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US House Of Representatives 3: The Dems Govern While The GQPers Genuflect To The Former Guy


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11 hours ago, AlmostSavedAtTacoBell said:

Maybe it’s my JRod fascination (she’s so horrible I cannot look away!) but JRod and LBo (give it a minute, let it sink in) are sisters separated from birth! Loser husbands; frighteningly inadequate education; willingness to display not only bad education but also abject stupidity across any platform available; raging racism proudly displayed; woefully underprepared and under skilled for chosen job/career path; hilariously but also cringeworthy attention seeking; claiming superiority while displaying idiocracy; and in general braying through donkey teeth while conveying nothing worth the exhaled breath. 

Sadly, LBo made it to Congress. Jill, please do not try to run. 

BEC moment:  I think Boebert is better suited to brawling with the other guests on a daytime talk show than being in Congress.

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13 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:

BEC moment:  I think Boebert is better suited to brawling with the other guests on a daytime talk show than being in Congress.

Not only could I see LBo and JRod brawling on Springer, I would actually be sure to watch it. Add in a Duggar (PedoDugg, DaddyDugg, and/or MomDugg are my top three as I don’t really follow them but based on my limited knowledge I will accept SmugDugg who married the boy, has the birthing couch, and has the son with a fish related name as a fourth BUT those more Duggar-versed please chime in. Maybe I should swap SmugDugg for her husband. He seems pretty downtrodden and pathetic. Thoughts?)

I have tried to remove the unicorn & have no clue how it even got there. Beansie, Lord Daniel, or Mark Zuckerberg insists it stay. SO meet my unicorn, FuckItUpReneE: FIUR (pronounced like “fire” but with a snotty accent) for short. 


Edited by AlmostSavedAtTacoBell
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On 12/4/2021 at 7:49 PM, Cartmann99 said:



Of course Boebert had to try and out-disgusting Massie:


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13 hours ago, GreyhoundFan said:


Of course Boebert had to try and out-disgusting Massie:


Her oldest looks like he is about 16. Her youngest looks like he is about 8. (I am not going to bother looking up the ages of her kids.) Her boys are within the age brackets (but not even reaching the sickeningly lowest age) of students killed in school shootings. I am not even including other shootings, where the victims’ ages go even lower than the abhorrent and still surreal murders of children barely able to read and do basic arithmetic. Again, I know I am preaching to the morally centered, full of good values, life affirming, truly good choir but this shitstain and the other asshole (along with his wife) can truly fuck all the way off. Families and friends are grieving and burying their full of promise beloved; the living students and staff are dealing with survivors’ guilt and trauma; once more those of us with kids in school are on edge; those of us who are dyed in the wool empaths just want to go and make everything right (while insisting it is not about us even as we are inwardly feeling the stabbing pain as we empaths do); and everyone who had a soul just braces for the next one. Fuck LBo and TMa. I cannot and will not say their names. They are truly the antithesis of Christianity. 

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Note to repubs, don't try to debate Adam Schiff, you will look like an idiot:


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Of course she thinks she's cute. Sadly, she's mistaken. FART yourself back to CO, Boeby:


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The pirate congressman had an interesting point


Speaking at an event for the Texas Liberty Alliance PAC on Sunday, Crenshaw lit into what are often believed to be the most conservative -- and most Trump-loving -- members of the GOP conference.

He then goes on to cite data suggesting that Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an outspoken critic of Donald Trump, was actually one of the most loyal supporters of the then-President's agenda in 2017 and 2018, during the 115th Congress when Republicans held both the House and Senate majorities.

In the 115th Congress, Kinzinger, that scourge of all Trumpists, voted in line with the Trump position 99% of the time. That put him in a tie for the 2nd most Trump-y voting record in the House over those two years.

And some of the least supportive members of the Trump agenda over that same time were, in fact, members of the Freedom Caucus. There was Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs, who backed the Trump position just 72.9% of the time. And fellow Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar, who was with Trump only 77.8% of the time. And Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert (80.4%). And Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (81.1%). And Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks (83.7%). And South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman (83.9%). And even Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan (85.1%).

I do wonder if the stuff they didn't support wasn't fascist enough for their tastes?

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Just found this goodie from July regarding Gym Jordan. 


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On 12/8/2021 at 11:57 AM, Cartmann99 said:


Mate, check the dosage on your meds. No stormtroopers, no forced injections. Leave us out of your deranged fantasies.

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2 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:


Well I guess if schools and colleges keep turning out adults with critical thinking skills, he would have fewer supporters. Gotta keep ‘‘em ignorant and gullible to stay in power and take in the dough. 

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22 hours ago, Cartmann99 said:


Sure, MadThorny.  Who needs educated nurses and other medical field personnel; teachers; accountants; historians; librarians; psychologists and social workers; foreign language experts; or any of the other multitude of people beyond engineers, doctors, and lawyers who earn college degrees?  P'shaw as well to all those dancers, actors, artists, and musicians who go to college to hone their raw talent and become highly skilled?  Yep, let's just homeskool everybody.  It could in absolutely no way backfire on our country by keeping our society in a constantly devolving state of idiocracy while the rest of the world passes us by in every way.  (I would agree he is trying to keep voters from developing critical thinking skills; however, I don't think he's bright enough to come up with that thought on his own.  I think he's just parroting what someone has put into his empty head.  What a doofus.)

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Not only was he unable to handle the curriculum, but he also gained the reputation as the campus sexual predator. I wonder just how much of his comments discouraging people from going to college come from him basically being run off campus on rails due to his sexual misconduct. 

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