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XGay Greg & Dede Part 5 - The Miraculous Saga Continues

happy atheist

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He's sitting in McDonald's posting this:

We are so ready for our motor coach!! Out little sign is just not big enough!

Thank You Jesus for giving me the idea of our motor coach with "I USED TO BE GAY, BUT JESUS SET ME FREE! on both sides and back. Now that will shake up hell!!! Bring it on Lord Jesus in Your time and in Your way. HALLELUJAH!!!!


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Why ... What the hell. If they have nowhere to stay, then why the hell would anybody let them take the boy on their trip!? No child needs to be subjected to that craziness, especially if it can be avoided. It's not like XGG&DD are going on vacation. I don't see how he'll enjoy watching two grown-ass adults yell at random people over random shit. So sad

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Ok this pisses me off. Dede's dad always came across as level headed to me, even if his politics and mine don't mesh. I wouldn't imagine that man allowing his Xgay son-in-law and obviously mentally ill daughter take their child on a road trip where they have no set places to stay and $19 to their name (much less a vehicle that is no longer reliable). Not sure if the kid's dad approved of this either.

This just sounds like a terrible idea all around. Poor baby :pull-hair:

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I desperately need to catch up. I can't believe I actually forgot about these two!! I thought about them today and came back to the office to check freejinger . . . at some point, I might do some work.

Today, as I drove all over creation for meetings, I realized I was probably saving Philadelphia from a tsunami. I giggled thinking about these dummies driving around Atlanta in order to save it, but then I realized I saved Philly! I mean, there were no tsunamis here today and I DID drive all over the freaking city. Your Welcome Philadelphians.

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And now I feel like a complete douche for not back tracking before posting. How in the world are they allowed to take the kid? I mean, can't the kid's father step in here? This is scary. Honestly, I knew they were low, but I didn't think they would USE the kid. I always thought the one redeeming quality they had was allowing (assuming they agreed and were not forced) the child to be raised by the father because they could not support him. Now I see what this really was. They ignored him, and now that they need a new gimmick, they are back in his lives. Assholes.

I hope the kid make it through this OK, and gets home to his father STAT.

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Is it possible to get CPS involved in this? This kid is in danger, being taken away by two nut jobs and forced to live on the road with no resources or stability.

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Today in Washington DC the first ever ex gay pride was supposed to be held but had to be cancelled. The reason for the cancellation - too many treats from the gay world. Isn't it interesting that we are only about 40 minutes from DC today. A trip that was not planned at all until just a day or two ago. Lord have Your way!!!

Another piece of the puzzle. I am leaning closer and closer to thinking they were kicked out and therefore need this child as a token to secure housing.

Also, why does McDonald's let these people loiter on their premises? Surely with only $19 to his name (with which he must support 3 people indefinitely) Greg is not wasting money on fast food. Surely.

*If* they picked the little one up from her ex husband instead of her parents, perhaps they will head there. I would feel much better if I thought the child had the stabilizing presence of his grandparents. I fear that he will be terrified with Dede and Greg. Neither of them speak appropriately for a child and that's to say nothing of the speaking in tongues and general shouting they do. Dede started praying on their "show" last night and she sounded like a mad woman. She has also referred to her son as an "idol" which I feel probably came from Greg. I fear that Greg gets jealous of anything that stands between him and Dede's undivided attention.

Like I said, the whole thing terrifies me. One of the few times I've wondered how to get CPS involved in an online situation.

Edited because the apostrophe is not my friend today

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Is it possible to get CPS involved in this? This kid is in danger, being taken away by two nut jobs and forced to live on the road with no resources or stability.

I just posted the same thing. This is very troubling for me. I fear that their constant moving/homelessness might actually work in their favor in this situation. It would be difficult (at best) for CPS to track them down and then determine whose jurisdiction they are in.

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Is anyone able to help this child? I don't know what to do from the UK. I'd have a go at them verbally, but it looks like you have to friend them to comment.

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Is anyone able to help this child? I don't know what to do from the UK. I'd have a go at them verbally, but it looks like you have to friend them to comment.

The nutters that let him go to start with. I can't imagine that the court system could get behind a situation like this. I could be wrong though. I have a terrible feeling about this. I will freely admit that Dede and Greg were just entertainment until this recent development. I did think they might see her son on this trip, but I never dreamed they would take him. I am pondering the basics - how on earth are they going to feed him? A child shouldn't have to sleep in the car. Neither of them are capable of putting aside the crazy circus shit they've got going for long enough to care for this child.

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The latest in the XGG and DeDe saga remind me of an experience I had several years ago. I'm reposting from a post I made several years ago on another forum, so please excuse and redundancy or weird formatting.

I still laugh when reminiscing about my visitors from Crown Heights.


I just received a phone call from a woman in Brooklyn, who explained that

her daughter was H's counselor at summer camp. She and her husband are

coming to DC to visdt the Holocaust Museum. She made a reservation at a

hotel, but then decided she'd rather find "a Jewish roof" to sleep under.

Let me back up a little.

H went to a Chabad camp. Chabadnicks are the Jews you've probably seen

in pictures, wearing the black suits and hats, long beards, etc. The women

wear long dresses and keep their heads covered. They are very, very

Orthodox. Chabad runs lots of outreach programs, in hopes of bringing Jews

back to Judaism, and making other Jews more traditionally observant, hence

the summer camps which are attended mainly by non-orthodox kids. I'm not

looking to become orthodox, but I wanted H to have a Jewish summer

experience and Chabad's Camp Gan Israel was good for her. Back to Chabad.

Thay are also very into home hospitality. If you travel to any decent sized

city and want to find a family with whom to share Shabbat (sabbath), or even

just a place to stay, you can always find a Chabad family happy to open

their home to you. In fact, they publish Jewish travelers' lists which

identify who to call in various cities for home hospitality.

I'm sure the Rubensteins didn't think it strange at all to call me and ask

if they could stay with me. At first, I tried using the excuse that H

and I leave very early in the morning, since I work in D.C. Mrs Rubinstein

(Ruchel) responded, "Oh that's great, could we get a ride in with you?" At

that point, I decided that I'm having company Tuesday night.


Tuesday night, my daughter and I had the Hasidim from Crown Heights as overnight

guests. They arrived about 8:30 PM, and the first thing they did was thank

me for opening our home to them. I showed them to the guest room, and they

put their stuff in it and then headed back downstairs to the living room. I

offered beverages and since all the beverages in my fridge had an OU

hechsher (the U inside the O symbol), accepting a drink wasn't a problem. I

happened to have Tzvi's favorite drink, soymilk, in the fridge. Afterwards,

we chatted for a few minutes while My daughter called Her father to say goodnight. Then,

I took my daughter upstairs and put her to bed, while Tzvi showered and Ruchel

made herself at home in my guestroom. After I read H a story and put

her to bed, I headed back downstairs to chat with our guests some more.

It turns out that Tzvi and Ruchel are both Baal Techuvah (literally,

"Master of Repentance," but generally used to refer to a Jew who was not

brought up Orthodox, but rather, became more observant sometime later,

usually in their 20's or 30's). Ruchel is originally from Philly and moved

to Brooklyn when she decided to become a Baal Teshuvah. Tzvi, who is very

upbeat, but rather flaky, read Chaim Potok's *The Chosen* and decided to see

first-hand "what it [Hasidim] was all about." While Tzvi was showering,

Ruchel told me that she's started looking for a husband for her 20-year old

daughter. She explained that Lubavitch parents don't "choose" their child's

spouse, but they are very involved in the process and "suggest" appropriate

mates. She mentioned that when she started looking for a husband, after

becoming a Hassid, she went out on blind dates with 20 different men. Tzvi

came bouncing down the stairs after his shower and overheard part of our

conversation and said, "Did Ruchel tell you that she went out with 20 men,

but I only went out with one girl (her)? I laughed.

Hasidim have lots of children. Some Hasidim can make traditional Catholic

families look small. My Hasidic cousin has 7 kids, plus one that died, and I

don't think she's done yet. 10 to 15 children is not "rare" in Hasidic

families. Just yestarday I was reading about a former Lubavitcher who has 17

siblings). Tzvi and Ruchel have 8 children ranging from 20 years to 2 years,

and Ruchel looks like she's pregnant again. I guess she could just be

"stretched out" after 8 babies, but I've never seen someone so stretched out

that she could fold her hands and place them on the shelf that used to be

her tummy. My guess is #9 is cooking.

This family of 10 (soon to be 11) live in a 3-bedroom apartment. In the

morning, Ruchel was banging on the hallway bathroom door telling Tzvi to get

out because "there are 4 of us, and only 1 bathroom." I told her that he

didn't have to hurry out, that I have 4 bathrooms (2 full, and 2 half). After

I said that, I realized that H and I probably have more bathrooms than

their family of 10.

I find it very strange that people who grew up in upper middle-class homes

somehow forget everything they ever knew about modern society. Yes, Ruchel

and Tzvi have been living in the Hasidic community for 20 or so years, but

how could they forget everything they once knew? Ruchel actually asked me

where the air "from the vent on the floor" came from. She said that Tzvi

told he it was outside air, but she didn't believe him. I told her it was an

a/c vent, and when Tzvi came down she told him that I have "what's called

central air." Tzvi also kept talking about me "living in the country." I

explained that I lived in a suburb, not the country. He said, but there are

trees, so it must be the country. Ruchel was "scared" of my stove because

she had never seen a flat-top stove. I hadn't seen one until a few years

ago, but I wasn't "scared" of it.

You might recall that when I first mentioned that I had "strangers" staying

at my house, that I said Ruchel told me that they had made a hotel

reservation, but would rather have a "Jewish roof over their heads." Well, I

don't think these people have stayed in a hotel, at least not since they

became Hasidim. Tzvi enjoyed watching part of a baseball game. When he

headed upstairs to go to sleep, he commented that he was glad they were

staying with me, and how happy he was the he got to watch a little baseball. I

said, "I'm glad I was able to have you, but if you had stayed in a hotel,

you still would have been able to watch the game because you'd get the same

channels." His response was, "Do you think there would be a TV?"

I also a little surprised that every time I turned around Tzvi was praying. He

prayed when they arrived, he prayed before bed (did not surprise me), he

prayed before getting out of bed (obviously, I didn't see that, but before

going to bed, they asked me for a basin to put beside the bed so they could

pour water on their hands before saying prayers), he did morning prayers

before we drive into DC. When we started driving into DC, he pulled a small

prayer book from his pocket, and started praying again. I only saw Ruchel

praying before bed and first thing in the morning.

I have Orthodox (and Hasidic) relatives, so it is not like I've never been

exposed to people like this, but these people were really odd! I think that

baal teshuvot are more "ferverant" than other Hasidim.

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The nutters that let him go to start with. I can't imagine that the court system could get behind a situation like this. I could be wrong though. I have a terrible feeling about this. I will freely admit that Dede and Greg were just entertainment until this recent development. I did think they might see her son on this trip, but I never dreamed they would take him. I am pondering the basics - how on earth are they going to feed him? A child shouldn't have to sleep in the car. Neither of them are capable of putting aside the crazy circus shit they've got going for long enough to care for this child.

Oh Koala, I do too. They can screw around/mess up their lives as much as they want, but to drag a child into this! How can people do this? Have they definitely got the boy? What sort of parent would let him go with two such obviously dysfunctional people?

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I can't tell if Dede and Xgay maybe just have the kid for a week or two or if it's a permanent arrangement. I know her husband is still in the Air Force, so maybe he was deployed somewhere? If so, shame on Dede's parents for letting them take the kid. I know that Dede is his mother, but she is far too unstable right now to take care of the kid. And now all these end of days messages? That is all downright scary.

Question: Can any of our sleuths find Dede's divorce records? She would have likely divorced in Faquhar County, Virginia. I would be curious to know what the custody arrangement is...

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XGG: We got out on the road this morning at 7am EST and we have arrived at our first destination near Fredericksburg, VA. You see, we came to pick up Dede's 7 year old son Jackson. So you see now there will be 3 of us. We know that God does not want us to just head back right away and we have had people in NJ offer us a place to stay, NY, Baltimore MD and SC. Thank you for your prayers and your support as we shake up hell. If anyone lives in the DC area and would like some company let us know. We would really like to minister in the DC area for the next few days.

Right now I am sitting in a McDonald's while Dede goes to get Jackson. I am wearing one of my ministry T Shirts, PRAISE GOD!! The sign on our back car window is doing exactly what God new it would do, again PRAISE GOD!! We really do love doing things God's way because it always works! Jesus NEVER FAILS!! We have had such an awesome day of ministry already. I am so excited to see how God fulfills His plan. Bottom line: His plan will be done when He chooses for it to be done!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!


Ohhhhhh boy. This nutter is actually on the road and coming to NY. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Kidnapping? Visitation for a couple of weeks? Way to get foodstamps/benefits? I view this child as at risk as of now.

Unless the father stands in the way of them taking the child out of state.

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It's possible the father said it was ok to take the son. Or maybe he visits the grandparents in the summer or something.

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A lot of the Free Jinger superstars confuse God and Voldemort, but EternallyGayGreg confuses God and Santa.

:cracking-up: :cracking-up: :cracking-up: I needed that laugh tonight - thank you!

ETA: and now that I've read the rest, I'm not so amused anymore. Poor child!

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The fact that Greg stayed at McDonalds while DD picked up the kid makes me think that she may not have told her ex or her father the full story. Greg doesn't usually let DD out of his sight, and I can easily imagine her ex stipulating that he didn't want XGG to spend time with his kid.

It's all very worrying.

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The fact that Greg stayed at McDonalds while DD picked up the kid makes me think that she may not have told her ex or her father the full story. Greg doesn't usually let DD out of his sight, and I can easily imagine her ex stipulating that he didn't want XGG to spend time with his kid.

It's all very worrying.

I have pieced some things together and I am thinking that maybe she is getting him from her parents. Her father recently posted a picture of him (leading me to believe he is possibly in their care), and I believe the location Greg said they were is near the location her parents live. It might also explain why Greg didn't go. Dede is friends with her dad on fb, but Greg is not. I don't imagine that they like him very much and they probably blame him for Dede going completely round the bend and abandoning her child.

I was looking at Dede's old blog and she was crazy long before Greg, but now she has someone to be crazy with and I think that kind of exacerbates her issues. Greg is a different kind of crazy - the calculating kind. Together they scare the hell out of me. Left to their own devices is one thing, but left with a 7 year old child just worries the shit out of me.

Of note is that Greg is still posting away on fb:

Sodom and Gomorrah continues to grow, grOW, GROW!!!

Are you ready for the Lord to return and I mean are you ready the way Jesus says to be ready? Jesus is coming very soon!!

and from Dede:

Get ready for Jesus glorious return!

Both are heavy on talk of end times at the moment which is concerning considering their fake pregnancy desperation, lack of finances, and probable homelessness. In short, I won't breathe easy until this poor child is returned and Greg and Dede are back on their own again. :?

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It's possible the father said it was ok to take the son. Or maybe he visits the grandparents in the summer or something.

OT, flyaway: I love your icon. Eva was so special. If you're from BC/visit, the image is all over our public transit.

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OT, flyaway: I love your icon. Eva was so special. If you're from BC/visit, the image is all over our public transit.

I took the icon from the poster, and then I added my own words/font. I saw a picture of her ads on the train somewhere in BC. I really want to go to Vancouver one day, it seems like such a lovely place, and I love Canada in general.

(My grandmother was from Quebec and I am from the states but have been to Canada a few times)

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I suspect dedes ex is deployed and its clear the kid lives with her parents. I wonder if the dad just thinks dede was picking him up got a little road trip on the way back to Greg's parents. I don't think he and Greg are fb friends.

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I suspect dedes ex is deployed and its clear the kid lives with her parents. I wonder if the dad just thinks dede was picking him up got a little road trip on the way back to Greg's parents. I don't think he and Greg are fb friends.

They aren't (fb friends that is) and Dede has been oddly silent on this issue. When Greg speaks of Dede going to get the little guy he makes it sound rather long term. From his fb:

We got out on the road this morning at 7am EST and we have arrived at our first destination near Fredericksburg, VA. You see, we came to pick up Dede's 7 year old son (edited to delete her son's name). So you see now there will be 3 of us. We know that God does not want us to just head back right away and we have had people in NJ offer us a place to stay, NY, Baltimore MD and SC. Thank you for your prayers and your support as we shake up hell. If anyone lives in the DC area and would like some company let us know. We would really like to minister in the DC area for the next few days.

Right now I am sitting in a McDonald's while Dede goes to get Jackson. I am wearing one of my ministry T Shirts, PRAISE GOD!! The sign on our back car window is doing exactly what God new it would do, again PRAISE GOD!! We really do love doing things God's way because it always works! Jesus NEVER FAILS!! We have had such an awesome day of ministry already. I am so excited to see how God fulfills His plan. Bottom line: His plan will be done when He chooses for it to be done!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!

Dede's father could very well have no idea how desperate their financial situation is, but he has to know about the fake 16 month pregnancy. I just don't know what to think, but I do feel very strongly that this situation is getting ready to spin out of control.

When I was a couple of years younger than Dede's son my (very drunk) biological father picked me up at my grandparent's house. He rarely saw me, but called to announce he was coming for me. It was late and cold. I remember my grandmother walking me into her bathroom to get my coat which was hanging over her shower. He told them he was taking me for ice-cream, but he drove me back to his trailer instead. I remember I was thirsty and I asked if I could have something to drink (he had a cup of something in the car). He told me no...I now realize it was alcohol. Anyway, my mom caught wind of what was going on and all hell broke loose. She nearly had to get the police involved to get me back that night. I can remember being in the trailer and my mom screaming for me and me screaming for her. He finally let me go, but I have never fully gotten over it. I'll never know why they let him take me that night, but it changed me forever. My mom went off with my grandfather not long after that and I had a complete meltdown thinking he was taking her away like my father had done to me. To this day my husband still tells me where we are going if we go in a direction I am not familiar with. I guess I posted this so my concern here would make more sense to you guys. A child is changed when they are around unstable adults. I truly fear what this child might have to encounter in his time with them and it is my sincere hope that his grandparents have him back in their custody very soon.

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The most useful thing to do might not be to call cps because honestly we don't know the tag number/where they are/what their situation really is but instead to screenshot Gregs facebook musings about not having money or places to stay, Dede's about her child being an idol, the concerning I would gladly die for Christ stuff and maybe just a basic screenshot of what kind of stuff comes up when you google their names and send it to the Grandparents, the father or any other reachable family members. We don't have the information but we do have the internet. If Anonymous can track down a girl in Russia throwing puppies into a river I have to imagine that someone watching this go down has the ability to make enough noise to alert the people who can do something about what looks to be a darkening situation for an innocent child.

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I don't think a tag number is necessary when they have a giant "I'm GAY!" sign on the back of their car!!! I have a feeling if a cop was told to, "look for the crazies" he or she would have no problem if GayGreg drove past. "Oh, look for the crazies... that's what they meant!"

I really don't want this to be true, but I've been saying for a while now that Greg is going to kill Dede and martyr himself. Hopefully I'm wrong, but he's talking some crazy shit. It would only take a breath for him to be pushed over the edge.

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