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Religions similar to the Duggars


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I don't know it this is relevant, but I was wondering about all the religions that are similar to the Duggars' but aren't quite the same.

I know for one that the schwieters, they're an apostolic bunch, are very similar.

I went with one for a bit, a few months, and they all wore the very modest clothes and the girls had to have very long hair.

And in the end, the boy I went with, ended up marrying at 18 and having a baby not soon after with the girl he left for.

The only difference really, is that they allowed dancing and I went swing dancing quite a few times.

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I live in a heavily Mormon area (although I am not and have never been Mormon) and I don't know how similar they are theologically, but lifestyle-wise, there are some similarities, particularly the young marriages. Around here, nobody bats an eye at 19-year-olds getting married. (I actually didn't see what was so bad about Josiah courting at 18 or Ben getting Jessa pregnant at 19. I had to stop and remind myself that that's not normal in most places. :lol: ) They're also big into modesty, although they have no problem with women wearing pants, and traditional gender roles. Unlike the Duggars, most Mormons seem to value education quite a bit. Most of those 19-year-old married couples finish their college degrees, sometimes even while having children(granted, a lot of those degrees come from BYU, but it's better than Crown College).

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I always associated the Fundie style markers with Pentecostals. However, there is an IFB church in my hometown and the girls dressed that way. I just didn't put two and two together until very recently---like, the past few months. Suddenly, so many of the peculiarities of one particular extended family from my town started to make more sense. I could never figure out why they attended a church that said Baptist, but were "clearly" Pentecostals. I even remember someone asking one of the girls at school, (the attendees of this particular church bounce back and forth from homeschooling, their own Christian "school", and the local public school) if she was Pentecostal and becoming very frustrated, insisting that she absolutely was not. However, the family WAS Pentecostal when my parents attended school with them in the 50's and 60's, so it was an honest mistake.

Figuring all of this out was somewhat traumatizing because I started identifying so much of the extreme behavior with varying levels of abuse against these kids, (the girls specifically) I have known my entire life. I grew up in a different Christian sect known for spiritual abuse, and even my family considered some of the restrictions extreme.

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The Duggars claim IFB or Independent Fundamental Baptists. There is an IFB church here in town. When I was younger the church didn't seem much different than the Methodist church I went to other than women wore either skirts or dresses and young girls wore culottes. But I did go to vacation Bible school there a few times and any issue I had was minor, like no dancing. When I came home after college, and where I had been exposed to other denominations, both churches in town were a little too old school for me. I had grown accustomed to more modern worship but attended a Bible study a few times and didn't find much issue. At this point there had been two pastors at the church. A new one came in with more modern ideas and I thought I'd give it a whirl and it wasn't bad but you could just tell the older people weren't happy. So they booted that guy and a new guy took over. That's when things went from "Oh they have a few ideas that are different from me but eh to WTF is going on there?" If they aren't full on Gothard at this point they aren't far from it. The moment I knew for sure was when I saw them sharing blog posts from our favorite fundies. My husband has called it a cult for awhile now and now I'm sure that's where they are going.

I never thought of them as Pentecostal. When I think of Pentecostal I think of laying on hands, speaking in tongues, ect.

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I live in a heavily Mormon area (although I am not and have never been Mormon) and I don't know how similar they are theologically, but lifestyle-wise, there are some similarities, particularly the young marriages. Around here, nobody bats an eye at 19-year-olds getting married. (I actually didn't see what was so bad about Josiah courting at 18 or Ben getting Jessa pregnant at 19. I had to stop and remind myself that that's not normal in most places. :lol: ) They're also big into modesty, although they have no problem with women wearing pants, and traditional gender roles. Unlike the Duggars, most Mormons seem to value education quite a bit. Most of those 19-year-old married couples finish their college degrees, sometimes even while having children(granted, a lot of those degrees come from BYU, but it's better than Crown College).

I also live in a very LDS area. My kid's school is at least 99% LDS ( there are 8 non-lds kids out of 900+). While I 100% agree about the young marriage, not much else is similar. The LDS use birth control , women go to college and work, teens date, and I guess I would say overall there is a lot of choices. If a women wants to be a doctor or SAHM , it is there choice and it is hers. My daughter has 2 friends that have moms that decided to become doctors after having kids and are going to out of state medical schools while the husband is home with the kids juggling work and the home. I think Utah colleges, BYU and others are starting to add programs fast because there are so many majors that have very limited slots or no programs at all and some young LDS don't want to leave the state. I would say maybe the FLDS is closer to the Duggars when it comes to dating, dress, and patriarchy. Still even the FLDS let the women go to college and work and shop alone.

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I know some very very religious strict christians that take the bible literally. They wear skirts, head coverings, don't allow tv, magazines, homeschools, believe in courtships, but does believe in education even if it's christian and they use apologia for science. All the kids friends are pre approved and have to be Christian. If the kids want to attend college is either very conservative strict christian college like BJU or Pensacola or online classes.

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I would also think Pentecostal is similar except for the courting, though ,from what I have seen,they prefer their spouses to be of the same belief. Otherwise,they try to reel them in .I know one Pentecostal from the area who tried to control their kids much like the Duggars offering them land to build on etc and running their own school, except more like a SOTDRT away from home. Two of the kids divorced, one a daughter of a friend. She was heavily into it:skirts, dresses, long hair etc.

Unlike the Duggars, Many Pentecostal women dont wear make-up or perm hair. I recall the Duggars being asked if they were Pentecostal or Mormon and even Amish.

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It seems to me that the House of Duggar is its own religion, founded by Jim Bob. Nothing else is like the HoD religion, IMO.

I was raised mainstream SBC Baptist, and I danced, wore bikinis, started dating a guy who could drive when I was 13, and so on. My father was a deacon in the area's largest Baptist church, so I think my parents toed the Baptist doctrine line.

I can't see " Baptist" when I look at the Duggars. I see a mongrel mixture of Quiverfull/ Gothardism/ Duggarism. They picked and chose what they would believe and what they would discard to the thrift store of God many years ago. A prayer closet? " Training" babies with spoon and ruler beatings? Get outta here, that's insane!!

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Similar religions to the Duggars?

People's Temple Agricultural Project


Branch Davidians

All right, maybe I'm just being mean.

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It seems to me that the House of Duggar is its own religion, founded by Jim Bob. Nothing else is like the HoD religion, IMO.

I was raised mainstream SBC Baptist, and I danced, wore bikinis, started dating a guy who could drive when I was 13, and so on. My father was a deacon in the area's largest Baptist church, so I think my parents toed the Baptist doctrine line.

I can't see " Baptist" when I look at the Duggars. I see a mongrel mixture of Quiverfull/ Gothardism/ Duggarism. They picked and chose what they would believe and what they would discard to the thrift store of God many years ago. A prayer closet? " Training" babies with spoon and ruler beatings? Get outta here, that's insane!!

House of Duggar.

Love it. 8-)

Step right up to the Duggar religious buffet. Pick and choose what you want to believe. Buffet does not include pork, but any other food forbidden in Leviticus is all you can eat!

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It seems to me that the House of Duggar is its own religion, founded by Jim Bob. Nothing else is like the HoD religion, IMO.

I was raised mainstream SBC Baptist, and I danced, wore bikinis, started dating a guy who could drive when I was 13, and so on. My father was a deacon in the area's largest Baptist church, so I think my parents toed the Baptist doctrine line.

I can't see " Baptist" when I look at the Duggars. I see a mongrel mixture of Quiverfull/ Gothardism/ Duggarism. They picked and chose what they would believe and what they would discard to the thrift store of God many years ago. A prayer closet? " Training" babies with spoon and ruler beatings? Get outta here, that's insane!!

This is why I think the Duggars are going to become their own cult when they get large enough. JB will be the leader.

House of Duggar.

Love it. 8-)

Step right up to the Duggar religious buffet. Pick and choose what you want to believe. Buffet does not include pork, but any other food forbidden in Leviticus is all you can eat!

They don't eat pork? From where do we know that?

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This is why I think the Duggars are going to become their own cult when they get large enough. JB will be the leader.

They don't eat pork? From where do we know that?

I saw a blip on an episode last season where Anna is cooking turkey bacon. The blip said the Duggars use turkey bacon because "the family prefers not to eat pork." I'm sure it has been said previously on the show too, because they have always eaten the turkey bacon.

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This is why I think the Duggars are going to become their own cult when they get large enough. JB will be the leader.

They don't eat pork? From where do we know that?

I also think that they're going to become their own cult with JB as the leader, especially if the children have large families. As for the pork thing, I seem to remember it being mentioned on the show at some point. I do admit that when I first heard about the Duggars, I thought they were either devoutly Catholic or Mormon, although many Mormon couples do use birth control.

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Other than not believing in Jesus as the Lord, Orthodox Jews in almost every other way

Similar in some outward manifestations, like modest dress, hands-off dating, large families and dietary restrictions, but a different mentality about most or all things.

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I saw a blip on an episode last season where Anna is cooking turkey bacon. The blip said the Duggars use turkey bacon because "the family prefers not to eat pork." I'm sure it has been said previously on the show too, because they have always eaten the turkey bacon.

Not eating pork is a Gothard thing. Apparently Bill even pressured an ATI family to give up their family pig farm. It might seem to some like the Duggars are a religion founded by Jim Bob, but their religious buffet is based around Gothard's religious buffet.

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Other than not believing in Jesus as the Lord, Orthodox Jews in almost every other way

I was about to say the same thing--there is an entire town of them a town or so over from me--they all have soooooooooo many kids

they're actually all going blind do to inbreeding --it's crazy really

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friendofgreen and Nishi621, your comments about Orthodox Jews are beginning to make me uncomfortable.

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friendofgreen and Nishi621, your comments about Orthodox Jews are beginning to make me uncomfortable.

Umm, ok, all I said was that I believe there are similarities between Orthodox Judaism and the Duggars. That's making you uncomfortable? OK.........................

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Orthodox Jews actually have a sophisticated, in-advance-of-engagement, genetic testing system in place, to prevent marriages that are likely to lead to kids with debilitating medical conditions that are most likely to affect that gene pool. Most Orthodox Jewish rabbis encourage it.

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