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Lori Alexander 50: Making an Idol of Herself

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Oh, really, Lori? You noticed that if people study a solid cross-section of scripture in pursuit of a deeper understanding of God... they might not encounter those few passages where Christian submission is applied directly to women? 

It’s almost like it’s not a major topic or something.

I wonder if the Bible has some other major theme? Nah. Couldn’t be. It’s *got* to be about keeping women in line. Why else would God write a book?

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Random thought for tonight:

Ya know how Lori yammers on about men being stronger than women? I can agree that is the case most of the time, but I'm watching "Live PD" and just saw it take 3 dudes to control and handcuff a woman.

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22 hours ago, EowynW said:

Reminds me of the time a pro life person told me I should be willing to die and leave my husband behind in order to save my hypothetical fetus. I was so horrified that I was shaking. That there are people out there, Christian people at that, who wouldn't blink an eye at this happening to me or any other women. 

That's unconscionable for anyone to tell someone.  If I had been in a situation where my health was an issue and it became a me or the baby choice, I told my husband that the baby was first.  But that would have been my decision for myself!  My friend who lost her daughter -- when he daughter found out she was pregnant with the third baby, shortly after the cancer diagnoses, she said that many people tried to tell them what to do, instead of listening and letting them talk while they figured out what they wanted to do.  I don't remember what the girl and her husband decided if it had come to that, but she survived the birth and the baby was healthy.  It was nobody else's place to tell them what to do, either way.  

18 hours ago, Sarah92 said:

People are able to build pretty good work wardrobes for fairly cheap. I've gotten most of my dress pants, surprisingly since I'm a rolly polly plus-sized, from thrift stores. I hate dress pants so I don't want to spend a lot on them. I'm skinny jeans, leggings, or dress type of girl. Blouses from thrift stores, blazers and dresses on sale, and flats from Walmart or payless. I probably haven't spent much more on my wardrobe than a typical SAHM. The only thing I really tend to impulse buy is makeup but I'm lucky that a lot of my favorite cruelty-free brands are cheaper. 

My new job is in town so gas money isn't going to be a lot except for if I have a crisis call farther out.

Take lunch to work because my rounded self don't need more fast food. 

Wardrobe: Done, except I do want to find a really nice plus sized blazer because they just pull outfits together like nobody's business. I'd be willing to spend more on one of the those. 

Luxuries I won't have: Cable, I don't watch TV except for Netflix. 

However, I don't think there's anything wrong with having luxuries and designer clothes. I just think we should always be willing to acknowledge where we might have a privilege and help others who might not. 

I am on vacation next week.  My plans include thrift stores, with the hope of finding a few items of clothing that I can wear to work. I wear a lot of things from thrift stores and have no problem doing so!  And no, there is nothing wrong with having luxuries.  Coach handbags are my weakness.  I have a few, one is actually from a thrift store, one from an outlet and I bought it for myself with the bonus I got when I hit 20 years at work, and one I bought when the season was changing and it was on clearance.  I have a couple of other good handbags, but it's been a few years since I bought them and they were clearance/sale purchases with birthday or Christmas gift cards.  They are not in the budget right now and that's fine with me.

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On 6/28/2018 at 1:26 PM, PennySycamore said:

My daughter sent this to me this morning:

I thought it appropriate with Lori bashing breastfeeding in public.

I LOVE Kristina Kuzmic! She is a true encouragement and builds up women. If you don't follow her, check out her fb.

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Maybe most bible study doesn't focus on teaching women how to love their husbands because most people marry people they love and thus respect.  Most people don't have to be TAUGHT how to love.  It just comes naturally.  We know Lori doesn't love anyone but herself (and very possibly her VIRAL!!!!! post) so it makes sense she had to be taught how to be a decent human being to her walking, talking ATM machine.

Most women don't have to be taught to love their children either, but apparently, that was a new one for Lori, as well.

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9 hours ago, Koala said:

I love how Lori completely dismisses this Bible study- because it focuses on the Bible.  

Pardon my French:

What the fuck is this bitch babbling about?!  She just actually dismisses The Bible and women's bible study groups because she's a psycho bitch kinda wife who instead of coming home enlightened and spirituality fufilled from bible study, she trudges hime to terrorize her family with her presence and shitty salads.  Therefore,  all the christian women are sinning by not being taught by a GODLY OLDER WOMAN LIKE LORI.  Whatever bible and Jesus , sit back, I got this.  Thinks Lori.  She's legit crazy.  

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On 6/28/2018 at 8:24 PM, Curious said:

That must be why I spend so much time watching HGTV at appts

I love HGTV, and it is pretty innocuous, but it could still cause trouble in a waiting room. There are many gay couples on House Hunters, and it could cause a problem if someone decides to make a stupid anti-gay remark in front of me. I would have to confront them, thus disrupting the peaceful waiting room atmosphere. Never any gay couples on Fixer Upper though...I wonder why (not really). I loved that my dentist had a little chairside tv tuned to HGTV when I was there recently taking delivery of my crown.

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35 minutes ago, Beermeet said:

Pardon my French:

What the fuck is this bitch babbling about?!  She just actually dismisses The Bible and women's bible study groups because she's a psycho bitch kinda wife who instead of coming home enlightened and spirituality fufilled from bible study, she trudges hime to terrorize her family with her presence and shitty salads.  Therefore,  all the christian women are sinning by not being taught by a GODLY OLDER WOMAN LIKE LORI.  Whatever bible and Jesus , sit back, I got this.  Thinks Lori.  She's legit crazy.  

Seriously as someone who's a former seminary student anybody who read her writing in my seminary would have a fit at how contrary it is to scripture, even the most conservative. The idea of those pet verses somehow encompassing what it means to be a Christian women is false. A better way to look at it would be humans regardless of gender live out their fullest potential when living as Christ. Because in CHRIST we are a new creation. That means viewing scripture in full. We are not a new creation by following a select few verses taken out of context. But seriously, any person who treats her family as she does has problems and it has nothing to do with lack of submission. 

I could imagine Lori during the time of the Salem witch trials accusing everyone of being a witch and going around gossiping about indecent petticoats, infertility because of sin, and all the witches trying to take her husband away. 

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52 minutes ago, SilverBeach said:

I love HGTV, but some folks in waiting rooms might not like that there are more than a few gay couples on House Hunters. Never on Fixer Upper though. I loved that my dentist had a little chairside tv tuned to HGTV when I was there recently taking delivery of my crown.

Insert dental joke:

"My dentist said I need a crown and I was like, " I know, right?!".   Duh duhnt dhaaa.....

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2 hours ago, SilverBeach said:

I love HGTV, and it is pretty innocuous, but it could still cause trouble in a waiting room. There are many gay couples on House Hunters, and it could cause a problem if someone decides to make a stupid anti-gay remark in front of me. I would have to confront them, thus disrupting the peaceful waiting room atmosphere. Never any gay couples on Fixer Upper though...I wonder why (not really). I loved that my dentist had a little chairside tv tuned to HGTV when I was there recently taking delivery of my crown.

My cousin told me a similar story about when she doing home rotations in physical therapy school. She had to shadow a physical therapist who did home visits for a four week period and they went into a home to do therapy with a stroke patient was living with her son and daughter-in-law. One day the family had the TV tuned to one of tiny home shows and in one episode a lesbian couple who planning and building their home. The patient's DIL made some nasty anti-gay remark. 


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You know I'n not a christian anymore (raised but never believed) and can quote more scripture than Lori.

Gotta know what you're talking about before you start criticizing. I'd say that would apply to calling yourself a believing christian as well, know the story to really understand in depht, see the whole picture... Not just take small pieces out of context, which makes it easy to misinterpret... exactly what Lori does.

Isn't she basically saying reading the whole bible makes you less of a christian? That seems...odd.

About work clothes: Zara has nice inexpensive dress pants (with an invisible jogger waistband :) ) and skirts.

H&M pants don't fit anyone, but they do have some nice blouses and actually nice, cheap blazers. :handsex:



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In a world where women are the primary educators, in a world where the Bible is the basis of the education of children, less biblical knowledge is the key for women.
Wouldn't knowing the bible be astronomically important for women who are HOME SCHOOLING CHILDREN?

The faulty logic just makes me *urgle*

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Sounds like Lori wants to hide something (the bible...) from her followers.

Deceive them and hide the truth?

Nah, it's not like she's deleted comments of people quoting scripture - and thus proving Lori wrong - before:2wankers:

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Let's face it folks, Lori wouldn't know the bible if it bit her in the ass. She wouldn't know Jesus if he stood in front of her (she'd start bitching that he's not wearing pants and a shirt). Neither she nor her idiot husband would know good sex either. 

Told the hubs about "10 minutes and some lube" once. His response? "string of profanity*...if that's all they've got they're doing it wrong". Told him about the submission thing (you know, being a doormat). He was all like "oh hell no, I married you because you're independent as fuck and rather feisty too". 

Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate my new job. I said something about paying the tip since I had cash in my wallet. He started arguing with me over it (not loud, it was actually kinda funny) and I told him that I could read his mind. I told him these were what he said and his thoughts. "Do you have enough gas?" My response "yeah, I have about 1/2 tank" His thought "yeah, right, she probably has 1/4 tank or less and is just too goddamn stubborn to ask me for gas money, I'll peek at her gas gauge when I kiss her goodbye". 

*string of profanity means I don't remember the exact words but if you throw in some goddammits, fucks, and shits in there, you'll get the gist of what he said. 

And...after dinner last night, I laid down to take a nap. Woke up 12 hours later. This working shit is KILLING me!

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On 6/27/2018 at 8:03 PM, ChickenettiLuvr said:

Unlimited travel budget? Well today ... 

A visiting pass to Heaven. My dad died last night. And although I moved heaven and earth to try to get there to say goodbye, I didn't make it.

My heart hurts. Badly. 

I'm so sorry for you loss.  Hugs!

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Another re-run today, this one her 'Women Who Have Higher Sex Drives' post from back in the Always Learning days. By way of introduction, she has this to say:


Several women have asked me about a situation where they have higher sex drives than their husbands. Since I have never experienced this, I wasn't sure how to mentor them.

Trust me, Lori, we already know that. With your amazing sense of discretion and modesty, you have left us in no doubt over the past few years about the state of your sex drive. :my_dodgy:

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She is a disgusting excuse for a mother and a grandmother.  Again, I am convinced these posts are directed at Emily:


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Ten bucks says that "compatibility isn't in the Bible" and "have sex when your husband wants it."

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Oh, definitely, Lori!

When an adult hits a child with a “rod” that child is super-likely to link their pain to the abstract concept of sin.

They are fantastic at abstraction! They are definitely not going to link the pain to the adult who is actually there and actually hitting them. They know what is *really* causing the pain! (SIN! Right?)

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This is the verse they use to justify their "sex when the husband wants it shit"

"Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."

I haven't figured out how they get that from that verse though. And my marriage must seriously suck b/c we don't get busy that often. 

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The former school teacher's grammar kills me. What kills me more is that she does not care. 

I think her lack of care about her writing style and use of correct grammar and spelling hinders her. She will never become as big as Beth Moore or others because she is not able to articulate herself eloquently. And, instead of working on making her writing better she puts Bible teaching and working women down. It's her own way of building herself up to think she is better than those "ungodly" women. Unfortunately her readers buy into it and they too believe that they are better than the ungodlies. 

Screenshot 2018-06-30 at 9.01.32 AM.png

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3 minutes ago, KatBonD said:

The former school teacher's grammar kills me. What kills me more is that she does not care. 

I think her lack of care about her writing style and use of correct grammar and spelling hinders her. She will never become as big as Beth Moore or others because she is not able to articulate herself eloquently. And, instead of working on making her writing better she puts Bible teaching and working women down. It's her own way of building herself up to think she is better than those "ungodly" women. Unfortunately her readers buy into it and they too believe that they are better than the ungodlies. 

Screenshot 2018-06-30 at 9.01.32 AM.png

The spanking and the "soda as cancer" crap is offensive because she is PREACHING...FEAR.

The things that she teaches are all fear based and result in control, because fear causes people to control - mainly other people, and their behaviors.

Spanking children to make them "afraid" of sin or afraid of the pain God will cause them is external control, and not training up children in the LORD, by the Spirit of God.

Telling people they are drinking cancer when they drink soda is making them "afraid" of cancer.

Religion preaches FEAR and a  punitive father.  Love preaches LOVE and a loving, good Father.

Further, if she would READ THE WHOLE BIBLE instead of "the parts that are only for wimmenz", she'd see Luke 10:19 and read that "nothing shall by any means harm her" - so her soda, in moderation, is actually blessed, and she need not fear soda and try and put fear on others concerning soda.


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Brb gonna go buy myself some Coke. Instead of Coca Cola they should call it Cancer cola. Maybe that will make her happy? 

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