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19 Kids and Counting 2013 - The Duggars do Part 4

happy atheist

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Am I the only one that looks at lists of products/companies to boycott and says "this is the easiest thing in the world to do?"

Am I the only one who looks at lists of products/companies to boycott and says NOM NOM? (Excepting the Windex, natch.)

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So he's a puppet for them. He can't do anything special except provide his name.

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So he's a puppet for them. He can't do anything special except provide his name.

They probably want his familiar face as much as the name.

He's not likely to have any say in anything (he's used to that) but he's probably going to be used to make their policies more palatable to the public. After all, he's that nice young man from that nice big family on TLC.

I wonder if Josh demanded a better edit this season at the request of his new employer. Because he certainly got one....

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So he's a puppet for them. He can't do anything special except provide his name.

With such a stellar reputation that he has built up for himself over the course of years, and with all the screencaps Buzzard has been collecting of his witty ass stuff... I think that'll be wide enough.

Practically, he'll be hired to spread ignorant right wing stuff, right?

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I wonder if TLC would issue a formal announcement that the show is cancelled, or just let it hang in limbo for a year before Josh mentions the cancellation in a comment on IG.

I think we'll get an episode after Anna delivers that combines some DC footage (we're going to be moving!) with labor, etc. They've probably filmed most of it already. Maybe another episode showing the actual move. I don't see another season being viable unless there's a courtship, wedding, or adoption; i.e., something interesting..

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I think we'll get an episode after Anna delivers that combines some DC footage (we're going to be moving!) with labor, etc. They've probably filmed most of it already. Maybe another episode showing the actual move. I don't see another season being viable unless there's a courtship, wedding, or adoption; i.e., something interesting..

I know they've been hinting at adoption, but I can't even imagine that being interesting for very long. With the Little Couple, it will be interesting to see how they bond with their adopted kids and how the children adapt to their new parents in a completely different culture.

So the Duggars adopt maybe a disabled child or a child from overseas. Then what? The poor kid will just be thrown into the crowd and turn howler in a matter of months.

I also have trouble imagining that any decent agency would allow a child to be adopted into that hot mess of a family.

The daughters have said none of them are courting. John David is about as interesting as the dry toast Josh served his father on last night’s show and I don't think anyone is going to care if he goes a-courtin'. I just can’t see any future for the show once M3 is – yawn – delivered.

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Wow. I was so surprised to read today that Josh took the job. I would have bet real money that he didn't get it. (guess it is good I don't gamble).

I did watch a few minutes of the first episode last night and got a good laugh out of one of the older girls (Jana? maybe?) using the phrase "sweet fellowship" in reference to the church service they attended. :laughing-rofl:

It was Jill. I started cracking up when she said it and I had to explain it to my hubby why it was so funny.

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Am I the only one that looks at lists of products/companies to boycott and says "this is the easiest thing in the world to do?" I mean out of these lists there's maybe ONE company that I patronize, and if I had to, I could easily find a substitute.

I guess I'm just not a proper American Consumer.

But maybe the boycott is a moot point anyway if the series is over.

In the partial list I looked at, the only one I use is Virgin Mobile and I am not going to boycott them. If the Duggars' show is renewed, I will write to them and urge them to spend their advertising dollars elsewhere.

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I found it strange that both Mack and Michael are late risers. But I guess every child is different. My son was an early bird for so many years, but then again - he also went to bed by 8:00 p.m. every night (and even earlier as an infant/toddler).

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I found it strange that both Mack and Michael are late risers.

I found it odd too - however there was no mention of a bedtime.... They probably stay up half the night with Smugs

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I found it strange that both Mack and Michael are late risers. But I guess every child is different. My son was an early bird for so many years, but then again - he also went to bed by 8:00 p.m. every night (and even earlier as an infant/toddler).

Toddlers aren't early or late risers. They are going to follow the schedule their parents set. If the parents don't follow any schedule or allow them to stay up late and then wake them up before they've had enough sleep, they are going to be comatose at the breakfast table, just like little Michael was.

Shame on his parents for making it seem it's all his fault for being a "late riser".

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Toddlers aren't early or late risers. They are going to follow the schedule their parents set. If the parents don't follow any schedule or allow them to stay up late and then wake them up before they've had enough sleep, they are going to be comatose at the breakfast table, just like little Michael was.

Not mine! Mine would be up at the crack of 6:15am regardless of whether I put them to bed at 8pm or 10pm. If I put them to bed at 10pm, they would be very cranky the next day..... which is why I was very protective of 8pm bedtime for years. Even now my almost-16 year old's idea of sleeping in is about 9am (she has friends who sleep until noon or later on the weekends), my 11 year old is just starting to occasionally sleep past 7, and the 8 year old is still awake by 6:30 almost every day, even if he had a late night.

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I noticed that Josh said that he was the First one to leave home. I thought that he was the only one to leave home. his saying that makes me think that John David did move out.

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i'm surprised to see that josh took the job

i wonder if jb & m were told off camera before the family meeting

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I noticed that Josh said that he was the First one to leave home. I thought that he was the only one to leave home. his saying that makes me think that John David did move out.

That'd be pretty nice. I can see him being content with work and a quiet home

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I found it strange that both Mack and Michael are late risers. But I guess every child is different. My son was an early bird for so many years, but then again - he also went to bed by 8:00 p.m. every night (and even earlier as an infant/toddler).

My six and a half month old is a night owl baby. He goes to sleep around 2am and gets up at around noon. I'm a SAHM, so he wakes himself up. My husband and I are night owls, but I think it stems from my husband working second shift. When we're at home he HAS to see his daddy before he goes to sleep; daddy puts him to bed. When I'm visiting my mom he's ok going to sleep without daddy, but he doesn't go to bed any earlier. In fact, he might even go to sleep at around 3am. When we're home it's not a big deal, but it's hard when I'm at my mom's. She's an early riser and wants me to be too when I'm there.

Part of me wants to say that maybe M1 and M2 stay up late because Josh gets home late from work, but in order to get home late you have to *gasp* actually go!!!!!!!!1111111oneoneone

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I hope that Anna finds a good support network in DC. It's not like Smugger will be able to do whatever he wants at a job where he's not the boss. I wonder if Anna can say that she doesn't want M3's birth filmed. If she doesn't, she should put her foot down, and tell Smugger what she wants. She's the one having the baby. I find it sad that both Smugger and Boob don't think their job is to help raise their kids. It makes me cringe everytime they say that. It makes them sound so stupid.

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I also am wondering if there really is a job. It seems odd that the FRC hasn't timed a press release for today to announce his hiring, especially because the only thing he brings to the table his "fame" (small vomit in my mouth at that word). FRC likes to make headlines, and they didnt make them today. The only thing we heard was months ago when they did their "blah, blah, blah interviewing many talented people". Typically when you are offered a job you come to an agreement on start date, and last night they were so amblivent about going to DC before or after M3 is born. He didnt even try to bluff with "government is in summer break, so FRC is flexible with my start date".

I feel like after we get the video of JA home shopping in the far outer reaches of VA for a home, they will find that DC isn't really the place for them and they come back home. I truly doubt he has a job offer, and if for some reason he ends up there, I would totally believe that he is a short term volunteer to make it look like he had a job. I just can't wrap my head around them offering a job to Josh, ("fame" and all) when there are tons of more "talented" and "educated" people from Regent and Patrick Henry College right in FRC backyard, the later of which has a program focused on training up lawyers with the sole purpose of overturning Roe v Wade.

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Holy crap, I just used Duggar speech with "...training up lawyers...." Either I need to step away from the TV or increase my Real Howives viewing to increase my swear word usage.

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I think the show is definitely not ending. They are still filming as we speak and with the new baby and the move there is defiantly enough material for at least one more season. Plus they have been on so many years and have a big following it will be announced when the show is ending like the Roloff's was.

I think Michelle's reaction at the end was her being pissed just sad. She is not going to get to see her grandchildren grow up and that would be hard on anyone. I know if my husband and kids and I decided to move to another state my mom would be debated even if it was for a good job opportunity.

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I also am wondering if there really is a job. It seems odd that the FRC hasn't timed a press release for today to announce his hiring, especially because the only thing he brings to the table his "fame" (small vomit in my mouth at that word). FRC likes to make headlines, and they didnt make them today. The only thing we heard was months ago when they did their "blah, blah, blah interviewing many talented people". Typically when you are offered a job you come to an agreement on start date, and last night they were so amblivent about going to DC before or after M3 is born. He didnt even try to bluff with "government is in summer break, so FRC is flexible with my start date".

I feel like after we get the video of JA home shopping in the far outer reaches of VA for a home, they will find that DC isn't really the place for them and they come back home. I truly doubt he has a job offer, and if for some reason he ends up there, I would totally believe that he is a short term volunteer to make it look like he had a job. I just can't wrap my head around them offering a job to Josh, ("fame" and all) when there are tons of more "talented" and "educated" people from Regent and Patrick Henry College right in FRC backyard, the later of which has a program focused on training up lawyers with the sole purpose of overturning Roe v Wade.

I wonder if it is a volunteer job? Maybe just a small stipend. I doubt he got paid for working for Santorum.

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I wonder if it is a volunteer job? Maybe just a small stipend. I doubt he got paid for working for Santorum.

Josh said he would be well-compensated although he acknowledged that housing was very expensive.

Just my speculation, but there has been a lot of talk and concern amongst right-wing extremists over the fact that the upcoming generation is so pro-gay marriage. They may actually think having Josh give speeches to youth groups will make a difference, or - and this the real issue - will help bring in some bucks for their PAC. He can also address abortion with young women by babbling about his famous broodmare Mama and his two youngest lil sis's. The one that made it and the one that didn't.

It’s all about generating funds and apparently the FRC thinks they can use Josh to help do that. As for the timing of the offer and acceptance, that’s probably related to TLC and the ending of the season/series.

I’d like to say I’m confident he’ll fail in DC, but I’ve seen enough incompetents like Josh survive and even thrive in environments they have no business being in, so I’m not placing any bets.

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I'm completely baffled by this so-called job. If it is a real position then apparently they passed over more qualified candidates. If it's just a publicity stunt it seems like they didn't a very known spokesperson. I wonder how well known Josh Duggar actually is outside of fundie or extremely conservative circles. Even with the show, I wouldn't exactly see him as an A-lister by any means.

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