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Kelly Havens from Ohio


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Sorry Kells, you haven't been fooling anyone.


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If her anxiety is this intense, she really needs to see a professional. Praying and posting pics won’t fix it. I really hate how fundies refuse to see and medical professionals for their anxiety. 

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Does anyone know what she even means with this?  This is a blurb a little further down in the post from earlier.  Is she implying that loving and glorifying God is as much of a burden as anxiety?  I honestly don't know.

I don't think having depression or anxiety makes her a bad in any way.  But maybe, just maybe she needs to take a deeper look into things.  She spends most of the blog talking about how awful and unfulfilled she was in her worldly life.  Yet, she still seems to have all the same troubles in her new life.  I think she had the idea that somehow larping and living an "old fashioned" life would somehow make these things disappear, and the reality is settling in that whatever the real issue is hasnt been fixed.  All this is only a distraction disguised as pretty pictures and dandelion pancakes.


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  • 2 months later...

It looks like Kelly has been called (forced?) to stop spending every weekend at her mother-friend Marmee's house and to stay home to be part of her family instead.  Her last handful of posts have been really interesting given that she never stopped writing out life advice and claiming supposed happiness in her domestic world this entire time.  

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  • 1 year later...

Has no one really posted anything about Fake Anne since 2022, or is this just not the right forum anymore??? Should I be looking somewhere else?

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6 minutes ago, griffin said:

Has no one really posted anything about Fake Anne since 2022, or is this just not the right forum anymore??? Should I be looking somewhere else?

Reddit loves to talk about her. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Kelly’s thread was moved to a non fundie section so I am moving it back to the right place since she had the latest pioneer baby.

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Kelly's latest endeavor seems to be a 3 day retreat at her friend's cabin...at $1600,  I hope she doesn't get many people. Speakers are her and her friends 🙄 

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50 minutes ago, MayMay1123 said:

Kelly's latest endeavor seems to be a 3 day retreat at her friend's cabin...at $1600,  I hope she doesn't get many people. Speakers are her and her friends 🙄 

I guess I have to wade through instagram for this one! How does running a retreat fit with her cosplay?

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Thank you for moving this. Kelly, like Karissa Collins, is one who I’ve resisted following, even though some of the Facebook groups talk about her endlessly. But the horrifying birth story, followed by the over-the-top fable accompanied by carefully composed pictures of Kelly looking spiritual (seriously, where does she find the time? She has a new baby and two small kids!), sucked me in. She is weird in a completely different flavor than others we follow.

One of her posts has a link to the retreat. Among agenda items - “time with baby Theresa” and the ability to try on and purchase prairie dresses made by Kelly. Does she really have followers who will go for this, or is it just going to be her and her besties admiring each other? 

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40 minutes ago, postscript said:

Thank you for moving this. Kelly, like Karissa Collins, is one who I’ve resisted following, even though some of the Facebook groups talk about her endlessly. But the horrifying birth story, followed by the over-the-top fable accompanied by carefully composed pictures of Kelly looking spiritual (seriously, where does she find the time? She has a new baby and two small kids!), sucked me in. She is weird in a completely different flavor than others we follow.

One of her posts has a link to the retreat. Among agenda items - “time with baby Theresa” and the ability to try on and purchase prairie dresses made by Kelly. Does she really have followers who will go for this, or is it just going to be her and her besties admiring each other? 

The weird thing is, these people always have avid almost rabid defenders. If you look in the comments section, you will find defenders of some of the most heinous posts. Karissa will post the most insane stuff and people will defend her. I’m thinking Kelly has at least a handful of humpers that would love to go and cosplay with her. I don’t think it’s many. But that’s ok with her. Just having a few people wanting to pretend they are living in early 1900s Avonlea is ok with her.

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Those last few Instagram posts with Kelly dancing around barefooted....  Wow.  Just -- wow.  She is seriously messed up.

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Posted (edited)

$1600 for her "retreat" that is basically her and her friends talking about being super godly? Don't tell JillRod...

Edited by PopRox
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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, MayMay1123 said:

Kelly's latest endeavor seems to be a 3 day retreat at her friend's cabin...at $1600,  I hope she doesn't get many people. Speakers are her and her friends 🙄 

The limit is 12. 2 full size beds (that you have to share with with a sister in Christ) and 8 twin beds. 



Is there a no speculation rule here too because 





Edited by nelliebelle1197
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14 hours ago, postscript said:

Thank you for moving this. Kelly, like Karissa Collins, is one who I’ve resisted following, even though some of the Facebook groups talk about her endlessly. But the horrifying birth story, followed by the over-the-top fable accompanied by carefully composed pictures of Kelly looking spiritual (seriously, where does she find the time? She has a new baby and two small kids!), sucked me in. She is weird in a completely different flavor than others we follow.

One of her posts has a link to the retreat. Among agenda items - “time with baby Theresa” and the ability to try on and purchase prairie dresses made by Kelly. Does she really have followers who will go for this, or is it just going to be her and her besties admiring each other? 

She is selling time with her baby? What the hell?

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13 hours ago, nelliebelle1197 said:

She is selling time with her baby? What the hell?

I mean, she IS the miracle baby who - somehow - was born vaginally in spite of Kelly having a complete placenta previa. On a completely unrelated note, I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn if anyone’s interested!

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I wish someone would call out Kelly and her kitten mill.


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It's interesting reading the website about their retreat ... https://kokosing-havens-ministries.square.site/a-dream-is-born... she is definitely in a different box than some of the other fundies here.  She knows how to write, even if her style is long-winded and a bit precious.  If you are curious, both "Loveday" (Teri) and "Marmee" (Amy) are pictured and described on the page about the retreat leaders.  

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9 hours ago, Cheetah said:

She knows how to write, even if her style is long-winded and a bit precious.

She knows spelling and basic grammar, which does put her in a class of her own among fundies. But her style is penny romance level.

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How do I find out more about this retreat? Is there food included? Unlike Jill's. Is it longer than 24 hours?  Will there be barefoot dancing in candlelight?  Is it at a Nice resort?  Will there be a pool so everyone can swim fully clothed?  When did she decide to start doing retreats? Who watches her little boys all the time while she's out cos playing in the faux woods?  She just fascinates me in a weird sort of way.  

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Kelly comes from a seemingly mainstream Christian family and she’s the only one like this. Her dad is a doctor and she went to college. It’s likely why her writing is ok. She is educated unlike many fundies we talk about here. 

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OMG, the barefoot dancing, the twee nicknames, washing her hair in the creek - she behaves like a 12-year-old, not a grown woman with children!

Your friends have NAMES, Kelly - why not just use their names?  Not sufficiently Olde-Tymey, I guess.  Or, Kelly's narcissism requires her to be the one to bestow special names.  If one of my friends insisted on calling me Loveday, I'd stage an intervention.


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22 minutes ago, Becky said:

OMG, the barefoot dancing, the twee nicknames, washing her hair in the creek - she behaves like a 12-year-old, not a grown woman with children!

Your friends have NAMES, Kelly - why not just use their names?  Not sufficiently Olde-Tymey, I guess.  Or, Kelly's narcissism requires her to be the one to bestow special names.  If one of my friends insisted on calling me Loveday, I'd stage an intervention.


I assume that Kelly is A LOT in person. If I met her, I would be nice. But I wouldn’t become BFFs. I’m guessing these two friends enjoy her intensity and twee attitude. I assume they don’t mind the Nick names. It’s probably one of the less weird things she says to then. 

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1 hour ago, Becky said:

OMG, the barefoot dancing, the twee nicknames, washing her hair in the creek

Whoa! Is this a free-spirit Fundie thing?  Shoshanna also washed her hair in the creek.  I worry about what they are using for soap/shampoo.  Creeks don't really need soap in them.

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2 hours ago, SweetLaurel said:

Who watches her little boys all the time while she's out cos playing in the faux woods?

Levi is useless as a breadwinner and DIYer but afaik he does watch his kids while Kelly does... *gestures vaguely*

Not little Tess Stickle, of course, meeting her is part of the retreat.

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