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A fat person dared to get in my pro-life picture


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Someone's probably pointed this out by now, but the saying is No way, Jose. Hosea doesn't have anything to do with it.

I've been waffling whether that was a purposeful dig at Catholics (and I have to say that I have not been a practicing Catholic for about 27 years and it still made me prickle a little...interestingly) or she's that obtuse she didn't know it was Jose (or she's so anti-Spanish she didn't want to use Jose).

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So I'm kinda slow right now, which I fully acknowledge, but I don't understand what she is saying here. Feminists overemphasize purity? um..purity like virgins? or some other kind of purity?

Cause I know I don't get out a lot, but none of my friends were pledging their purity to their daddy or wearing purity rings given to them by their daddy or any other equally squicky things that had to do with their daddy and their hymen. :?

I also don't understand what technology has to do with anything in that sentence, but you will pry my kindle and/or nook out of my cold dead hands so maybe that one has some merit :shrug:

I didn't understand it either. Not sure what technology has to do with feminists and purity. In fact, the whole combination doesn't make any sense.

I think she's just rambling and saying whatever is coming into her head at the moment.

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I think she is trying to say that America is falling apart because marriage takes two people(a man and a woman, no gays allowed. Catholics are probably out too) and then men are supposed to lead. The poor little mens can't lead because the evil feminists, women who get obsessed with purity, and technology.

I can see the feminists, but the other two really don't fit into what she is saying.

~Just a note I'm not saying that feminists are causing America to fall apart, just that from her train of thought feminists makes sense, the other two don't.~

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I couldn't imagine what she meant by women overemphasizing technology, but then I realized she meant technology was somehow crippling marriages.

Porn, I guess?

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I've been waffling whether that was a purposeful dig at Catholics (and I have to say that I have not been a practicing Catholic for about 27 years and it still made me prickle a little...interestingly) or she's that obtuse she didn't know it was Jose (or she's so anti-Spanish she didn't want to use Jose).

Could be both. On one of her blogs she talks about deciding where to go and spanish speaking countries were out. The lord has not moved her heart to worry about the souls of South America.

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I think she is trying to say that America is falling apart because marriage takes two people(a man and a woman, no gays allowed. Catholics are probably out too) and then men are supposed to lead. The poor little mens can't lead because the evil feminists, women who get obsessed with purity, and technology.

I can see the feminists, but the other two really don't fit into what she is saying.

~Just a note I'm not saying that feminists are causing America to fall apart, just that from her train of thought feminists makes sense, the other two don't.~

ohhh I get it now...well not really, but I see what you mean. I was missing some commas the way I was reading it. Seeing it as 3 separate things makes slightly more sense than the original way I was reading it, but it still doesn't really make much sense.

er on the women who get obsessed with purity thing...is she saying that is a problem for men (and there fore marriage) because men are not staying chaste before marriage and therefore women won't marry them? How would you ever know...it's not like there is a hymen involved (even though there are about a million ways to break your hymen other than intercourse)

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I hereby award her the most insulting term I have ever invented: She is a galloping [genital] on wheels.

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Could be both. On one of her blogs she talks about deciding where to go and spanish speaking countries were out. The lord has not moved her heart to worry about the souls of South America.

She could work on her French if she goes to western Africa.

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ohhh I get it now...well not really, but I see what you mean. I was missing some commas the way I was reading it. Seeing it as 3 separate things makes slightly more sense than the original way I was reading it, but it still doesn't really make much sense.

er on the women who get obsessed with purity thing...is she saying that is a problem for men (and there fore marriage) because men are not staying chaste before marriage and therefore women won't marry them? How would you ever know...it's not like there is a hymen involved (even though there are about a million ways to break your hymen other than intercourse)

The way it is written it could be that they are already married and the purity obsessed women are keeping the men from leading in marriage. The longer I puzzle on it the less sense it makes.

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IME, conversations about politics, religion, etc., with fundamentalists tend to begin with the fundamentalist attempting to assert his/her place as boss chicken, because in fundamentalism there is no dialogue, there is only the pastor/leader/headship telling everyone else what to do. If the situation does not call for a leader, the only dialogue allowed is "Shibboleth!" "Shibboleth!" and if you say, "Sibboleth," to Hell with you. Conversation as a means of, you know, conversing, rather than deciding which Sneetches have stars on thars and who gets to run the Star-On Machine is just unpossible!

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So she says she doesn't want to discuss things with people from here except by e-mail, which makes me think that she doesn't want her loyal followers to see what she really has done. And it is so weird the comments she allows.

On her post about her book, she has a friend of hers saying that we are a bunch of dopes and that she should have the best feeling ever knowing we are going to burn for all of eternity. Instead of correcting her friend to point out that as someone who has radically dedicated her life to Jesus, she doens't want people to go to hell, she agrees and adds a smilie face.

Then there is a post that starts out sounding like it could come from a member here. It mentions that 32 pages is not really a book for adults and then points out how it is twisting the message of Jesus to get joy out of the thought of people you don't like being tormented for eternity. And then all of a sudden it sounds like a totally different person and is all fuck you you fat bitch. I can't help but wonder if she added that last part on herself because it jumps from being fairly reasonable to being horrible. The entire tone of the comment changes. And if it is real, why would she post it? She doesn't respond to it. There is no point unless she just wants her fans to pity her for being persecuted.

Then she has someone who claims to not believe in god but just thinks Lauralea is so wonderful and honest and loving and friendly and people like us is why there is no peace in the world. Not people like LauraLea. She is even going to buy her book to help support her in being a missionary. She has also written a 30 page book that sold 450 copies in the first month. So there to all of us. :nenner:

I bet she has gotten a lot of non-hateful, non-cussing, rational, well-thought out posts from members here that she hasn't posted because she doesn't want her friends to see the truth about her.

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Both of those comments are truly bizarre...

And I don't understand why the second poster (claiming to be agnostic/atheist) would enjoy reading Laura's blog. I like some bloggers that are religious, but they include other content in their blogs (crafts, recipes, DIY, general life posts). Laura's posts seem to be all about religion, Muslims, missions, and some pictures of her outfits in between.

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I'm sure she's still following this, so I have to ask--how much does it cost to pay for your book to be published? My aunt wrote a book about home shrines (Catholic!! Ewwww! Devils!! :roll: ) and published it...I have always been terribly curious how much it cost.

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She either wrote that one post herself or it is a fundie pretending to be a agnostic.

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I find it odd that she hates Catholics so much, and yet, she has the Apostle's Creed on her website under "what I believe." My parent's (Catholic) Church has them say that. It was printed in my "missel" that I used to carry to church at Easter time with my white purse and hat and gloves. It was printed in the book you use to follow along with during Mass. I know this, because I hated Church so much that I actually read every single thing I was allowed to read during Mass. Which was mostly a hymnal and the liturgy.

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I find it odd that she hates Catholics so much, and yet, she has the Apostle's Creed on her website under "what I believe." My parent's (Catholic) Church has them say that. It was printed in my "missel" that I used to carry to church at Easter time with my white purse and hat and gloves. It was printed in the book you use to follow along with during Mass. I know this, because I hated Church so much that I actually read every single thing I was allowed to read during Mass. Which was mostly a hymnal and the liturgy.

Some Protestant churches recite the creeds too. Either Apostle's or Nicene.

ETA: I just remembered the Apostles' Creed has the line, I believe in the holy catholic church.

Of course catholic in this case refers to the universal church, not the RCC, but still she must cringe just a little to write the word, hater that she is.

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Not really - seems fairly typical, actually. In the fundie circles I was raised in, Catholics were considered the whore of Babylon, Satan's mistress, etc. I'm not entirely sure why - never could get anyone to explain the 'why' to me, beyond a 'well because....' or an 'I said so, that's why.' The hate made no sense to me.

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On her blog, one post refers to correcting the grammar on the final draft of her book, yet a sample of the Kindle edition contains the following: "Change is a word that makes you and I squirm..." "Change makes I squirm?" No, dear: it should be "Change makes me squirm."

ETA: Slightly compacted because iPhone.

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I don't get the anti-Catholic sentiment either. I used to be married to a Baptist who later became Nazarene and he thought that that the baptism of infants was blasphemic, because he didn't think anyone could be saved without making a conscious choice. That's part of the reason we got divorced. I believe that a small child can be Christened. I'm an Episcopalian who nearly converted to Catholicism, but I believe too strongly in birth control, women priests, and gay rights.

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It's because the British and Dutch Puritan ancestors of the various Reformed Protestant groups that veer into fundiedom viewed Catholicism as 'foreign' and suspicious, partly due to the wars with Spain in the 16th/17th centuries and partly due to the association of Protestantism with patriotism of the Elizabethan religious settlements, which led to the Glorious Revolution and anti-Catholic laws in the UK. A lot of Protestants will not regard Catholics as Christians.

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A lot of Protestants don't consider other Protestants to be Christians either. There's an extremely narrow view of what constitutes Christianity. I'm ELCA Lutheran which is far too liberal for fundies or fundie lite folks. I've been told by several of them that I'm a Catholic.

And of course, I live in an area that's heavily Catholic and have been told that I'm not a Christian because I'm a Lutheran. Just can't win.

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The IFB thinks every other protestant out there are not xians and aren't shy about letting them know it either. I used to watch the infighting play out on the fundie xian board at Babycenter. It was hilarious.

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