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Lori Alexander 18: Taking Pictures in the Closet


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The bible says...



Yes, the Bible does say this but....

The Bible may say ______, but Lori is a prophetess!  She knows better!



 that show has gotten too raunchy for me



 Me too! I don't watch.

Look at that.  The students are more "puritanical" than the teacher.

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4 hours ago, usmcmom said:


On the recent "Dissipating a Husband's Income" post, some commenters clearly stated they stay home and are striving to live moderately and honor their husband's hard work. Still, Lori goes after them for daring to call it "our money" instead of "his money."  I swear, she cannot let anything drop without a snotty reply that is meant to start an argument. 


Sorry, Lori.

I'm not a bible expert like you are, but if a married couple is supposed to cleave to each other and the two shall become one, it is definitely "our" money, along with everything else.


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27 minutes ago, kpmom said:

Sorry, Lori.

I'm not a bible expert like you are, but if a married couple is supposed to cleave to each other and the two shall become one, it is definitely "our" money, along with everything else.


Not to mention the fact that the money was literally her inheritance.



In the same way, my money is not mine but "our" money. I have my own money that comes through inheritance avenues annually and rivals my husband's income in size. In fact, our home we received via my inheritance. Legally he has no claim to these funds if I don't co-mingle them. But I've made sure he has access to them. Our home was not put in my name but both of our names on my insistence. 
Any money that comes to either husband or wife is jointly together theirs.

Lori's snotty response:


 I have never minded saying that the income my husband works his tail off to earn is his income but thankfully, he gladly shares it with me but I try to be careful how I spend it and not squander it.

Umm, yeah.  Pretty sure he didn't "work his tail off" to earn her inheritance.  Should she call that inheritance just his money?

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 I agree. However, women have needs too. The bible says my body is his AND his body is mine. It says that WE shouldn't deny each other. Christian men need to be taught this as well as women. I know you speak to women, thus the instruct is for us.



Yes, the Bible does say this but most men have a much greater need for sex than women do and it's very important for women to understand this fierce drive in them.



They have TEN times the testosterone than women do!

Is it the adrenal glands that control a lot of a woman's sex drive? I recall that once. If so, aren't those the glands Lori has issues with. That would explain why she is so low sex drive and eager to get it done with in 10 minutes and not in a million years really be able to understand women wanting sex. 

I don't believe men have that much of a stronger drive for sex. She is just asexual and can't understand how normal women feel. 



You bet Kimberly. Men are under the same commands to not withhold their bodies and intimacy from their spouse. If they are not regularly willing to engage in love making then something is terribly wrong physically, or they are walking in sin and need to get out of the bondage of Satan's strongholds. Send those men to me and I will give them a good exhortation!

I think he meant to say erection instead of exhortation! Sure, what man is going to love it if his wife sends him to anyone for advice in such a sensitive area. Ken will straighten any man right up!  I can't stand her doodle today because it doesn't consider ED issues in men. Don't deprive, don't deprive!! Its so different for men, they might not mean to withhold but if they can't get hard, sex just doesn't work. 

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Awww, that's so sweet of Ken to "share" his income with Lori.

I think a divorce lawyer and judge wouldn't see it as sweet so much as his moral and legal duty to "share" with a non-working spouse, but whatever.

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After almost 20 years together, Mr. Xtian and I have each other as co-owners on our bank accounts. However, it's still my account and his account. There have never been any secrets regarding money between us, we just had separate bank accounts. Lori's head would explode with that...and yes, in some ways it's "my" money and "his" money...in that he has his disability check deposited in his account and I deposit my paychecks in my account...BUT...it's ALL "our" money...it takes both of us for our household to run...

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From What Is The Gift Of Prophecy?

aisha's comment at 6:22 AM:


Would you or your loved ones consider you a prophet?

Ken's reply at 8:48 AM (the first sentence only):


You bet, aisha. She definitely has the gift of prophecy. 

Lori replied around 8:15 or 8:30 AM - before Ken. Her reply was there this morning but is gone now. She replied that people (Ken?) have told her that, yes! she has the gift of prophecy!

LoriKen apparently reread her post (bolding is from the original):


A Prophet’s Weaknesses


A prophet’s sense of conviction may tempt him or her to become intolerant or prideful.


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Soooo as long as "I speak god's words" I can be a bitch all I want. Cool.

Now I only need to find a supernatural entity to speak for. Oh wait, I can choose the god of the bible and twist its words to fit whatever I want to say. Among billions of followers someone will surely listen to me. Cool. Hey you all I am a prophetess now and I can say what I want and I am always right and you have to do as I say! Ha!

8 hours ago, kpmom said:

Sorry, Lori.

I'm not a bible expert like you are, but if a married couple is supposed to cleave to each other and the two shall become one, it is definitely "our" money, along with everything else.


But dear you ain't a prophetess. I speak the words of god and I can tell you that when you marry his money him, you become his wife with his money that he earns through his job. It's all his, his countertops too that he needs to change them when for a reasonable whim (I am the princess prophetess!) I ruin them.

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15 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

OK that is just CREEPY!  Go, go girl power!! You go Lori! They way he talks sounds so feminine. 

To be fair, if we judge them by their ridiculous gender standards, Ken is the 'woman' of the relationship, running around after Lori's every whim. Whilst Lori does/says/demands anything she wants like the 'command man' she is. 

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4 hours ago, Flossie said:

Is it possible that Lori has access to Kens account and has posted to herself from it while pretending to be him?

My gut tells me no, but they definitely work together in self-promotion.

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Today we're getting a replay of the blow by blow between Dresserdude and Ken re:  the husband's need for sex in a marriage. 

It's the best of the old days. I love reruns!

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5 hours ago, Flossie said:

Is it possible that Lori has access to Kens account and has posted to herself from it while pretending to be him?


26 minutes ago, BlackSheep said:

My gut tells me no, but they definitely work together in self-promotion.

I also have the feeling that she may have  pretended to be Ken in that comment.

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In the comments today's throwback post Ken sounds almost human when trying to deal with the decidedly unhuman evil scum cabinetman. 

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14 minutes ago, HoneyBunny said:

Today we're getting a replay of the blow by blow between Dresserdude and Ken re:  the husband's need for sex in a marriage. 

It's the best of the old days. I love reruns!

I was amused by Ken's comment on that old post:


Good question and I experience you pain sometimes, but I only frequent such blogs when I hear something really is off base, and then I usually get my comments deleted no matter how nice I post.


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15 hours ago, AlwaysDiscerning said:

s it the adrenal glands that control a lot of a woman's sex drive? I recall that once. If so, aren't those the glands Lori has issues with. That would explain why she is so low sex drive and eager to get it done with in 10 minutes and not in a million years really be able to understand women wanting sex. 

I don't believe men have that much of a stronger drive for sex. She is just asexual and can't understand how normal women feel. 


Maybe so. I can't for the life of me understand Lori's yammering on about women not understanding men's *need* for sex. I guess she's never wanted sex herself -- which I get if she's asexual or has major hormonal issues. I have a naturally high drive (tmi, sorry, I know, but pertinent to the conversation), and 10-minutes-and-lube wouldn't cut it, nor would a sexless marriage or depriving my husband to "prove a point" the way Lori seems to think women do. I certainly don't do it just to make him happy (although making him happy is definitely a nice benefit of it).

Her logic starts to break down when she talks about how slutty modern women are -- demonstrating that many women most certainly do enjoy sex and lots of it -- condemning them for this behavior. But then a few posts later talks about how they turn their husbands down constantly. If you're turning your husband down, maybe there's a reason -- like you're overwhelmed with work, a new baby, his demands, marital issues, etc. And maybe that's not all or even mostly the woman's fault. Maybe, at some point, the man needs to look at the role he's playing in his lack of a sex life. 

Oh, but Lori never teaches men, does she? Because men are never wrong. :roll:

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6 hours ago, Flossie said:

Is it possible that Lori has access to Kens account and has posted to herself from it while pretending to be him?

I had that same thought, myself. This would mean Lori reads here too, based on my theory that that comment was made once he/she read that Ken appeared to be absent from the blog lately. 

Today's comments made my eye twitch. To read Ken and Cabinetman go 'round and 'round over....I'm not sure exactly what...was just more proof of how argumentative these people are. They will spend hours arguing over the dumbest little details. They are the type that choose to major in all minors. 

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Lori and Ken's obsession with sex is just gross. Keep it to yourself. Please. 

Do they not realize that all this never ending posting about sex and lack of sex and "give me/him sex" makes it sound like something is terribly wrong with their sex life?

Couples who are doing just fine in that area don't need to go and on about what can go wrong. Just saying. 

ETA: If you are reading here, Lori and/or Ken, please for the love of God don't take this post as a reason to tell us all about how good your sex life allegedly is. We truly don't want to know. No one wants to know. Try a little MODESTY. You preach it enough. 

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1 hour ago, usmcmom said:

They are the type that choose to major in all minors. 

I have never heard this phrase before and it's amazing. 

As I re-read their exchange, I am reminded of why I am an absolute Bible non-believer. Why the heck would I base my life on a book about which even two very like-minded people can't reach consensus? Do Bible followers realize how they alienate so many of the rest of us, with their bickering and drama and hypocrisy, all in their zeal for being holier than thou?

1 hour ago, louisa05 said:

Lori and Ken's obsession with sex is just gross. Keep it to yourself. Please. 

Do they not realize that all this never ending posting about sex and lack of sex and "give me/him sex" makes it sound like something is terribly wrong with their sex life?

Couples who are doing just fine in that area don't need to go and on about what can go wrong. Just saying. 

Those who can, do. Those who can't blog about it. 

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I imagine that those two disfunctional idiots get a lot of people telling the to F*** themselves.

I also imagine Ken rolling his eyes and saying to himself "Don't I always?"

But I can't imagine what Lori says.  She goes out of her way to make her readers think that sex with Ken is pretty much a chore.  But I think she's also made some statements that seem to indicate she's into other things.  She acts like she wants to be dominated, but only if she has a safe word.  I don't know if she and Ken ever get kinky, but Lori doesn't seem satisfied with her sex life.

Personally, I think that Ken is pumping away on Lori when she allows it, taking matters into his own hands when he has to, and occasionally seeking outside release when he has the chance.

I can't spend too much time on these two because they just annoy the crap out of me and I think that they're hurting other people by putting their issues online while presenting themselves as a Godly marriage.  In truth, they're both horrible people.

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Yes - they need to keep their sex life to themselves. It's immodest and inappropriate.

I skimmed the comments at Do Men Marry Just For Sex? to see how long Cabinetman and Ken went back and forth. Those paragraphs went on forever.

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Lazy Lori will never know the satisfaction of earning/saving her own money to buy something she wants or needs. In my first marriage (to someone who married me to get a maid, cook, nurse, and source of sex--hey, it was 1973), most of the time I taught part time and/or was in college or grad school. I wanted a dishwasher (which he swore we couldn't afford--his series of cars and musical instruments were quite a different matter), so I saved gift money and the odd $20 bill from the grocery money and bought my own goddamned dishwasher.

In my second marriage, I worked two jobs and saved my second paycheck to help put my daughter through college. No help from her father or my husband.

And as a single fifty-something, I scrimped and saved so I could pay cash for the new kitchen I dreamed of, wanting to enter retirement free of debt. I support local small businesses by paying guys to mow my lawn, shovel my snow, and do my household repairs. Oh, and I bought my very first brand-new car all by myself at  the age of 62. (I don't have a big fancy job, either--I'm a tech writer at a utilies company.)

I cannot express how wonderful it feels to earn things for myself and not be held hostage by some guy's "need" for BJs on the reg.

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I was waiting for Lori to discover the What Christian Women Hear hashtag.

But my main takeaway from today's post is that it's too bad we can't transport Lori back to 1828. She would find out it was neither magical nor utopian and would be crying for her pampered 21st Century life within 15 minutes.

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Thank Christ she isn't teaching anymore. Just because a word isn't found in her 1828 dictionary means that it is a 'word our foolish culture has recently invented'. 

From the Online Etymology Dictionary:

misogyny (n.) 

1650s, from Modern Latin misogynia, from Greek misogynia, from misogynes "woman-hater," from miso- (see miso-) + gyne "woman" (see queen).

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The word "Internet" isn't in her 1828 dictionary either, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  She ought to know -- she blogs and FBs every damn day.

Other words not in the 1828 dictionary -- Automobile (Mercedes), Telephone, Laser, Dishwasher, Cyber (knife), Norwex, Corian (countertops), Orthodontic (consultant).  All things that are or have been part of Lori's life.

But I guess since they're not in the dictionary, they're just words "our foolish culture has recently invented" and thus do not exist in real life

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