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A fat person dared to get in my pro-life picture


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I can't speak for Scotland - although in my experience both Scottish Presbyterians and Episcopalians tend to be on the liberal side, Scottish Catholics not so much - but it really depends on where you are in the UK. You wouldn't find left-wing social activism like that in Northern Ireland or in certain dioceses in England, but you would in others. I'd guess that the same is true for the US.

I'm from an extremely left wing area of England, I'm used to seeing left wing social activism so it always surprises me when I go to other parts of the UK and find it left wing desert. A few miles from where I was born has featured on TV here this last week. It had some pretty serious protests over Thatcher and those protests were on the news. Much of the south was *not amused*, but people here don't give a shit. I think part of it is that the more conservative areas of the UK really do not appreciate the damage done by Thatcher and the hurt that still goes on today.


Back to the subject in hand. I'm still trying to get my head around why she is going on a mission. She has nothing to offer that these people need. She has no skill to pass on, no experience, the only thing she can do is teach dance and read the bible. Maybe the dance will be fun but it isn't going to be something that would be of any use to these kids. There are plenty of people already in Africa who can read the bible, so why is she going? That $5000 would be better spent on medications, water treatment kits and malaria nets.

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My rather privileged nephew who is 17 and white manages to coach inner city youth wrestling, tutor, fund raise for these kids and collect used gear. This year he was able to see the fruits of his labor bloom as one young man, who would probably never get a chance at college, get a scholarship to a prestigious HS for wrestling and the academics that the wrestling club demanded. He did all this in the city close to his home and made a difference without spending one dime or fundraising any dollars (for himself to travel etc.). I think Ofasingleheart needs to look right out her front door for people to help, there are plenty of them.

The Muslim one also stood out to me as just strange. Like all Muslims need her help but I guess she thinks all Black Kids need her help too, so it all makes some kind of sense in her small mind. :shrug:

She does. But I'm not saying that nobody should go to Africa to help. Ofasingleheart has no useful skills whatsoever that would be of a benefit to the people of Africa. If for example she was a nurse or a midwife, I would be be fully supportive of her going because that would mean she could go there, teach other women to be nurses and midwives and then come home. If she was a qualified teacher, she could work in a school and train other adults to be teachers. If she were an engineer she could train others to be engineers so that water pumps could be made and maintained. If she were even a bloody mechanic she would be of use because she could train people to maintain what few emergency vehicles poor villages have access to. But she doesn't have anything like that. She's just a naive 19 year old girl, with very little empathy, a god complex and a bible. Africa doesn't need that.

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Too many Roman Catholic homes. No. way. Hosea.

Okay, did she use Hosea on purpose or is she another fundie who doesn't know how to spell?

Walla anyone?

Okay, punkin' the phrase is "No way, Jose!" Jose is Spanish for Joseph. Like Jesus' earthly father.

Hosea is a book in the Bible and Hosea was a prophet who lived and prophesied just before the destruction of Israel in 722 BC. Hosea was commanded to take a wife who would become a prostitute as an example of God's relationship with Israel. Hosea was to manifest God's patience and love.

Glad I could give you a little lesson. I do miss teaching from time to time. This is my outlet. However, I did teach at an EVIL Catholic School. Catholics don't know anything about the Bible. We pray to Saints. We're not real Christians. And we have smoky candles..... I'll stop there.

I'm still prayin' for you sweetie!

Until then, I'm still selling popcorn, diet coke, Holy Water, Holy Cards and St. Christopher Medals in the lobby! Get your popcorn! Fresh, hot, buttery, salty popcorn! Only $1 a bag!! Ice cold diet coke!! $1 a cup!!! Blessed Virgin Mary bottles for Holy Water-- $1. Assorted Holy Cards-- 50 cents!! St. Christopher Medals $2. All proceeds benefit the upcoming missionary trip for the Teaching Fundies the truth about Catholicism Education Fund!!!!!!! :popcorn2:

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Alba - Sorry, been busy this weekend. To answer your question, my reference is to this:

http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2012 ... n-santorum

Born at 19 gestational weeks, too young to live outside the uterus, Gabriel died within two hours.

The story is well known. In October 1996, Karen Santorum underwent surgery to try to fix a fatal malfunction in the kidneys of the fetus. After the operation, she contracted an infection and she and her husband, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum (Pa.), were faced with a terrible choice: End the pregnancy or lose the mother.

“Rick cried and spoke to me softly,†writes Karen in her 1998 book, “Letters to Gabriel.†He spoke of their three living children. “They can’t live without their mother. Karen, you make our lives complete — please, it’s time — I love you so much.â€

Karen took medicine that induced labor.

My issue is that he would deny other women the right to their choice, but it was okay for him to save his wife's life by choosing to end the pregnancy.

Honestly, some of the teens on that bus had never heard of a pro-life protestant. I will say that I am sorry if I sounded judgmental to you, and calling people by their appearances is wrong. I haven't had much upfront experience with Catholics before.

On the first, I call total BS.

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Interesting that you mentioned creating jobs for local residents, because I'm just reading her post on "Helping poverty, evaluating needs" ofasingleheart.blogspot.dk/2012/11/helping-poverty-evaluating-needs.html

And she says:

If they're already celebrating Christmas, it's safe to assume most (if not all) of them are already Christian.

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This is why she won't stay here in America and help:

Why stay when people are willfully ignorant, some proclaiming full out atheism, or just don't want to hear, when I can go to a place where I can be a part of helping others understand the Gospel when they don't know the need they have but desire something better?

People here question her too much, she wants to go somewhere where she won't have to defend her belief system. As I said earlier in this thread, she is taking the easy way out.

http://ahopeandfuture.blogspot.com/sear ... -results=7

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On the first, I call total BS.

I'm with you on this. I grew up in one of those Spanish speaking third-world countries, one of those that "in no way Hosea" would Laura go. In my home country, according to Wikipedia, 82.7% of the population is Roman Catholic (and 9.7% is "Other Christian"). Growing up, I was in a pro-life catholic youth group. Not really useful, since abortion for the most part is still illegal.

Anyway, in our youth group we would collaborate with pro-life protestants in our endeavors/events.

So I find hard to believe that some Catholic teens in the USA haven't heard about pro-life protestants... :liar:

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A 19 year old does not need any useful skills whatsoever to:

-mow a lawn or rake leaves for someone undergoing chemo

-take a quiver to the park so their mother can go to the bathroom or wash her hair in peace

-serve meals at one of this country's numerous soup kitchens

-organize monthly food drives at her church for the above soup kitchen

-go and even read her Bible to someone in a nursing home who was in the habit of reading their Bible daily before they lost their sight

-invite someone who is having a hard time for a meal. No Jesus talk. Food and a willing ear to listen

If she gave herself in her own backyard, she would be so tired she wouldn't have the energy to have delusions of being a "missionary" with the added bonus she would be busy enough for her right hand not to care what her left hand was doing.

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So I succumbed to curiosity (apparently my headship isn't the only purrson who has trouble with it) and read ofasingleheart's book called, I Didn't Choose Singleness. It's available on Kindle.

It's pretty much what you would expect from what she's shown us here, pretty much a "I know everything" since as we all know, she has so much experience with the single life.

Also, $5.50 for a 32 page book is a bit steep. Needless to say, this one did not become a keeper.

To give credit where credit is due, she has a little snark on the SAHD crowd and their parents that I found refreshing, but basically boiled down to "God has a plan, don't try to change his plan for you".

From the book:

In other words: man = arrival to adulthood, according to many people. When you marry, you have suddenly arrived in the official Proverbs 31

territory and may proceed with adult life.

This is definitely one of the things that we argue about a lot of the crowd we follow. In fact, I thought maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

Then I got to this:

It can seem pretty bleak, but America has chosen the way it wants to go. No, we can’t do anything about our situation because marriage takes two

people, and the half that is supposed to lead is being crippled by women who buy into feminism, women who overemphasize purity, and technology.

It got that bad. A lot of blather about how modern secular society will be the unmaking of us all, and how women who overestimate purity and ignore men don't help either. Surprise, it's all women's fault! I love how we apparently run everything despite men having more power in our society.

God doesn’t airmail your husband to you.

We’ve been conditioned to wait for “God’s best†as if he’s the only one out there and God will bring him to you with a little warm fuzzy

attached to let you know he’s the right guy.

Or drop him on your dad's doorstop.

I was hoping there would be some fun material for snarking, but it was all pretty unremarkable.

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19-year-old fundie-girl, why don't you come here to Scandinavia, trying to save us instead? I bet there's greater "spiritual poverty" here than in Africa. It's not a very friendly climate for a missionary though. We are cold, and do not like chatting with strangers. We could totally take some of you. Africa has had enough by now. What do you say? I think we might be the hardest people to convert. Don't you want a real challenge? I think you can even find some like-minded-people in the Bible Belt (middle parts of the north - hidden in the deep, deep forest). I think that's where our biggest anti-abortion organization can be found. They have actually 200 members! That is in a country of more than 9 million people. :lol:

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How do you both buy into feminism and overemphasize purity? Isn't feminism a one way ticket to shameless slutdom?

BTW, for the price of that book, you can get a vacuum packed, wild caught salmon fillet at Whole Foods. Just saying.

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Her blog is working again!

And in this post: ofasingleheart.blogspot.dk/2012/11/mission-mondays-god-is-good.html

She explains how God inspired her to go to Africa, and which categories of people "tug her heart".....

And of course Catholics are a huge DON'T!

She thinks a surfing ministry is weird, but doesn't say anything about her father's friend's airplane ministry???

And I don't understand why so many fundies bash Catholics. Maybe it's because I'm Catholic, and I feel personally bashed by the not-intended-for-anyone-in-particular attacks. IMO, fundies view the Catholic faith as bible + other stuff, when they think it should be bible only. Yes, my religion does have other stuff, but Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses have other stuff, too, but fundies don't pick on them.

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19-year-old fundie-girl, why don't you come here to Scandinavia, trying to save us instead? I bet there's greater "spiritual poverty" here than in Africa. It's not a very friendly climate for a missionary though. We are cold, and do not like chatting with strangers. We could totally take some of you. Africa has had enough by now. What do you say? I think we might be the hardest people to convert. Don't you want a real challenge?

The PP picked up his helpmeet on a street corner in Germany, she may convert herself a hunky Scandinavian guy. I may be judging her unfairly, but with her veiled racism I don't see her finding Prince Charming among her proposed African heathen victims.

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Too many Roman Catholic homes. No. way. Hosea

Someone's probably pointed this out by now, but the saying is No way, Jose. Hosea doesn't have anything to do with it.

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How do you both buy into feminism and overemphasize purity? Isn't feminism a one way ticket to shameless slutdom?

She blames the two groups separately. Much more snarkable things have been written by others we like to follow on the feminism side. I was hoping for better.

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She blames the two groups separately. Much more snarkable things have been written by others we like to follow on the feminism side. I was hoping for better.

Oh, I see. It doesn't matter if you're a slut or the latest incarnation of the Virgin Mary, you're doing it wrong. :shrug:

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She is just like Miss Raquel, it is kind of amusing that she can't stand her. I can see Raquel going off to be a missionary soon too.

It's because both Raquel and Lauralea are extreme narcissists who believe that they are the most loved, most important, most holy SAHDs in God's Kingdom. It must feel like constant one-upmanship for Lauralea to read Miss Raquel's blog- "God gave HER a horse, well he gave ME a first-class plane ticket!!!!11elebenty." People like Lauralea, whose most commonly written words are "me" and "I," typically cannot stand other people who dare to say "me" and "I" about themselves.

Anyway, I'm going to come out and say I'm on Team Raquel. I find her terrible movie "reviews" hilarious, while ofasingleheart is just annoying and appears to be much more dedicated to taking away my right to bodily autonomy.

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It's because both Raquel and Lauralea are extreme narcissists who believe that they are the most loved, most important, most holy SAHDs in God's Kingdom. It must feel like constant one-upmanship for Lauralea to read Miss Raquel's blog- "God gave HER a horse, well he gave ME a first-class plane ticket!!!!11elebenty." People like Lauralea, whose most commonly written words are "me" and "I," typically cannot stand other people who dare to say "me" and "I" about themselves.

Anyway, I'm going to come out and say I'm on Team Raquel. I find her terrible movie "reviews" hilarious, while ofasingleheart is just annoying and appears to be much more dedicated to taking away my right to bodily autonomy.

I agree, Miss Raquel has Christian boys to flirt chastely with, that doesn't leave her with the time and energy to try to control other women's bodies or sing at "sweet Muslim women" or convert the Christians of Africa who are doing it wrong.

LauraLea needs to get laid, or at the very least make the first godly steps towards it. It would distract her from telling everyone else in the world, even fellow fundie SAHDs that they are doing life/Christianity/pregnancy/family planning wrong cause they aren't doing it to her specifications. Although she'd probably just transfer to telling the poor guy who ended up with her that he was doing it all wrong to, be it sex or courtship or religion.

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I don't see Miss Raquel putting black kids in a different category than other kids either. Or writing "obese photobomber".

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I don't see Miss Raquel putting black kids in a different category than other kids either. Or writing "obese photobomber".

We've finally found someone more self absorbed than Miss Raquel! Praise The Lord!

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