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New Blog alert...This one will be fun! - Jacinda

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1 Peter 4:14

If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

Romans 12:14 - "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."

To answer your question..yes, we believe in Jesus Christ. With all of our hearts. That means that our lives ought to seek after Him and serve Him to the best that we can. Even then, our works are never good enough. No one's ever good enough. We all deserve to be in hell for all eternity, but that's where grace comes in. Our Saviour Jesus Christ, came and died for sinners such as myself, He took MY sin upon Him! It's only by faith that any of us follow after God. Our hearts naturally seek to push Him away and have nothing to do with Him, but all we have to do is ask, believing that he can and He will forgive us of our sins.

I'm no better than any of you, we have the same hearts, we all sin..it's our human nature. But one thing I know, and I pray that you all could..I know I'm forgiven! There's no better thing than that!

It's because we follow after Christ and seek to live according to His Word, that it's hard to understand where our points of view and beliefs come from, but I'm a Christian, a daughter of Jesus, and that's what I believe.

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Having someone disagree with you is not persecution. You are very self-absorbed if you think so. Also, there are a ton of Christians here, we just disagree with her. Doesn't make us any less Christian. Last time I checked agreeing with Jacinda isn't one of the ways to heaven.

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Emmiedahl, your post was so affecting...especially this:

When I worked in a nursing home, Alzheimer's patients would call for their moms at night. My grandmother was crying for her mother when she died. Because mothers are supposed to be nurturing you through those moments, not thinking about ways to discipline you.

My friend worked at a nursing home and I came to meet her there one day. There was an old lady there who carried around a doll, murmuring and talking to it and cradling it. Being surprised I asked my friend why. She said that the old lady, Agnes, had had a baby who was very sick and who died when Agnes was a young mum many decades ago. As her dementia progressed Agnes thought the baby had come back and was in the doll or was the doll. She was so protective of this worn out tatty doll she spent all the time trying to comfort it and could not be parted from it, she had to see where it was at all times. My friend told me if Agnes lost sight of the doll she screamed and cried inconsolably and they had to give her medication.

It is such a profound bond that it returns when pretty much all other functions are gone. Which makes it especially wicked if the dictates of a religion break or disrupt that link.

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1 Peter 4:14

If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

Romans 12:14 - "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."

To answer your question..yes, we believe in Jesus Christ. With all of our hearts. That means that our lives ought to seek after Him and serve Him to the best that we can. Even then, our works are never good enough. No one's ever good enough. We all deserve to be in hell for all eternity, but that's where grace comes in. Our Saviour Jesus Christ, came and died for sinners such as myself, He took MY sin upon Him! It's only by faith that any of us follow after God. Our hearts naturally seek to push Him away and have nothing to do with Him, but all we have to do is ask, believing that he can and He will forgive us of our sins.

I'm no better than any of you, we have the same hearts, we all sin..it's our human nature. But one thing I know, and I pray that you all could..I know I'm forgiven! There's no better thing than that!

It's because we follow after Christ and seek to live according to His Word, that it's hard to understand where our points of view and beliefs come from, but I'm a Christian, a daughter of Jesus, and that's what I believe.

The Bible means less that nothing to me, so your Bible quotes are falling on deaf ears here. I would like for you to address your assertion that the one year old infant was a sinner in need of "discipline" only hours after being in the hospital. Again, what "sin" was she guilty of?

If you make such an assertion, surely you are prepared to back it up. Or are you just going to hide behind your Bible now?

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1 Peter 4:14

If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

Romans 12:14 - "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."

To answer your question..yes, we believe in Jesus Christ. With all of our hearts. That means that our lives ought to seek after Him and serve Him to the best that we can. Even then, our works are never good enough. No one's ever good enough. We all deserve to be in hell for all eternity, but that's where grace comes in. Our Saviour Jesus Christ, came and died for sinners such as myself, He took MY sin upon Him! It's only by faith that any of us follow after God. Our hearts naturally seek to push Him away and have nothing to do with Him, but all we have to do is ask, believing that he can and He will forgive us of our sins.

I'm no better than any of you, we have the same hearts, we all sin..it's our human nature. But one thing I know, and I pray that you all could..I know I'm forgiven! There's no better thing than that!

It's because we follow after Christ and seek to live according to His Word, that it's hard to understand where our points of view and beliefs come from, but I'm a Christian, a daughter of Jesus, and that's what I believe.

I know I'm a sinner. I accepted it years ago. Jesus does not expect me to perfect. God does not expect me to be perfect. It's impossible. God knows this. Jesus knows this. Thankfully, Jesus did die for my sins. I know this. Which is why I love Jesus as much as I do. He knew I wasn't perfect. He knew I would sin. But He loves me anyway. Jesus is in my heart and I'm in His. It's a beautiful thing.

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1 Peter 4:14

If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

Romans 12:14 - "Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse."

To answer your question..yes, we believe in Jesus Christ. With all of our hearts. That means that our lives ought to seek after Him and serve Him to the best that we can. Even then, our works are never good enough. No one's ever good enough. We all deserve to be in hell for all eternity, but that's where grace comes in. Our Saviour Jesus Christ, came and died for sinners such as myself, He took MY sin upon Him! It's only by faith that any of us follow after God. Our hearts naturally seek to push Him away and have nothing to do with Him, but all we have to do is ask, believing that he can and He will forgive us of our sins.

I'm no better than any of you, we have the same hearts, we all sin..it's our human nature. But one thing I know, and I pray that you all could..I know I'm forgiven! There's no better thing than that!

It's because we follow after Christ and seek to live according to His Word, that it's hard to understand where our points of view and beliefs come from, but I'm a Christian, a daughter of Jesus, and that's what I believe.

That's nice for you, if you think that way. However your bible has no meaning to me and I would be grateful if you would take your proselytising elsewhere.

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You realise that lots of people on this board are also Christian? And that no-one on here has a problem with true Christian beliefs/teachings such as love and forgiveness, just with the extreme fundamentalist twisting of Christianity and its accompanying psychological misunderstanding (such as believing that a 1-year baby is capable of being manipulative)?

Also, disagreement does not equal persecution.

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Mmmkay - but I'm not iinsulting her for being a christian - I'm saying her writings indicate cluelessness about child development and lack of empathy.

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Emmiedahl, your post was so affecting...especially this:

My friend worked at a nursing home and I came to meet her there one day. There was an old lady there who carried around a doll, murmuring and talking to it and cradling it. Being surprised I asked my friend why. She said that the old lady, Agnes, had had a baby who was very sick and who died when Agnes was a young mum many decades ago. As her dementia progressed Agnes thought the baby had come back and was in the doll or was the doll. She was so protective of this worn out tatty doll she spent all the time trying to comfort it and could not be parted from it, she had to see where it was at all times. My friend told me if Agnes lost sight of the doll she screamed and cried inconsolably and they had to give her medication.

It is such a profound bond that it returns when pretty much all other functions are gone. Which makes it especially wicked if the dictates of a religion break or disrupt that link.


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Emmiedahl, your post was so affecting...especially this:

My friend worked at a nursing home and I came to meet her there one day. There was an old lady there who carried around a doll, murmuring and talking to it and cradling it. Being surprised I asked my friend why. She said that the old lady, Agnes, had had a baby who was very sick and who died when Agnes was a young mum many decades ago. As her dementia progressed Agnes thought the baby had come back and was in the doll or was the doll. She was so protective of this worn out tatty doll she spent all the time trying to comfort it and could not be parted from it, she had to see where it was at all times. My friend told me if Agnes lost sight of the doll she screamed and cried inconsolably and they had to give her medication.

It is such a profound bond that it returns when pretty much all other functions are gone. Which makes it especially wicked if the dictates of a religion break or disrupt that link.

This is so true. Sad and beautiful all at once.

I volunteered in a nursing home for 4 years, on a floor designed specifically for Alzheimer's patients. I can't tell you how many of them had a doll that they faithfully cared for. They almost all seemed to long to nurture something/someone.

I remember one lady named Olita. She called me into her room one day, absolutely frantic that she had "lost her mother". We started looking (sometimes that's the only thing you can do) and suddenly she pulled an old handkerchief out of her dresser and said, "There she is!". She was all smiles after that. I'll never forget her sitting there patting that handkerchief for all she was worth. It represented her mother to her, for whatever reason, and because she had "mother" she was comforted and happy.

THAT is what a mother should be. The source of unconditional love, comfort, and kindness. You mother should be the person who sees the very best in you, not the person who sees you as a manipulative sinner.

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Mmmkay - but I'm not iinsulting her for being a christian - I'm saying her writings indicate cluelessness about child development and lack of empathy.

And obviously that is persecution. Where when she criticizes people for not living life as she sees fit, it is just her giving her opinion. :roll:

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I'm no better than any of you, we have the same hearts, we all sin..it's our human nature.

So, could it be possible that a parent might not want to pick up and cuddle a sick one year old because of her own sin? Or is always sin if an infant expresses a need that a parent does not want to fill? Could the desire to be seen as a "good" parent with a quiver of children perfectly trained to first-time obedience, and a blog exhibiting an enviably ordered home life, ever be motivated by sinful pride?

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Also - WE'RE the big, bad, childish meanies for speaking out against the belief that a sick baby should be 'disciplined' rather than comforted?! I really find it hard to comprehend your view. An ill child needs comfort and the reassurance that his/her mother still loves them and wants to help them get better. It breaks my heart to think that there's babies out there whose mothers wouldn't act according to their natural instinct to protect them, but would just 'discipline' them instead - and what's more, for a completely void reason! A baby isn't psychologically capable of being manipulative, and cannot 'sin' because they don't know right from wrong. They are amoral, not immoral - a vital difference.

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I remember one lady named Olita. She called me into her room one day, absolutely frantic that she had "lost her mother". We started looking (sometimes that's the only thing you can do) and suddenly she pulled an old handkerchief out of her dresser and said, "There she is!". She was all smiles after that. I'll never forget her sitting there patting that handkerchief for all she was worth. It represented her mother to her, for whatever reason, and because she had "mother" she was comforted and happy.

THAT is what a mother should be. The source of unconditional love, comfort, and kindness.

This thread is actually making me a bit tearful with stories like this one. I wonder what reason Olita had for seeing the handkerchief as "her mother" but one thing which came to mind was a mum wiping away tears with a handkerchief like she nowadays would with a tissue. Maybe Olita recalled her mum comforting her for a hurt feeling or an injury.

As you say, what a contrast with a mother who looks at a child much as a probation officer regards a hardened re-offender, and showing about as much love as said officer would.

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Thank you, but she's a boy". I wasn't upset that she mistook him for a girl, but she certainly got upset and basically told me her mistake was my fault because I dressed him in purple.


I love it.

Also, I want to email Jacinda to hear more about Jesus and get a free Book of Life.

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If you haven't flounced yet, MrsVtob can you please explain how us disagreeing with her is persecutuion, while her disagreeing with us and writing blog post like this:

http://www.happylittlehomemaker.org/201 ... -post.html

isn't persecution? We aren't trying to take her rights away from her, but she would take rights away from gay people.

And before you start ranting about "But she is just preaching the Bible!" do you know what else the Bible says you should die before you do? Gluttony. Her pastor would be braver if got up and told his congregation that or if she made a blog post about that. Gluttony is the probably more rampant in not only America but most churches then homosexuality.

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This thread is actually making me a bit tearful with stories like this one. I wonder what reason Olita had for seeing the handkerchief as "her mother" but one thing which came to mind was a mum wiping away tears with a handkerchief like she nowadays would with a tissue. Maybe Olita recalled her mum comforting her for a hurt feeling or an injury.

As you say, what a contrast with a mother who looks at a child much as a probation officer regards a hardened re-offender, and showing about as much love as said officer would.

I wish I had known more of their story. All I ever knew of her, was that she had always wanted to be a nurse, but it never panned out. She and her mom were apparently super close, and Olita took care of her until she died. She had never married or had children of her own.

She had a big framed painting of her mom hanging in her room, and she was truly one of the sweetest ladies I ever knew.

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Mrs Vtobe,

Perhaps you don't realize that we have a great deal of Christians on this board. Surprised? Here is the thing: Those of us who profess to being Christians DO NOT agree that disciplining a SICK child less than 18 MONTHS old is okay in ANY FORM. Debating how she was disciplined does not matter. The very fact that it was even thought of when this precious BABY had just come home from the hospital and was "as sick as she had ever been" is disgusting to every one of us Christian or not, parent or not.

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This has got to be a joke:

Go read...


Is she nuts? This chic doesn't know what real problems are.

Beat me to posting this :) We should just be thankful that she's praying for our poor souls. We're so unhappy because we've been abused by men in our lives.

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Better link: happylittlehomemaker.org/2011/06/thank-you-from-bottom-of-our-hearts.html

Didn't bother breaking it, since she very clearly knows about us. Rest easy ya'll...the body of Christ is at work!

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Beat me to posting this :) We should just be thankful that she's praying for our poor souls. We're so unhappy because we've been abused by men in our lives.


Translation= If you don't agree with Jacinda, then there must be something the hell wrong with you.

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I'm still waiting to hear exactly what "sin" a sick one year old was committing. Sorry, but a child that young is not capable of deliberate sin. She has yet to learn the difference between right and wrong. When a child that young is sick, she's not trying to manipulate mommy so she can get her way. She's trying to communicate in the only way she can that she's hurting and doesn't understand why and doesn't understand that her pain will ever stop. What "sin" is this?

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Oh is that from the Bible? Hmm. Do you realize that the Bible has been translated hundreds of times? You can also interpret the Bible any way you want, honey. It may say "train" but you take it to an extreme.

Indeed. The original verb, חנך, means "educate" or "teach" -- nothing at all like training an animal. (It also means "initiate" or "dedicate," and we get the word "Chanukkah" from it.)

Edit: Here's a link to the verb on Biblestudytools.com just to show I didn't pick a Hebrew verb at random ;)

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