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So Tempted To Report Dougie's Hazardous Journey Society!


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This guy isn't a native of Canada is he? So if he leads the expedition will the Eskimos still get money?

Can the link to the article be sent to PETA also?

Eskimos are in Alaska only (Yup'ik Alaska Natives embrace the self-identifier "Eskimo" but other circumpolar groups generally consider it insulting); I think the indigenous communities who are awarded these permits for reselling are all Inuit.

And this guy is an entire tool shed unto himself. No wonder Doug Phillips is a tool likes him!

And "lead" is probably tool code for "order the local guides and mushers around while they nod politely and pay no attention".

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The sturdy pioneers of America’s frontier offer an excellent contrast to today’s milk-toast greenies. Though imperfect, the American pioneer remains a great example of a dominion man — a real man who, with wisdom and bravery, set out to tame the wilderness and make it into something fruitful and productive.

Yup it was so productive that the pioneers nearly destroyed the American Bison population which went from tens of millions to approximately 750. Are you really taming anything if you just slaughter it? Oh and there was that little dust bowl period that was partially the result of poor agricultural practices. Well done.

I have to say I also feel that the giant panda is more a symbol for the environmental movement as far as animals go. I encourage Doug to go into China and try this hunt - "smugglers of Giant Pandas shall have a punishment of at least a 10-year sentence and confiscation of property; under grave circumstances, life sentence or even death sentence together with a total confiscation of property shall be applied." Go on Dougie, prove you're a man, I hear Chinese prisons are great.

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Eskimos are in Alaska only (Yup'ik Alaska Natives embrace the self-identifier "Eskimo" but other circumpolar groups generally consider it insulting); I think the indigenous communities who are awarded these permits for reselling are all Inuit.

And this guy is an entire tool shed unto himself. No wonder Doug Phillips is a tool likes him!

And "lead" is probably tool code for "order the local guides and mushers around while they nod politely and pay no attention".

I think some Aleut and definitely most inupiaq consider themselves Eskimo. I have a friend who is Tlingit who refers to herself as an Eskimo, so a lot of it is personal preference as well.

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I think some Aleut and definitely most inupiaq consider themselves Eskimo. I have a friend who is Tlingit who refers to herself as an Eskimo, so a lot of it is personal preference as well.

Thanks for the correction/amplification! My point, which I guess I made poorly, that many US Alaska Natives embrace "Eskimo" but it's generally considered insulting by the Inuit in Canada, who are the indigenous community involved with the licensing.

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I wrote to the group Polar Bears international (got link from the Huff* post article). Of course they were as appalled as we are about this. I asked about the legality of the whole thing and this is what the director of public communications said: "As for the legality, Canadian natives have the right to kill a limited number of polar bears based on a quota system. They are also permitted to sell their quotas to non-natives. Ironically, this actually results in fewer bears being killed, as the non-native hunters are not as skilled. ".

*A conservative member of parliament was taken to task for his erroneous ideas about climate change/polar bears on the Huff post. Here is the link (not broken - Huff post): http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/04/30 ... a-politics. Here is the link to the scientific rebuttal of all the garbage that Dougie et al believe about Polar Bears: http://www.scribd.com/doc/138008020/2009-Rebuttal-Amstrup-Et-Al-ArmstrongRebuttal-2009

I am appalled at this. I don't really care if fundies dress up and play at being on the Titanic or go stamping around in the wilderness (I imagine Dougie et al dancing around a fire while dressed in loin cloths and daubed in mud or blood all while chanting "we are the mens"- I know, I know I have a sick imagination) but killing a species that is at risk to prove they are men?? Why don't they all pull down their pants and I will get a ruler out and measure their worth. Then we will know who is "the man" and no killing is involved (although I might have to wash my hands and eyes in bleach afterwards).

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I feel at home when there are pristine rivers, vast forests, and wild places near-by [sic].

And yet you criticise the people who work to preserve them. Logic: fail.

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Yup it was so productive that the pioneers nearly destroyed the American Bison population which went from tens of millions to approximately 750. Are you really taming anything if you just slaughter it? Oh and there was that little dust bowl period that was partially the result of poor agricultural practices. Well done.

I have to say I also feel that the giant panda is more a symbol for the environmental movement as far as animals go. I encourage Doug to go into China and try this hunt - "smugglers of Giant Pandas shall have a punishment of at least a 10-year sentence and confiscation of property; under grave circumstances, life sentence or even death sentence together with a total confiscation of property shall be applied." Go on Dougie, prove you're a man, I hear Chinese prisons are great.

And our intrepid pioneers actually DID hunt the passenger pigeon into extinction. IIRC, the last surviving pigeon died in a zoo, in 1914.

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What about contacting the Sierra club? Their response might not be as nearly entertaining as PETA's but might be worth it.

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I just can't decide who is more ignorant and arrogant: a 22 year old who, based on information he acquired while "traipsing around", thinks he is qualified to lead others on a polar bear hunt or a grown man who would believe this crap and pay money to be involved.

Notes to Dougie et al:

1. Just as standing in a garage doesn't make you a car, wearing a parka doesn't make you a he-man polar bear hunter.

2. How about this real hazardous journey? Volunteer to meet once each week with a young man who needs a mentor. Provide a caring, consistent presence without judging or moralizing. Gently guide the young person to set goals and persevere through set-backs from third grade through high school graduation. No costumes, blogging, self-agrandizing conferences or pleas for donations necessary for this actual hazardous journey!

This is National Volunteer Week. Thanks to all the real men and real women who volunteer their time to help young people navigate an actual hazardous journey into adulthood. You rock! (And Doug Phillips is a tool.)

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I just can't decide who is more ignorant and arrogant: a 22 year old who, based on information he acquired while "traipsing around", thinks he is qualified to lead others on a polar bear hunt or a grown man who would believe this crap and pay money to be involved.

Notes to Dougie et al:

1. Just as standing in a garage doesn't make you a car, wearing a parka doesn't make you a he-man polar bear hunter.

2. How about this real hazardous journey? Volunteer to meet once each week with a young man who needs a mentor. Provide a caring, consistent presence without judging or moralizing. Gently guide the young person to set goals and persevere through set-backs from third grade through high school graduation. No costumes, blogging, self-agrandizing conferences or pleas for donations necessary for this actual hazardous journey!

This is National Volunteer Week. Thanks to all the real men and real women who volunteer their time to help young people navigate an actual hazardous journey into adulthood. You rock! (And Doug Phillips is a tool.)

ITA with the exception of the following clarification:

Wearing a parka while posing for the camera in it makes Dougie a he-man polar bear hunter.

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And yet you criticise the people who work to preserve them. Logic: fail.

Precisely! I assume he would be fine with a papermill setting up shop next to his pristine stream and dumping in chemicals after cutting down his vast forest because under the unregulated, government out of business, no environmental concerns America he envisions this is exactly what will happen.

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What about contacting the Sierra club? Their response might not be as nearly entertaining as PETA's but might be worth it.

I emailed a friend whose partner works for the Sierra Club. Not sure what will happen, but at least someone knows.

ETA: Off-topic, but this post made me a Speshul Snowflake! :banana-dance:

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Thanks for the correction/amplification! My point, which I guess I made poorly, that many US Alaska Natives embrace "Eskimo" but it's generally considered insulting by the Inuit in Canada, who are the indigenous community involved with the licensing.

I mean this sincerely, thank you for the correction.

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I actually made a mistake - it's the Inupiat people (I don't have the knowledge to make the accent) and the Inupiaq language.

I didn't know that Eskimo was considered offensive in Canada, that's interesting to me.

Also, fun fact: Yupik peoples are not all Yup'ik.

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I found an interesting article about a study investigating why the U.S (and by extension Canada IMO) is dragging its heels on tackling climate change. Basically it comes down to this: fundies think that only God and end the Earth. Might help explain why manly man doug extolls the virtues of nature while doing NOTHING to help preserve it.

Here is the link (unbroken - news site): http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/05/01/b ... u-s-study/

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I found an interesting article about a study investigating why the U.S (and by extension Canada IMO) is dragging its heels on tackling climate change. Basically it comes down to this: fundies think that only God and end the Earth. Might help explain why manly man doug extolls the virtues of nature while doing NOTHING to help preserve it.

Here is the link (unbroken - news site): http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/05/01/b ... u-s-study/

Exactly the same reason why these same people support Israel so much, regardless of Palestinian hardship. Israel must exist for the Jews to return to in order for the second coming to be fulfilled. By supporting Israel financially they ensure Israel can survive to fulfill the prophesy. Think religion isn't at the base of US foreign policy? Think again.

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FWIW, I had the following response from WWF. Hopefully something comes of it.

Dear Friend:

Thank you for your email to World Wildlife Fund-United States.

We have forwarded your email to the appropriate group at World Wildlife Fund for review and consideration. We appreciate you taking the time to bring this to our attention.

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Just a quick websearch. But, it costs around 35,000 bucks for a permit to kill a polar bear, and you pretty much have to be an Inuit, or buy a permit off an Inuit. It may be illegal to shoot one in the US because they are on the protected list.

It can actually be illegal to do it as an American citizen. Traveling somewhere with the expressed intention to break an American law even though you might not be breaking the law of another country is in fact illegal.

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I worked on a luscious cattle ranch

A "luscious" cattle ranch?!! This guy has definitely been romping with Doug for too long. "Luscious"? Why do these masculinity-obsessed morons all sound like a bunch of 18th Century fops? "Why, it was absolutely luscious, Lady Douchebag!"

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A "luscious" cattle ranch?!! This guy has definitely been romping with Doug for too long. "Luscious"? Why do these masculinity-obsessed morons all sound like a bunch of 18th Century fops? "Why, it was absolutely luscious, Lady Douchebag!"

I believe you meant to say "traipsing", not romping. So much more manly!

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I understand the thinking because I spent far too long mixing with Christians who thought that being a vegetarian or a member of any environmentalist organisation was akin to sacrificing to Molech - I had a former friend who deliberately used meat stock to make mushroom soup for a vegan guest as a kind of punishment because "she is worshipping the creation not the creator" - but I am just sickened at the idea of this expedition. Maybe the polar bear will turn the tables. I really hope so.

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It can actually be illegal to do it as an American citizen. Traveling somewhere with the expressed intention to break an American law even though you might not be breaking the law of another country is in fact illegal.

I've never heard about any cases where that is enforced, other than age of consent laws. (Which is fine by me.) I mean, we should punish people who go abroad to have sex with 12 year olds. I don't think we should waste money worrying about people who go to Amsterdam for the pot.

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I've never heard about any cases where that is enforced, other than age of consent laws. (Which is fine by me.) I mean, we should punish people who go abroad to have sex with 12 year olds. I don't think we should waste money worrying about people who go to Amsterdam for the pot.

It has been enforced occasionally for killing protected animals. Or a few other things. I wasn't advocating for enforcement, I was simply saying it would still be illegal even if they aren't in the US.

And its a lot harder to determine if someone went to another country with the sole expressed intention to smoke pot. Usually it becomes more a think people do because they are there. And I agree, it isn't worth the money, but you are still somewhat under US law as a US citizen in other countries.

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A "luscious" cattle ranch?!! This guy has definitely been romping with Doug for too long. "Luscious"? Why do these masculinity-obsessed morons all sound like a bunch of 18th Century fops? "Why, it was absolutely luscious, Lady Douchebag!"

They'd love to be Oscar Wilde if it wasn't for the pesky gay thing.

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Just read this thread. I am not the least bit surprised that Dougie wants to do something this utterly useless, cruel and egotistical

I googled the name of the guy who is supposed to lead the polar bear hunting expedition - J.D. King. He is a 22yr old "filmmaker". Here is a quote from the VF 2013 film awards:

"Academy founder Doug Phillips spoke with J.D. King, the 22-year-old producer of Crying Wolf

I reviewed that here, when it was nominated for a "Pedo" -- er, "Jubilee" award at Dougie's film festival -- 2012, I think.

Guess what! He's way anti-wolf. Bet you're surprised.


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