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XGay Greg & Dede Part 5 - The Miraculous Saga Continues

happy atheist

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! I honestly think that XGG's mother was originally supportive of them, but once her 13-month cervical checks (remember how she supposedly checked the status of her daughter-in-law's vagina?) were not yielding a baby she started getting fed up with the two. !

Omg omg omg cervical checks? Imagine what his mother thinks about that now!!!

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Tell me more about this possible NYC trip! Date? Time? Location? (some random corner in Times Square, with Dede singing hymns and XGayGreg in his fancy blazer? They would so fit in!)

I might feel led by The Lord and/or morbid curiosity to take off from person to fellowship with these two.

I don't know when it is, but it is on their radio show. I refuse to listen to their babble so if someone wants to dig through their shows, feel free.

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I don't recall them confirming NYC. However, I took a look at google maps and I-95 goes right past where Dede's parents live. I wonder if they are going to "minister" up in Warrenton for a while? Maybe Dede's dad will put them to work on his farm? I can't see Greg doing any physical labor...he's too much of a priss to get his hands dirty!

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"We have been declined to stay in peoples homes" is some really odd phrasing. Really odd. Wondering if XGG hopes people will misread it or if he's just having a very hard time putting something clear, ie, people won't let us stay with them, in writing.

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Her Spanish isn't bad, I'm really surprised. Except when she says "I surrender all", it sounds like she's saying "I surrender bull" :lol: she's trying to say "todo" (all) but she says "toro" (bull). I think, but I'm not sure she's actually supposed to say "toda" since she's female but my español es ... not good lol so someone feel free to correct me on that.

Todo is correct in this context.

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Omg omg omg cervical checks? Imagine what his mother thinks about that now!!!

:lol: :o

There weren't cervical checks, the mother checked her belly daily! lol

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I was on 1-95 during my trip to Mass!

I-95 hits the CBE, Cross Bronx Expressway and the GWBE (George Washington Bridge Expressway). I guess time will tell if they're really coming to NYC or not.

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They are taking $19 and shuffling off to New York? How on earth do they propose to pay for food and gas? They are going to wind up "ministering" in a homeless shelter at the rate they are going. How can they not be scared into getting jobs at this point?

I would not be surprised if, by hitting the road, they managed to find new suckers to support them.

I mean, really--how many people out there, who are fundie enough to be sympathetic to and supportive of their "ministry," have even heard of these two? I have a feeling they could easily find a brand-new church "family," who are unaware of their shenanigans, to mooch off of without a whole lot of trouble. Sure, somebody's bound to point out that they're frauds sooner or later, but these two (like most petty grifters) don't exactly stop to consider the consequences or long-term repercussions of their actions.

If they try to mooch off Dede's dad the way they've done with Greg's parents, I'd bet they're in from a rude awakening. From what I've seen of Dede's daddy, he strikes me as very intelligent, perceptive, and not a pushover. But even if they don't go that route, they will find individuals and congregations they can leech from, and they'll take everything they can get before they're driven out. Look how long it took their most recent church to finally wise up and tell them to leave.

It'll be interesting to see what new hosts these two parasites attach themselves to next, that's for sure.

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Interesting...XGG suddenly has a Facebook page under just his name. And the picture of him has the lovely jacket embroidery cut off.

Eta...I just noticed this page was updated July 31, 2012. Not today. D'oh!

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They are taking $19 and shuffling off to New York? How on earth do they propose to pay for food and gas? They are going to wind up "ministering" in a homeless shelter at the rate they are going. How can they not be scared into getting jobs at this point?

Yeah, I wish them luck with that.

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Hitch hike. Tell the people picking them up DeDe is pregnant and they have no money til they get to New York. Someone will take pity and feed them.

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I would not be surprised if, by hitting the road, they managed to find new suckers to support them.

I mean, really--how many people out there, who are fundie enough to be sympathetic to and supportive of their "ministry," have even heard of these two? I have a feeling they could easily find a brand-new church "family," who are unaware of their shenanigans, to mooch off of without a whole lot of trouble. Sure, somebody's bound to point out that they're frauds sooner or later, but these two (like most petty grifters) don't exactly stop to consider the consequences or long-term repercussions of their actions.

If they try to mooch off Dede's dad the way they've done with Greg's parents, I'd bet they're in from a rude awakening. From what I've seen of Dede's daddy, he strikes me as very intelligent, perceptive, and not a pushover. But even if they don't go that route, they will find individuals and congregations they can leech from, and they'll take everything they can get before they're driven out. Look how long it took their most recent church to finally wise up and tell them to leave.

It'll be interesting to see what new hosts these two parasites attach themselves to next, that's for sure.

ITA with the bolded. I'm sure they have every Church of God and every other tongue speaking church marked off on their maps, and will make sure to hit them all up as they make their way to wherever they are going. But LOL it seems like they haven't been having much luck finding places to stay so far!

I get that too about Dede's dad - he seems to be very involved with church but he strikes me more as a run of the mill conservative white male than a krazee Christian. I cannot imagine him liking Greg from the get-go - Greg is still too much of a sissy for men like Dede's dad. I could see giving Dede and Xgay a room to visit for a few days, but Daddy isn't the type to let his daughter and son-in-law layabout either and would likely be discharged from the farm in short order.

ETA: I looked at I-95 going south and it goes right past Punta Gorda (Xgay's gay haydays location) and Cape Canaveral, where Dede's ex-husband and son live. So they could possibly be going that way to see her son. Poor kid, imagine having to negotiate with religious cuckoos at such a young age.

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See I think people who are crazily fundie enough to possibly support an itinerant pray away the gay ministry would be very put off by XGG and DD, with their brashness and constant talk about sex and "hornymones" and sexual slavery, with voluptuous DD showing those 15 months pregnant breasts in fitted tops and even wearing pants and XGG in his tight t-shirts and spiffy blazers proclaiming that he used to be gay.

I know that charismatic circles are a little more accepting than IFB circles, but even their charismatic church severed ties with them after the Easter pageant, full of crack smoking and sexual servitude for the kiddies and eternally pregnant DD jumping round on stage.

I suspect that they will pull a Joseph Smith and proclaim that God has told XGG that all churches currently on earth are in a state of sin, and that he has revealed the true gospel to XGG and commanded him to restore it.

Luckily XGG is too insane to attract acolytes (and can't escape his Internet history) or he'd gather a cult and eventually have a revelation similar to Joseph Smith's polygamy revelation, that God had told him he must fornicate with men and that after arguing with god all night long he has reluctantly agreed to obey.......

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This comment was on Dede's fb page (on her Spanish praise link):

Great video - how is the new baby doing? I must have missed the birth announcement!

Wonder how long it will last?

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They are taking $19 and shuffling off to New York? How on earth do they propose to pay for food and gas? They are going to wind up "ministering" in a homeless shelter at the rate they are going. How can they not be scared into getting jobs at this point?

Because God is their Sugar Daddy, of course. XGay did write, "but my God shall supply ALL that we need!!! HALLELUJAH!!!"

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Because God is their Sugar Daddy, of course. XGay did write, "but my God shall supply ALL that we need!!! HALLELUJAH!!!"

A lot of the Free Jinger superstars confuse God and Voldemort, but EternallyGayGreg confuses God and Santa.

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"Their show is how we knew they were heading north. They mentioned NYA and the atheist church as part of it. They also mentioned DA and London (I'm not sure why London lol. Surely even if they had the money you can't fly in your 5th trimester! Rofl) But it does keep you semi-informed about their crazy shit."

That's from the FB page.

They might not have mentioned dates and times, though.

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Maybe they will beg for their "ministry" at the rest stops along the way. The mooching seems to know no bounds.

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XGG: We got out on the road this morning at 7am EST and we have arrived at our first destination near Fredericksburg, VA. You see, we came to pick up Dede's 7 year old son Jackson. So you see now there will be 3 of us. We know that God does not want us to just head back right away and we have had people in NJ offer us a place to stay, NY, Baltimore MD and SC. Thank you for your prayers and your support as we shake up hell. If anyone lives in the DC area and would like some company let us know. We would really like to minister in the DC area for the next few days.

Right now I am sitting in a McDonald's while Dede goes to get Jackson. I am wearing one of my ministry T Shirts, PRAISE GOD!! The sign on our back car window is doing exactly what God new it would do, again PRAISE GOD!! We really do love doing things God's way because it always works! Jesus NEVER FAILS!! We have had such an awesome day of ministry already. I am so excited to see how God fulfills His plan. Bottom line: His plan will be done when He chooses for it to be done!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!


Ohhhhhh boy. This nutter is actually on the road and coming to NY. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

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That child is their key. They can't milk the pregnancy anymore. They CAN milk having a seven year old who needs to eat.

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Oh no how is the kids dad letting him go with these nutters and some road trip where they will be staying with strangers and god knows what. I'm actually concerned if the child really is involved.

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That child is their key. They can't milk the pregnancy anymore. They CAN milk having a seven year old who needs to eat.

Okay, now I'm pissed. If two adults want to drive around and beg people for money for their living expenses that's one thing, but involving a small child is beyond the pale. Can't the boy's father do anything to stop this? :angry-cussingblack:

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That poor child :( Off on the road with those two with no money. Theyre probably using him for the sympathy of being homeless and hungry and needing food for the kid.

Lol, if Greg goes to DC, he could go find Josh. He would probably be horrified by him. And then introduce him to John, who is also a lazy, homeless "missionary" who has no business looking after children.

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My heart just sank when I read they were picking up Dede's son. This isn't funny anymore. 2 idiots making complete asses out of themselves ceases to have humor when there is a 7 year old child involved. I get it though...I see exactly

what they are up to. They can go back to Greg's parents' house if they have the kid card to play.

Dear lord...on the road with $19, a broken down car, and nowhere to go. He is on now rambling on about being ready for that motor coach and pondering whether any of their friends might like "company". I am assuming that poor little one will be sleeping in a car tonight. All the while at the mercy of two completely insane people. I listened to parts of their show last night. Something is very wrong with both of them.

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