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The Lesbians Next Door


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I worried that I was the only one who wondered. Every time I saw it I just thought Q-tip (Yes, yes, it's shameful, I know. I should show more respect for my people).

A random Google search says they stand for 'intersex' and 'proud'.

The first thing I saw was Q-Tip too! :lol: I've never seen the IP added on.

I have a really hard time buying that this couple wants to be besties with the stick-up-their-asses fundies next door. They probably stopped by one time to introduce themselves and knew within seconds that they were being judged and disliked.

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Some same sex couples avoid their neighbors. One of my friends from high school has lived with his boyfriend for 4 or 5 years now and they live in a condo complex and they have both admitted to me that they don't talk to any of their neighbors because they don't want to put with crap in case, some of the neighbors are homophobes.

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What's specially evil about tattoos? I know the verse about making marks on your flesh for the dead, but that's not really modern tattooing?

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I don't know what is evil about tatoos - I was watching a programme today that said 20 million Britons (1/3 population more or less) have at least one. So we must be a vry evil land, what with socialist medical care and all.

Not all intersex people have ambiguous genitalia, by the way. Some do, some don't.

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and not just lesbians...tatooed lesbians! Big, butch intimidating lesbians!

LOL! The horror! ;)

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I just noticed that the Thinking Housewife is Laura Wood. I wonder if she's the same Laura Wood from the alt.adoption newsgroup back in the 90's. Hmmm.

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I have missed the thinking housewife until now. I don't know what to say. I have rarely seen so much open hate on an internet page.

We have been in a similar situation recently, though not so extreme: we are not in an apartment, and fornicating drug addicts instead of sodomites are the “parents†involved right next door.

So it's better to have drug addicts next door than a same-sex couple...?

*off to bed or my head will explode*

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So it's better to have drug addicts next door than a same-sex couple...?

*off to bed or my head will explode*

No, drug addicts are OK, it's fornicating drug addicts.that aren't OK. :lol:

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Sumeri wrote:

and not just lesbians...tatooed lesbians! Big, butch intimidating lesbians

I sure could have used their help when I was hauling in hundred pound sacks of bull crap a couple of weeks ago. Hell I would have baked them a cake for the assistance and volunteered to baby sit so they could have a night on the town. :D

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I just noticed that the Thinking Housewife is Laura Wood. I wonder if she's the same Laura Wood from the alt.adoption newsgroup back in the 90's. Hmmm.

Was that Laura Wood hateful, racist, misogynistic, homophobic and against fun of any sort, including pizza? If so, it might be her.

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Guest Anonymous
Oh I would love to have her as a neighbor just think of all the defrauding fun I could have muhahaha! Seriously I would do everything I could think of to make her think I was evil incarnate. I would hang out with the lesbian couple, decorate my yard to the hilt for Halloween, hold Pagan rituals in the backyard, slap a rainbow sticker on my car's bumper right next to the one that says my Karma ran over your Dogma. Oh and I'd put up a large statue too a nude one, some copy of a classical work of art so her compliants would be met with a WTF by city officials.

I nominate Michelangelo's "David" or Rodin's "The Kiss".

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I nominate Michelangelo's "David" or Rodin's "The Kiss".

I suggest a pissing Cupid statue.

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Ugh, I can't even snark on this because it was so much worse than I expected. What the fresh hell is going on in these people's minds? "THEY HAVE THE GALL TO ACT LIKE THEY'RE NOT ABNORMAL AND EXPECT THEIR CHILDREN TO PLAY WITH MYYYYYY ANGELS!!!!"

Do they think they're going to shame them into, what, abandoning their partners and marrying a god-fearing man so that their children can play with the budding bigots next door?

Shame on these people and the disgusting, frankly terrifying filth they're spouting.

"Love Thy Neighbor" seems to be one of the ones they can ignore with impunity.

Assholes. Horrible, horrible assholes.

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Was that Laura Wood hateful, racist, misogynistic, homophobic and against fun of any sort, including pizza? If so, it might be her.

Yes, that's why I wonder if she's the same person. She was really crazy.

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Yes, that's why I wonder if she's the same person. She was really crazy.

It would be interesting to find out. I often wonder if she is an actual person, I cannot believe any real woman could be so horrible (although, you know, reading some of the people that are snarked on here could change a person's mind). The similarities and ass kissing between TH and Lawrence Auster are way too big to miss.

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Why only lesbians? Don't any NTH readers have gay couples nearby?

I remember reading about one where the lesbian couple kept a very manicured lawn which of course is met with suspecition from Non thinking housewife readers because they're trying too hard to fit in with the heteros!

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They seem more frightened by butch lesbians? I think it's part of their general fear and hatred of women. When they see one who steps outside her set gender role as they see it, it gives them a feeling of disgust and horror.

I shave my head (I'm actually shaving it today, No1 cut) and I wear army boots (they're German army, NATO issue, since you didn't ask) but I would not regard myself as butch. Having little hair is comfortable and army boots are both comfortable and practical. I'm all about the comfort and practicality. No doubt if they saw me they'd cross the street to avoid me because I don't have long hair and a floral dress and a wee gang of children following behind me like ducklings. I'm a punk since I was a teenager so I'm comfy dressing like one. When I have to dress up I feel and look stupid.

The Lousewife has an article on people who don't dress Just As She Wants, it's here:


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This thread makes me sad. Not snarky, just sad. I worry that these are the kind of neighbors I'll have to explain to my kids one day.

Also, JesusFightClub, you sound badass. js.

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I remember reading about one where the lesbian couple kept a very manicured lawn which of course is met with suspecition from Non thinking housewife readers because they're trying too hard to fit in with the heteros!

This reminds me - I was about to paraphrase wildly, and then managed to Google it:

http://www.creators.com/opinion/deb-pri ... iends.html

An elderly Massachusetts woman felt her opposition to gay marriage melt away after "this lovely couple" moved in next door with their children.

Her change of heart, recounted by The Boston Globe, happened because she came to see the gay men — among the nearly 10,000 gay couples who've wed in her state since 2004 — as the neighbors eager to lend a hand.

"If they can't be married in Massachusetts, they're going to leave — and then who would help me with my lawn?" she asked, urging her state lawmaker to also change — and protect gay couples' right to marry by blocking a referendum designed to abolish that right. That lawmaker did change.

So hey, there's always hope, even if that comes in the form of enlightened self-interest about lawn care.

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The ignorance really is mind boggling. How soon people forget that Catholics were once looked down upon in American society and less than a century ago the neighbors wouldn't want their children to play with the scary Catholics with the Mary statue in their yard. I was shocked to hear some women at my old (rather liberal church) speak badly about Catholics.

Before they say that people with tattoos are demonic, maybe they should ask themselves why the thinking housewife has a creepy looking eye for her logo. The triangle like eyebrow feels very Masonic or something.

I remember a theory that the Thinking Housewife was actually a male conservative writer. I'm guessing that was never proven.

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder eh? So I'd like her to tell me how one should appear physically too. I have naturally red hair...does that fit within her narrow definition of beauty, and instead I should dye my hair blonde?

Most of my friends have tattoos, and oddly I'm the only one in my group of friends who doesn't. From what they tell me, their tattoos are very personal and have great signifigance to them. Yes there are the odd "what was I thinking" but I don't think the people with tattoos are getting them done just to make the TH clutch her pearls.

I too have super short hair, and physically I'm built rather athletically...so I'm not exactly the most traditionally feminine looking person on earth. I'm like JFC...I feel weird when I put on a floral girly dress.

I feel sorry for TH and her followers. They don't know what they're missing in life...so many wonderful people and experiences to have, but they're afraid of everything that isn't within their very narrow world view. Life is too wonderful to miss out on so much.

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The ignorance really is mind boggling. How soon people forget that Catholics were once looked down upon in American society and less than a century ago the neighbors wouldn't want their children to play with the scary Catholics with the Mary statue in their yard. I was shocked to hear some women at my old (rather liberal church) speak badly about Catholics.

Before they say that people with tattoos are demonic, maybe they should ask themselves why the thinking housewife has a creepy looking eye for her logo. The triangle like eyebrow feels very Masonic or something.

I remember a theory that the Thinking Housewife was actually a male conservative writer. I'm guessing that was never proven.

When it comes down to it, most people are related or part of groups that have been discriminated. My Irish ancestors were not considered white until the 20th century, and I am sure many other members could give many other examples

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I think "The Lesbians Next Door" would make an AWESOME reality show. I have two sets of candidates among my church friends: a teacher and an outdoor-recreation guide with adorable boy/girl twins, and an artist and vocalist who married recently.

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One thing that boggles me is that "lesbians" for these people always seems to be preceded by "butch" or "tattooed," as if all lesbians are big-rig truck drivers who wear flannel and don't shave. It makes me half-wish that The Fiancee and I could visit (not move to!) "Jennifer's" neighborhood, just to watch her head asplode from shifting paradigms.

(To clarify: The Fiancee is tall, androgynous, short-haired and rocks a killer vest and tie, kind of like Anne Hathaway in "Twelfth Night" or a prettyboy K-pop rocker. I'm growing my hair down to my butt (past shoulder length now), am a fiend for makeup tips, and have more frilly skirts and dresses in my closet than the cast of "Pushing Daisies." I doubt the Fail Mary Pearl-Clutching Brigade could handle the deviation from their stereotype.)

Edited for riffles.

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One thing that boggles me is that "lesbians" for these people always seems to be preceded by "butch" or "tattooed," as if all lesbians are big-rig truck drivers who wear flannel and don't shave. It makes me half-wish that The Fiancee and I could visit (not move to!) "Jennifer's" neighborhood, just to watch her head asplode from shifting paradigms.

(To clarify: The Fiancee is tall, androgynous, short-haired and rocks a killer vest and tie, kind of like Anne Hathaway in "Twelfth Night" or a prettyboy K-pop rocker. I'm growing my hair down to my butt (past shoulder length now), am a fiend for makeup tips, and have more filly skirts and dresses in my closet than the cast of "Pushing Daisies." I doubt the Fail Mary Pearl-Clutching Brigade could handle the deviation from their stereotype.)

You two sound adorable! I love the androgynous look myself...if it weren't for big b00bs I think I could pull it off.

I think "The Lesbians Next Door" would make an AWESOME reality show. I have two sets of candidates among my church friends: a teacher and an outdoor-recreation guide with adorable boy/girl twins, and an artist and vocalist who married recently.

I think that sounds great too! There is a couple at my farmers market who grow organic vegetables in Wisconsin with two little girls. They are super into vegetables too and can tell you how many days of rain they got, how the soil content effects the taste etc. The let the girls handle cash and make change...and they aren't more then 10. Sheesh they live more salt of the earth than most fundies!

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