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Josh Duggar's Instagram (Part 5)


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Well, shit. I haven't read his tweets for a while, but now his account is protected. Since he blocked me months ago, I can't access his tweets. Not a big loss, for sure, but I have to wonder if Instagram can be far behind?

Is it really? It wouldn't surprise me if it were due to his pet troll. I think someone on the last thread suggested he consider changing his privacy settings to protect his family.

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I can read his offensive twats just fine.


I can still see his tweets, but I don't follow him. If he is safeguarding against troll issues, though, I don't blame him for that. There's Internet snark and then there's line-crossing, and he's seen some of the latter lately.

That said, the "junior statesman" photo is beyond lulzy.


When I try to see his tweets , I get this:


@joshduggar's account is protected.

Only confirmed followers have access to @joshduggar's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.

Maybe this feature automatically blocks all IP addresses of those he has blocked?

When I try to see his tweets , I get this:


@joshduggar's account is protected.

Only confirmed followers have access to @joshduggar's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.

Maybe this feature automatically blocks all IP addresses of those he has blocked?

No, because he blocked an account of mine and I use the same computer for the current account. I don't have a "serious" twitter, but it's a pain to rebuild the people that I follow everytime I create a sock account, so I really don't want to do it again.

I hashtagged my comment rather than using "@" so as not to draw immediate attention to my tweet.

Josh makes me so enraged

eh, there's plenty of idiots like him. I suppose we ought to be happy he'd rather stuff his face than make us stuff our ears with his waxing 'politician'.


Do you think he will try to launch some kind of political career once he is done with the show? Looking at his account, it seems almost inevitable :?

Do you think he will try to launch some kind of political career once he is done with the show? Looking at his account, it seems almost inevitable :?

Of course he will. He's so damn far up his own arse that he probably thinks he's destined to be president one day.


If he ever launches a career in politics his instagram pics and twatter will haunt him forever. The internets never forgets!


One can only hope that he is as unsuccessfull as his daddy in that endeavor. Pretentiousness at its best.


And now he's supporting Todd Akin. I guess it was just a question of time. :x


He doesn't know the meaning of 'legitimate' and 'rape'. Or he's just an asshat. I'm betting on both. :evil:


Probably both. It's always funny how people just "misspoke" and "apologize" when they uttered some really fucked up shit about biology or something extremely mysogynistic. :evil:


He just keeps pulling himself lower and lower. All these tweets reflect his opinion of women loud and clear: Somehow a rape is always a little bit the woman's fault.

You know, all this Aiken stuff has reminded me of something I remember my fundie-lite ex-bf say that was perfectly horrifying. He said that sometimes God wants a certain baby to be born and if the parties involved are not willing, then he has to make the guy rape the girl to get it to happen. :o

I think I had blocked the memory of him saying something like that out of my mind. I am trying to think if there are instances of this in the Old Testament...

But if we have a group of people who honestly believe that, I'm frightened. Truly frightened.

Probably both. It's always funny how people just "misspoke" and "apologize" when they uttered some really fucked up shit about biology or something extremely mysogynistic. :evil:

I am totally fed up with the "misspoke" excuse. What word did he mean to say when he said "legitimate rape"?

It's like that old joke about the Freudian slip: I meant to say "Pass the potatoes" and instead I said "You ruined my life you disgusting bitch".

Every word of that speech by Akin was wrong wrong wrong. Wrong factually and wrong politically. Not just a word slip like saying legitmate when he meant violent. There is no version of that speech that makes it any less douchey.


It was not just one word though, which makes it totally invalid to say he "misspoke" in my opinion, as so often. And people supporting him really shows that they are on the same page with him. The whole distortion of how a woman's body works fits very well with the whole pro life / quiverfull agenda, so no wonder Josh was on board right away.


Does anyone know if the segment that Josh alluded to in his instagram pics was shown today?

As for Josh's support of Akin, I'm not really surprised. Seriously, the guy has no independent thought.


His Akin comments are on webstagram now. Here's my response, by Facebook post so it is there forever:

You do not support "life." You support myths over science. You support the idea that women cannot decide for themselves if they have been raped and must go to a "higher authority" to determine if it was "legitimate" or "forcible." You support the idea that women's thoughts and actions are to be mistrusted at all times. You support taking away choices from women who have already had too many choices taken away. You support taking control away from women who are trying to gain back even a little control of their bodies, self-respect, and futures. You support forcing women to be intimately violated and re-live the rape DAY after DAY after DAY. You have proven yourself to be part of the worst, the most horrible dregs of humanity. I hope that nobody you love ever has to turn to you for comfort after a horrible situation, because you have shown that you do not care who you hurt in your pursuit of the conservative agenda.
His Akin comments are on webstagram now. Here's my response, by Facebook post so it is there forever:

It's a mark of how self centered and highly he thinks himself that he doesn't take it seriously when people call him out on his 'political' comments. But congrats :clap: that was a very well thought out comment. Maybe one of the leghumpers will take it seriously.


No, the leghumpers will just say, "Shut up. Josh is awesome."


Thankfully some people still use their brains (at least regarding Akin ) :

barrbell This comment saddens me as a living breathing human. I always liked you and your family when others didn't and yes people make mistakes. I do believe he is sorry. But i believe he is sorry he said it not that he thought or thinks it. Akins made no mistake he stated his very misguided feelings on a very sensitive subject. I hope he is never elected to any office ever again. He is a horrible idiotic man. Hopefully this situation will educate him. I do not have a lot of faith that it will.

The thing is Josh, back when your parents were living on the car lot, people broke in, tied up your dad and stole stuff. Something MUCH more drastic could have happened, and your mom could have been on the receiving end of this very topic. Please try and think before you speak!

Josh Duggar disgusts me. I wish he would try to launch his political 'career' tomorrow. The sooner he does it the sooner he has to experience his own epic failure. But it's not like he'll re-evaluate himself or his life when his ambitions crash and burn. He'll blame everyone else. Classic narcissist.

From the looks of it, activism = retweeting crap regarding reprehensible political candidates. Oh, and singing "This Land is Your Land" while stumping for Frothy, using his iphone to help him out with the lyrics.

Did he do that? I missed that one. I bet he doesn't know a thing about the history or intent of that song.

http://www.npr.org/2000/07/03/1076186/t ... -your-land


Akin did not 'misspeak'. He has used the term 'forceable rape' in the past. Hell, he and Ryan put it in a bill. It was removed from the bill because the term was so offensive. Did he learn a lesson from this? No, what he did was try to substitute 'legitimate' for the word 'forceable'. Showing he still does not have a clue. Akin has now shown himself to be a liar as well as an idiot.


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