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Zoey Joy Webster Is Now Here (update)


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I bet Allie is potty trained. I doubt Alyssa is willing to change three sets of diapers. I hated having a toddler and a newborn because when I got done changing one diaper, the other would poop. I felt like I was just changing diapers all day long. newborns poop a lot and my toddler usually pooped three times a day. So yeah, I usually had about 13 poopy diapers a day. I can't imagine adding a third child in diapers to that amount. 

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On 2/11/2018 at 7:05 PM, ColeJo said:

They are just now having the baby dedication service?!?! At my church (granted the congregation size is 70-90 people any given Sunday), the baby dedication service occurs at least within the first six months of the baby's life. If you're a grandchild of the pastor, it's sooner.

At my (Baptist) church, we only do a baby dedication once a year, and we do it on Mother's day. Previous churches I've attended have done it differently though

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The idea of being 4 days postpartum and taking a (almost) 3 and 1 year old, plus a newborn to church sounds like a nightmare, to me. I get that it's Easter, but I can't imagine she was able to get a whole lot out of the sermon. I never enjoyed church though, so maybe she really did want to go. :shrug:

John also posted a picture:




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I’m impressed that all 3 girls are matching and Alyssa looks so put together. She must’ve had Zoey’s onesie just in case baby came early! 

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That new mom and new baby need to be at home, resting and getting to know one another!  And get that damn headband off Zoey's head!

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Yeah, cute pictures. Very cute pictures, actually, but in all honesty, it really annoyed me! I just feel she is trying WAY too hard to portray the perfect life. That's just not reality for most of us. I would still be in sweats and a tshirt if I just had a baby, not all dressed up in a little WHITE dress (of all colors after just giving birth wtf) I don't know, I know people will disagree and I'm honestly not TRYING to be snarky, but again, this picture is just not "reality" She's trying WAY too hard. 

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I felt absolutely fine and almost on a high for the first weeks after my second baby was born. I did not look as fine as she does but then again, I never have but I would easily been able to take the kids to church and enjoy it days after having given birth. Of course, I was mostly focused on other things then but I don't think it is that strange that she is doing it if she feels fine.

Sometimes you do feel fine after giving birth. My SIL was in labor for a total of 2 hours, more or less nothing hurt and she spent 9 minutes at the hospital before the baby was born. They checked her and told her to push at the next contraction and she did and the baby was out. She is not religious so she wouldn't go to church but she wasn't even tired after giving birth. She gave birth at around 10-11 at night so she got a night's sleep at the hospital and went home the other day. If Alyssa had a birth like hers I guess she wouldn't even think of it being too early or that she should be more tired. The way she looks she simply cannot have had a very hard labor, it usually gives you a puffy face if you did and she has nothing of that.

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12 minutes ago, elliha said:

I felt absolutely fine and almost on a high for the first weeks after my second baby was born. I did not look as fine as she does but then again, I never have but I would easily been able to take the kids to church and enjoy it days after having given birth. Of course, I was mostly focused on other things then but I don't think it is that strange that she is doing it if she feels fine.

Sometimes you do feel fine after giving birth. My SIL was in labor for a total of 2 hours, more or less nothing hurt and she spent 9 minutes at the hospital before the baby was born. They checked her and told her to push at the next contraction and she did and the baby was out. She is not religious so she wouldn't go to church but she wasn't even tired after giving birth. She gave birth at around 10-11 at night so she got a night's sleep at the hospital and went home the other day. If Alyssa had a birth like hers I guess she wouldn't even think of it being too early or that she should be more tired. The way she looks she simply cannot have had a very hard labor, it usually gives you a puffy face if you did and she has nothing of that.

Sweet baby Jesus!! Maybe I'm just a wimp!! When I used to get periods (no more thank you hysterectomy!! ) I was down for a good 3-4 days....seriously!!! lol and that was just a period!!! lol

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7 minutes ago, mollysmom said:

Sweet baby Jesus!! Maybe I'm just a wimp!! When I used to get periods (no more thank you hysterectomy!! ) I was down for a good 3-4 days....seriously!!! lol and that was just a period!!! lol

Well, some people are lucky with both labor and periods. My periods rarely hurt and if they don't hurt very much, I rarely take a pill or anything, only if I doing something really important at work or so. I don't think I am tough, they just don't hurt very much. My labors hurt but the second one was quite easy and I was as I said on some natural high so it might have hurt more if I had not managed that (however that happened). My SIL just had the weirdest labor, if my mom hadn't seen that she seemed to be having the type of contractions that mean that you are pushing the baby out and told her to get in the car and go she would have had the baby at home . She said the only part that really hurt was the one push where she actively pushed the baby out. She said she would have guessed she was at 4-5 cm at the most. My mom's fourth labor was similar but she did have contractions a whole day but not very painful ones but her labor started hurting a lot when there was about 30 mins left. They got to the hospital 15 minutes before the baby was born so SIL broke the family record in this respect. I would love a very easy labor like that but I don't want to be the one who gets in at 8 mins...

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27 minutes ago, elliha said:

I felt absolutely fine and almost on a high for the first weeks after my second baby was born. I did not look as fine as she does but then again, I never have but I would easily been able to take the kids to church and enjoy it days after having given birth. Of course, I was mostly focused on other things then but I don't think it is that strange that she is doing it if she feels fine.

Sometimes you do feel fine after giving birth. My SIL was in labor for a total of 2 hours, more or less nothing hurt and she spent 9 minutes at the hospital before the baby was born. They checked her and told her to push at the next contraction and she did and the baby was out. She is not religious so she wouldn't go to church but she wasn't even tired after giving birth. She gave birth at around 10-11 at night so she got a night's sleep at the hospital and went home the other day. If Alyssa had a birth like hers I guess she wouldn't even think of it being too early or that she should be more tired. The way she looks she simply cannot have had a very hard labor, it usually gives you a puffy face if you did and she has nothing of that.

I think Alyssa has super easy delivers remember with Allie Kelly and Gil got a call she's going in to the have the baby. by the time they got to FL Allie was born and mom and baby were already home. 

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Yeah, I don't think I'd put in that effort only a few days post pardom. Especially white. Like, am I a wuss or something? I was sore as hell for about a week afterwards.

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I got fussed at by the ladies at church for being there 2 weeks postpartum, lol. I was feeling more than fine (despite having a c-section, and being on a wound vac at that point), and ready to get out of the house.

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I hate white and that dress would be messed up in under 5 min if I wore it (or it came anywhere near my kids lol) but it is pretty! 

No way my behind would be doing any if that at 4 days pp!  How's she feeding the baby wearing that? Was it just for pics?

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I always feel like I'm humble bragging when I talk about my postpartum experience but I honestly felt great, yes I was a bit tired but I wasn't dead on my feet. My daughter was born on a Tuesday and had I really cared to, I don't think I would have had any issues making it to church the weekend after. Although, I didn't also have two other kids under three to look after as well. Still, everyone's experience is different.

I'm with @RainbowSky though, that dress isn't nursing-friendly. Maybe she isn't planning to exclusively breastfeed though (which is fine!)

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I don't think we've ever seen any indication that Alyssa breastfeeds, so this is likely not an issue. I love her dress and would wear the heck out of it!

Alyssa looks amazing, and if she feels as good as she looks (and if it's her own choice!), then good for her for getting out on what appears to be a beautiful day. Shame about the cult though.

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I would be afraid to wear white four days post partum due to fear of baby spit up and I was bleeding quite a bit. I also tried to keep my newborns home as much as possible. Many churches have live stream s of services these days.

Isn't it too hot in Florida for long sleeves?

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I don't find it surprising that she looks good or that she got the baby ready to go out - I felt just fine after my c-sections, nevermind a vaginal birth. With my first I was at Costco 4 days post-c-section. What I can't fathom is getting two toddlers dressed and ready to go out when you've likely had little to no sleep. I don't know, maybe her little girls are angels but my 2.5 year old son is like a toddler terrorist. I wouldn't take him to church on any day, nevermind with a fresh newborn.

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9 hours ago, artdecades said:

Alyssa doesn't look like she just had a baby. I mean that as a compliment

Indeed.  I didn't want to get dressed for a damn year (excepting work, of course,) and I'm damned sure I didn't smile much.

3 minutes ago, SRC said:

The name Zoey Joy doesn’t roll off the tongue for me & it reminds of what David Bowie named his son: Zowie Bowie. 

Who changed it when he got a bit older, as did David Carradine and Barbara Hershey's son.  That boy, I think, was named Free by his parents and changed it to Tom.

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It look like the birth must have been pretty easy. Good for her (probably bad for further family planning). I also don’t think she is nursing this time and it looked like she didn’t nurse the other two/gave it up early. Don’t care though. If she is content with that decision that is all that matters. There could be a hundred reasons for this decision, or just  preference- or the dress is indeed a nursing dress and you just can’t tell from the photos (I have seen some where I would never have guessed it)?

I actually don’t see the problem with getting the other girls dressed. They have a father. He should be able to put them into the stuff Alyssa points out. John gives me the impression that he adores his girls and spends time with them to play and to deal with what we would call the normal parenting stuff. Even though we see less of him than for example Chad, John gives me much more hands on with the kids vibes than him. Maybe just wishful thinking?

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Some of this is projecting, but I see a lot of myself in Alyssa, in that we're both very Type A, go-getter people. I have my lazy weekends of course (just had one...I basically sat around watching Trauma Investigators all Easter weekend and I feel a little bad about myself for being so unproductive, but it was pretty nice to do nothing), but I don't leave the house without makeup unless I'm out for a run or, I dunno, on my way to the hospital on death's door. I always try to look very put together because it makes me feel fulfilled and confident. If I felt pretty much fine after giving birth, you bet your ass I'd be ditching the sweatpants and looking like death as soon as I was physically able, and I'd want to get out of the house and back into a routine, modified for the existence of a tiny human, of course. 

I don't like the implication that to be a good mother, you have to stop caring about your appearance and just sit at home all day until your baby is five years old or whatever. And don't dare to put any kind of gender signifier on your baby, no matter how cute and temporary it may be. If you're not wearing something you can whip your boob out of for breastfeeding in an instant, you're a selfish sheep who would rather starve her baby. If you take a nice family photo with your three beautiful children, you're fake and narcissistic. 

And look, maybe Alyssa is the worst mom in the world. Maybe she's Joan effin' Crawford mixed with Eminem's mom. But I admit that I take "how dare she put on makeup and a nice dress if she's feeling pretty much fine after birth and wants to get out of the house with her kids for a holiday event" rather personally. 

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I didn’t bleed after any of my babies... sorry if TMI. I don’t know why... I wouldn’t have been able to get up and go after my first or my third but my second was a really easy delivery and I believe that God knew I had to be able to get up an go because I had a 2 year old, newborn and we were caring for my elderly grandma at my home... that was a need though not like dress up for church the next Sunday. I took granny to church after like 3-4 weeks but didn’t take the newborn till he had his first pertussis shot.

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