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**Pretty sure this comment is from none other than Aunt Genny**:


Can you please provide documentation from a reputable source that chemotherapy helps less than 1% of people affected with cancer. Certainly more than the 1% of folks afflicted with cancer that I know have seen very positive results, including complete remission. I'd be very interested in knowing where you found this statistic. 

Additionally, I'd be interested to know where you can find information about the doctor who allegedly healed himself from pancreatic cancer by juicing. Considering the one year survival rate from pancreatic cancer is 20% and the five year survival rate is less than 6%, I find myself extremely skeptical of this veracity of this story. I'm not trying to argue with you- I'm only asking for sources. 

Lori replies:


Dr. William Kelley cured himself of pancreatic cancer. You can find it in many places over the Internet. My mom heard of him when she was young. Her best friend cured herself from cancer using his program. http://www.drkelley.info/dr-kelley-history/

So Lori's idea of  "reputable sources" are:

1) The internet (cause's that's never wrong)
2) Anecdotal story.  "But my mom's friend did it!!"


This isn't a cold we're talking about.  It's fucking cancer.  She's saying you can cure yourself from cancer.  Let that set in for a moment.

This is one of the very worst, most reckless things I've seen her post.  This and the time she urged the mother who was abusing her daughter (the one who was caning her child and even thought she had broken her arm) to hit her harder.  

Ken, you came her talking about what a fun hobby this is for Lori, and we pointed out to you that she's dangerous, and one day her words would cause great harm (if they haven't already).  You asked for examples, which we provided.  Here's another one.  

Your wife, who availed herself to the best medical care she could find when she was sick, is now telling others that you can cure yourself of cancer.  She is dangerous.  Her words are dangerous.  If you ever needed proof of that, here it is. 

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From the article Lori linked:


I can truthfully say that I have cured or healed myself of cancer (malignancy) and I can cure myself again if it ever becomes necessary. Better still, I have learned God’s Law of Health concerning malignancy (cancer) and I will ever invoke this Law so that I am not likely to have the disease again.


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I know it's not very nice to wish cancer upon someone, but she seems to be basically wishing it upon herself, so can I second that motion? It's ok if she gets it, she knows how to fix it. It's basically on the same level with experimenting with bangs that turn out to be a bad decision 

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In today's post she says this:


Do we speak lovely words to our husbands? Do we speak lovely words to our children? It's hypocritical to speak nice words to others outside the home if we are angry, shouting, and nasty in the home.

If we are born again, Christ dwells in us by His Holy Spirit. He wants to live His lovely life through us with all His love, joy, peace, longsuffering, patience, and kindness, etc. Let's yield to the life of Christ who lives within us and live a lovely life today--doing lovely things and speaking lovely words.

My jaw dropped as I read this, because she certainly does NOT speak nice words to those outside her home. In fact, what I see in her blog is anger, shouting, and a whole lot of nasty. I never see kindness except to those who are praising her. I certainly hope she is kinder and more lovely to those in her own home, because if what we are getting is her best, I might actually muster some sympathy for Ken.

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22 minutes ago, molecule said:

In today's post she says this:

My jaw dropped as I read this, because she certainly does NOT speak nice words to those outside her home. In fact, what I see in her blog is anger, shouting, and a whole lot of nasty. I never see kindness except to those who are praising her. I certainly hope she is kinder and more lovely to those in her own home, because if what we are getting is her best, I might actually muster some sympathy for Ken.

She was arguing with one of her readers the other day about how Christians should never argue.  She argues with her readers almost daily.  She even tries to sound superior and find fault with the ones who are kissing her ass.

She's is by far, the nastiest blogger I have encountered on the web.  Just sheer mean.

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So according to Lori, I should have eschewed life saving surgery for my Crohn's disease in favor of juices and raw veggies (which, ironically, I cannot digest). I think my paper thin colon was beyond saving at that point. She makes me so angry with how reckless she is on her advice. It wouldn't make me as mad if she had some sort of disclaimer to check with your dr prior to starting any alternative treatments. But no...because Lori and her God know everything! 

That said, I'm not quite sure who Loris God is....it sure isn't the one I know!

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2 hours ago, Koala said:


So Dr. Kelley was an orthodontist, not an MD, whose site screams quack at punk band decibels.  Sloan Kettering says people who follow his protocol die sooner, with less quality of life along the way. 

My grandmother was a minister and a faith healer. She died of cancer at 58. My other grandmother was in her church. She died of pancreatic cancer at 52. Both my parents survived cancer with actual medical treatment and died old, of other ailments. 

So I'll put my anecdotes up against Lori's and I win because I have more of them.  Is that how it works? 

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20 minutes ago, FundieFarmer said:

I want to know what diet Lori suggests for replacing my missing pulmonic valve.

Carrot juice, don't ya know? 

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20 hours ago, EmiGirl said:

Screw you, Lori. Chemo gave me an extra year with my daddy that I wouldn't have had otherwise. 


Lori Alexander is a monster.

My cousin developed ovarian cancer in 1999. Thanks to surgery and chemo, she has a clean bill of health today. So have my half-dozen friends who are breast cancer survivors.

But modern medicine is OK only if it's for Lori.

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1 minute ago, Hane said:

But modern medicine is OK only if it's for Lori.

That's the ticket.  When she had a non cancerous tumor she sought medical help (and not from her mama) faster than you could say "juice your tumor away".  When other people have tumors they're supposed to have a big ol' organic salad and a cup of juice. 

The man who Lori claims cured his own cancer says you have to be your own doctor- yet Lori has REAL doctors.  She just doesn't think her readers with cancer need them.  It's not just cancer either.  Her blog is slam full of posts where she plays medical expert.  

The scary thing is, I can see some of the sheeple going for this kinda thing in the early stages and then realizing Lori was full of horse shit after it was already too late.  

Denial plays into that too.  If you have the quiverfull of children that The Godly Mentor insists you must have, then it's a bad day when you find a lump in your breast and realize you may be about to leave 10 kids without a mother.  But what a relief, because Lori Alexander says cancer can be juiced away...and you've got a blender!  Cancer cured!  Not really though. And by the time you come to terms with this, the cancer has metastasized and there's nothing the doctors can do.  Meanwhile, Lori never misses a beat.  She could care less whether someone suffers or not- in fact, she thinks suffering is a good thing.  She continues to post irresponsible medical advice and seek regular medical attention for herself.  

She should be ashamed.

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Knowing what I know about pancreatic cancer...Lori is a monster. My husband had chronic pancreatitis....at the time of surgery, he had precancerous cells in his pancreas. They removed his pancreas, parts of other organs, lymph nodes and omentum. His surgeon (world renown) told me that if he had waited 6 more months, he'd have died.

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From Always Learning Facebook:


Can people describe my life by the lovely things I do? 

That sentence doesn't make much sense, but I'm gonna go with NOPE.  Unless they think telling abusers to hit their kids harder is "lovely".  Or force feeding babies.  Or telling cancer patients that they can cure themselves of cancer while seeking medical care for your own maladies. Or disabling your birth control so you can quit your job.  Yeah, still nope.

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If Lori's mother is 85 and was diagnosed with a condition when she was a little girl....does it occur to Lori that a diagnosis made 80 years ago might have been wrong?  That there may have been some advances in medicine since 1935?

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I can't think of a single lovely thing Lori has done. If I had to describe her life it would be only by the mean, hypocritical things she has written. 

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On ‎1‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 9:38 AM, Koala said:

Can you please provide documentation from a reputable source that chemotherapy helps less than 1% of people affected with cancer.

Great question Aunt Genny.  Survival rates in cancer depend on the type of cancer and the stage, but for common cancers like breast and colon which are caught early and treated 5 year survival rates are in excess of 90%.  Even for really hard to treat cancers like pancreatic cancer (which is usually diagnosed fairly late) survival rates are in excess of 1%.

What we do know, unequivocally, is that before chemo and surgery and radiation survival rates were a whole lot lower- and that includes the good old days when everyone ate organic unwashed veggies. 

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I would take Ken to the airport for a business trip and we would be doing okay. I would get home and someone would call me and say, "Shouldn't Ken be helping you around the house more? Shouldn't he being do this and that for you?" It didn't matter that he was making huge sacrifices for me and the family at work. No, by the time he called me in the evening to talk to me, I filled his ear with what a rotten husband he was being. 

 My bullshit meter is going off on this one, and here's why:

Lori had someone to clean her house and hold her crying babies.  In fact, she had so much help that she sent her maid to clean the neighbors house so she would have something to gossip about.   The kids were either in school or spending a minimum of 2 hours a day in their room, and had to be in bed early.  What was left to do? Anyway, Ken was traveling a lot, and in his defense (and lord knows he needs one), you can't clean if you aren't home.

Besides that, how would these people who were calling have any idea how much Ken was doing around the house?  Do people even do that?  

"Hi Lori.  I was just calling to commiserate with you.  I think Ken should really be helping the maid and the nanny more!"

That sounds weird to me.

I don't think Ken was a great father or husband by any stretch.  He said himself he didn't have much to do with his babies because he didn't find them interesting.  He also said that no matter how sick Lori got, basketball and sex were "sacred".  I do, however, think he provided Lori with a "staff" large enough that it should have kept her as happy as such an unhappy person can be, and I really have a hard time believing Lori had to be prompted to bitch him out when he called home.  

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

 My bullshit meter is going off on this one, and here's why:

Lori had someone to clean her house and hold her crying babies.  In fact, she had so much help that she sent her maid to clean the neighbors house so she would have something to gossip about.   The kids were either in school or spending a minimum of 2 hours a day in their room, and had to be in bed early.  What was left to do? Anyway, Ken was traveling a lot, and in his defense (and lord knows he needs one), you can't clean if you aren't home.

Besides that, how would these people who were calling have any idea how much Ken was doing around the house?  Do people even do that?  

"Hi Lori.  I was just calling to commiserate with you.  I think Ken should really be helping the maid and the nanny more!"

That sounds weird to me.

I don't think Ken was a great father or husband by any stretch.  He said himself he didn't have much to do with his babies because he didn't find them interesting.  He also said that no matter how sick Lori got, basketball and sex were "sacred".  I do, however, think he provided Lori with a "staff" large enough that it should have kept her as happy as such an unhappy person can be, and I really have a hard time believing Lori had to be prompted to bitch him out when he called home.  

I think Lori has a martyr complex and often over complained and exaggerated all of the work she was doing around the house.  Someone probably called her and asked "How are you?" to which Lori went into a speech on how she was SO tired from doing this, that, and the other thing...and instead of giving her the "Wow, you are SUCH a good and selfless and ideal wife" praise she wanted, the person probably just harmlessly asked "Well, if you have so much to do, can't Ken help with the laundry?"

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Lori knows shit, OK?   I notice when she had a tumor she got CyberKnife.  Why didn't she just use the Kelley cure, huh?  Care to address this Lori?    Yes, a healthy lifestyle is a laudable goal, BUT, when cancer does show up,  the intelligent realist will fight it as opposed to crouching in a corner, fingers in ears singing "nah, nah, nah, nah, nah" chugging down a big bottle of pomegranate juice.  

I say this as the unsubmissive wife of someone with Stage 4 kidney cancer who just got some unpleasant scan results last week.  Yes, it could have been worse, but we were really hoping to have a clean set and relax until May.  So Lori my dear, we went into NY today to our favorite radiologist at Sloan (who I think treated Michael Douglas - only because we rode down the elevator together from the doctor's office to the lobby a while back) and scheduled a myelogram and three doses of radiation.  In the past, this hits the spots before they get big enough to be a problem - not something you want to fuck around with on the spine - and they stay clear.  Last week we met with the medical oncologist who is switching meds from three daily capsules designed to prevent the tumor from forming new blood vessels (essentially starving it)  to immunotherapy.  He'll be on Opdivo (like Jimmy Carter) and get an IV infusion once every 2 weeks.  

In conclusion, Lori Alexander is a willfully ignorant hypocrite with too much time on her hands.  She is also a fucking monster.

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@cindyluvs24 but have you tried apples and grapefruit? Not as a treatment, but to hurl at a cardboard cutout of that ignorant twat and her snake oil nonsense. In all seriousness, they're doing amazing things with cancer treatment these days, I hope you get good news coming into your household soon

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Right?  She is unbelievable.   Tomorrow I check with his benefits office since he gets access to some really amazing insurance thru his job.  We pay for it but his employer kicks in most of it.  He has already used up all of his sick time and I need to find out what options are available while still keeping up the insurance.  

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Cindy- I will be thinking good thoughts for you and your husband.  I am sorry you guys are going through this.

**Side note**

I wonder how many in Lori's family actually go along with her nonsense.  I've noticed that besides Ken, the only family members who ever comment are her aunts (and they're just chiming in to tell her she's full of shit).

She's got 4 grown kids, 2 daughters in law, sisters, and a mom...yet no one says a word.   You gotta wonder what they say about all of this madness.

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13 hours ago, Koala said:

Cindy- I will be thinking good thoughts for you and your husband.  I am sorry you guys are going through this.

**Side note**

I wonder how many in Lori's family actually go along with her nonsense.  I've noticed that besides Ken, the only family members who ever comment are her aunts (and they're just chiming in to tell her she's full of shit).

She's got 4 grown kids, 2 daughters in law, sisters, and a mom...yet no one says a word.   You gotta wonder what they say about all of this madness.

Child #1 has a job, dresses the way she likes, struggles with infertility and probably has zero room in her life for her mother's constant comments on how ladies should stop working, dress modestly and pop out babies.

Child #2 relies on Ken for a job, so he doesn't say much at all.  He has 3 kids, making him the golden boy, and he uses Lori and Ken for free babysitting.

Child #3 and his wife live in another state.  On the opposite side of the country.

Child #4 also lives in another state.

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Today she says she is having women from the chatroom over for dinner. So are these women she met through the chatroom, or are they people she knows in real life that are in the chatroom and she just wanted to sound more hospitable than she is? 

On another note, I will say that Lori has soured me on the word "nourishing." I read it in another context this morning and felt a little sick to my stomach.

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Lori's post today is about how it's so much nicer to eat at home. Women should shop, cook and clean up, instead of eating out. Hospitality is so important. She hardly ever eats out. It's so noisy. Home is much nicer. . . .

Does she think we have no memories? Here's a quote from a post in 2011:


Almost every Thursday night, we go to a happy hour.  We've tried about five or six places but Poehe's on Coronado Island is our favorite.  It overlooks San Diego bay and is beautiful.  We always invite Jon and Alyssa, Ryan and Erin (and sweet Emma Rose comes now too!), Cassi, and Steven, if he is around. 


Every Saturday morning, Ken, Cassi, and I park in Encinitas and walk to Ki's, our favorite restaurant on the ocean and it's very healthy!  We have coffee, tea, and muffins.  Cassi and I usually split their fabulous fish tacos. 

Both paragraphs are from the same post. So Lori goes out to eat Thursday nights AND Saturdays. Pretty pricey. We didn't even do that before we had kids, and now a lifestyle like that is cost-prohibitive for us.

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