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The Lesbians Next Door


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One thing that boggles me is that "lesbians" for these people always seems to be preceded by "butch" or "tattooed," as if all lesbians are big-rig truck drivers who wear flannel and don't shave. It makes me half-wish that The Fiancee and I could visit (not move to!) "Jennifer's" neighborhood, just to watch her head asplode from shifting paradigms.

(To clarify: The Fiancee is tall, androgynous, short-haired and rocks a killer vest and tie, kind of like Anne Hathaway in "Twelfth Night" or a prettyboy K-pop rocker. I'm growing my hair down to my butt (past shoulder length now), am a fiend for makeup tips, and have more filly skirts and dresses in my closet than the cast of "Pushing Daisies." I doubt the Fail Mary Pearl-Clutching Brigade could handle the deviation from their stereotype.)

When I read the Stinking Housewife's post and the comments from her readers, it totally reminded me of the Mormon blogger Heather who said that "Anderson Cooper didn't come across as a gay to her". I think some of these fundies always think of gays and lesbians always being the stereotypes. They probably see the butch lesbians as a ebil double threat because they are against "God" for being attracted to the same sex and since they are a bit masculine or have tattoos, they are threats to godly women in society. The Fail Mary Pearl-Clutching Brigade probably wouldn't be able to handle a very feminine lesbian couple. They would probably accuse a couple like that of trying to fit in with straight women.

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One thing that boggles me is that "lesbians" for these people always seems to be preceded by "butch" or "tattooed," as if all lesbians are big-rig truck drivers who wear flannel and don't shave. )[/quo

I rarely see women who look like that, gay or straight. The only women I have met that looked like the "evil butch" stereotype was my old veterinarian. She had been happily married to a man for 20+ years and had six kids. I guess that if you work with horses and cows all day, it's practical to have short hair, warm flannel shirts, jeans and working boots.

I really wonder if the horrible lesbian neigbours look like she describes them, or if she just added the stereotype things like tattoos and short hair to make them look "worse".

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One thing that boggles me is that "lesbians" for these people always seems to be preceded by "butch" or "tattooed," as if all lesbians are big-rig truck drivers who wear flannel and don't shave. It makes me half-wish that The Fiancee and I could visit (not move to!) "Jennifer's" neighborhood, just to watch her head asplode from shifting paradigms.

QFT! My girlfriend and I are both long-haired, make-up wearing girly girls (she less so than I am, but still far, far away from the "butch" stereotype). More often than not, we're mistaken for sisters (sometimes twins) who live together.

What a fun slap in the face that would be for a fundie like Jennifer, to discover that the stereotypically feminine ladies down the street aren't just "housemates"....

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QFT! My girlfriend and I are both long-haired, make-up wearing girly girls (she less so than I am, but still far, far away from the "butch" stereotype). More often than not, we're mistaken for sisters (sometimes twins) who live together.

What a fun slap in the face that would be for a fundie like Jennifer, to discover that the stereotypically feminine ladies down the street aren't just "housemates"....

Yup, that would be fun.

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I've also known a couple of straight women who fit "evil butch" stereotype. I bet one of these fundies will end up mistaking a straight woman as a lesbian one of these days or as like another poster mentioned it would be hilarious if Jennifer or one of the other fundies found out the feminine neighbors were lesbians. I almost wish like sending L Word DVDs to the Stinking Housewife. The L Word had different types of lesbian characters and the creator of the show is a lesbian. Also if some of these fundies followed Hollywood gossip they would be shocked at some of the bisexual or lesbian rumors that are attached to several feminine actresses.

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QFT! My girlfriend and I are both long-haired, make-up wearing girly girls (she less so than I am, but still far, far away from the "butch" stereotype). More often than not, we're mistaken for sisters (sometimes twins) who live together.

What a fun slap in the face that would be for a fundie like Jennifer, to discover that the stereotypically feminine ladies down the street aren't just "housemates"....

I thought I posted this earlier but must have hit the wrong button. This whole thread reminded me of a long ago vacation I took with my lesbian neighbors (neither butch - one a high-powered attorney and her partner was a stay-at-home mom/writer) with their two lovely daughters, their dad (gay), heathen single mommy me, and my biracial son. We rented a lake cabin and wound up next door to a fundie-lite family, who were actually quite friendly and spent the week inviting us over for campfires where we sang Jesusy songs.

It occured to us later that they must have thought we were a poly family of some sort - the husband kept referring to the girls' dad as my "husband" and we later realized he had done that with all of the women in our group. That idea of us all as a family unit must have been easier for their mindset to accept!

Now I'm stuck between a pssive-aggressive granny on one side and a hoarder on the other. I long for my old lesbian neighbors!

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I live in a very reglious (Mormon) small community, I am not Mormon, about 2 years ago we had a gay couple move to town to become the new Family Physician and Ped, my husband and I hired them we run the local medical clinic. They have 3 adpoted children, no one questioned their living arrangement, children were accept into the community. However there was jealousy among the women in the community because one guy can bake like no one business, I mean he constructed a brick oven in their backyard and made bread, pizza and other yummy things, still does. So he started to teaching a class on baking at the community center, for free, it is always stand room only. They still live here and have one more year on their contract, at the present time I think that they will stay. We have three lesbians couples in town and no one cares, two have children and the other couple is trying at the present time. I think that all of them attend the local christian church, I do know that they are involved in community activities. When one of them got very ill and had to airlifted out, the community took care of the children so she could be with her partner. No one really cares, if they do nothing is said.

As said before I would rather live next door to a same sex couple than some fundie. She needs to pull her head out of her ass.

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Who is Lawrence Austere?


and interestingly, he has a thread on tattoos, where he mentions TH again. :roll:

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I got called "sir" tonight. I stand five feet tall (an unusual height for a man) have a 36C chest and was wearing mascara. I don't look vaguely like a bloke. I look like a woman with a shaved head, which is what I am. But the absence of hair is enough to confuse people, apparently. *headdesk*

It was only when I spoke the person said "Oh sorry! Madam!" in a very flustered fashion. Honestly, I am bewildered. Granted, I am lacking in the hair department. But I've not been "sir" before. :lol:

I wonder what the Lousewife would think if I moved next door to her? I also hear that many US houses have a little flagpole on them. If I had one of those, I'd put up the workers' flag (the red flag). I do not think she would like that either. Or my musical taste. Or my comrades.

In fact maybe I should move to the US and next to her as a form of karmic punishment :dance:

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Most Americans would not know a thing about flying the read flag.

Maybe they'd think it was some kind of menstruation banner, a la the Bad Society in The Gate to Women's Country.

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Maybe they'd think it was some kind of menstruation banner, a la the Bad Society in The Gate to Women's Country.

Argh quoted before I fixed my spelling :oops:

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Most Americans would not know a thing about flying the read flag.

I think she would, though. She gives me the impression of having looked into such things.

Flying the hammer and sickle, as you know, is different and means something different. I'm not averse - I've worn a hammer and sickle shirt to work - but I am told if I tried that in the US I could expect to "get the shit kicked out of me". :shock:

It's also not the primary flag for me, as I'm an old school Trotskyist with anarchist influences ;)

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re Laurence Auster....is there still conjecture over whether or not this is the actual Laura/THW? Nothing like commenting on yourself...

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