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Robert: Don't satisfy wife sexually to show her who's boss


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Remember those hand-held "shower massage" heads? Do they still make them? Makes me want to send one to Amanda... a girl's gotta be clean, after all. :lol:

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His deleting the post adds a whole new layer of weird to this whole thing. Now his newest post, begging for accolades, is confusing to those who weren't reading yesterday. I can't believe that he and Amanda spent an entire day posting snotty responses to comments - leading the comments to a total of 100 at my last check - only to delete the whole thing. It's like they did the whole thing in a drunken stupor or something and in the sober light of day realized it was all a mistake.

Here is my advice for you, Robert; attempt humility. If even the Christian sites disagreed with you, a humble man would take some time to evaluate if perhaps he was wrong. I can't believe that has never occurred to you. I have never once seen you take a dissenting comment and say "You know...you might be right. I'm going to re think this." Oh, you've apologized when you falsely accuse somebody but that's because it's a concrete fact that can be clearly pointed out as a mistake. But you have never allowed for another interpretation of scripture. You are extremely literal and allow NO exceptions in your interpretation of scripture on submission, yet when T (and all other rational readers) stood firm on his literal take on I Corinthians 7, you ridiculed him.

As your friend Lori loves to point out, there are no exceptions in God's word. "Nowhere does it say submit to your husband UNLESS..." is one of her favorite refrains. Well, nowhere in scripture does it say to "fulfill your marital duties, UNLESS..." YOU added your own exceptions when you daily urge others not to.

You purposely wrote a controversial post. You wanted to rile people up; but you thought you'd only rile up the "feminists." When you had what you call "real" Christians pushing back at you, you cried persecution and disparaged those who actually had it right.

Your advice was unscriptural, period, and not once did you provide biblical evidence to the contrary. Now to take attention away from that, not only did you cowardly delete the post but you cry out for comfort for this horrible persecution you suffer.

Just a side note about some of those horrible Christian bloggers you love to attack; despite the nasty comments from you and Lori, I've never seen Sheila threaten to quit and then encourage people to beg her to stay. Perhaps you need to grow a thicker skin.

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He's having a big ol' mantrum now:

Thanks folks for all the fine emails. It is glad to know that the blog has helped you in your marriage.

I want to be clear, I am not hurting or discouraged. I’m just fighting mad.

We had folks here yesterday (both feminists and christians) who actively slurp & praise and sit under the teaching of bloggers that both promote quickies and also spouses having sex when they do not feel like it. I’m saddened by the lack of intellectual integrity and in the case of the christian blog that picked it up the fact of not following scriptural guidelines in dealing with a dispute amongst brothers, and the things said that were twisted on purpose to serve their ends. There was no difference in what I was saying that what they have said, except that it is coming from someone who believes in strong headship and speaks against the sin of women in the church, and not just the sin of men.

I’m also fighting mad that folks would come here and heap more upon men who are facing incredibly difficult circumstances by injecting their own completely different circumstances onto these men. If you are a high drive wife or a wife that does not refuse her husband, that post has absolutely nothing to with you. That was made abundantly clear. If you are a man whose wife does not refuse you, you have no idea what you are talking about. And, quite frankly, speaking out your ass.

I’m trying to hold back from unloading on people who come here and are not either smart enough or have enough integrity to not make everything about them all the time.

As to my sin & pride, I do not know a single blogger that has been more open about their faults & sought forgiveness when necessary, and whose spouse is here everyday to back it up. Amanda has no incentive to lie to you. The paychecks don’t stop if the blog comes down. Her husband is not less respected if the blog comes down, but probably more. As it’s been made clear a dozen times, things are too real for you, at a blog GEARED TO MEN, then hit the road. It’s not for you to begin with. If you can’t help but getting your spiritual panties in a knot, in Christ like love, don’t let the door hit you were the Good Lord split you. No hard feelings. But don’t come around when you’ve been warned and then get self righteous on me.

Lastly, I come down hard on the manosphere sometimes. But I do owe you at least sort of an apology. I understand more everyday. I still think, or at least hope it is possible, to integrate the Christlike love into headship teaching and the things we see feminism infecting everyday. But I get it, my apologies.

As to the blog, I don’t know. If it weren’t for men like Earl, KPP, YS and some of the husband’s of the wives you read through them sharing it I’d gladly close up shop. I’ve got to pray about it and spend some time in the word and with my family.

In Christ, Robert

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They are going to fuck around and piss him off. When they do he'll move to Alaska (overnight no less) and we'll have no one to thank but T and the feminist that have brainwashed him.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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DECEMBER 31, 2014 AT 10:18 AM

reach it!

I just wanted to add from my perspective as well, no hurt or discouraging feelings here (not that I let my feelings rule me). It’s immense frustration two fold. First, Christians who resort to name calling and accusations, yet do not Biblically defend their POV, and then refuse to talk (ban you), but continue to slander. If you disagree, I’m all for respectful debate. But please, bring a Biblical argument (how we are wrong Scripturally), or at least a logical one. No name calling, okay? Really, it’s not that hard. If you want to bash, then at least explain why. We’re all past first grade, okay? And if you’re claiming to be a Christian, and you think we have sinned, then please, follow a Biblical guideline. Confront WHY it is sinful and present the correction. Don’t just slander. (***This is not really directed towards the comments here, with the few exceptions – but those who hide out on their own sites and freely throw around slanderous comments***because they’re likely reading).

Second, I was quite frustrated because we have several male followers who wives constantly reject them. It’s not as unheard of as some people want to think it is. And YET, ironically, just a couple days ago, Robert made a post about how men are told to hold their emotions close and not be vulnerable. What happened? Women went off on him. Ironically, they proved his point. Oh, they couldn’t see it because of their own pride. But they did. And then yesterday, a very sensitive topic, in which some husbands are truly hurting, what happened???? WOMEN (most of whom are not regular readers – and really, I probably should have just trashed all their comments) kept changing the subject making it about THEM, when the post had nothing to do with them. Further heaping hurt on the hurting husbands. I just cannot wrap my brain around this blindness and arrogance our society has. They have such a hatred of men that they can’t help but add to it! AGAIN, they fully proved Robert’s point about men being vulnerable. Really, can we as a church, not see it??? I’m just dumbfounded by the blindness. (I don’t expect those walking in darkness to see it, but I do expect those who claim to walk in the light to see it).

So, I can completely reiterate that we are not personally hurt or disappointed. We are both, honestly, fighting mad. And trying to find the way to take the fight, but still be righteous and honoring to God. It’s *NOT* about us. How much easier it would be to just close down and go away to our peaceful, private lives. (We’re both pretty big introverts, so we’d happily retreat to cyber oblivion). But we both feel like we must fight, both because Christ alone is worthy, and because if we don’t, who will? I know God is certainly bigger than us, and He doesn’t need us. He can achieve work without us, we’re not the important factors here, it is Christ and Christ alone. As Jesus said, if no one praises Him, the rocks will cry out. So, the question is, how to fight for TRUTH and still be Christlike. Sometimes we think of Christ as the baby, weak and mild, helpless. But that’s not the Christ we saw when he overturned the money changers in the temple. That is not the Christ we see in Revelation 19.

Blessings, friends (and enemies)


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aw, sounds like somebody is reaching for somebody to stroke his bruised little ego.

boobie, nobody cares if you shut down your blog. we always have someone to snark on, so it's no loss. and i sincerely doubt your dedicated readers actually exist in the numbers you insinuate they do. you're not even a blip on the radar, as far as the internet is concerned. so get over yourself. take down your blog or don't take it down, makes no nevermind to me or anyone else. but stop your little mantrum tactics, because it just makes you seem really pathetic.

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And also, for something to bring in a good source of narcissistic supply, the people relating to you through that means must either love/respect you unquestionably and/or be afraid of you. When a bunch of people who aren't afraid of Robert (he's just some dude on the Internet!) and don't have unwavering respect for him (he's still just some dude on the Internet!) start flocking to his blog, he gets all butthurt and doesn't get the supply he needs from it and so considers shutting it down. However, the 5-10 unwavering followers he does have just aren't enough, so he keeps shit-stirring ( :stir-pot: ) to get views/attention and then backtracking when the negative feedback starts chipping away at his false self-image.

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Their feelings are NOT hurt. Repeat, their feelings are NOT hurt. They are just "fighting mad" that the people who offered scriptural counters to Robert's completely non-scriptural suggestion had the audacity to call him out.

Seriously though, why does Amanda keep shouting that she wants scripture references to show her how Robert's suggestion was wrong. T gave them that over and over- begged Robert to answer, and he completely ignored it. And is she really so dense that she doesn't realize that the burden to provide a scriptural basis for his suggestions are on Robert????

It's honestly like she thinks anything he says qualifies and the gospel unless proven otherwise. And then they ignore the people who do point it out.

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Seriously though, why does Amanda keep shouting that she wants scripture references to show her how Robert's suggestion was wrong. T gave them that over and over- begged Robert to answer, and he completely ignored it. And is she really so dense that she doesn't realize that the burden to provide a scriptural basis for his suggestions are on Robert????

discussion and debate skillz. they do not has.

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He's having a big ol' mantrum now:

The Christians who disagreed with him were the ones backing up their comments with the Bible. Poor old Robert couldn't do it. :lol: Oh, and I bet T and all the other Christians are shaking in their boots! Robert has warned them! Don't be coming around his blog with the Bible. He ain't having none of that.

The part about how some commenters were speaking out of their asses was clearly aimed at T. But he explained why he commented even though he has a happy marriage. Robert is the one being intellectually dishonest.

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The part about how some commenters were speaking out of their asses was clearly aimed at T. But he explained why he commented even though he has a happy marriage. Robert is the one being intellectually dishonest.

haha, i don't think robert is capable of being fully intellectually honest and use scripture to adequately explain and defend his views.

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Amanda nor Robert provided ANY scripture yesterday to support orgasm denial. NONE.

Because there isn't any and they both know it. They just didn't think that Christians would call them out on it.

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I like how he throws "as a bro in Christ" etc as a buffer to whatever crap thing he says next. An example could be: Littlemommy, as my sister in Christ, who I love, fuck off, eh? Yes, the Christ part makes it better!

It reminds me of "Talladega Nights/Ricky Bobby" where Ricky Bobby insults his boss and says "But I said, 'with all due respect'!"

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Wait wait wait wait wait -- is he talking about LORI here?!?!?!? :pink-shock: :lol: :pink-shock: :o :shock:

Sounds like it, but Lori is too dumb to realize it. I always got the impression that they are frenemies.

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Wait wait wait wait wait -- is he talking about LORI here?!?!?!? :pink-shock: :lol: :pink-shock: :o :shock:

First thing that came to mind was 'ten minutes and a little lube.' :lol:

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Amanda has some suspicions about 'T:'

I usually stay pretty quiet because I don’t think I should be teaching men. First, it’s Scriptural principle, secondly, I’m a woman, so unless I can share something about being a woman, I have no right or reason to teach a man. But I always read, pray, and encourage Robert for the fight he takes. (Yesterday was different because it was women, even the person who claimed to be a man was a woman, I think. When it’s women, fair game, man!
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Amanda has some suspicions about 'T:'

They just don't want to admit that a man disagreed with them.

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They just don't want to admit that a man disagreed with them.

i wish i knew who "t" was, i'd buy him a beer :D :obscene-drinkingcheers:

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i wish i knew who "t" was, i'd buy him a beer :D :obscene-drinkingcheers:

Probably doesn't drink. :lol: Biblical literalist rarely do. Buy him grape juice like people drank in the Bible.

I can't find any Christian blog or forum that is discussing him. I think he must have gotten a lot more comments from Christians than he allowed through and it made him furious.

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Probably doesn't drink. :lol: Biblical literalist rarely do. Buy him grape juice like people drank in the Bible.

I can't find any Christian blog or forum that is discussing him. I think he must have gotten a lot more comments from Christians than he allowed through and it made him furious.

you're right, how silly of me.

t, wherever you are, the next diet coke is on me!

and i would not be surprised if this "blog" was simply a invention of robert. until i'm presented with the blog itself, i will remain convinced that he got a lot more push back from actual christians - with actual scripture to back them up - and got embarrassed that he was clearly being shown up in the godliness department. :hand: after all, we all know of his love for exaggeration and stretching the truth. ;)

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