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Doug Phillips (is a tool) resigning!


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I have no sympathy for cheaters...man or woman. And we have no idea who Ms X may have betrayed or hurt along the way in her own circle. She certainly partnered with Dougie to hurt his children. In a longstanding connection, as Dougie says this was...hard to believe the other didn't know he had a family. It wasn't a one night stand, evidently.

This is how I feel also. I can gut some slack if she was a minor when it started but to be honest I don't think that is very likely. But I don't cut any slack for an adult woman.

When I was 22 y.o. and a new R.N. I was asked out by a doctor on staff. As far as I knew he was single, no wedding ring, had never heard about a wife or children. We went out, had an OK time. We went to his home after we finished dinner. I knew immediately he must be married, or maybe divorced, from the pictures on the mantle. So I asked him. Oh yes, he was married but they each lived their own life according to him. I asked him to take me home and when he dropped me off I told him to never call me again. You don't date married men or women, period, end of discussion.

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A bit late to the party but...


I am shocked, but not shocked... if that makes sense. I thought Doug was always a bit touchy feely on the videos I saw of him at conferences, handing out awards etc. I noticed Jim Bob kind of looking a bit surprised how close he got to Michelle, and so was I (although that could be the English in me coming out...). For someone who banged on about purity and what have you, he seemed a bit... "tactile"... I found it odd!

Something is... off... about the whole thing. I would put money on there being way, way more than this than initially meets the eye. :popcorn2: Way more.

Why would Doug, with all his slimy lawyering skills who could easy squirm his way out of an "inappropriate, lengthy relationship" type situation (I was just offering fellowship! She was upset! How dare you insinuate such a things I'm a father of 8 with in love with my beautiful bride Be-all bla bla bla). Those term tells us precisely NOTHING and you can attach your own definitions to them. Good lawyerese! I ain't buying it. Something is up. Was he not having biblical relations with a benefactors wife? An under age nanny? Incest?

Without sounding callous, he could have easily silence away a nobody latino nanny. Big bad Doug against a know nothing sinful Jezebel? Who has he pissed off so bad he'd have to basically throw away his life's worth, step down as an elder and the whole she bang and humiliate himself so publicly, and basically trash his biggest source of revenue?? What else has he done and to who?? More to this than meets the eye...

The SAICCF has been cancelled (which lets be honest, was all about Doug taking centre stage, wearing fancy costumes acting all important, showing off his family etc), his name has been removed from the blog... Looks like he is being erased and being made increasingly irrelevant to Vi$ion forum inc. Why? He could have easily squirmed or silenced "lesser" fish, make no mistake! Who and what has he pissed off so bad? What other sins in the camp are there?

He's done more than have far more than affair....If it was just an "inappropriate" relationship as he bullshitted, he could have $pun a webinar and a conference about "marriage purity" and "jezebels" and turned it around to make a profit, not become airbrushed from his rai$on d'etre in public disgrace. He knew full well the "henosphere" and the "sinful female bloggers" would be going to town on the loldougs ! I doubt he'd have even admitted it to himself the big narcissist!


Has anyone noticed that Voddie Baucham and the Botkins have been distancing themselves from him lately? And Scott and Stacy McDonald were quite quick to put the knife in and natter about it on facebook, not sweep it under the rug? All whilst showing that "bless your heart concern". I'd be money also that the Botkins and Voddie smelt a rat long ago, but for the sake of book $ale$ and the occasional $peaking tour, kept "classy" and stayed quiet (and got out of the firing line in the mean time).

I think it's stay tuned for this one... I think this is just the beginning of the revelations. Incest? Dodgy financial dealings? (where exactly DOES Doug get his $ from? Leica cameras aren't cheap yano).

I think a few people have had the knives out for Doug and his personality cult for years. You watch. Things are going to go boom now. Total house of cards collapsing! :popcorn2:

Looks like Dougs in a lot of trouble. trouble. trouble. trouble!

Poor kids.

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Just found out that Doug (Phillips is a tool) is supposed to be the keynote speaker at the provincial homeschooling convention in my area next spring! I'm guessing that won't be happening any more- hallelujah, the further away he stays the better...

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I just read Libby Anne's blog about Phillips. She writes:

And do you know what pictures are disappearing off of the Vision Forum sites? Those of the young adult daughters of Phillips’ colleagues and friends. If it turns out that Phillips conducted his affair with one of those young woman, what does that say of the reliability of the system he spent his life building, the system he convinced so many Christian homeschooling parents was the godly solution to a dangerous world?

You can read the complete blog here: patheos.com/blogs/lovejoyfeminism/2013/11/how-doug-phillips-wreaked-havoc-on-my-family.html .

Edited to fix formatting.

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I am watching Lights, Camera, Duggar on youtube right now on youtube. They specifically mention Vision forum on the episode. I wonder if that will get edited out. I saw this episode before I knew what the Duggars values were or what Vision forum was. Doug Phillips was a tool even then. He pinged off my creepdar.

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Stacy's latest comment on Doug Wilson's blog:

"…but the fact is we don't KNOW all the facts. And I'm sure there are numerous and far-reaching complications-- details we know nothing about, and aren't called to know."

Wait, did I just remind you of these things for the billionth time, even though we aren't "called to know" them? Oops, I did it again!


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A bit late to the party but...


I am shocked, but not shocked... if that makes sense. I thought Doug was always a bit touchy feely on the videos I saw of him at conferences, handing out awards etc. I noticed Jim Bob kind of looking a bit surprised how close he got to Michelle, and so was I (although that could be the English in me coming out...). For someone who banged on about purity and what have you, he seemed a bit... "tactile"... I found it odd!

Something is... off... about the whole thing. I would put money on there being way, way more than this than initially meets the eye. :popcorn2: Way more.

Why would Doug, with all his slimy lawyering skills who could easy squirm his way out of an "inappropriate, lengthy relationship" type situation (I was just offering fellowship! She was upset! How dare you insinuate such a things I'm a father of 8 with in love with my beautiful bride Be-all bla bla bla). Those term tells us precisely NOTHING and you can attach your own definitions to them. Good lawyerese! I ain't buying it. Something is up. Was he not having biblical relations with a benefactors wife? An under age nanny? Incest?

Without sounding callous, he could have easily silence away a nobody latino nanny. Big bad Doug against a know nothing sinful Jezebel? Who has he pissed off so bad he'd have to basically throw away his life's worth, step down as an elder and the whole she bang and humiliate himself so publicly, and basically trash his biggest source of revenue?? What else has he done and to who?? More to this than meets the eye...

The SAICCF has been cancelled (which lets be honest, was all about Doug taking centre stage, wearing fancy costumes acting all important, showing off his family etc), his name has been removed from the blog... Looks like he is being erased and being made increasingly irrelevant to Vi$ion forum inc. Why? He could have easily squirmed or silenced "lesser" fish, make no mistake! Who and what has he pissed off so bad? What other sins in the camp are there?

He's done more than have far more than affair....If it was just an "inappropriate" relationship as he bullshitted, he could have $pun a webinar and a conference about "marriage purity" and "jezebels" and turned it around to make a profit, not become airbrushed from his rai$on d'etre in public disgrace. He knew full well the "henosphere" and the "sinful female bloggers" would be going to town on the loldougs ! I doubt he'd have even admitted it to himself the big narcissist!


Has anyone noticed that Voddie Baucham and the Botkins have been distancing themselves from him lately? And Scott and Stacy McDonald were quite quick to put the knife in and natter about it on facebook, not sweep it under the rug? All whilst showing that "bless your heart concern". I'd be money also that the Botkins and Voddie smelt a rat long ago, but for the sake of book $ale$ and the occasional $peaking tour, kept "classy" and stayed quiet (and got out of the firing line in the mean time).

I think it's stay tuned for this one... I think this is just the beginning of the revelations. Incest? Dodgy financial dealings? (where exactly DOES Doug get his $ from? Leica cameras aren't cheap yano).

I think a few people have had the knives out for Doug and his personality cult for years. You watch. Things are going to go boom now. Total house of cards collapsing! :popcorn2:

Looks like Dougs in a lot of trouble. trouble. trouble. trouble!

Poor kids.

Good point on that he only did this because he got caught by someone who could have made this even uglier than what it was. At lease Doug can do some kind of damage control by coming out on the offensive. I don't really care to know who the man/woman it was Dougie had the relationship with, but I'm dying to know who has enough power to totally ruin Dougie.

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^ I'm with Kimerical on this as well. This was no affair with his nanny. He could have squashed the hired help and the elders of that "fellowship" would have assisted. They have put down women in that community for a lot less. Something much bigger is underneath.

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I smell something financial here. If it is about a female, then I suspect there's some kind of lawsuit involved. Blackmail is another possibility. I remember the Jim Bakker scandal of the 1980s and this business with Doug Phillips is a tool has a similar feel. (I always liked Tammy Faye, though.)

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I smell something financial here. If it is about a female, then I suspect there's some kind of lawsuit involved. Blackmail is another possibility. I remember the Jim Bakker scandal of the 1980s and this business with Doug Phillips is a tool has a similar feel. (I always liked Tammy Faye, though.)

Tammy Faye did love the gays.

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I smell something financial here. If it is about a female, then I suspect there's some kind of lawsuit involved. Blackmail is another possibility. I remember the Jim Bakker scandal of the 1980s and this business with Doug Phillips is a tool has a similar feel. (I always liked Tammy Faye, though.)

I get the feeling the affair is really just a decoy for what is really going to come up and that is what he's done financially. All those trips, all those costumes, while meanwhile the film festival has been operating at a loss. I'm sure he's done something financially he thought he could get away with because he's a smart lawyer, but someone finally blew the whistle. The woman/affair, whether true or not, is merely a distraction for the public.

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I get the feeling the affair is really just a decoy for what is really going to come up and that is what he's done financially. All those trips, all those costumes, while meanwhile the film festival has been operating at a loss. I'm sure he's done something financially he thought he could get away with because he's a smart lawyer, but someone finally blew the whistle. The woman/affair, whether true or not, is merely a distraction for the public.

I agree. I think there's much more to this story than meets the eye. I don't think VF would be this freaked out if it was just an "emotional affair" with a woman.

Doug Phillips is a tool.

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I agree that there is a lot more than what is being said. I just noticed that Doug's Blog has been changed to Vision Forum blog. And there is no mention of who the president of Vision Forum, Inc. is. My bet is that he is still the president of that company but that they are trying to not make it obvious so that people will just assume he resigned from that too. Is there anyway to e-mail them and ask? I only found a place to contact them about orders. I think that if he really resigned from both they would have put an announcement on both.

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I agree that there is a lot more than what is being said. I just noticed that Doug's Blog has been changed to Vision Forum blog. And there is no mention of who the president of Vision Forum, Inc. is. My bet is that he is still the president of that company but that they are trying to not make it obvious so that people will just assume he resigned from that too. Is there anyway to e-mail them and ask? I only found a place to contact them about orders. I think that if he really resigned from both they would have put an announcement on both.

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I wonder how Doug's alleged affair (but not in the Biblical sense) will affect the Christmas sales. I guess that a big part of the company's revenue comes from the fourth quarter sales.

Will the homeschooling Christian mothers forgive Doug the Harlot soon enough to order from his catalogue or will they turn to other companies?

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Will the homeschooling Christian mothers forgive Doug the Harlot soon enough to order from his catalogue...?

If their headships tell them to!

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I wonder how Doug's alleged affair (but not in the Biblical sense) will affect the Christmas sales. I guess that a big part of the company's revenue comes from the fourth quarter sales.

Will the homeschooling Christian mothers forgive Doug the Harlot soon enough to order from his catalogue or will they turn to other companies?

I did notice that June Fuentes of A Wise Woman Builds Her Home published a Christmas shopping guide last week...and Vision Forum is nowhere to be found on it. In the past she's been all rah-rah-rah about how great they are.

ETA: I think their Christmas sales are going to be in the toilet, which will add to the obvious financial woes. Honestly, I hope the whole damn thing comes crumbling down and doesn't exist any longer by this time next year. And it will all be Doug Phillips is a Tool's fault, and he will get to ruminate on that every day while he "repents with his family".

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If Vision Forum's sales plummet, how long can Kim C's husband Perry the warehouse manager keep his job? And she talks about how the older daughters are sometimes "put on the payroll" there to help out.

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If Vision Forum's sales plummet, how long can Kim C's husband Perry the warehouse manager keep his job? And she talks about how the older daughters are sometimes "put on the payroll" there to help out.

If Doug is actually paying them, he is going against his own teachings in doing so. But Kim is so frugal that I can't imagine her letting the girls work there unless he was paying them.

As much as I hate to compliment Perry in any way, I get the feeling he's the only one (or one of a few) who's been holding this thing together for the past few years. Doug really can't say no to him if he demands payment for his daughters' work-- or, ironically, if Kim demands it.

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Because I can't resist:

Phillipsian Rhapsody

Is this the real dope

Or just Doug’s fantasy?

Caught on a steep slope

Will he ever in power be?

Husband of Beall

Got caught, we can tell,

Must flee—

He is an Esquire

He needs our sympathy

Because he’s little straight, little gay,

Loves Hazardous Journeys play;

Worse than the Titanic

Is his current panic.

Dear me.

Papa, I [bleeped] a man,

Committed major fraud,

Now I’m crying out to Gawd.

Papa, gotta fix this mess—

So let’s blame it on a person in a dress!

Papa (oo-oo-oo-ooh),

Didn’t mean to let it out,

But folks got wind so we’re in spin-doctor mode:

Carry on, carry on—‘cause it doesn’t really matter.

Too late? Has my time come?

Have they found out the truth

Like with poor old Razing Ruth?

Goodbye—for a few weeks—I’ve got to go;

Gotta go be a Godly patriarch at home.

Papa (oo-oo-oo-ooh), I don’t wanna hide,

I’m too important to let the spotlight go--

I see a little anaconda on a man

Bradda-RICK! Bradda-RICK!

He’ll go anywhere this man goes!

Amazon and Iceland

And a very nice land—Greece!

(rush-a-doony!) RUSH-A-DOONY!

(rush-a-doony!) RUSH-A-DOONY!

(rush-a-doony!) What a show—

Come on, let’s go!

I’m quite a rich man; you gotta love me—

Got a nice beard/wife and a sweet family;

I don’t deserve this monstrosity!

Easy come, easy go?

Holy holy HELL, no!

Free Jinger! NO! You cannot make me go! (Let him go!)

Free Jinger! NO! You’re only ladies, so (Let him go!)—

(Let him go) I’ll never ever go—

(Let him go) For some [well, made-up] ho—

No, no, no, no!

Oh, Vision Forum, Vision Forum, Vision Forum, do not make me go—

Beall-zebub is a devil in the house, poor me! Poor me!

She will scorn me and just plain refuse to obey;

I’m her headship and I just can’t live this way!

Oh, Petey! God, how I miss you, Petey!

Just gotta get out—just gotta get out of this house!


It won’t really matter

In a year or two

‘Cause folks really love me

Like leg-humping interns do.

(Any way the cash flows…*ching*)

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DWT, I keep expecting to see your avatar draped with black bunting, reflecting the pain and anguish Petey must be experiencing.

Doug Phillips is a tool.

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Because I can't resist:

...I see a little anaconda on a man

Bradda-RICK! Bradda-RICK!

He’ll go anywhere this man goes!

Amazon and Iceland

And a very nice land—Greece!

(rush-a-doony!) RUSH-A-DOONY!

(rush-a-doony!) RUSH-A-DOONY!

(rush-a-doony!) What a show—

Come on, let’s go!


Okay, this entire parody is amazing, but I seriously choked on my lunch when I got to this bit. :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling: :laughing-rolling:


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