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A fat person dared to get in my pro-life picture


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So I was going to be all nice to the fundish newbie who introduced herself in the SOTDRT. But she is coming out of being a really, really hard-core fundie, so I was going to cut her some slack. She is 19, she'll probably change. And you never know, by her late 30's she could end up like me, a liberal athiest.

BUT, then I got to her March For Life in D.C. post and it just made me furious. She is 19. She should know better than this. It has nothing to do with her being a former fundie and everything with just being mean. As a person who has struggled with their weight for a really long time. I avoid being in pictures, when I am on vacation I hate it when I accidently end up in a person's photo because it always immediatly enters my mind "I bet they are going to see these and think, look at that fat person in the background, she ruined the picture." And this blogger did exactly that thing to a poor guy who just dared to walk in the background of her picture.


Scroll down(I would post the picture here but I'm not sure how) and you will see a picture of her holding a sign. And under it says:

Me (and an obese photobomber)

If she had just said photobomber it would be one thing, but no, she had to point out how fat he is. She doesn't know that this guy is never going to see her blog and if he does, how would it make him feel seeing that? It sure would make me feel horrible. So before she goes to Africa to save their heathen souls, I hope she works on her own.

Her whole blog is snark worthy from giving out Million Dollar tracts to listing people who are Muslim as something she loves(well she loves to change them to be like her. She doesn't actually like Muslims.), but this just made me :angry-banghead:. Well, more angry than the other stuff.

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Not to mention her absolutely obnoxious comments about Catholicism...despite the fact she was enjoying their transportation, hospitality and space. And no, she's not Heidi Klum.

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LOL! Make fun of me for calling someone obese and then remind me I don't look that great.

Yes, it's called reaping what you sow. Welcome to FJ.

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LOL! Make fun of me for calling someone obese and then remind me I don't look that great.

Hello and welcome to FJ. I actually think you look very nice, especially for having traveled and been up at dawn and everything. You're still young, so I don't fault you too much for pointing out the obvious about the guy in the photo, but the fault needle starts to move when you call him a photobomber, which .... I really doubt was his intent. Looks more like he was going from Point A to Point B.

It's kind of dumb to make fun of people who are with you on an issue you hold very dear. But I say "kind of" because I tend to equivocate.

Just one last bit from me: I'm old enough to be your granny and were I you, I'd be a lot more cautious about sharing personal, identifying info on the net, especially on a board like FJ. You never know what kind of whackos are registered and reading, here.

All that said, I hope that you will be safe.

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I just posted a comment on her blog. I'm sure it won't be published. What a self-absorbed wanker!

This was my comment:

So sorry you *had* to ride the Catholic bus and *had* to go to the National Basilica for Mass. I AM Catholic and you've offended me and probably a lot of other Catholics with your rudeness. Your comments aren't very Christ-like. I wouldn't disrespect your worship service if I went to your church, so don't disrespect Catholics and Catholicism with your rants and clearly jaded view of religion. If you took the time to be open-minded and Christ-like you wouldn't bash one religion over another. And as for your rude comment about the obese photobomber- I'm sure God is so very proud of you and your truly Christ-like attitude and treatment of others. Maybe you should take some time and pray for guidance so you can become more open and accepting of all God's people and all religions. Until then, I think you're better off keeping your clearly one-sided Fundamentalist Christian thoughts and views in the fundie circles in which you travel. Real Christians are accepting of everyone- regardless of their religion or their weight. Next time, hitch a ride with the Duggar Family I'm sure they'd love to sit and bash Catholics with you. Oh, and did you know Rick Santorum is Catholic? Yeah, because he is Catholic. I'm going to pray for you and hope God can turn your heart and make you more accepting.

She's still a wanker.

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LOL! Make fun of me for calling someone obese and then remind me I don't look that great.

My dear, this is the part where you show the compassionate spirit of Jesus, humble yourself, realize what you wrote was mean, and admit it. Or you can just act like a shallow, self-absorbed fundie. Take your pick.

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I'm actually going to get in on this one! For once... until I have to go to bed in about an hour. WOO HOO!!!

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This entire entry is full of misconceptions, stereotypes, and I doubt half of what she claims to have happened actually happened.

http://lauralea-photography.blogspot.co ... -life.html

I'm not Catholic anymore, but I'm still insulted by her stupidity and lack of interest in actually learning about one of the worlds major religions.

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I'm just gonna shake my head on this one because you are 19. You're just a kid--and I don't mean that in a hateful way. You're just a kid. You'll grow up and know better and then shake your own head at the 19 year old you...as we all end up doing. At least I hope you will. Be kinder, blogger.

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How long until she flounces? Any bets?? I'll be selling popcorn, diet coke, Holy Cards, bottles for Holy Water and St. Christopher Medals in the lobby.

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Wow, what an absolutely awful thing to say about somebody. Especially someone who is presumably a brother in Christ and made in the image and likeness of God.

James 3:9-10

With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so.

She needs to read her Bible more. You shouldn't use your mouth to worship God, then use the same mouth to make fun of another's appearance.

Pro-life, my ass.

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Double whammy here--I'm Catholic AND quite overweight. :?

LOL! Make fun of me for calling someone obese and then remind me I don't look that great.

Don't flounce just yet. Stick around awhile. Think--REALLY think--about what you've said on your blog, and what people here on FJ are saying to you. Your youth is in your favour, you still have a lot of growth ahead. Make it positive growth.

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How long until she flounces? Any bets?? I'll be selling popcorn, diet coke, Holy Cards, bottles for Holy Water and St. Christopher Medals in the lobby.

I'll be taking some Holy Water. Not sure what to do with it, but I'm a sucker for that sort of stuff.

She is very young. But she is getting ready to go be a missionary in Africa(I offer my apologies to people in Africa. We aren't all like this.). She is also old enough to know better.

She just posted this:

What I'm challenging all of you ladies to do this week is get outside your comfort zone. And blog about it. Do one thing. One thing.

I'm guessing that being confronted about mocking a person's body is outside her comfort zone.

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Rick Santorum was there, he spoke on his daughter's condition. He teared up a little when he said "If you have a special needs child, thank God he has blessed you with one of the least of these." Being libertarian, I'm not a fan of his politics, but I could tell he was very adamant about life- it was a personal speech, not a diplomatic one.

Very cynically if a politician is speaking to a public audience I bet their speech is in fact political. And he's using his kid as a political prop. Just my opinion.

Also, I don't know how recent this is but the Catholic Church now considers the single life, but not taking any sort of religious vows, a calling in life. They changed it, I don't know when. At least that is what my high school religion books claimed.

Welcome to FJ and good luck.

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I'll be taking some Holy Water. Not sure what to do with it, but I'm a sucker for that sort of stuff.

She is very young. But she is getting ready to go be a missionary in Africa(I offer my apologies to people in Africa. We aren't all like this.). She is also old enough to know better.

She just posted this:

What I'm challenging all of you ladies to do this week is get outside your comfort zone. And blog about it. Do one thing. One thing.

I'm guessing that being confronted about mocking a person's body is outside her comfort zone.

I'll be sure to get you a lovely bottle of Holy Water. I'll even make sure you get the bottle shaped like the Virgin Mary.

You can put it with your Virgin Mary night light.

She is old enough to know better.

FYI Lauralea, you put those words on YOUR blog for the WHOLE world to read. You then came to our turf and you've been confronted and challenged. If you can't hang with the big kids at FJ, then go back to your little blog and whine about how people at FJ were so mean to you and let your little fundie friends help you lick your wounds. Just don't forget the things we're trying to tell you- and heed our words because honey, in the real world-- the big, mean, real world-- your words will get you in big trouble.

P.S.- I'm still praying for you.

Catholic Hugs and Kisses,

Diva Divine

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Apparently saying the rosary doesn't mention Jesus at all - whut? Saying the rosary mentions Jesus all the time. And um, just a tip, Catholics are Christians and they read the Bible too.

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There were even a few Muslims in the crowd!

What the hell is that supposed to mean? They're all just murderin' brown people all the time so chuck me under the chin and call me cutie, look at them there Muslins being all pro-lifey and shit?

Good hell. Is this a joke?

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Apparently saying the rosary doesn't mention Jesus at all - whut? Saying the rosary mentions Jesus all the time. And um, just a tip, Catholics are Christians and they read the Bible too.

Yeah, what Yewchapel said and we have more books in our Bible than you do in your Bible! So, there!


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