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Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Jinger is a Vuolo!


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Just now, PartriarchydefyinValkarie said:

I still cannot figure out how JB approved Bin to wed Jessa much less court her considering the whole grilling about finacial matters.

Then again Bin did say he was the starter of the application.

I think because he saw Bin as a young man he could bully and control he employed him to cement his power? 'Oh you can't marry my daughter on no income, but as it happens I have a job vacancy...'

With Jeremy he knows he'll be harder to bully but tried to exert some control by talking about the need for a second job. I know Jeremy church is small, but that doesn't guarantee his income is too as it is a plant from a larger church and they may have joint finances at the moment and pay a set wage or perhaps they own the apartment and he lives rent free. We also the know about his saving/financial planning habits from his previous career.

In the UK most churches are registered charities and have to make their finances available to the public but I don' know the US system if anyone REALLY wanted to know.

Derrick managed to get the go ahead on a Walmart accountant wage which I assume isn't massive when thinking about eventually supporting 10+ children.

From the Duggar boys it sounds like JD is well set financially in comparison to his BIL. 

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10 hours ago, LawsonBatesEgo said:

I wasn't posting on FJ at the time of Jessa's wedding but I do remember saying this at the time to a friend who I snark on fundies with.

While I still think there is something tacky and a bit rude about icecream in an outside parking lot in cool autumn weather, I also agree that the icecream sundaes had an element of this being the one time Jessa was truly allowed to make it 'all about me'  because of the modern mentality of 'it is the bride and groom's day, their rules' instead of J-O-Y. And I remember part of it being that she just wanted to do something different. I got a bit of a 'I'm going to do this because I can' vibe from it which I can actually understand with Jessa.

Yeah, it was stupid. but I can understand how someone whose entire life even in early adulthood was micromanaged by her parents right down to forced chaperones on outings with her fiancee and dictating how she wore her hair would make a couple of dumb or selfish decisions when she finally gets the chance to simply, well, make one. 

I remember MEchelle's reaction from Jessa saying "Just ice cream" and she looked pretty mad. I think it was Duck Lip's way of flipping them the middle finger. Its possible she wanted a smaller wedding OR to be married before Hippy and Horse Face.

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Here's what creeps me out about Jeremy. Regardless of his intentions, there has to be *something* there that's not quite right since he decided to court a sheltered 22-year-old who he had to fill out an enormous questionnaire in order to Skype chaperoned and then marry in three months, impregnate immediately, and never, ever divorce. That's bananas and most people wouldn't even consider playing that game. 

ETA: Not to mention the whole reality show thing, which is just the crazy cherry on the insane banana split. :8U:

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Just now, ViolaSebastian said:

Regardless of his intentions, there has to be *something* there that's not quite right since he decided to court a sheltered 22-year-old who he had to fill out an enormous questionnaire in order to Skype chaperoned and then marry in three months, impregnate immediately, and never, ever divorce. That's bananas and most people wouldn't even consider playing that game. 

Very much agreed. The entire premise is so ridiculous... and even if he was just playing along to get her out, lying to her and causing her to leave her family under false pretenses is just as terrible. She has to leave of her own volition. 

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5 minutes ago, HomeschooledHeartThrob said:

I remember MEchelle's reaction from Jessa saying "Just ice cream" and she looked pretty mad. I think it was Duck Lip's way of flipping them the middle finger. Its possible she wanted a smaller wedding OR to be married before Hippy and Horse Face.

I suspect she wanted a smaller wedding and something a bit more 'pinterest/instagram perfect' than that mega church and parking lot reception.

The icecream, blush dress and the private first kiss were presumably her ways of saying "fuck" and "you" to MEchelle and Kim Jong Boob. 

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8 hours ago, that1blondegirl said:

I get the impression that JB isn't a fan of Jeremy. It was also inappropriate for Jim Bob to bring up Jeremy's financial well being especially since Jeremy's parents were there. Quite frankly it's none of his business. Especially since Josh, Jessa, and Jill and their spouses all have lived on properties owned by daddy. Jeremy has his own apartment and sounds like he's been living on his own since college. Isn't it possible Jeremy has some money saved from his soccer days... ?
Moving on, Jing and Jeremy are by far my favorite couple. I think Jeremy and his parent's had a hand in some of the planning. I'm absolutely happy Jinger gets to move away from her toxic parents.


Jim bob is threatened by Jeremy. TV is involved, and who is more interesting to viewers? The handsome "former bad boy" soccer player who seemingly recued his Kimmy Schmit wife from her creepy cho mo brother, OR the creepy teen groom who RAISED said cho mo. Me thinks Jim bob sees his dollar bills flying away into a spin off show focusing on Jeremy and Jinger with guest appearances by Jessa and Ben. I'd watch Jinger and Jeremy Take Laredo ANY DAY vs Jimbob and MEchelle's house of grab ass.

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Just now, ViolaSebastian said:

Here's what creeps me out about Jeremy. Regardless of his intentions, there has to be *something* there that's not quite right since he decided to court a sheltered 22-year-old who he had to fill out an enormous questionnaire in order to Skype chaperoned and then marry in three months, impregnate immediately, and never, ever divorce. That's bananas and most people wouldn't even consider playing that game. 

In my dream world Jeremy watched some of the Duggars and saw the spark in Jinger. His interest was caught and then found out about FreeJinger.  He's played the game and is right now telling her about birth control, planning shopping trips for jeans and encouraging her to look into photography courses. I can dream I guess. 


ETA: In addition like Jesse confessed about her and Ben they have actually managed private conversations where he's 'fessed up' and she really does want to leave and it explains how she because SO super emotional in recent months.

In a dream world only I guess...

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8 hours ago, titerlitury said:

Why in every photo Joy looks so annoyed? 

She strikes me as a tomboy and probably hates dresses/getting done up

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1 minute ago, danni9242 said:

In my dream world Jeremy watched some of the Duggars and saw the spark in Jinger. His interest was caught and then found out about FreeJinger.  He's played the game and is right now telling her about birth control, planning shopping trips for jeans and encouraging her to look into photography courses. I can dream I guess. 

That's how I felt about Jill and Derick. :pb_cry:

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15 minutes ago, Kira said:

Still in school......

I hope( "hope") he is serious about becoming a preacher once he graduates. His job right now is reality tv and that's fine. It pays well. I believe Derick and Ben will be fine after the show is gone. 

He and Jessa combined can't be making more than 40k a year from the show. TLC isn't bringing in a lot in the way of advertising so they can't be paying top dollar either so I am probably being generous with the amount. That puts them right into the range to qualify for assistance from the government. They certainly don't live like that. 

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Finally caught up on the thread! Some thoughts:

I LOVED Jinge's dress and the bridesmaids dresses. I like the different colors on bridesmaids, and even though the dresses were modest, I think they looked nice.

If they are not showing the wedding for another two episodes, I bet the next two will be wedding planning, and hopefully dress shopping.

JD being a groomsmen is interesting to. We haven't seen he and Jeremy interact at all, but that adds further proof to my theory that JD is pretty cool in person. I think he's just kinda awkward in general and that doesn't play well on camera.

I do love that Jeremy has his own social circle outside of fundies. I think that alone will do a world of difference for Jinger.

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Just now, ViolaSebastian said:

That's how I felt about Jill and Derick. :pb_cry:

Never quite got that feel from Derrick even though he came from a more 'worldly' family. He did seem like he just wanted a way to fund more missionary work tbh. How did he even end up prayer partners with JB? Surely loads of people email the Duggars? 

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7 hours ago, BabyBottlePop said:

It will be very interesting to see if they do edit Joshley out, if they don't... 

I find it interesting that pre-scandal he had roles in his sisters weddings, even if it was something small like holding the mike at Jessa's, and now post scandal he's nowhere to be seen- (maybe he was included more, but I doubt it) ...I don't think the  sisters' opinion of him changed after the scandals. Maybe now they are allowed to show more of their true feelings instead of having to include him so that they are "keeping sweet".

That's so true I never thought of that, it's almost as if J and Chelle were INTENTIONALLY putting him in front of them to be like "See! SEE! Forgive him! You have to forgive him! Prove to us you forgave him!" UGH. Probably were punished if they gave Joshmallow any perceived attitude or disrespect.

7 hours ago, Carm_88 said:

Wow that dress is gorgeous! :D 

NIKE!!! NIKE!! NIKKEEEE!!! LMAO Hopefully Jinger's MIL dresses her from now on.

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Maybe I'm in the minority,but I would be offended if I were invited to a wedding, bought a gift, etc., and attended the cake and punch reception only to find out that the closer friends were invited to ANOTHER, better reception at the bride's home. 

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4 minutes ago, buggers said:

JD being a groomsmen is interesting to. We haven't seen he and Jeremy interact at all, but that adds further proof to my theory that JD is pretty cool in person. I think he's just kinda awkward in general and that doesn't play well on camera.

JD has never give me the kind of creepy vibes Joshley does. I get the vibe that JD is that guy we all know who is pretty quiet and a little awkward but a really great kinda dude. Having a camera shoved in his face doesn't lend itself well to that and I also get the distinct impression he has 0 interest in the dog and pony show.

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The 'after party' was for Spurge's birthday and probably featured such Sierra specials as chocolate dipped strawberries and oreo truffles.

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1 hour ago, vspielman said:

I thought  public schools were federally and legally mandated to provide an education appropriate to the needs of a student?  Is this not the case?  (off topic, and I'm sorry, I'm just so curious about this)

Hi there ~ I think you might have been trying to quote @Shadoewolf (just figured I'd mention, in case you'd like to hear directly from her, versus me ;) ).

I will say, that it is not uncommon AT ALL to find schools, and even districts, that either don't have the resources, staffing, or (rather unfortunately), lack of education to properly educate a student outside of the "average" student.  I have three adopted brothers, and all of them have various special needs.  Each one has an IEP, and it has been a battle both in South Carolina, and Minnesota, to get them the proper education.  We have literally moved to different school districts several times, in hopes of finding a better fit.  I will say in the school's defense, a lot of times, it has been approached more often than not, in a very apologetic sort of way, "We just don't have the capabilities to adequately serve your child's needs at this time." (and then, at least in my experiences, social workers and district representatives have meetings to find a proper school setting - and then we'd move again  . . . ).  Oi.

Now back to your regularly scheduled wedding chatter :D

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3 hours ago, Fullfrontalhugs said:

I've been lurking FJ since around 2013, but never intended to join and post. I used to follow Pickles but because of a few comments about "ass ugly multiplying mustard yellow cardigans" and some Josh memes I ended up getting kicked off of FB all together. (Thanks humpers)

I've been following this thread since it started and figured I would finally bloody my FJ bedsheets because no one in my real life follows the Duggarsideshow (aside from evil MIL). 

So my thoughts on the wedding, as is the common opinion, Jinger looks great, classiest shindig yet, I hope she has a happy life with him. Poor thing.

BUT! I agree 1billion times with the poster up thread that said this wedding will "prop up the Duggar machine" and that is a terrible thing! I've always despised this family and their evil cult and it was a great day for me when Josh gate broke. Since then it's been a slippery slide of scandal, cover up, recovery, facelift, repeat. And my hopes of them being truly exposed and disgraced are dwindling. 

Especially since Smuggar seems to be making a comeback. I'm sick to death of these people getting their limelight and I might even despise TLC more than the family for being enablers. 

Seeing Smuggar at the wedding is what really prompted me to post, sorry this is such a long first post (actual rant). If I continue posting I'll keep it shorter in the future. 

Stupid smug fuck


I had a hard time recognizing him with the facial hair.  It hides some of his doughboy look.

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1 hour ago, MyMilkshake said:

Me too, sorry to say.

I want to believe! 

But I just don't think JB and Mechelle would marry off their daughter to someone who is healthy (in their thoughts and actions) and normal to FJ standards (and I would say FJ is modern standards!)

2 minutes ago, VooDooChild said:

I had a hard time recognizing him with the facial hair.  It hides some of his doughboy look.

He certainly hasn't lost the belly, but his face does look thinner.

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8 minutes ago, danni9242 said:

The 'after party' was for Spurge's birthday and probably featured such Sierra specials as chocolate dipped strawberries and oreo truffles.

It was certainly a combination of both a wedding carry-over and Spurge's birthday party. They had a party for about 400 after Jill's wedding, and it wasn't anyone's birthday. But the fact remains, it's still the creme de la creme of Duggar cronies who get to attend. JRod's invite got lost in the mail. :D

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Outfitwise Ma & Pa Vuolo absolutely SLAYED. And I'm not the biggest Jessa fan there is, but she looked absolutely gorgeous in her dress. I'm not too impressed with the other colors of bridesmaid dresses.


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3 hours ago, eleanora3 said:

Looks like this is what JB wore...same suit he wore to the other two weddings. Wonder why he changed?


Dear god, at first glance I thought this was a white suit. lol

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I'm new to posting here but finally caught up and wanted to post before the thread got away from me again (my blessings keep getting in the way of my internet snark) 

I've enjoyed reading the comments and most posters have expressed a lot of my thoughts. 

I had a nice wedding. About 150 people and a few traveled across country. I would be so embarrassed not to feed them a full meal of great food and provide an open bar and entertainment. Mind you I'm no longer married but I can still say it was a well put together event lol.

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Just now, marmalade said:

It was certainly a combination of both a wedding carry-over and Spurge's birthday party. They had a party for about 400 after Jill's wedding, and it wasn't anyone's birthday. But the fact remains, it's still the creme de la creme of Duggar cronies who get to attend. JRod's invite got lost in the mail. :D

I didn't pay much attention to her wedding so didn't realise they did that. Definitely rude if you give others naff stuff. Then again where could you seat 1000?

They could have popcorn and hotdogs in the church for the'show'? 

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