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XGay Greg & Dede Part 5 - The Miraculous Saga Continues

happy atheist

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The overuse of "woman" reminded me of Charles Manson. I saw someone (I think Diane Sawyer) interview him once and he just kept saying "woman." "I'm a rebel, woman," "woman" this, "woman" that.

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Sadly, I think Greg calling out/threatening Erma (pardon me, allowing God to speak through him) was one of his most logical moves. Now if 'Erma' decides to let this go because she has a Nutter calling her out, or because nothing of interest is happening on the baby/x gay mobile/music/whatever front, or if she's just sick of the time suck, XGG will proclaim it a victory of the LORD. ugh.

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Sadly, I think Greg calling out/threatening Erma (pardon me, allowing God to speak through him) was one of his most logical moves. Now if 'Erma' decides to let this go because she has a Nutter calling her out, or because nothing of interest is happening on the baby/x gay mobile/music/whatever front, or if she's just sick of the time suck, XGG will proclaim it a victory of the LORD. ugh.

As much as it creeped me out I will not just let it go. I will continue to let anyone who deals with these nutters exactly what they are and have done.

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:soda: :head-desk: <-------as close as I could find to a smilie about shooting Pepsi out of my nose onto my condom wearing keyboard. God, I loved me some Chris Farley back in the day :laughing-rolling:

:lol: Me too! I can totally see Greg sporting his snappy blazer while screaming that quote and pulling his pants up all at the same time. :lol: :lol:

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I am Erma. I made up a login by the name of Erma Gerd when they 1st started their radio show. I called in under the premise that my 9y.o. son was possessed by a homosexual demon. They made the mistake of taking my call one night and for some reason they got disconnected so I ran with the show for approx. 15 minutes before they were able to call back in.

Erma in all my glory LOL


ETA link

I still think that is the funniest clip ever, Erma. :clap:

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Erma's phone call is one of the best things I've ever encountered on the Internet. Praise Jebus.

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Greg sounds obsessed with Erma. He keeps shouting that she needs to grow up and she is acting like a twelve year old. If Greg means "grown up" like himself, I think I'd pick being 12 year old Erma Gerd over him any day.

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What does "grow up" mean in his world? We know it doesn't mean paying your bills, supporting yourself and your family, buying your own deodorant, getting a job or being a responsible parent. Does it mean whoopin' and hollerin' about gays at McDonald's and fireworks? Or wearing snappy embroidered suit jackets? Sponging off internet strangers and your elderly parents?

No thanks, Greg, I will stick with staying immature like Erma.

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I still think that is the funniest clip ever, Erma. :clap:

I'd never listened to that before. OMG! Erma, you're just amazing!

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Here is a short clip from Dede and Greg's radio show with guest Evangelist Eunice Bennett . Topic: Sexual Sin. It's scary. Mind you, sex is talked about every night on their radio show, whether they publish it as a scheduled topic or not. It's crazy f'ed up and very disturbing. Greg just can't seen to not talk about sex!


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Greg sounds obsessed with Erma. He keeps shouting that she needs to grow up and she is acting like a twelve year old. If Greg means "grown up" like himself, I think I'd pick being 12 year old Erma Gerd over him any day.

Well, yes. At least if you were Erma Gerd, you could sing Pink Floyd to amuse yourself.

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I am in tears..."Greg, is that Greg???" "Is Satan blocking this phone call???"

:lol: Never gets old.

I love it when Erma breaks into Pink Floyd. The first time I heard it i wet myself a little.

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Xgay Greg

6 hours ago.

6 hours ago on xgay's facebook.


Our car has stopped working. It's a 2002 with plenty of miles on it. We do not have the money to fix it plus it needs new tires. We need another car. Here's the really cool thing, I know that God will provide!

Thank you so much for your prayers."

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Xgay Greg

6 hours ago.

6 hours ago on xgay's facebook.


Our car has stopped working. It's a 2002 with plenty of miles on it. We do not have the money to fix it plus it needs new tires. We need another car. Here's the really cool thing, I know that God will provide!

Thank you so much for your prayers."

It's Miracle Motorcoach time! :auto-camptrailer: C'mon people, get out your wallets and give till it hurts!

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Greg, you need prayers for your car? No, actually Greg, you need to get off your ass and get a job, you scammer.

Maybe Greg and Razing Ruth should hook up. They are both good at the drama and begging for cash. Match made in scammer heaven.

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Damn I just had to buy a new car. Obviously I should have asked god for one instead. What a waste. Do you think god will refinance my loan?

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Heh! I love this thread, and the timing is kind of funny since Sev and I have to give in and buy a new car to replace the totaled SUV (car has been in and out of the shop ever since 2013 began).

XGG...I still just don't know what to say to this hot mess. Keep it up, XGG, I need my lunchtime entertainment....even if he gets a bit scary when it concerns Erma.

And Yada, thanks for the donation and getting us all that info. :) I was really curious about the baby...but pretty much had given up on hearing any more about it.

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Heh! I love this thread, and the timing is kind of funny since Sev and I have to give in and buy a new car to replace the totaled SUV (car has been in and out of the shop ever since 2013 began).

XGG...I still just don't know what to say to this hot mess. Keep it up, XGG, I need my lunchtime entertainment....even if he gets a bit scary when it concerns Erma.

And Yada, thanks for the donation and getting us all that info. :) I was really curious about the baby...but pretty much had given up on hearing any more about it.

Hark! Somone asked Dede about the baby today! Answer: *crickets* Bonus; Deeds as a child with her family.


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Xgay Greg

6 hours ago.

6 hours ago on xgay's facebook.


Our car has stopped working. It's a 2002 with plenty of miles on it. We do not have the money to fix it plus it needs new tires. We need another car. Here's the really cool thing, I know that God will provide!

Thank you so much for your prayers."

Hmmm, maybe all that time spent driving around "witnessing" would have been better spent getting a fucking job, Greg. A few less laps around Atlanta, perhaps? :nenner:

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Hark! Somone asked Dede about the baby today! Answer: *crickets* Bonus; Deeds as a child with her family.


Dede should have expected that if she posts pictures of herself as a child, someone is going ask about the "miracle baby". :doh:

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Xgay Greg

6 hours ago.

6 hours ago on xgay's facebook.


Our car has stopped working. It's a 2002 with plenty of miles on it. We do not have the money to fix it plus it needs new tires. We need another car. Here's the really cool thing, I know that God will provide!

Thank you so much for your prayers."

God will provide...uh what? I hope God provides a 1984 Toyota Tercel :lol:

Well, as long as they can haul the xgaymobile down to the river, they'll have a home there at least. I think the day of reckoning is coming soon.

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I hope God provides a 1984 Toyota Tercel :lol:

Wha? Nooo! Those old Toyotas are some of the best cars around, don't waste them on the XGG-DDs! :wink-kitty:

I think there must be a 1967 Dodge Dart around somewhere, or maybe a '72 Impala? With a broken muffler? :whistle:

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