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Last winter was my first winter in Minnesota. Blew my mind to have snow in November. I was prepared though. Bought tons of winter clothing before the move. I am currently re-mentally preparing myself for the below zero weather. I am actually more thrown off by the super mild summer we just had lol

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@MoonFace, I have made if for so many years i don't follow a recipe but i will give it a try!

In your soup pot saute onion and garlic in some butter until tender. Add around 10 potatoes, peeled and cubed and enough chicken broth to cover then. Cover, bring to a boil and simmer until potatoes are tender- about 20 minutes. Turn down heat to med/low and let it sit for a bit. At this point it shouldn't be too terribly runny- if there is a lot of extra broth you can take some out and pour back in if needed to your desired consistancy. Using a masher mash the potatoes up to what you like. I like it smooth hubby likes chunks. Whoever is doing the mashing gets to decide. Add small tub of sour cream, and about a cup of heavy cream or evaporated milk and stir that all up. Gradually add shredded cheddar- I usually do a block. Then serve it with chives, bacon bits, croutons, whatever floats your boat! Oh! and salt and pepper and sometimes season all or a bit of old bay at some point.

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3 hours ago, zenbaby said:

Next weekend I'll be making mom's fruit ketchup.  Last year was my first time making it - my mother is in her 80s so I thought I should take over.  OMG, I cannot believe how much prep is involved, but it's so worth it!

Recipe please?

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My youngest son is allergic to Latex. We discovered it when he had a Foley catheter at age 3. I won't go into details, but picture massive swelling of his little boy parts. He was home with the catheter. I called the doctor, he told me not to remove it, and to take him to the ER immediately. The removed it and reinserted a non latex catheter. Suddenly everything in the past made sense. A horrible reaction to being intubated. Rashes and wheezing with O2 masks, rashes and wheezing after tourniquets for blood draws, etc. Eventually after controlled testing we finally knew what was compounding other medical issues and could finally identify and control the exposures. 

I was a nurse in the ER at the time and we had no latex free supplies or specialty carts. We do now...as do the Prehospital providers. 

My son grew up knowing balloons were a no no, squishy balls, nope...lots of toys...nope. When he was a teenager we had to address the condom issue. I had no idea that condoms were made of varying materials. So I went to the store and came home with condoms of various materials and made them available to him. 

Latex allergies are no joke. He is not allergic to bananas, kiwi or seafood, but is allergic to almost anything that grows outside. 

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3 hours ago, xlurker said:

Still are prob better than my Jets....


I feel your pain...Buffalo Bills fan here, haven't seen a playoff game for 17 years. Probably not going to see one for a few more years either, as they sucked horrendously today.

I also remember the polar vortex year, that needs to never ever happen again. I had 7 feet of snow dumped on my house in 20 hours. Area completely shut down, there was no way to get anywhere. Even the snow plows couldn't get down the streets. Towns had to bring in front loaders and heavy equipment to get rid of the snow. I still would rather endure that over any other weather events though, because snow melts. :pb_biggrin:

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I went to undergrad right on Lake Michigan and we still had to go to classes during the polar vortex.  That made for some very cold walks to and around campus.

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Having lived in Iowa most of my life that polar vortex happens almost yearly here, at least for a few days, they just called it bitter cold until recently. Polar vortex sounds more impressive I guess.  I'm just hoping this winter is like last, it was fairly mild with the exception of about 4 weeks that were spread out thankfully during the duration of the winter. This summer wasn't bad either, a bit of extreme heat but no the consistent soul crushing heat that he normally get.  That is the thing I hate most about where I live, the weather, most years we get about 2 months of beautiful weather the rest it is FUCKING COLD, DISGUSTINGLY HOT, or raining or snowing. 

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35 minutes ago, BlondeIdol said:

Last winter was my first winter in Minnesota. Blew my mind to have snow in November. I was prepared though. Bought tons of winter clothing before the move. I am currently re-mentally preparing myself for the below zero weather. I am actually more thrown off by the super mild summer we just had lol

Last winter was my first winter not spent in Minnesota after 10 years of living there. It was my kids' first winter out of Minnesota (that they can remember anyway). We missed having fall. I did not miss the snow, except at Christmas. Where we live now it is 80-90 degrees and fairly humid all year.

The Polar Vortex year was just awful. They ended up cancelling school for 6 days that winter because it was too cold and the buses wouldn't start. I think the kids had one "snow day" while we lived in Minnesota since they so rarely cancelled but that cold was something else. We had just gotten back from a trip to California visiting family when it started. Nothing like going from 60 degrees to -35. Brrr!

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Maybe we could talk about duvets, sheets and blankets again?

Oh please, YES! Can we call it doo-vettes like the Duggars? [emoji23]
I love making soups. Chili, chicken corn, lentil, baked potato soups. Yummm. With lots of fixings and toppings and rolls or a baguette. And pumpkin pie for dessert because FALL!!! LOVE soup! One i want to make but haven't mastered is a butternut squash soup. Made one last year and it was sweet. It was weird. Anyone have a good butternut squash recipe?

I don't have a recipe but I recently stayed with a colleague on her farm during a business trip and she made some with freshly picked squash. It was to die for.
Will you share your recipe for baked potato soup?   I love making soups but the recipes I found are a pain in the @$$ - so I go to Chili's for theirs.  

Love the Chili's recipe. I get the endless chips and salsa when I order it and dip the chips in the soup. Delish!
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@divadivine - we used to make those cookies all the time when I was a kid/teenager. something quick and easy when your friends were over, and you wanted a snack... my friend's mom called them "cat poop cookies", because she said they look like they came out of a litter box, lol... gross, but that's what they always are in my mind, lol


I work in a daycare, and have a little girl who has an anaphylactic banana allergy. She is also allergic to latex, although not quite as severe, and was allergic to all forms of corn and corn products/byproducts until she was about 5.


As far as weather, I think it was 96*F here today... y'all want to send some cold down to Texas?

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Oh man, I forgot about the polar vortex! ha. I was a senior in High school that winter and I lived up in northern lower peninsula of michigan (boyne falls, anyone? tiny town with a large ski resort).  we had about 7 snow days that year, but still had to go to school on what seemed like the worst of the days during the vortex.  I now live in Grand Rapids for college and the past two winters have been almost what seems nonexistent... I'm worried about this winter.  

I don't mind the snow that much honestly. but I HATE driving in it. actually, I would rather be the one driving rather than riding due to some ptsd from a ditch incident we had with a tire blowing out when I was in high school.  oh wintertime.  the joys!

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I love potato soup its my favorite soup. I used to love clam chowder but I can't have clams anymore. Same with chili my mom used to make a great chili with just enough spice to be a little hot but not burn your mouth off. But I can't have beans anymore. I love banana bread with nuts, without nuts, or with chocolate chips. Zucchini bread was the one that surprised me I'd never had zucchini before and didn't know how it would taste but the one my cousin made was really good. My parents and I go crazy over pumpkin. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread and pumpkin cookies. Peanut butter cookies and chocolate chip cookies too. Oatmeal raisin cookies too but I can't have oatmeal anymore (having a strict very specific diet stinks at times). 

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OMG the polar vortex!  I live in Southern Ontario and we have, what I call, a little bubble over us in the greater Toronto area and approx. 45 mins west, which is where I live and commute every day.   This bubble protects us from the majority of the snow, haven't had a snow day in years, but, holy crap was it cold those 2 winters.  No protection from that cold air!

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I still remember going out on one of the coldest days and my nostrils feeling like they were glued together because of the cold air. It was so weird, hard to describe. I'm sure people who live way farther north experience that every winter, but despite what we'd have you believe, not all Canadians are like these guys:


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My husband has had to do some work in the Arctic Circle. It takes him a full 24 hours to get there and 4-5 flights. He has seen a whale being brought in and the town celebrating, polar bear tracks around the site he was working at, and temps so cold liquids freeze before they reach the ground. Crazy, amazing stories. Since he works at a remote site and there are polar bears, I don't enjoy those times he is away but he has seen a lot of really cool things.

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10 minutes ago, Kaylo said:

You know what I love? The pumpkin scones from Starbucks. I've tried to knock them off. The scones were great but I can't get the icing right.

I recoiled in horror before I realised that you were talking about American scones and not our variety of scones. 

Starbucks pumpkin scones look quite interesting, I'd probably try them if I was in the US. What flavour/type of icing do they normally have?

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Ah, one of the great joys of winter in Canada.... The feeling of the contents of your sinuses freeze drying during the first breath you take outside.... And knowing you can't clutch your face and scream no matter how badly you want to because "at least it's a dry cold" - I hate winter. So ready to move south.

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OMG!!! I turn back for 5 days and looks like all hell breaks loose. What in the name of all that is holy, have you ALL lost your minds???? Banana Bread, meh! Not if you start talking Strawberry Walnut Bread I will sit up and pay rapt attention, everything will be all a twitter. Carry on, time to bake some kinda shit.

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I am so happy that I didn't miss out on this thread drift (it might actually be the first drift that I have things to contribute to.) 

Chunky Monkey is my favorite. I've been having the hardest time finding it lately and it breaks my heart. 

I moved from Newfoundland to the prairies last winter. Immediately after leaving the airport I felt my sinuses dry up as if someone had sand blasted them. I'm still getting used to the dryness. That said I wouldn't trade it for the damp cold that seeps into the very marrow of my bones. 

2016 was the year of soup for me. I had two absolutely amazing soups a sweet mesquite turnip.... to die for at a little charity cafe. And a root vegetable bisque at Disney. I have no idea how to recreate either of them and am convinced that I will never again experience that level of soup nirvana. 

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1 hour ago, sansan said:

OMG!!! I turn back for 5 days and looks like all hell breaks loose. What in the name of all that is holy, have you ALL lost your minds???? Banana Bread, meh! Not if you start talking Strawberry Walnut Bread I will sit up and pay rapt attention, everything will be all a twitter. Carry on, time to bake some kinda shit.

Strawberry walnuts? Recipe please!

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I'll outright say it. Sometimes the ends justifies the means. I have absolutely no sympathy for these people (not just the Duggars). These people and their cult harm others. They deliberately go out of their way to to spread hate and strip others of their rights. They needed to be exposed. This cult needed to be exposed. The abuse needed to be exposed. The anger they pose to society needed to be exposed. Other people needed to know just how vile and evil these people and their cult is before following them and perpetrate further abuse. This isn't just about exposing Josh. It's about preventing others from descending into this pit of hell. I know I sound mean and hateful. I don't care. I am done playing nice with fundies.

I will follow the rules here. In private, well, that's a different story. I will continue to expose these people and their cult.

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Alright dearies, I'm a huge soup fan, love using leftovers in it! Currently in our rotation: tortilla soup (seriously, so good, had it tonight!), hot and sour, smoked pumpkin, lemon orzo, clam and corn chowder, minestrone, lemongrass pho and paprika tomato basil! I'm excited to try the posted recipes. Happy to share any or all recipes, just didn't want to clog the thread!

I'm no banana bread person, I like my bananas on the greener side, but I think Jill has her conversion banana bread recipe on her blog.


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Oh banana bread sounds fantastic. You know what I hate though? When people put nuts in it. WHY? YOU RUINED PERFECTLY GOOD BANANA BREAD. 
I am allergic to nuts so it always makes me sad when people ruin perfectly good food with nuts. Maybe it keeps my weight down, because I love to eat all the things!
I love beer cheese soup.  When I lived in Ann Arbor, I would eat this like it was going out of style.
I work in A2. I must try this soup.
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