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Google Knows Doug Phillips Is a Tool!


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So last night I googled Dougie in search for some new LOL material and lookie what I found:


Now I was soooooooooooooo excited I wanted to post last night, but I wasn't sure if it was just my computer, as I uh google dougie a lot. So when I got to work I tried it on my work computer and BINGO!! there it was again. So my fellow Snarkers, if I can call upon you for some help: CLICKS WE NEED CLICKS!!!!!!!!!!! If you google Doug Phillips and get "is a tool" CLICK!!, if not search for Doug Phillips is a Tool! If we want the world to know, Doug Phillips is a Tool, SEARCH and CLICK!

Thanks and remember **Doug Phillips is a Tool!**

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I just typed "Doug Phillips is" into my Google search bar (google.com.au , if it makes any difference) and the first suggestion was "doug phillips is a tool"

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Done! I searched "Doug Phillips" and as soon as I added a space at the end, "Doug Phillips is a Tool" came up as a suggested search term. First link: Facebook, Second link: a FJ thread!

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I think Doug Phillips who is a tool's ranking has actually slipped a bit recently. It's not as though Doug Phillips is (less of) a tool, although I think his seasons of toolishness tend to be in warmer weather months, when he can wear sporty shorts and togas and jaunty caps. Consider this my humble yet fervent contribution to the Doug Phllips is a tool campaign.

Because Doug Phillips is a tool.

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And if you read it on the internet, you know it's true! So, Doug Phillips must be a tool.

I'll say it again - Doug Phillips is a tool. That is all.

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There is a facebook page! That's great. And most of the comments are "Dougie is a tool".

And even exmormon has a post about Doug the Tool. It's good to know that people are realizing that Doug Phillips is a tool is a tool!

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This thread needs a pic:


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. wonder if its time to retire Ms. Nellie?????????????????????????

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I wonder if Dougie The Tool searches his own name... Maybe his interns will report this to him; thus convincing him to become an internet martyr on our board. It would be hilarious! :lol:

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We must be driving up the ratings. I just started typing in a Google search on Doug Phillips and number 3 on the autocomplete was "Doug Phillips is the tooliest of tools" :lol:

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I wonder if Dougie The Tool searches his own name... Maybe his interns will report this to him; thus convincing him to become an internet martyr on our board. It would be hilarious! :lol:

Does a bear shit in the woods?

Day of Doug

1. Wake-up

2. Bible Time with Beall

3. Take a dump

4. Eat breakfast

5. Go to VF HQs

6. Google himself

7. 1:1s with the Interns

8. Google himself while eating lunch

9. Costume Fittings

10. Count Daily $$$$$ intake

11. Go home and Blue Tooth Peety

12. Eat Dinner

13. Google himself

14. Bible time with family

15. Pretend to have a headache

16. Go to sleep and dream of manly romps

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Does a bear shit in the woods?

Day of Doug

1. Wake-up

2. Bible Time with Beall

3. Take a dump

4. Eat breakfast

5. Go to VF HQs

6. Google himself

7. 1:1s with the Interns

8. Google himself while eating lunch

9. Costume Fittings

10. Count Daily $$$$$ intake

11. Go home and Blue Tooth Peety :?:

12. Eat Dinner

13. Google himself

14. Bible time with family

15. Pretend to have a headache

16. Go to sleep and dream of manly romps

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Peety. AKA Sippy Cup. AKA. Doug's Bosom Friend. Christianed Peter Bradrick.

Only time to chat is the car ride on the way home. Can't let BeAll know.

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This thread needs a pic:


hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. wonder if its time to retire Ms. Nellie?????????????????????????


Much as Doug Phillips is a tool and you have initiated and made a sterling effort in the Doug Phillips is a Tool campaign, in my head you ARE Nellie Oleson, sticking her tongue out at Doug Phillips (the tool). And you know Dougie is totally jealous of her lovely ringlets.

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Does a bear shit in the woods?

Day of Doug

1. Wake-up

2. Bible Time with Beall

3. Take a dump

4. Eat breakfast

5. Go to VF HQs

6. Google himself

7. 1:1s with the Interns

8. Google himself while eating lunch

9. Costume Fittings

10. Count Daily $$$$$ intake

11. Go home and Blue Tooth Peety

12. Eat Dinner

13. Google himself

14. Bible time with family

15. Pretend to have a headache

16. Go to sleep and dream of manly romps

Am I the only one who giggled at the thought of Doug the Tool Googling himself ;) :lol:

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Much as Doug Phillips is a tool and you have initiated and made a sterling effort in the Doug Phillips is a Tool campaign, in my head you ARE Nellie Oleson, sticking her tongue out at Doug Phillips (the tool). And you know Dougie is totally jealous of her lovely ringlets.

I don't think I can give up my dear Nellie. She truly is sticking her tongue out at Dougie. Plus she is currently the 67th pic in a google image search for "doug phillips vision forum". I would hate to loose all that work. However, I may just have to start randomly adding pics to the end of my posts.


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So last night I googled Dougie in search for some new LOL material and lookie what I found:


Now I was soooooooooooooo excited I wanted to post last night, but I wasn't sure if it was just my computer, as I uh google dougie a lot. So when I got to work I tried it on my work computer and BINGO!! there it was again. So my fellow Snarkers, if I can call upon you for some help: CLICKS WE NEED CLICKS!!!!!!!!!!! If you google Doug Phillips and get "is a tool" CLICK!!, if not search for Doug Phillips is a Tool! If we want the world to know, Doug Phillips is a Tool, SEARCH and CLICK!

Thanks and remember **Doug Phillips is a Tool!**

I think it also says a lot that some of the related searches bring up 'controversy', 'cult' and 'racist'!

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Am I the only one who giggled at the thought of Doug the Tool Googling himself ;) :lol:

It does kind of sound like a euphemism in the context of that list.

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There is a poor man at my work, who shares a name with Doug Phillips is a Tool. I just saw a name plate on an office door, when I was in the bowels of the building the other day. It was odd, no doubt, to see Doug Phillips on a name plate, without his suffix. However, this poor sod at work likely has no idea that he shares his name with Mr. Wide Stance, so I did not pencil in the 'is a tool' proper ending.

Doug Phillips is a Tool . . . .Eleventy!!1!!!11

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There is a poor man at my work, who shares a name with Doug Phillips is a Tool. I just saw a name plate on an office door, when I was in the bowels of the building the other day. It was odd, no doubt, to see Doug Phillips on a name plate, without his suffix. However, this poor sod at work likely has no idea that he shares his name with Mr. Wide Stance, so I did not pencil in the 'is a tool' proper ending.

Doug Phillips is a Tool . . . .Eleventy!!1!!!11

I giggled because your post mentioned bowels.

Doug Phillips is a tool!

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We need to have a "Thread of the Week" vote because I'd nominate this one! Especially love the daily schedule for Doug (Phillips Is A Tool). :laughing-rolling:

"Petey! Petey! Can you hear me now? Oops - just went out of range! Petey, are you there, Petey?"

Doug Phillips Is A Tool!


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And because I am bored, I decided to re-write the Day of Doug, as Dougie would write it:

The Providence of Douglas W. Phillips, Esq.

1. Awaken mine eyes to the morn! Glory be to God as I continue on the hazardous journey of my life!

2. Share the word of the Lord our creator, with my helpmeet as she washes my feet with her tears and dries them with her locks as the good book says.

3. Have my private time with the Lord.

4. Sup on a reformative breakfast prepared by daughters whom under my umbrella of protections scramble the finest of eggs.

5. Leave my domain, to embark on my daily mission. I needeth not to fasten my seat belt as the Lord is with me.

6. Google myself.

7. 1:1 fellowship with the interns.

8. Google myself whilst I sup on the fruit my Lord has giveth and the bread my wife hath provided.

9. Meet with the seamstress to ensure our period attire for the next Vision Forum Ministry is historically accurate and give providence to God!

10. Bless the tithes given to me.

11. Embark on my journey home. Have phone fellowship with my bosom friend Peter.

12. Sup with the family.

13. Google myself, perhaps update my wikipedia page

14. Assume the role bestowed upon my by Titus2 as head of my church. Teach my sons to be leaders in the way of the Lord and my daughters to be dutiful servants to their authority.

15. Have Beall fetch a cool compress for my headache, yes my headaches, my how the plague me each and every night.

16. Drift into sweet slumber and dream of refreshingly vigorous, sometimes wet, sometimes sweaty, manly romps.

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And because I am bored, I decided to re-write the Day of Doug, as Dougie would write it:

The Providence of Douglas W. Phillips, Esq.

1. Awaken mine eyes to the morn! Glory be to God as I continue on the hazardous journey of my life!

2. Share the word of the Lord our creator, with my helpmeet as she washes my feet with her tears and dries them with her locks as the good book says.

3. Have my private time with the Lord.

4. Sup on a reformative breakfast prepared by daughters whom under my umbrella of protections scramble the finest of eggs.

5. Leave my domain, to embark on my daily mission. I needeth not to fasten my seat belt as the Lord is with me.

6. Google myself.

7. 1:1 fellowship with the interns.

8. Google myself whilst I sup on the fruit my Lord has giveth and the bread my wife hath provided.

9. Meet with the seamstress to ensure our period attire for the next Vision Forum Ministry is historically accurate and give providence to God!

10. Bless the tithes given to me.

11. Embark on my journey home. Have phone fellowship with my bosom friend Peter.

12. Sup with the family.

13. Google myself, perhaps update my wikipedia page

14. Assume the role bestowed upon my by Titus2 as head of my church. Teach my sons to be leaders in the way of the Lord and my daughters to be dutiful servants to their authority.

15. Have Beall fetch a cool compress for my headache, yes my headaches, my how the plague me each and every night.

16. Drift into sweet slumber and dream of refreshingly vigorous, sometimes wet, sometimes sweaty, manly romps.

Somebody should make a Bible Language googlish translator! :lol: It would be hilarious to mock the fundies with! :twisted:

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