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Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Jinger is a Vuolo!


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3 hours ago, kmary1 said:

Was just reading the jingerandjeremy website, and on the Our Story post, Jeremy says he was attracted to Jinger because she is a "humble, meek, modest, intelligent young woman" ... using "meek" as one of her best qualities makes me want to punch a wall. I'm assuming he did write that because the post doesn't have great grammar and punctuation like I would expect from a professional PR person.

The best case scenario is that they just rattle off the list of approved attributes, but their actual relationships don't end up reflecting the negative connotations excessively. One hopes. 

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22 minutes ago, Analytica49 said:

I was trying to think why so many of the reactions, in these threads, to Jinger's wedding are making me uncomfortable.

So many people are gaga for Jinger's dress and the bridesmaids' dresses and the church and the groom's clothes. So many people are saying this is the best fundy wedding yet, and that J&J have chosen a fabulous honeymoon destination etc., etc.

Today I realized the reason I'm bothered by all this enthusiasm for Jinger and Jeremy's nuptials: It means that people are falling for the Duggars' and TLC's plan.

All of this will translate, I have no doubt, into large numbers tuning in for the November 15th show. It will enrich TLC and the Duggars' bottom line. "Counting On" will be renewed and advertisers will return to support the show.


In other words, if we are all enchanted by this wedding, we will help to prop up the Duggar machine. That's why I refuse to be taken in by the images they are foisting on us.

...Or we're capable of liking a dress while still understanding that a person's beliefs are toxic and not falling for their plan. And stating that you like a dress or a ring is hardly going "gaga."

But I'm glad you're here to tell me how to properly appreciate aesthetics. :pb_rollseyes:

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Glad there are so many pictures floating around so I won't be tempted to peek and watch a bit of the wedding episode.  I hope Jinger it was Jinger's choice to have such a big wedding and what looks like a lot of attention from photographers and the press.

As for the custom dress, they don't cost as much as people think. It is mostly the labor and I would have the feeling the lady that says she made the dresses did it for less knowing she would get publicity. I'm sure girls that love the Duggars would dream of having the same dress maker.  My mother made wedding dresses, just a few a year for select clients and the material does not cost much, again most of the cost is the labor.

My husband and I just had our 15th wedding anniversary and we thought about renewing our vows since our original was in Vegas. I was searching for a dress with sleeves because I have EDS. You can buy custom dresses from China for under $200 but there were places in the US that had custom dresses for under $500. These were dresses that were nicer then anything I had seen already made that cost double or more.  I got measured and quoted $460 for my dream dress. The biggest problem was the time frame. That dressmaker for Jinger must have had a good size staff or worked 24/7.  Most of the dresses off the rack need alterations which are costly so why not go custom.


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Ok....here are my thoughts

Duggar girls can "look good" if they put forth some effort. 

Less eyeliner/less orange=pretty bride

Jeremy dresses better than the other SIL's (as do his parents!)

Mee and Boob are rediculous, per usual.

i liked the jaguar.

pretty dresses

pretty flowers

where's Amy?

pause.....that's it!  That's all I got.  

Now I really want to go back to snarking cuz that's what I tune in to FJ for.  I refused to be sucked it to the wedding frenzy and forget who/what we are dealing with here.  These are the Duggars!   I'll come back in a few days when we can start snarking again.

OK. Rant over....

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now that that pastor jeremy is married in, do you think that they'll use him to officiate future family weddings?

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4 hours ago, MsSaylor said:

Yeah I don't think we can rule anyone out as groomsmen from that pic as it didn't show all of them. If there were 10 bridesmaids there would be 10 groomsmen most likely. Also Joseph might just not have his jacket on in that pic. 

I feel kinda bad for JD in that pic but it made me giggle a little. Poor dude is just kinda homely and dorky in a way that he just can't help. 

Whats up with Lawson's tweets. It's an incredibly immature and weird thing to do, especially in their world where we are supposed to think they dont experience crushes/dating/missing heart pieces/jealousy etc. just weird. Stop guy, this is why you're single. 


Joseph is wearing a different tie. The groomsmen wore blue polka dot ties. Joe matches his younger brothers, all in plain blue ties and suspenders, who served as ushers.

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I've been lurking FJ since around 2013, but never intended to join and post. I used to follow Pickles but because of a few comments about "ass ugly multiplying mustard yellow cardigans" and some Josh memes I ended up getting kicked off of FB all together. (Thanks humpers)

I've been following this thread since it started and figured I would finally bloody my FJ bedsheets because no one in my real life follows the Duggarsideshow (aside from evil MIL). 

So my thoughts on the wedding, as is the common opinion, Jinger looks great, classiest shindig yet, I hope she has a happy life with him. Poor thing.

BUT! I agree 1billion times with the poster up thread that said this wedding will "prop up the Duggar machine" and that is a terrible thing! I've always despised this family and their evil cult and it was a great day for me when Josh gate broke. Since then it's been a slippery slide of scandal, cover up, recovery, facelift, repeat. And my hopes of them being truly exposed and disgraced are dwindling. 

Especially since Smuggar seems to be making a comeback. I'm sick to death of these people getting their limelight and I might even despise TLC more than the family for being enablers. 

Seeing Smuggar at the wedding is what really prompted me to post, sorry this is such a long first post (actual rant). If I continue posting I'll keep it shorter in the future. 

Stupid smug fuck


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Where are you girls finding all your photos?!

From what I've seen, I love Jinger's bridesmaid dresses. Non-matching is very "in" right now.

She looks so much better with toned down/better applied makeup.

Her and Jeremy could possibly be the Erin/Chad match of the Duggars.

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1 hour ago, Analytica49 said:

I was trying to think why so many of the reactions, in these threads, to Jinger's wedding are making me uncomfortable.

So many people are gaga for Jinger's dress and the bridesmaids' dresses and the church and the groom's clothes. So many people are saying this is the best fundy wedding yet, and that J&J have chosen a fabulous honeymoon destination etc., etc.

Today I realized the reason I'm bothered by all this enthusiasm for Jinger and Jeremy's nuptials: It means that people are falling for the Duggars' and TLC's plan.

All of this will translate, I have no doubt, into large numbers tuning in for the November 15th show. It will enrich TLC and the Duggars' bottom line. "Counting On" will be renewed and advertisers will return to support the show.

Worse still, it may also translate into higher approval ratings for the Duggars generally. It may encourage people to forget about, or overlook, not only Joshly's abhorrent behavior, but also the revolting values and beliefs that underlie everything the Duggars and their hangers-on do. It will help people not to notice that their fundamentalism is based on opposing reproductive freedom, deliberately not educating children, being anti-LGBTI rights, and treating women primarily as baby generators.

In other words, if we are all enchanted by this wedding, we will help to prop up the Duggar machine. That's why I refuse to be taken in by the images they are foisting on us.

I had the same thought. Three weeks ago, TLC promised the public a full wedding. Now, it's just a "glimpse." The reason? They  renewed when TLC brass saw that the Duggars stepped it up big time for these nuptials in an attempt to normalize/hide the crazy. For instance, TLC filmed the girls dress shopping in DC where Jill got her dress. But Jinger got her dress from a shop in Pensacola, FL. I doubt TLC filmed two shopping trips (too costly).   Boob opened up his wallet for nice dresses and venues, and it bought him another season of Counting On that hadn't been guaranteed. Looks like he gambled and it payed off. Hence, we start next season with a VSE wedding that will just be teased on the 15th. 

Leghumpers will be pissed! 

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So, I don't have much wedding experience/knowledge. Can someone explain to me what is wrong with brides/bridesmaids wearing their hair down for a wedding? I have never really liked the way I look with my hair up and so I've always thought I would wear my hair down if I ever got married. 

A few people have mentioned that lemonade, cookies, Ritz crackers, etc. are tacky things to serve at a wedding reception. What would be appropriate reception food at a wedding that wasn't going to include alcohol or a full meal?  

I like Derrick's man bun (and man buns in general), which is apparently an unpopular opinion. 

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12 minutes ago, Fullfrontalhugs said:



"Ooh, hello Olivia. How would you like to be my prayer partner?" :kitty-shifty:

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1 minute ago, O Latin said:

So, I don't have much wedding experience/knowledge. Can someone explain to me what is wrong with brides/bridesmaids wearing their hair down for a wedding? I have never really liked the way I look with my hair up and so I've always thought I would wear my hair down if I ever got married. 

A few people have mentioned that lemonade, cookies, Ritz crackers, etc. are tacky things to serve at a wedding reception. What would be appropriate reception food at a wedding that wasn't going to include alcohol or a full meal?  

I like Derrick's man bun (and man buns in general), which is apparently an unpopular opinion. 

I see nothing wrong with lemonade, cookies, and ritz crackers if that's all they can afford. The flip side is the couples who can't afford more than that shouldn't be inviting 1000 people.  Wedding etiquette I see as being very different based on the area where the couple lives. I've been to a few buffet style dinners, a lot of cake and punch style receptions but never a sit down served meal. 

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21 minutes ago, Fullfrontalhugs said:

Stupid smug fuck



1 - Bloody hell, the perv might be better dressed than JB

2- Wait, they are allowing him a real grown up Satan-infused smartphone now ? 

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1 minute ago, Fluffypaws said:

That doesn't look like a flip phone of shame...

Nope. I wonder when he was finally allowed a smartphone again?

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12 minutes ago, O Latin said:

So, I don't have much wedding experience/knowledge. Can someone explain to me what is wrong with brides/bridesmaids wearing their hair down for a wedding? I have never really liked the way I look with my hair up and so I've always thought I would wear my hair down if I ever got married. 

A few people have mentioned that lemonade, cookies, Ritz crackers, etc. are tacky things to serve at a wedding reception. What would be appropriate reception food at a wedding that wasn't going to include alcohol or a full meal?  

I like Derrick's man bun (and man buns in general), which is apparently an unpopular opinion. 

There's nothing innately wrong with the girls wearing their hair down. It would be a gorgeous style for someone who usually just throws her hair in a ponytail or a messy bun. The point is that the Duggar girls have perfectly-styled waves nearly every day- thus, having it on their wedding day isn't special anymore. I don't see anything wrong with wearing your hair down for your wedding, especially if it's what you're most comfortable with. But it isn't fun or new or fancy, in Jill and Jessa's cases.

I'd love to see hot hors d'oeuvres (yes I googled how to spell that) or something of substance if you're having your wedding during a meal time, so your guests aren't starving. If it's not at a meal time, just some classy snacks and cake would be good. I've always been taught that you shouldn't invite more people than you can feed. I've only been to sit-down dinners (as is usual in my corner of the USA) but buffets and family-style are common. Since Jinge and Jeremy had their wedding at... 2? I think? The guests would probably eat lunch before hand and get home in time for dinner. So cake and punch makes sense, to me.

My anaconda don't want none unless you got man bun(s), hun. 

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1 minute ago, Four is Enough said:

That doesn't look like Josh to me. Too much hair; too dark.

Look at his gross sperm shaped eyebrows lol. It's him. Although I think the buzz cut is to give the illusion of more hair, maybe he used a coloured spray to fill in the spots.

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3 minutes ago, eleanora3 said:

Looks like this is what JB wore...same suit he wore to the other two weddings. Wonder why he changed?


What a mess. could he not have worn real dress shoes even? or pressed the seams ?

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Can't seem to be able to open the Radar Online article, are there any new photos in it other than the two already posted ?

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5 minutes ago, eleanora3 said:

Looks like this is what JB wore...same suit he wore to the other two weddings. Wonder why he changed?


It's becoming more and more clear that the video was probably filmed the day before once the reception hall had been set up, but before the rehearsal dinner. 

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30 minutes ago, Fullfrontalhugs said:

I've been lurking FJ since around 2013, but never intended to join and post. I used to follow Pickles but because of a few comments about "ass ugly multiplying mustard yellow cardigans" and some Josh memes I ended up getting kicked off of FB all together. (Thanks humpers)

I've been following this thread since it started and figured I would finally bloody my FJ bedsheets because no one in my real life follows the Duggarsideshow (aside from evil MIL). 

So my thoughts on the wedding, as is the common opinion, Jinger looks great, classiest shindig yet, I hope she has a happy life with him. Poor thing.

BUT! I agree 1billion times with the poster up thread that said this wedding will "prop up the Duggar machine" and that is a terrible thing! I've always despised this family and their evil cult and it was a great day for me when Josh gate broke. Since then it's been a slippery slide of scandal, cover up, recovery, facelift, repeat. And my hopes of them being truly exposed and disgraced are dwindling. 

Especially since Smuggar seems to be making a comeback. I'm sick to death of these people getting their limelight and I might even despise TLC more than the family for being enablers. 

Seeing Smuggar at the wedding is what really prompted me to post, sorry this is such a long first post (actual rant). If I continue posting I'll keep it shorter in the future. 

Stupid smug fuck


Not only is he a sexual predator, a cheater, and a bigot, but he can't/won't shine his damn shoes for a formal event. 

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