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Lori Alexander - No fat chicks....REALLY

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Oops, too late.

If being thin means you attract the likes of Ken and Cabinetman, then pass me the Big Macs, STAT.

I'm going to eat two sleeves of Thin Mints just to piss off Ken and Cabinetman.

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I'm going to eat two sleeves of Thin Mints just to piss off Ken and Cabinetman.

I am ahead of you. I just picked up some Thin Mints, do-si-dos, and Samoas. I am sampling them while thanking my lucky stars I never crossed paths with the likes of men like them :dance:

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I'm going to eat two sleeves of Thin Mints just to piss off Ken and Cabinetman.

I just ordered a couple of boxes of Thin Mints from my niece who just joined a Daisy troop, and there's still time to order more cookies just to piss off these assholes.

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Re Lori Alexander is a Fucking Monster and her idiotic "Gluttony is a SIN!!!!" diatribe: I'm 5'3". In high school, I weighed about 135, and spent a great deal of my time on a diet, and exercising for half an hour every day after school. (I was widely described as "that overweight girl." This was in the Twiggy years of the late '60s. My mom, who was at least a tad overweight her whole life, was a big one for "If only you could be a size smaller." Don't get me started on the hell she unleashed on my middle sister, who has been heavy almost all her life.)

My freshman year of college, I hit 140, so I went on something called the Stillman Water Diet--2 quarts of water a day, and only lean protein to eat. I got down to 128, which Lori would no doubt consider "fat."

Yes, Lori--I only managed to get down to 128 pounds--at the age of 19--by eating about 500 calories a day. I often wish I knew what my body would be like today if I'd been happy with those 135 pounds way back then and hadn't started on a cycle of yo-yo weight gain and loss.

Fuck you, Lori.

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Just curious - what does Ken look like?


Oh, you meant Lori's Ken?


He's the one in the middle. :D

I hope none of the FJers make themselves sick wolfing down Lesbian Feminist Girl Scout cookies or God Oreos, for fear that being thin will attract men like Ken and SSM's abuser spouse.

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I don't know if this has been said before, but you never know what the future holds: you could develop an illness that makes you gain weight, get put on a mediccation that makes you gain weight, have an injury that doesn't let you work out, etc. So don't judge cause you might be there someday, Lori.

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Lori has a kink but she can't admit that it's a kink. So, like so many others, she insists on projecting her own issue onto the rest of humanity.

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There's something wrong with Lori. She doesn't think women are worth much. They should be happy to get any man, and once they do they must devote their lives to serving him and enjoying whatever abuse he throws at them. Happiness is irrelevant. She must be very, very miserable.

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Evolutionary psychology is, by and large, a crock of shit.

Thank you! Evo psych is little more than racism and sexism with a pseudo scientific spin.

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It's interesting that fundies, who strive to avoid such "worldly" notions of beauty, would counsel women to subscribe to current beauty trends. Perhaps they are not as un-worldly as they claim.....

I agree with Lori that girls should try to look attractive if they want to catch a date. That's not unreasonable. Dating usually requires the girl to have put on makeup, style the hair, dress nicely and.....be nice? I'd also agree that men are visual creatures and are typically attracted to conventional pretty girls. But somehow, Lori turns it into a misogynist rant about fat people....?

In college, I didn't use makeup, or do my hair, or wear anything beyond t-shirts. I also gained weight due to unhealthy eating habits in college ("freshman 20"). I didn't care about my looks because I convinced myself I should focus on school. In the engineering school, I felt the urge the dress down to make myself like "one of the guys". Then I decided I was sick of looking so drab. I got some make up tips, started playing with my hair and went clothes shopping. I also decided to lose weight. Part of it was for health reasons but I'd be lying if it wasn't also to "look better". And anyway, I knew I was over my healthy weight given the recent weight gain. In the end, I accomplished all my goals and started meeting some nice guys....

I guess Lori would say I'm a success story (except for the dating many guys thing...) but what I did, I did for myself, as a way to turn over a new leaf and to feel better. I would also expect any guy to make the effort to look nice for me too. The thing with Lori's advice is she makes it sound like looking good is a one-sided issue. What's worse, she makes it sound like girls should be grateful when a guy deems us worthy. Even when I was all decked out, ready to make my mark on the dating world, I never thought I should be grateful that some guy would find me attractive.

I'm also not sure what to say about her comment about weight. I mean, our conventional view of beauty is a trim figure, but that's not been the norm. In the past, a fully figured woman was looked upon as beautiful. Does Lori not know that? I would expect someone as traditional as her to not be so caught up in current trends like our worship of thinness.

If anything, her comment is what's wrong with the current discussion on obesity versus good health. She conflates unattractiveness with being unhealthy. Let's be clear here, attractiveness is independent of health. There's a range of weight that people should be in. Underweight is no more healthy than overweight. And, depending on our diet, and what we consider beautiful, a healthy figure may or may not be attractive. By telling people that they need to eat healthy so as to turn them into conventional beauties, it produces the opposite effect: girls thinking that if they don't meet conventional ideas of beauty, that they are unhealthy. I don't think we should ever connect health with our attractiveness. We should try to be healthier, and if that means you look more attractive, great! But let's not make that the primary goal. Lori's misogynist comments is really just telling girls their worth is tied to their looks (because you have to be worthy to snatch a guy) and that look is to be thin. What a horrible thing to tell young girls.

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In other news, Ken hopes God deals kindly with us hell bound, feminist bitches, and Lori's delete finger is about to get heavier:

There are huge blog organized groups of nasty women devoted to the cause of distracting and destroying God's message for Christian women because they are feminist and feel threatened... or just have no charity. They really think of what they do with all their nastiness as both necessary and as a self serving ministry to all women. To each his own, God will deal with them some day, and I hope He deals kindly, as they know not what they are doing, having rejected His truth for man's foolishness.

We are on the team that wins in the end, but we are called to suffer for him. If things start getting too bad, Lori may begin using her power to delete even more and only allow comments that enhance the position she is teaching. This is a teaching blog, not a place for all opinions to necessarily be shared.

Because you know you have a valid point when you have to plug your ears and drown out anyone that disagrees or presents facts that contradict the bullshit you spew. :roll:

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I like the way he judges us and then says god will deal with us. I'm a Christian and I object to the way some of these people ignore the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Jesus to focus on hate, but I would never say that god is going to judge them and indicate that in a negative way.

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"Lori may begin using her power to delete even more and only allow comments that enhance the position she is teaching."

I guess when that's the only power you have in your life, you hang on to it as tightly as you can.

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Yeah, nothing says you are secure in the position you are "teaching" like refusing to address other points of view.

Whose afraid of the big, bad, feminist wolf?

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In other news, Ken hopes God deals kindly with us hell bound, feminist bitches, and Lori's delete finger is about to get heavier:

Because you know you have a valid point when you have to plug your ears and drown out anyone that disagrees or presents facts that contradict the bullshit you spew. :roll:

I absolutely love how Ken worded the bolded. Ken, we aren't terrible people because we refuse to endorse the sexist, passive-agressive hatred that you and Lori continually spout toward women. I'd feel safe in saying that the Christians who do post here are more accepting and compassionate toward others than you and Lori will ever be. Isn't it in the Bible to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to not judge lest we be judged in turn?

Sounds like you're the one rejecting your God's truth in favor of your own petty, judgmental foolishness.

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This is why the only contact I have with their hate filled blog is through this site. Why give them the clicks? They think and say they speak for GOD, and any disagreement confuses their readers (who may start to realize that God's voice on their blog sounds a lot like Ken) so, they have to shut down anyone who has an idea that they can't refute and condemn them to hell. After all, no one should dare question the truth that comes directly from Lorri and Ken.

That said, the idea of seeking marriage advice from people who acknowledge their marriage sucked and continues to be a struggle is amazing to me. My marriage has never been "work" but then it is egalitarian, based on mutual respect, shared values and a desire for each of us to be the best we can be, individually and as a couple. To bad it is too late for Ken and Lorri to have a good marriage.

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...But somehow, Lori turns it into a misogynist rant about fat people....?

Perhaps because her jumping-off point in that blog post was written by Deti of the all-but-defunct-now Deti Nation (detination.wordpress.com/), an inhabitant of the misogynistic manosphere and frequent leghumper at SSM's blog site.

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So heartwarming to see big, strong Ken come stick up for his poor little wifey when we mean girls call her out on her mean- spirited bullshit.

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It's interesting that fundies, who strive to avoid such "worldly" notions of beauty, would counsel women to subscribe to current beauty trends. Perhaps they are not as un-worldly as they claim.....

I agree with Lori that girls should try to look attractive if they want to catch a date. That's not unreasonable. Dating usually requires the girl to have put on makeup, style the hair, dress nicely and.....be nice? I'd also agree that men are visual creatures and are typically attracted to conventional pretty girls. But somehow, Lori turns it into a misogynist rant about fat people....?

In college, I didn't use makeup, or do my hair, or wear anything beyond t-shirts. I also gained weight due to unhealthy eating habits in college ("freshman 20"). I didn't care about my looks because I convinced myself I should focus on school. In the engineering school, I felt the urge the dress down to make myself like "one of the guys". Then I decided I was sick of looking so drab. I got some make up tips, started playing with my hair and went clothes shopping. I also decided to lose weight. Part of it was for health reasons but I'd be lying if it wasn't also to "look better". And anyway, I knew I was over my healthy weight given the recent weight gain. In the end, I accomplished all my goals and started meeting some nice guys....

I guess Lori would say I'm a success story (except for the dating many guys thing...) but what I did, I did for myself, as a way to turn over a new leaf and to feel better. I would also expect any guy to make the effort to look nice for me too. The thing with Lori's advice is she makes it sound like looking good is a one-sided issue. What's worse, she makes it sound like girls should be grateful when a guy deems us worthy. Even when I was all decked out, ready to make my mark on the dating world, I never thought I should be grateful that some guy would find me attractive.

I'm also not sure what to say about her comment about weight. I mean, our conventional view of beauty is a trim figure, but that's not been the norm. In the past, a fully figured woman was looked upon as beautiful. Does Lori not know that? I would expect someone as traditional as her to not be so caught up in current trends like our worship of thinness.

If anything, her comment is what's wrong with the current discussion on obesity versus good health. She conflates unattractiveness with being unhealthy. Let's be clear here, attractiveness is independent of health. There's a range of weight that people should be in. Underweight is no more healthy than overweight. And, depending on our diet, and what we consider beautiful, a healthy figure may or may not be attractive. By telling people that they need to eat healthy so as to turn them into conventional beauties, it produces the opposite effect: girls thinking that if they don't meet conventional ideas of beauty, that they are unhealthy. I don't think we should ever connect health with our attractiveness. We should try to be healthier, and if that means you look more attractive, great! But let's not make that the primary goal. Lori's misogynist comments is really just telling girls their worth is tied to their looks (because you have to be worthy to snatch a guy) and that look is to be thin. What a horrible thing to tell young girls.

Although it is not used as much anymore, the bolded phrase is another one that implies that thin women are not really women. I have never been bigger than a size 6 (and have been much smaller than that) and at 5'7"ish, that makes me relatively thin. I do however have all the things that make up a woman--even boobs and hips. So what part of a figure am I missing? We need to stop drawing lines about weight and body type that even imply that there is one acceptable way to be female.

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For two people obsessed with how other people look, Ken and Lori aren't exactly much in the looks department themselves. Ken does look like the Unabomber. And Lori is very plain and forgettable.

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In other news, Ken hopes God deals kindly with us hell bound, feminist bitches, and Lori's delete finger is about to get heavier:

Because you know you have a valid point when you have to plug your ears and drown out anyone that disagrees or presents facts that contradict the bullshit you spew. :roll:

Yup, if your point of view can't hold up to a little scrutiny or questioning, it's so much easier to shut up the dissenters rather than actually think about what they're pointing out.

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On a positive note, I finally slogged through most of the comments after the infamous "Cabinetman" guest post, and it looks like Lori Alexander is a monster may have jumped the shark. Many of her (alleged) frequent readers and yes-women were unsettled by C'man's version of "discipline." It gives me hope that Lori (Alexander is a monster)'s targeted readership isn't quite as brainwashed as many of us fear.

Oh, and why don't she and Ken just rechristen it "Lori (Alexander is a monster) and Ken (is an arrogant douche)'s blog?" Ken seems to allot plenty of his "valuable" time to disputing each and every perceived slight or feminist propaganda in her comments. Doesn't he have to approve all of her posts too? Lori can stop pretending there's any sort of independent authorship there. Kind of makes me wonder where he finds the time for spankings, dishwashing instruction (is that a thing with fundies? because C man forbade a dishwasher as well), a day job, and massaging his already enormous ego.

Lori Alexander is a monster. Ken Alexander is an arrogant douche. Cabinetman is a sock puppet.

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