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Lori Alexander Pt. 9: Writing The World's Worst Book

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10 minutes and some lube = ain't doing it right. When I told my husband this he laughed his ass off.

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4 hours ago, molecule said:

So a woman left a comment on Lori's post yesterday about women being preachers. Lori didn't publish it because it is contrary to what she teachers, but in today's post, Lori says this:

Um, isn't that kind of what preaching is, with the difference being that one is oral and what Lori is doing is written? She is a woman textually preaching in order to prove that women shouldn't preach.

This.  Also, Lori as referred to her blog and mentoring as a "ministry".  But, my guess is that since Lori isn't a pastor role at any church, she thinks it's fine for her to be textually preaching. It's clear that she hates women having leadership or pastor roles in churches. I wish that women pastors from different denominations would band together and call out Lori.

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56 minutes ago, TeddyBonkers said:

A big problem I have with Loriken (it's so hard to pick just one!) is that she will harp all day long about how Paul said this and Paul said that. People will present arguments, quite logical arguments, to her that JESUS said thus and such and acted completely contrary to what Paul said. Rather than debate the issue, Lori deletes the comments, the equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears and saying, "I can't hear you!"

Paul is more of a god to her than Jesus.

Well, as Ken has pointed out, when Jesus disagrees with the Alexanders it's a sure sign that he (Jesus) is wrong.

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1 hour ago, TeddyBonkers said:

A big problem I have with Loriken (it's so hard to pick just one!) is that she will harp all day long about how Paul said this and Paul said that. People will present arguments, quite logical arguments, to her that JESUS said thus and such and acted completely contrary to what Paul said. Rather than debate the issue, Lori deletes the comments, the equivalent of sticking her fingers in her ears and saying, "I can't hear you!"

Paul is more of a god to her than Jesus.

Well, Paul was kind of a dick, so that doesn't surprise me...

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1 hour ago, Koala said:

Well, as Ken has pointed out, when Jesus disagrees with the Alexanders it's a sure sign that he (Jesus) is wrong.

Your power of recall when it comes to Lori and Ken leaves me in awe every single time.:bow-yellow:

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Today's posting. Her "teaching" blog sucks.
Almost since the day I began writing for my blog over five years ago, I have been receiving comments from many who have a great dislike for what I write and how I "say" things. I eventually had to begin moderating all of my comments since trying to debate these people never seemed to be productive or beneficial. One day, a close friend of mine said she stopped reading my blog since she couldn't stand the mean comments I was getting. She said it took away from the message I was trying to teach. Others have told me they dislike the combative and argumentative comments as well. They serve no good purpose. Satan's purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. My purpose is encourage women in the ways of the Lord because His Words and ways are life.
My blog is a teaching blog, not a debating blog like many of them out there are today. I am teaching Titus 2:4, 5 to any women who would like to learn from me. I hold my convictions firmly and I want them to be biblical. If this is not your cup of tea, no one is forcing you to read my written words. I know I am not perfect and have areas I continue to grow in, but I am not going to publish comments that are continually disagreeable to what I teach. If you have a question, I will be happy to publish it but if you have a comment that is completely opposed to what I have written, I will not publish it. Some accuse me of being "judgmental" when they are judging me all the time. I don't take it personally, however, since I only have one Judge whom I am trying to please and He will have the final say. You shouldn't feel "judged" by anyone, if you know that you are living your life in obedience to the Lord!
On my Facebook Always Learning page, I hide negative and mean-spirited comments and depending upon how mean they are, some will be banned from commenting on my page since these are a distraction as well. If you have something you feel the need to tell me, email me. It's interesting that most refuse to email me but want to be critical of me through the comments on my blog and Facebook page. I have sisters, parents, a husband, children, and close friends who have helped refine who I am today. Ken and I hold each other accountable with any area of sin in our lives. We know we will be held to a higher standard since we are teachers of many. Therefore, we take what we do very seriously. 
 It's unfortunate that women who are in the same position of life that I am are fearful of teaching what I teach because they see the backlash that I receive. This is to be expected, especially in the climate that our country is in right now. If any of you older women want to teach younger women but don't want the backlash, pray about it and seek out some younger women in your church to mentor. One-on-one mentoring is how I began and teaching small groups of women. It's a great way to be sharpened in what you teach and how you live your life as a wife and mother. Trying to begin a blog right off the bat doesn't give you the practical hands-on experience that is needed. Young women need to see your expressions and true desire to help them. Besides, the young women will teach you many things by the continual questions they will ask of you. I loved it!
I am not mean, contrary to some people's opinions of me. I will never call people names, swear at them, or intentionally try to hurt someone. I do call out sin and those who are trying to lead women astray since I hate sin and I want women to walk in obedience to the Lord. If you meet me in person, you would see that I am not a mean person. However, I love teachers and preachers who give it to me straight so I am this kind of teacher. I don't try to sugar coat the clear Word of God. There are others who are sweet-natured and I enjoy reading their blogs, but I like the ones who don't mince words but speak the Truth clearly and boldly. You may not like my style but this is okay. Find blogs that fit your style. God made us all different with different likes. He is a creative God and this makes the world colorful! I love challenging women since I love to be challenged. 
Thank you to all of you who have supported me over the years. I appreciate it! Your encouragement is what keeps me going and I am thankful to the Lord for giving me this ministry. I take it seriously and only want to please Him.
Finally, for those of you who want to "put me in my place" and help me to be able to reach the women of this century, no thank you. I will continue to teach those who want to put themselves on the ancient path that the Lord has laid out for them. It's not my path that I am teaching; it is the Lord's. I will only have to answer to Him what I have taught.
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Lori talks about how working moms say they can't afford to stay at home. She gives an example of a SAHM whose husband works multiple. The SAHM doesn't think her husband will leave her and she says that they have taken out life insurance in case he dies. The SAHM seems not to consider the possibility of her husband being unable to work because of injury, disability, or illness.

Lori posted this towards the end. Don't the Alexanders go on least one out of town vacation every year?  Also, Lori plenty of working women do some of those same things to stretch their money.


There are many adjustments in your life that you can do to make this happen for you. Live in a smaller home. Fix food from scratch. Make your own cleaning products. Hang your laundry. Don't eat out {you have no idea what they are putting in your food any ways}. Vacation at home. Color your own hair and do your own nails, if you do this. Buy used clothing and wear it until it is used up. Buy furniture on Craigslist. Live simply and godly. Be in the Word and in prayer daily. Love Jesus and make Him the Lord of your life and home.

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1 hour ago, lilwriter85 said:

The SAHM seems not to consider the possibility of her husband being unable to work because of injury, disability, or illness.





Yea, or what about him being laid off?  Crappy things happen even to good people.  

I do trust God. I trust he gave me a brain and expects me to use it and not sit back in "la la land"  thinking nothing will ever go wrong.  

Today was the same old "blah, blah, blah".  I have a very dear friend who is a pastor's wife. They are "semi" fundi.  She doesn't work and homeschools the kids, but she does wear pants and has been to college.  

Anyway, her husband lost his church. He didn't do anything wrong. He's a decent guy, but Baptists will vote the pastor out for choosing a paint color they don't like. 

She trusted God and still would not work. He was unable to find a job, so now they are homeless with 4 children and having to go around staying with different friends and relatives.  Sad.

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Don't eat out {you have no idea what they are putting in your food any ways}

Lori MAY 2016:


Every Saturday, Ken and I walk along the beach and then eat at our favorite breakfast place with my parents.

:pb_rollseyes:  So you shouldn't eat out (cause God knows what they're putting in the food), but Lori eats out every Saturday. Because Jesus...or something.  

Also, Happy Hour doesn't count as eating out, right?



Almost every Thursday night, we go to a happy hour.  We've tried about five or six places but Poehe's on Coronado Island is our favorite.

Oh well- maybe they do go out a lot.  You know what they say, "do as I say, not as I do".  

She got this part right though:


Life is so good and we are so spoiled.  I love it!

#blessings #happyhour amiright?

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21 minutes ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

Yea, or what about him being laid off?  Crappy things happen even to good people.  

I do trust God. I trust he gave me a brain and expects me to use it and not sit back in "la la land"  thinking nothing will ever go wrong.  

Today was the same old "blah, blah, blah".  I have a very dear friend who is a pastor's wife. They are "semi" fundi.  She doesn't work and homeschools the kids, but she does wear pants and has been to college.  

Anyway, her husband lost his church. He didn't do anything wrong. He's a decent guy, but Baptists will vote the pastor out for choosing a paint color they don't like. 

She trusted God and still would not work. He was unable to find a job, so now they are homeless with 4 children and having to go around staying with different friends and relatives.  Sad.

I didn't think of the possibility of a lay off. That's another that thing Lori and her fangirls never consider.

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25 minutes ago, lilwriter85 said:

I didn't think of the possibility of a lay off. That's another that thing Lori and her fangirls never consider.

Daddy is a doctor.  Lori has a gigantic safety net.  She's too ignorant to realize that not everyone has such luxury. 

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On 6 July 2016 at 3:59 AM, Hisey said:

Why is it so important that men invented more than women?

Because it helps her argument that woman are only good for staying at home.

I think Lori was that girl at school, that was average at everything. Perfectly bland and normal, but never had that one talent, whether it be amazing at soccer, or a Math wiz, that allowed her to stand out from the rest. I imagine Lori, being her Daddy's little princess, couldn't stand not being the 'special' kid at school and was insanely jealous of any girl that was.  

Now most grown ups have moved on from the school yard, had families who they adore, partners who they love and respect and lives they enjoy. From Lori's blog it's apparent that she doesn't and is still insanely jealous, however now she has the tool to make people understand that she is 'special' 

As she is the only woman who is speaking God's word correctly  she finally thinks has a place at the top of the 'special' kids group. And her place is so much more important than any woman who invents things, after all the man to woman inventor ratio speaks for itself........ Right? 

Lori emotional development is stuck in high school!  

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3 hours ago, Free Jana Duggar said:

Yea, or what about him being laid off?  Crappy things happen even to good people.  

I do trust God. I trust he gave me a brain and expects me to use it and not sit back in "la la land"  thinking nothing will ever go wrong.  

Today was the same old "blah, blah, blah".  I have a very dear friend who is a pastor's wife. They are "semi" fundi.  She doesn't work and homeschools the kids, but she does wear pants and has been to college.  

Anyway, her husband lost his church. He didn't do anything wrong. He's a decent guy, but Baptists will vote the pastor out for choosing a paint color they don't like. 

She trusted God and still would not work. He was unable to find a job, so now they are homeless with 4 children and having to go around staying with different friends and relatives.  Sad.

Also sad, I'm pretty sure Lori would say she did the right thing. She does advocate for widows with children to stay home and be cared for (as in, completely supported forever) by the Church, right?

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3 hours ago, Emilycharlotte said:

Also sad, I'm pretty sure Lori would say she did the right thing. She does advocate for widows with children to stay home and be cared for (as in, completely supported forever) by the Church, right?

I agree, she would say the wife/mother did the right thing by not working. But, at the same time Lori would probably bitch up a storm if a family with an unemployed father was getting food stamps or other forms of government assistance.

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Yes indeed---and if she was ever faced with living in severe financial straits, she'd quickly come up with a new interpretation of what keeping the home, etc., actually means.

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Bitch, please! There's A LOT MORE in Scripture than the book of Titus. I suggest you read it, Lori. Ken too.

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14 hours ago, Emilycharlotte said:

Yes indeed---and if she was ever faced with living in severe financial straits, she'd quickly come up with a new interpretation of what keeping the home, etc., actually means.

When pushed into a corner by a family faced with starvation, Lori will admit that it's OK for a wife to work at home. For a short time, preferably.

You know, the kind of job that pays $100,000 a year but you never have to leave home, and is so flexible that you can drop it whenever your husband wants you to "give him sex" or your child needs to be hit with a leather strap for failing to eat a big salad. Those kinds of jobs are easy to find for women who didn't go to college because all they ever wanted to be was a mommy.

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I'm so over even clicking on this thread anymore - Lori hasn't had a new thought or idea since I got here two years ago. And while I understand her basic principles remain unchanged, doesn't she understand the need to offer at least a fresh presentation to keep peoples' interest?

The only mildly amusing aspect of her blog lately has been her boasting about going viral. Prior to that, it was the endless stream of handwritten comparison lists that gave me a giggle. But they've outlived their interest and now I'm officially bored. . . :deadhorse:

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Does anyone here subscribe to Lori's blog in a feed reader? I woke up in the middle of the night and opened feel on my phone. I could have sworn that I saw something posted by Ken about why Lori blogs. I remember thinking how weird it was that it had been posted in the evening. I don't see it this morning, and it is gone from feedly because I already read it. Now I'm wondering if I imagined it. So if anyone subcribes to Lori in a reader, could you check and see if it showed up there for you, too?

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Lori is disturbing, vile woman, and I am fully convinced she is poisoning the minds of her followers:


When I was a disobedient child, my mom would tell me to go to my  room. The anticipation of knowing I was going to get a spanking was not fun. {This is why I was a fast learner!} She would come in with a flyswatter and spank me on my bare bottom. 

She continues:


We did the same with our children, only we used an eighteen inch piece of leather strap. The interesting thing is we bought it at our church. Our church had speakers come in and teach us how to train our children and explained that this strap was the perfect size because it was easy to control. 

WTF?  She bought it at church?  What kind of church were they attending?  

So, she's just at church one day and someone shows up selling leather straps?  I just....wow...good God that's sick.

Quoting Michael Pearl:


I have found that two licks on the small child and five to ten on older children are sufficient. As the child gets older, the licks must become more forceful if the experience is going to be effective in gaining heart compliance.

What Michael Pearl is advocating for is abuse, pure and simple.  The fact that Lori Alexander is lapping it up like an animal, is not surprising.


Mr. Pearl doesn't believe a hand should be used and the Bible calls for a rod. A wooden spoon can be used. He also believes it needs to be on the bare bottom with the child bent over your knees or a bed to be effective. {Some states only allow a hand to be used so be sure to check your state laws. Mr. Pearl mourns the fact that one day any type of spanking will be probably be against the law.}

If you have to "check your state laws" regarding the way you are raising your children, chances are you're doing something wrong.

I had truly hoped that "going viral" would cause Lori to temper some of the sick garbage she spews, but it actually just seems to have wound her up even more.  

My only hope is that this post will go viral as well, and people will see her for what she truly is- a woman who encourages others to humiliate and abuse their children.

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From her post today:


We did the same with our children, only we used an eighteen inch piece of leather strap. The interesting thing is we bought it at our church. Our church had speakers come in and teach us how to train our children and explained that this strap was the perfect size because it was easy to control.

SAY WHAT?? They go to hear a speaker at church and BUY a leather strap.  Don't most speakers sell books, planners, maybe magnets with inspirational thoughts printed on them?  Ken and Lori, you are idiots that you actually spent money on a leather strap.  You're monsters for using it the way you do. 


When parents spank in anger, the children know that they are not being spanked for their good and to teach them to obey, but for their parents to vent.

Except for Lori.  Lori is allowed to spank in anger. She said that's how she spanked.  From her post of July 21, 2011:


I have also heard you should never spank in anger.  I spanked in anger sometimes, because I was usually pretty upset with my children when they needed a spanking, but I never came anywhere close to beating them. 

Finally, her gleeful attitude about spanking is just disgusting, but spanking on a bare bottom just infuriates me.  Talk about adding humiliation to the punishment!! Why in the world do these people think it's okay to make a child be naked from the waist down in order for their "discipline" to be effective.  I AM SEEING RED!! 


 She would come in with a flyswatter and spank me on my bare bottom...........We did the same with our children,


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Her last paragraph:


Pearl ends the chapter with this sentence: A parent who does not show up to read a book, tell a story, or look at the child's latest creation should not show up to administer a spanking.* Spankings only work if the child feels deeply loved by the parent and knows that the parent is doing this for his good and not to give vent to anger.


At least Michael Pearl is able to speak to the importance of showing affection to a child. I don't recall ever reading anything from Lori about her showing love to her kids (other than in her interpretation that spanking is loving). I wonder what her kids would think about how she ends this post.

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When I was growing up, I would see mothers pull their children's hair, slap their faces, and pull their ears in public! I can't imagine what they did in private. My heart always hurt for these children. We always spanked our children in private, usually their bedrooms, and never abused them in the way these mothers did. You never want to humiliate your children in front of others.

Isn't she the one who advocates sharply flicking a baby's cheek with a finger when it bites down during breastfeeding? No, that's not abuse at all. :pb_confused:

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