haves in the butcher shop.) 

Also, Derrick is looking a little bit like Christopher McCandless. 

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44 minutes ago, MatthewDuggar said:

I could have sworn it went into other languages at Magic Kingdom in FL.   

It's in my head now too! :smiley-signs131:

If you ever want to get the song into your head (and nobody does!) then you should get stuck for about half an hour on the ride.  We also got stuck on Test Track, but that was fun!

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