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Miss Raquel is writing "another" novel.


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I think that it's very telling that in a majority of the photos she posted from the trip, her arms are around the boys, but the boys are hardly ever hugging her

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I think Raquel is one of the more dangerous fundies we snark on, simply because she doesn't seem like it.  Raquel seems simply silly, but her lack of boundaries, need to control others/have them behave the way she wants, flakiness, selfishness, and immaturity mean that she uses people for her own emotional needs and then leaves.  She's like a tornado who comes into people's lives, does what she wants, and then leaves them in ruins.

Honestly, I think she is very, very close to being emotionally abusive, if not already (HOW many posts has she written where she essentially blames OTHER people for her outbursts/bad behavior?).  So far, guys have gotten out before it has gone too far, but vulnerable people like the Peruvian orphans or someone in a tough place may not get out in time.  

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4 hours ago, formergothardite said:

She went to help in an orphanage for boys, some only a year or so younger than she is. She spent the night cuddled up on the porch with some of these boys, whispering to them and stroking their hair. She hung off the teen boys like she was dating them. She had tickle fights and lots of lots of hugs. One of the teen boys apparently wasn't too fond of Raquel and called her out on something she was doing. It seemed to bother Raquel that he didn't adore her, so she  loved on him till he finally came around and by the end of the two weeks he was walking around holding Raquel's hand and wanting to hug her a lot. There was also some drama with a prettier, nicer girl also named Raquel. 

These are orphaned boys who have already been through a lot, the last thing they need is a shallow, self-absorbed teen to show up and want them to gush over her. 

That sounds like some kind of horror movie where the boys on the porch are found dead in the morning :(  Inappropriate seems like not a strong enough word.

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2 hours ago, Curious said:

That sounds like some kind of horror movie where the boys on the porch are found dead in the morning :(  Inappropriate seems like not a strong enough word.

Yup, it's pretty scary shit. Even scarier that it's gonna happen again. Seriously, who the fuck let her do this again?!

And she always calls them "my boys." Fucking gross

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I hate the whole "my boys" thing she does. No Raquel, they are not yours, they are children who you have seen only a couple weeks out of their entire life. You are not as important as you think. I forgot that Raquel bragged about how most of them wanted to sit with her the first night. She can't stand it if she isn't the center of attention. She really is a dangerous person who doesn't need to be around anyone who isn't strong enough to see her for the emotionally abusive, controlling person she is. 

I can't believe she is going back. :(

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New blog post up. At first I though it was going to be about how she didn't have realistic expectations when it came to writing for NaNoWriMo, but it doesn't seem to be. Just know that if you make her mad she is going to fucking write about you. And it won't be nice. 


So be warned, human souls.  For whenever you come in contact with a wielder of words, you will most likely end up being a victim or a hero in one of their proses.  And if I were you, I would choose the latter.

So, is she going to be sticking the not-boyfriend into her latest book? 

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There was reference in the over night tweets to a friend that she likes to talk to when upset and can't talk to said friend or something like that.  Maybe it's the friend.  


Being a writer is about commitment and sticking to what you've been trying to write even if your brain think tank is on empty and you're frustrated.  And there may be tears too.

Explain please November?


Don't ever apologize for your words.  Think before you speak, ponder before you write.  But when you finally do, never say 'sorry'.  Because why are you apologizing for something your heart wants to say?  Speak and write freely.  Being a writer is about inscribing your heart onto a piece of paper and making something that was only felt in your brain, able to be read and felt by the world.

Uhhhhhhhhhh.  Uhhhhhhhh.  No, darling, sometimes you open mouth, insert foot and yup - need to say you're sorry.  Really.  


As for that quote above.  Raquel - they don't choose.  You, the writer, does.  Now get over the pity party because someone scorned you and move on.

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17 hours ago, Georgiana said:

I think Raquel is one of the more dangerous fundies we snark on, simply because she doesn't seem like it.  Raquel seems simply silly, but her lack of boundaries, need to control others/have them behave the way she wants, flakiness, selfishness, and immaturity mean that she uses people for her own emotional needs and then leaves.  She's like a tornado who comes into people's lives, does what she wants, and then leaves them in ruins.

Honestly, I think she is very, very close to being emotionally abusive, if not already (HOW many posts has she written where she essentially blames OTHER people for her outbursts/bad behavior?).  So far, guys have gotten out before it has gone too far, but vulnerable people like the Peruvian orphans or someone in a tough place may not get out in time.  

I still hold out hope that she will grow out of some of this. I don't think she'll ever be a really giving, selfless person, but if her parents get a clue or life just somehow forces some lessons on her, I think she can be at least less tornado-like.

And as for the Peru organization, even if Raquel had been super professional and responsible, who on earth has a pretty girl barely out of her teens (I believe she was actually still 19 at the time) "mentor"  some boys only a few years younger than her? What adult doesn't see trouble brewing in that scenario? The boys are bound to get crushes even if the girl acts appropriately and hurt feelings are going to ensue.

When I was a young teacher just out of college my similarly young co-workers and I were always careful with the older teen boys. None of us were thinking of doing anything, but we were aware that there could be a different dynamic with a 17-year-old boy than there would be between him and an older teacher and we so we were even more reserved.

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Oh, Raquel just loves the idea of being a Writer, doesn't she? If she was into drawing, she'd be one of those people who refers to themselves as an Artist. All talk, no substance.

I've been working on a novel, too, Raquel-- I'm nearly 200K words in, now, and I don't go around calling myself a Writer and threatening to Write about people. I'm willing to be nobody who actually writes for a living does. :pb_rollseyes: 

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overnight tweet trend.  wedding ring pictures.  Hugging and kissing pictures.  Meme's about being the 'right relationship.'    a call for someone to snuggle with.  Yes I know you took your twitter 'private' but how many followers do you have and do you know all of us?  

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I don't know.  but she's public again.  She tweeted that she was.  (miss the attention?)  

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1 minute ago, clueliss said:

I don't know.  but she's public again.  She tweeted that she was.  (miss the attention?)  

#privatesucks So I'm guessing she missed the attention.


When I come across accounts of seemingly fabulous people, I'm like CAN WE PLEASE JUST BE FRIENDS?! PLEASE NOTICE ME!

Please notice me. That is just sad. She needs some real help. 

What the hell do people do with those giant teddy bears? If my husband brought home something like that I would not be happy. Where fuck am I supposed to put that?! It will collect dust and then I'm going to vacuum it. It is one of those things that might look good on Pinterest but just would be a hassle in real life. 

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I Cannot Fathom.

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So be warned, human souls.  For whenever you come in contact with a wielder of words, you will most likely end up being a victim or a hero in one of their proses.  And if I were you, I would choose the latter.


She calls her writing proses. Is proses the new fictional? 

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I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before, but all of our recent discussion about Raquel makes me wonder if she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Screen Shot 2015-12-19 at 11.29.29 PM.png

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5 hours ago, ari_belle said:

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before, but all of our recent discussion about Raquel makes me wonder if she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Screen Shot 2015-12-19 at 11.29.29 PM.png

I'm going to need a list of these people before I believe this.

Her parents need to stage an intervention. I think she is getting worse, maturity wise, instead of getting better. 

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There is an article floating around FB that reminds me of Raquel. It even mentions short trips to Peru and going to orphanages. Someone needs to send this to her. 



As Al Jazeera America points out, “As admirably altruistic as it sounds, the problem with voluntourism is its singular focus on the volunteer’s quest for experience, as opposed to the recipient community’s actual needs.”
Read more at http://almost.thedoctorschannel.com/14323-2/#UbepbuBtoM1w5zee.99



People on such short trips usually don’t stick around long enough to realize how ineffective they are being.
Read more at http://almost.thedoctorschannel.com/14323-2/#UbepbuBtoM1w5zee.99


The term “orphan tourism” comes to mind here, which is exploitative. Orphanages and slums aren’t a tourist attraction, so they should not be treated like one. They are not a destination to be checked off one’s do-good/feel-good bucket list. They house real people with often devastating backgrounds who are in need of care longer than you can provide, more food and medical treatment than you’re equipped to give, and a more sustainable community that is less susceptible to things like war and disease. They do not need your pity, temporary attention, or to be featured in your Facebook profile photo for a month, as The Onion mockingly points out.



Two weeks on a medical trip to Tanzania can cost you $3,040, not including airfare, which is roughly $2,000. If six people go on this two week trip, that’s more than enough money to pay for a local doctor’s annual salary. Let that sink in.   

Medical missions/voluntourism is a multi-billion dollar industry. If one truly cared about helping a community or a cause, then they could re-purpose the money that would have been spent on a tour of the area and instead invest it directly into the community itself.

Even one-for-one programs contribute to the cycle of dependence, or at the very least, don’t solve long term problems. For more on this, I recommend Vox’s article on why “Buying TOMS Shoes is a Terrible Way to Help Poor People.”





Here’s an example of skilled help: A surgeon joining Doctors Without Borders.  

Here’s an example of unskilled help: A group of American teenagers–who have never built anything bigger than a derby car–attempting to construct a wall at a school. There are (at least) two problems with this.

A) They are shoddy construction workers. Good intentions don’t build sound walls.
B) They are taking jobs away from local construction workers who need the work.




Much ink has been spilled about the white-savior industrial complex. It boils down to narcissistic westerners asserting their perceived superiority by “rescuing” a developing nation, and it is highly criticized by many.


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Being a writer isn't as romantic as some people may think it is.

We're not always perched comfortably on a window seat, in a cute outfit, drinking a cup of coffee and our hair is done perfectly.  That's just not reality.

Is this a thing? Associating being a writer  with cute outfits and perfectly done hair... sure, they tend to clean up for the back cover photo... but otherwise it's just her own fantasy, isn't it?




Being a writer means you need to accept the fact that you will get rejection and criticism.  And that's okay.  You will NEVER always have fans.  You will have haters too.  And that's actually a good thing.  Why?  Because it means that you're a unique individual with your own way of thinking and your own way of writing and some people just don't like it.  Or as Winston Churchill once said: "You have enemies?  Good.  It means you've stood up for something sometime in your life."  And in this case, it's yourself.  Your thoughts.  Your writing.  And that's a wonderful thing to stand up for

Hm I beg to differ... sometimes if people hate your writing it just means it was a bad bit of prose. People don't become better writers by declaring that they stand up for their thoughts and their writing, but by considering  the feedback and do something differently the next time. 


So be warned, human souls.  For whenever you come in contact with a wielder of words, you will most likely end up being a victim or a hero in one of their proses.  And if I were you, I would choose the latter.


Um, what? So she's saying that you should do nice things to her since  if she doesn't like you she'll kill you in one of her books?

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Sooo.... Raquel is sort of like a fundie-maiden Laurell K. Hamilton then (also notorious for overshare, lack of boundaries, and constant rhapsodizing over how writers are different from those other lesser people - who also tweets a ridiculous amount).


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