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Duggars by the Dozen 43: One in Jail, Another Made Bail, and a Senate Election Fail


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1 hour ago, LilMissMetaphor said:

Who names their kid Edge?  It'd be great if he had siblings called Level, Corner, and Angle, though.

They'd need to keep going until they got to Plumb. 

4 hours ago, Bassett Lady said:

The router is obviously to blame.

The router.


Pfffft! That router's joined it's sibling router in Ukraine and both are trying to connect to Hunter Biden's laptop.  Sad. 

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2 minutes ago, breakfree said:

I truly despise them.

I am a firm believer in every victim dealing with their abuse in whatever way they need, but that doesn't extend to calling others liars for speaking the truth.  I hope she can find peace and accept the truth, but until then she has an obligation to not make it worse for her sisters.

And I know he's the one who posted it but we know he didn't do this without her okay.

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  • HerNameIsBuffy changed the title to Duggars by the Dozen 43: One in Jail, Another Made Bail, and a Senate Election Fail

Jessa is about Jessa and always has been. For whatever reason She may find it more politic to side with her parents than her siblings. Everybody got their agenda in this matter and I don’t think righteousness or loyalty or family devotion is a major part of it because honestly when have we seen Duggar’s be genuinely loving and empathetic or loyal to even each other?  Even as kids they seemed oddly callous… Remember Josiah and the Doll prank years ago or Pulling out their phones when Jason fell down the orchestra pit?  

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I suppose Jessa still needs to believe that the path is okay, because she and Ben got on it themselves. She needs to believe her parents cared about her because she and Ben are caring about their own large brood. She wants to believe things couldn't be as bad as others are claiming, because that's so painful to face. And you know how it is, if you're wrong about one thing, what else might you be wrong about? Better to keep it all locked in a closet. 

Okay, whatever, hopefully she works it out, but Ben needs to stop vaguing about it. It isn't his story to tell or deny, but it would sound less stupid if he spoke directly. Or, maybe even more stupid, but also more honest, somehow. 

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I’m glad JB fell at the first hurdle- perhaps he can concentrate on why things are going so badly for him. The people calling him out are not leftie abortion loving heathens, they are conservative Christians and law enforcement. They’ve had enough of his lies and shit. 
Jed and Jessa seem to be desperate to uphold Duggar brand- I can sort of see why Jed would - his name is Duggar, he wants to be in politics and he hasn’t got much between his ears. Jessa is more of a surprise- I didn’t expect her to be openly condemning but I thought she would just quietly concentrate on her own brand and drop the Duggar ties. It seems to be the situation with Jana that is bothering her more though - I dare say it will come out in January.

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1 hour ago, OHFL2009 said:

The comment that shocked me the most was on the local news election FB page, someone said to vote for Lisa Parks (a Democrat). Derick responded and said (because this is a primary, and voting for Lisa now would have no effect on Jim Bob): "Save your vote for Lisa for the general election in the event she faces Jim Bob."

Can you imagine the reaction a few years ago if someone suggested that in a few years, a Duggar son-in-law would suggest voting for a female Democrat over Jim Bob? 

I caught that. I think he is just mature and apolitical which is better than what he was before. Now, if he would give Jazz Jennings a true and heartfelt apology, we could talk about his really changing. 

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29 minutes ago, Howl said:

They'd need to keep going until they got to Plumb. 

Pfffft! That router's joined it's sibling router in Ukraine and both are trying to connect to Hunter Biden's laptop.  Sad. 

I hear Hillary Clinton’s emails were on the partition. 

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5 minutes ago, HerNameIsBuffy said:

When Jill found out Josh was abusing Joy and immediately called their parents.  She couldn't protect herself, but even as a kid her knee jerk response was to protect her baby.

One thing that's not discussed (or may have been but I missed it) is the sister mom relationship and how that factors into Duggar family dynamics, based on who had which sister mom and where loyalties lie.   I suspect that some/many of the Dugglings don't have much of a relationship with bio mom Michelle and are more bonded with their sister mom. 

Another sad aspect of the sister-mom dynamic is when the sister mom marries and suddenly physically disappears from that sibling/child's life.  It has to be wrenching for that child and perhaps for the sister mom as well. 

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I still think Jessa is angling her way in to taking over the Duggar brand. And probably the TTH also. Keep just enough in Jim Bob's good graces while the others are not so much, be around more and more, and it wouldn't take much to move the parents and the two youngest girls into a smaller house in a couple years while filling the TTH with little plants and preachers. Anna's a wild card, but she's got the warehouse, and Josh is gone for a while. Jana wouldn't be difficult to handle, if she's treated decently and given a room or house somewhere and allowed to keep her garden. I think Jessa has a plan.

12 hours ago, Queen Of Hearts said:

Supposedly 200 people showed up at the TTH for Boob's campaign event. So either he lied about the number of attendees (likely) or a bunch of those who came didn't vote for him (equally likely).  I bet a lot of people showed up for free food and to get a glimpse inside the house since it was in TV.

Don't forget that was right around the Reber/Keller wedding, so there were quite a few attendees from Florida there and probably a few other out-of-town fundies. Not all the attendees were local voters.

12 hours ago, onekidanddone said:

ZSquared and PP are real clear about women not voting cuz Bible.  I’m supposing the Duggar version of IFB is okay with the lady folk having a say over men?

As long as they vote for who their headship tells them too, voting is encouraged.

1 hour ago, Freejin said:

Interesting. I was thinking the opposite would happen. They have no steam left for the younger ones and they’ll have more freedom by circumstance. Jana obviously can’t take care of anyone and the rest are just raising themselves. Strict parenting takes effort and Michelle especially has no more steam. 

Yeah I think there's not much parenting going on from the parents, and probably hasn't been for years and years. Jana's raised a bunch of children to adulthood already, and kind of seems over it herself - plus she's probably pulling a lot of weight with the M kids, with Anna having a newborn and Josh gone. And the youngest Duggar kids are all teenagers or almost there (Josie just turned 12, right?). I'd bet the kids are largely raising themselves, with Jana as their main adult if something goes wrong.

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3 hours ago, imokit said:

What's the betting that JB is currently raging at sin in the camp and blaming his 2 oldest daughters as the route of that sin in the camp and girls 4&5 also undermining him

Jana failed at being a woman by letting a child wander off and not only that but shamed the family as law enforcement had to get involved and the public know.  Having a son who's been led by satan is one thing, but a daughter who failed publicly at basic womening completely undermines him to the public.

Jill used womenly ways to persuade JB to approve of her marriage to hidden snake.  She's going around undermining his message, by restricting fertility, sending her child to public school, using libraries and wearing masks.  Her husband is publicly urging people not to vote for JB and attacking him unfairly.  She's clearly been dropping lies into Derrick's ears because there's no way he would believe bad things about JB without being led astray by Jill.

Jinger is in LA also undermining family unity by openly using the bible to call her oldest brother evil.  This is not appropriate when the family needs to be united under an official message of "one bag egg, love the sinner, hate the sin."

Joy attended the trial, was a huge public visual reminder of the fact that Josh has innocent victims and a family who helped protect him over them.  (People would have been talking about what Josh did to the girls throughout the trial.  But the pictures of him and Anna going in each day, smug/ok, vs the pics of Joy attending and looking wretched were for many a huge visual reminder of the fact that abuse isn't victimless, and her parent's fuck ups in failing to protect her).  Her statement also did not follow the party line.


As far as JB concerned, with the level of misogyny he has. I bet he is blaming Jana and Jill right now.  They not Josh should have known better and been better and kept sweet for the family.  Jinger and Joy contributed to the loss, but its mainly the fault of his 2 oldest daughters.

Anna may also be getting blame. If she managed Josh better, he wouldn't have been able to get the CSAM. But I think he'll keep that private to him and Michelle.  Blaming Anna within the family, could drive her away and into tell all territory.  He won't want her to be the next Derrick, so I have no doubt is treating as shoddily as he can get away with, but being careful not to cross lines with her.

Just to clarify - everything I've written above makes me feel sick and I believe is repulsive.  However it is consistent with what their branch of Christianity teaches.  Even the wisdom booklets, which would say that Josh's decisions to molest little girls was influenced by the behaviour of said little girls.  Its the women's fault.  Its not Josh's fault, its the girls fault for enticing him and Anna for not being godly enough. 

It is also the media's fault, for being sensational and blowing things out of proportion.

None of this is JBs fault.


It all started when someone (JBD) made the decision to upgrade Josh’s phone from the flip phone of shame.

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Oh, poorly educated and misguided Benjamin. It is NOT slander if it is true, just a very uncomfortable, cold, hard,  fact.


Here is what Miriam Webster has to say about slander:


Definition of slander:

1: the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation

2: a false and defamatory oral statement about a person


Ben, words mean things, and there is a big book of word definitions that can help solidify your grasp of the fundamentals of English. It is called a dictionary. 


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In terms of Jessa taking over the brand…the brand is about mass, irresponsible procreation and an odd living style. The Seewalds, on their own, do not meet the criteria and are years away from meeting the number that would attract an audience. Besides, the mega family has been done, check. What other unique genre could they fill to entertain or interest an audience? How to have and raise lots of cute kids in a 2 bedroom house without either adult having a job?  The Seewalds have zero niche skills to continue any sort of brand. They have 4, not forty kids, and besides, I don’t think anyone is interested in that game any more. Now, if they stopped all the craziness, moved mainstream and had a show on how you can move from the crazy in a healthy way, get your acts together and solely support your family without your daddy, I might tune in, at least for a peek.

Edited by SassyPants
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Doesn’t Ben homeschool at the big house? If that’s continuing that’s a huge tie to Jim Bob and Anna. And Spurgeon will be getting started too. 

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I can't find the post on Ben's FB-page. Was it removed? The last thing I can see that he posted is a short sermon that begins with "Rudeness is not the antidote to an extreme “political correctness.”

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I despise the Vuolos, as they give off vibes that they think that they are better than others, but at least they are trying to make a name for themselves (and to date, failing), but the Seewalds are just lazy and entitled. 

I thought Ben was doing some assistant preacher role at a church in Slocum Springs? But I did hear that Seewald kids were doing homeschool at the TTH, so maybe Ben is still the teacher. I didn’t think the M kids were schooled at the TTH. In AR anyone with a College degree can teach. Ben should get on that. Teachers have family friendly hours with benefits, all things Ben needs. Someone should tell him.

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1 minute ago, fundiewatch said:

Doesn’t Ben homeschool at the big house

Hmm, you mean it is efficient and effective to pool children from multiple families and then have one (relatively) educated person teach them in an organized fashion? 

Hey, everyone, the Duggars have re-invented a community school. After all their blather about home school, that is NOT what they are doing. Ben is the teacher, and while he may be teaching some of his kids he certainly isn’t doing it at home. The M’s and young J’s are at or near home, but it isn’t their parent teaching. 

Jessa gets the bigger kids out of her house, gets Ben out, too. I can see how she would appreciate this arrangement, it is called SCHOOL. 

Ben, with an Associate’s Degree from an accredited community college, is hopefully capable of teaching basic skills, despite his lack of understanding between slander and libel (or a basic grasp on the truth versus big, juicy,  stinking, steaming,  piles of lies.)

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Ben may or may not be an associate pastor - but that’s not going to keep Jessa and 4 young children in the style they feel entitled to. The matching outfits, photoshoots, trips, Ben’s hats and coffee… 

Having said that I do think the Duggar brand has evolved - they are learning about social media and I think Ben believes people want to learn from him - from the early days of ‘we go for walks - have you ever considered going for a walk?’ to the more recent ‘I’m here to lecture the gays’ - Ben is determined to carve a career from sitting on his arse and talking shite. 

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41 minutes ago, SassyPants said:

In terms of Jessa taking over the brand…the brand is about mass, irresponsible procreation and an odd living style. The Seewalds, on their own, do not meet the criteria and are years away from meeting the number that would attract an audience. Besides, the mega family has been done, check. What other unique genre could they use to entertain or interest an audience? How to have and raise lots of cute kids in a 2 bedroom house without either adult having a job?  The Seewalds have zero niche skills to continue any sort of brand. They have 4, not forty kids, and besides, I don’t think anyone is interested in that game any more. Now, if they stopped all the craziness, moved mainstream and had a show on how you can move from the crazy in a healthily way, get your acts together and solely support your family without your daddy, I might tune in, at least for a peek.

Exactly. Aside from all the drama, Counting On had become just plain boring. There were no plot lines left to explore - this had been the case at the end of 19kac. Once we got through that episodes where we learned about laundry and shopping they were just making up scripted crap. A health challenge. A double date. Jessa and Ben have nothing left to share that is interesting. 

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6 minutes ago, Idlewild said:

Ben may or may not be an associate pastor - but that’s not going to keep Jessa and 4 young children in the style they feel entitled to. The matching outfits, photoshoots, trips, Ben’s hats and coffee… 

Having said that I do think the Duggar brand has evolved - they are learning about social media and I think Ben believes people want to learn from him - from the early days of ‘we go for walks - have you ever considered going for a walk?’ to the more recent ‘I’m here to lecture the gays’ - Ben is determined to carve a career from sitting on his arse and talking shite. 

Associate preacher, not pastor. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves ala the Duggars, LMAO. 
I love the comment above about Jessa loving the older kids being out of the house. I could see that-

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