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They would probably tell you to not use plumbing line, however, there is plenty of tubing and other implements in the hospital. Maybe a tongue depressor? Oxygen line tube thing? Maybe just smack the baby with her file

I should have thought of this! Even better than buy used and save the difference. Borrow and save it all, while still ensuring proper discipline so that a newborn preemie does not get away with purposeful defiance. Good thinking! :lol: :o

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Be glad it's not gouda, you'd be eating wax.


I bow so low in your general direction, I'm gonna need help getting up!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I bow so low in your general direction, I'm gonna need help getting up!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

:::helping MJB up:::

I'm glad I could amuse you. :D

And, the next time you are peeling paper off of sliced cheese, I hope you burst into song! :D

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Ah, Teri and the cheese paper have inspired me.

To the tune of "Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb" (video below for anyone who doesn't know the hymn):

Have you peeled that cheese off at this eating hour?

Are you sure it can go on the ham?

In the kitchen where before the LORD you cower,

Are you sure it can go on the ham?


Are you sure it is peeled?

Are you sure it can go on the ham?

Is your Borden's wrinkled? Is it white as snow?

Are you sure it can go on the ham?

You can peel it gently, you don't need an axe.

Are you sure it can go on the ham?

Be glad it's not gouda, you'd be eating wax.

Are you sure it can go on the ham?


When the Bridegroom cometh will your cheese be white?

Are you sure it can go on the ham?

Will you answer Jesus with a smile so bright,

And be sure it can go on the ham?


Dear God, please don't let FMJ see this and film a rendition for YouTube. I don't think we've recovered from "Maxwell Wonderland" yet.

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Dear God, please don't let FMJ see this and film a rendition for YouTube. I don't think we've recovered from "Maxwell Wonderland" yet.

And "Where are you Smuggar?". :lol:

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My education teacher taught us from her 50+ years of experience, not from a textbook...and as for college, it is a small one in our church....Though just as "qualified" as any other large college

I needed a good laugh today.

What subjects does this wonderful college teach? Is it accredited? Does it do any original research? Does the faculty produce any papers that have been published in scholarly peer-reviewed journals? Do you have any idea what any of these terms mean? Are faculty free to express their own ideas without fear of censorship by the administration? Are there student organizations that represent a full range of groups and ideas?

I'd love to hear your explanation of how a church basement college is "qualified".

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Ah, I just read the rest of this and the Sadie thread, and looked up the link to the church.

What you are describing is not a college, dear. It is a seminary - a place quite specifically designed teach religious doctrine and have students follow the faith. It has nothing to do with academics, the free flow of ideas, rigorous standards of inquiry, etc. The description of the staff at the church doesn't bother to mention WHERE anyone got their degrees, which is pretty standard information that normal colleges would provide.

I missed the part of the Bible that preaches against academic standards. Serves me right for having a rabbi that went back to school and became a child psychiatrist. He has a real CV, by the way.

While I'm at it, I have some questions about disciplining children. I'm asking genuine questions, because I've had conversations before with fundie Christians that led to them re-evaluating their discipline style and having better relationships with their children.

1. How do you define discipline?

2. Do you believe that discipline can exist and be effective if it does not involve physical pain?

3. Do you believe that it is possible for a child to be raised without physical discipline and still grow into a well-behaved, moral human being?

4. If the answer to #3 is no, would you be convinced if I scanned it my kids' report cards showing perfect conduct marks and excellent marks in religious studies?

5. Do you agree that both the Old and New Testaments command us to "love thy neighbor", which includes treating others as we would like to be treated?

6. If it is possible that non-physical discipline could be just as effective in producing good, moral adults, why wouldn't you use it? Refer to your answer from #5.

7. Read Proverbs - the entire chapter. Would you agree that there are instances where non-literal language is used, in order to make a point. Would you suggest that someone attending a state dinner stab themselves in the throat if they feel hungry?

8. Would you find it persuasive if I told you about the parenting lessons that I received from a pregnant mom of 12, who did not use physical punishment but managed to have a calm house of helpful, very religious children? What if I were to have you read the religious, positive parenting book that she recommended?

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And "Where are you Smuggar?". :lol:

Every now and then, "Where are you Smuggar" pops into my brain like a nightmare.

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What book?

"Raising Roses Among the Thorns" by Rabbi Noach Orlowek. It's aimed at an Orthodox Jewish audience, but the basic points are in plain English and can be understood by anyone.

"To Kindle a Soul" by Lawrence Kelemen may also appeal to you.

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What good would it do for me to cite verses? You clearly aren't here with an open mind....

It would, at the very least, show that you actually have read, studied, and know something about the Bible you claim to base your life decisions on. It would at least suggest that you aren't completely ignorant of the book your entire religious worldview is allegedly based upon.

Right now, you come across as just one of those "Christians" who thinks that parking her butt in a pew a couple of times a week and nodding along with whatever her pastor or another authority figure says about the Bible is all you need to know. There are a lot of people who faithfully attend church and are willing to go on about the Bible and what is "Biblical," yet it's obvious they've never bothered to read the Bible and actually think about what it says (much less learn about its history, or the historical context in which it each book was written).

If you don't like being thought of as brainwashed, uneducated, and pig-ignorant about your own religion, you'll need to give us more to work with. A lot more. Because nobody here is terribly impressed with you, or any of your unsupported assertions, so far.

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He's got you well trained if you are making excuses for an your father's pathological behavior towards you.

Sadie, have you ever considered that maybe you had a lot of "issues" as a child precisely because your father was emotionally abusive? That you acted out because you were being abused, and not the other way around?

That your father has you convinced that it was your behavior that prompted his abuse, and that he was in any way justified in mistreating you, is reprehensible.

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I just found this blog:


I skimmed the entries. No idea what to make of it. But it is called 'Sadie's Corner' and whoever's writing it doesn't seem all there...

The first entry of that blog says the author is in Alabama. Our Sadie's in Wisconsin. And while the writing ability is definitely sub-par, at least she writes at length, instead of the mess of half-baked tweets we've been treated to here.

Verdict: not the same person. And I doubt our possible troll is a blogger, given how averse she is to writing more than one line at a time, or her inability to expand upon and support her views.

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And "Where are you Smuggar?". :lol:

Oh man, "Where are you Smuggar" was comedy gold. :lol: Pity, it looks like she took it down. :cry:

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Oh man, "Where are you Smuggar" was comedy gold. :lol: Pity, it looks like she took it down. :cry:

Was that the god awful singing to made up lyrics that someone put up on youtube?

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Thank you, 2xx, for your comments and questions. While I am undoubtedly interrupting in someone else's conversation, I must add my two (Canadian) cents.

I thank Jeebus that I was able to attend, courte$y of my parents, a fully accredited university 15 minutes away from my home. Endless opportunities to meet people of contrasting backgrounds and value systems, and to gather knowledge for the sake of knowledge.

Now, since I am not the subject of this thread, please feel free to resume your snarking! :D

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Thank you, 2xx, for your comments and questions. While I am undoubtedly interrupting in someone else's conversation, I must add my two (Canadian) cents.

I thank Jeebus that I was able to attend, courte$y of my parents, a fully accredited university 15 minutes away from my home. Endless opportunities to meet people of contrasting backgrounds and value systems, and to gather knowledge for the sake of knowledge.

Now, since I am not the subject of this thread, please feel free to resume your snarking! :D

Ditto, but to be fair, I should thank the Canadian taxpayers of the early 1990s.

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Actually I'm not...I've been through emotional abuse, but have accepted the fact that I brought it on myself, because of things I had done, and I have chosen to be under my parent's authority, even though I am in my late 20's...and I'm not brainwashed, either!

Sadie, if you are a genuine poster, this statement is both absurd and tragic.

By definition, abuse is extreme mistreatment. Are you saying that you, the child, were responsible for an adult in your life engaging in extreme mistreatment?

To believe that are yourself and your experiences is so wrong. The fact that you blame yourself for the fact that you were abused, and that you continue to live under your parents' authority, is pretty much proof that you ARE brainwashed. It's not a rational choice.

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Sadie, if you are a genuine poster, this statement is both absurd and tragic.

By definition, abuse is extreme mistreatment. Are you saying that you, the child, were responsible for an adult in your life engaging in extreme mistreatment?

To believe that are yourself and your experiences is so wrong. The fact that you blame yourself for the fact that you were abused, and that you continue to live under your parents' authority, is pretty much proof that you ARE brainwashed. It's not a rational choice.

As I posted in the Sadie thread, I did some research about Sadie's "college". You know, the one run out of her church. Turns out they have ties to another institution whose extreme abuse has landed them on CNN, as well as on Anderson Cooper in the same episode as Michael Pearl.

Here's a link that includes the CNN video: fundamentallyreformed.com/2011/09/22/fairhaven-baptist-and-spanking-on-cnn/

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I needed a good laugh today.

What subjects does this wonderful college teach? Is it accredited? Does it do any original research? Does the faculty produce any papers that have been published in scholarly peer-reviewed journals? Do you have any idea what any of these terms mean? Are faculty free to express their own ideas without fear of censorship by the administration? Are there student organizations that represent a full range of groups and ideas?

I'd love to hear your explanation of how a church basement college is "qualified".

Yeah, no, a seminary or church-run "college" is NOT as qualified as any other large college. 2xx certainly hits on some of the reasons why this is. However, perhaps you recognize that yourself and that is why you made sure to put quotation marks around qualified.

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