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Lori Alexander Pt. 9: Writing The World's Worst Book

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She did a SHITLOAD of deleting. I have the sadz, some of those comments were really great. :my_angry:

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I want you all to know that Ken is the most generous servant I have ever met. He will do anything for anyone who asks. He is a pleaser at heart, therefore, the post that have caused so much angst among all of you. He wants me to help him ask me to help him to do more since he is so used to doing everything for himself, but I do want to serve him more. It has all been a growing process for both of us as I am sure it is for all of you.

I saw Lori's comment on Dalrock's post and I must have read the above paragraph a dozen times. I could feel my brain bend.  I think she is saying "Ken would like me to remind him that it's perfectly okay to ask me to help him with household tasks." Heck, I have no idea.   I cannot comprehend how these two submit such mish-mash and think it's ready for submission. Seriously; do they not proofread and say "Wait.  That sentence is really confusing." 

And how exactly does that work?  Ken's making himself a sandwich and realizes that's something Lori should be doing. So he stops what he's doing and says "Babes, you were supposed to remind me to ask YOU to make this sandwich. Now, not only did you ignore my direction to remind me, but I'm standing here making a sandwich!!!11!!! Dang, Babes! When will you stop being so rebellious?"  ???????????

Anyway, I highly doubt that Ken is used to doing everything for himself, but we'll just leave that alone for now.

The fact that they changed the post to please these men is just mind boggling.  Ken does not have very strong convictions.  He never once said "I see your point and you've changed my mind."  He simply changed the post to read they way these men wanted it to read.  He's very wishy washy.  I'm sure Ken knows what scripture says about being lukewarm. 


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Count me in...I read it numerous times, came back and read it again, and I'm getting a headache.  Still haven't figured out what it literally means.  Seems these two are exerting so much effort into staying within biblical gender roles that it's like they can't talk to each other like 'normal' people.  It's like a game...reminds me of 6th graders who can't talk directly to each other because the opposite sex has cooties. 

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Lori Alexander, on numerous occasions:


I am married to a Command Man.

What is a Command Man? Lori, June 4, 2014:


A few men are born with more than their share of dominance and, on the surface, a deficit in gentleness. They often end up in positions that command other men...They are born leaders. They are chosen by other men to be military commanders, politicians, preachers, heads of corporations, and managers of businesses...Since our world needs only a few leaders, God seems to limit the number of these dominant men...If you are blessed to be married to a strong, forceful, bossy man, as I am, then it is very important for you to learn to make an appeal without challenging his authority.



Command men won't passively sit back and let a wife take charge. He will fight her if she is unwillingly to submit and allow him to be the leader. 

Lori fighting off the Dalrock bullies picking on Ken:


I want you all to know that Ken is the most generous servant I have ever met. He will do anything for anyone who asks. He is a pleaser at heart...  

Totally obvious, Lori is the Command Man in that household.


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1 hour ago, usmcmom said:


The fact that they changed the post to please these men is just mind boggling.  Ken does not have very strong convictions.  He never once said "I see your point and you've changed my mind."  He simply changed the post to read they way these men wanted it to read.  He's very wishy washy.  I'm sure Ken knows what scripture says about being lukewarm. 


Yes, yes and yes. Lori says in the referenced post that Ken is a "pleaser", and that is one time she is absolutely right!

Ken loves to hear himself talk, and he loves to be liked and admired. He tweaks his message depending on what group he is trying to ingratiate himself with, be it Lori's followers, the MRA crowd, or even the Evil Feminist Alliance.  And he doesn't seem to think that anyone will notice or call him on it.


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It's interesting that Lori calls Ken a "pleaser" when he, based on words from both of them, really never seemed to do much to try to please Lori. Give up basketball? Never.  Nurture and care for his hospitalized wife? Nope.  Be involved with his small children?  Not until they become interesting. 

I have no sympathy for the person that Lori is now, but I do believe Ken treated her like crap early in their marriage.  I think he married her because she came from a wealthy family and...SEX!  When the kids came along and she became ill, he checked out and used work as an escape from family life.  Just my opinion. 

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1 hour ago, Florita said:

What is a Command Man? Lori, June 4, 2014:


A few men are born with more than their share of dominance and, on the surface, a deficit in gentleness. They often end up in positions that command other men...They are born leaders. They are chosen by other men to be military commanders, politicians, preachers, heads of corporations, and managers of businesses...Since our world needs only a few leaders, God seems to limit the number of these dominant men...If you are blessed to be married to a strong, forceful, bossy man, as I am, then it is very important for you to learn to make an appeal without challenging his authority.

IOW, Command Men are jerks. And I would differ with the bolded. Yes, jerks can work their way up in the power structure. I'm not quite sure how it happens, but they are not the ones I would label "Command Men" -- they're more like impediments, and stuff gets done in spite of them.

The real leaders I've known would never have styled themselves "Command Men" or been comfortable with someone else describing them that way.

Lori's just trying to excuse her Ken's jerkitude.

...and then there's the underlined (it was an "on the other hand" thought, on my part). Maybe the "chosen by other men" is a clue -- would those from the Men's Movement anoint a jerk? Or would they just all fight for primacy?

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Lori’s idea of submission: 

  • Sex=10 minutes + lube. Do you think that’s what Ken really wants or is that what she’s willing to give him?
  • 2.      Ken loves junk food. Lori feeds him organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, fructose-free nutritious homemade meals.

  • 3.      Did Ken want to hire a nanny to raise his kids?

  • 4.      Did Ken want to hire a housekeeper to clean his house?

  • 5.      Did Ken want his wife to have a second child and quit her job?

  • 6.      Does Ken want their only vacation together each and every year to be to her family’s cabin to spend time with her family?

  • 7.       Ken loves Halloween, Lori hates it. They don’t celebrate Halloween anymore.

  • 8.      Does Ken want Lori locked in the house 24/7 for her protection? Or did she come up with that on her own?

  • 9.      Lori interprets Ephesians 5:24 to mean a wife still can have a say in a husband’s decisions. And Ken agrees.

Lori is a passive-aggressive manipulator. The “submissive wifey” act is bullshit and the MRAs lapped it up. Ken is a creepy perv and I think he’s none too bright, that’s why he’s a “pleaser”. They deserve each other. These two clowns do very little of the crap they tell other people to do. Modesty? Live in poverty? Homeschool K-12? Have a lot of children? Don’t spend your day on the internet? Support single mothers and widows? The only thing they are honest about is the child abuse!

Ugh. I think I need a break.

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1 hour ago, Florita said:

2.      Ken loves junk food. Lori feeds him organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, fructose-free nutritious homemade meals.


I've never really thought much about this before, but I love cooking good, hearty, nutritious meals (probably like Lori and her stupid big salads). I love finding new recipes with exotic ingredients or healthy tweaks. I married a junk food junky with picky taste buds. So what do I feed him? (He can't cook, so yes, I feed him.) I feed him the junk he likes.

Which one of us is the submissive wife now, Lori? 

Mmhmm, that's right. ME. The feminist. 


(eta: actually, I'm not submissive. I just love him and want to please him. Also, I don't want him to starve to death or subsist solely on gas station food. Which he would. Because he really would. Ugh.)

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 He is a pleaser at heart, therefore, the post that have caused so much angst among all of you. He wants me to help him ask me to help him to do more since he is so used to doing everything for himself, but I do want to serve him more.

:pb_confused: What the fuck is she trying to say?  

Then there's this:


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If we are to believe both her and Ken, she hasn't been HAPPILY married for 35 years, has she?:my_angel:

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And Ken was worried that having his views outed on Free Jinger was going to damage his professional reputation?? 


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On June 29, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Koala said:

Ken's reply:


It was also an inside joke with SSM. They had a back door discussion once about a husband being able to spank a wife.


Cause you know, the Internet never forgets.

Back door discussion about spanking :giggle: 

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2 minutes ago, The limit does not exist said:

Back door discussion about spanking :giggle: 

It's what all of The Godly Mentors are talking about.

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6 hours ago, polecat said:

I've never really thought much about this before, but I love cooking good, hearty, nutritious meals (probably like Lori and her stupid big salads). I love finding new recipes with exotic ingredients or healthy tweaks. I married a junk food junky with picky taste buds. So what do I feed him? (He can't cook, so yes, I feed him.) I feed him the junk he likes.

Which one of us is the submissive wife now, Lori? 

Mmhmm, that's right. ME. The feminist. 


(eta: actually, I'm not submissive. I just love him and want to please him. Also, I don't want him to starve to death or subsist solely on gas station food. Which he would. Because he really would. Ugh.)

Fiance of Awesome is the same way...when he was single, he subsisted on -- no joke -- Hot Pockets, Little Caesar's pizza, and Cherry Pepsi.


I refuse to have either Hot Pockets or Little Caesar's in our house.  And FoA hates to cook.  So I cook. I like to cook, and FoA falls all over himself thanking me for taking the time to take care of him.  He, on the other hand, takes care of the lawn and trash, which I absolutely despise.  I fall all over myself thanking him for taking care of me, and so it goes. It's like there's mutual respect there or something... 


And regarding the new publicity Lori is getting...I wonder if US magazine would be interested in some of Ken Alexander's postings about how molestation is okay and incest happens all the time in families, so no biggie...

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Emily Alexander, Lori's daughter in law who lives in upstate NY, wrote this on her public facebook page:



This headline drives me nuts and I gotta defend my sweet MIL a little bit. Her post NEVER said husbands should never do housework. She said expectations ruin relationships, and she would agree that means expectations from husbands OR wives!! I am so glad I married my servant leader husband: HER SON: who vacuums more than I do :).

Emily, honey, I am sure Lori feels that husbands can have expectations. Expectations that wives "give them sex", expectations for healthy food, expectations for submissive wife. It's just the wife who needs to shut her trap and stop expecting anything.

WTF is a "servant leader"?

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She said expectations ruin relationships, and she would agree that means expectations from husbands OR wives!! 

Do these people have any idea how the internet works??  Any at all?

Lori Alexander (2 days ago):



She is commanded to be subject to her husband in everything. If you want your home kept to a certain standard, she should keep it this way. If all of those unnecessary activities are keeping her from doing this, she needs to get rid of them for we were created to be our husband’s help meet. 

That doesn't sound at all like Lori thinks the husband should have no expectations. In fact, it sounds like she's encouraging this man to put more expectations on his wife, because if you read it in context, he is explaining why his wife doesn't have time to clean the house to his standard.

Still don't believe Lori thinks a husband should put expectations on his wife?  Here is a quote from 2013:


Now that you realize gluttony is indeed a sin, you are filled with the Holy Spirit who gives you self-control, and your husband probably would love for you to be in shape {Some men like some meat on their women. You must ask him how much meat he likes!}

And again in 2015:


 a Christian wife is NOT the one who should be determining the frequency of sex in the marriage

If not the Christian wife, then who?  That's right.  The husband.  

But no expectations, right?



Forgive the GIANT meme.  I can't make it go away.  

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11 hours ago, Hisey said:

Emily Alexander, Lori's daughter in law who lives in upstate NY, wrote this on her public facebook page:


Emily, honey, I am sure Lori feels that husbands can have expectations. Expectations that wives "give them sex", expectations for healthy food, expectations for submissive wife. It's just the wife who needs to shut her trap and stop expecting anything.

WTF is a "servant leader"?

It seems that the Alexander sons sought out women who come from families with similar beliefs as Ken and Lori. I'm not surprised that Emily is defending Lori. Years ago, Lori talked about the other daughter-in-law Erin came from a family where her mom was "servant" to the dad and Lori said the same things about the son-in-law Jon's parents. Jon's father is minister and has authored a couple of books. I think Emily's family background is not as extreme as Lori and Ken's. We all know that if Emily was to return to law school or go back into the workforce, her "sweet" MIL Lori wouldn't be so sweet about that. 

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18 hours ago, Loveday said:

And Ken was worried that having his views outed on Free Jinger was going to damage his professional reputation?? 


It was also funny how later on when Lori did that Internet radio interview, she told listeners that if they googled her name, that her blog would come up right away in search results. FreeJinger also comes up right away in the search results. I wonder if Ken bitched her out for that. I actually think Ken at the least might have lost one potential client because of Lori's blog. Some people do deep vetting before getting involved with certain businesses or individuals. If Lori had never come onto FJ's radar, someone consider contracting out to Ken for services could have somehow found the blog and would have seen pictures of Ken on there and then would have seen Lori's hateful beliefs and some of the posts where Ken white knights her.  If Ken wants to blame anyone for damage to his business he should blame Lori. I think the main reason Ken was worried was because a lot of women work in the orthodontic field and Lori has zero appreciation for working women who are part of the reason her husband has made a living.

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15 hours ago, The limit does not exist said:

Back door discussion about spanking :giggle: 

OK, it took me way longer than it should have to get that. :pb_lol:

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I did a google news search of Lori's name and another site The Hollywood Gossip site did a post on Lori linked to US Weekly. I'm now wishing HuffPo does something on Lori.

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This says it all:

Lori Alexander:


You are so right, Dave. They are attacking the Lord and this is why it troubles me when "Christians" are attacking me. Don't they realize that it's not me they are attacking?

#1. No one is "attacking" Lori

#2.  Contrary to Lori's delusion, she and God are NOT one and the same.  

"I disagree with Lori Alexander" does not = "I disagree with God"


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With some of the attention Lori and Ken are getting, I'm hoping someone who knows them IRL comes out and spills. There are probably a lot of skeletons in Ken and Lori's closets.


Also I saw that Lori posted quotes from her fangirls in today's entry. If that one fangirl Kimberly is content with doing housework because she is home raising the kids that's fine. It's still shitty in a way that Lori the SAHM, who had a nanny, quotes someone who probably doesn't have a nanny to help her out on daily basis. Being a SAHM is tough, but when you have a nanny/housekeeper it's probably easy.

When I was upset with Ken about not doing his “fair share,” our marriage was in the tank. A wife can’t live her life being upset with her husband and wanting to control him. It doesn’t work. I love what Kimberly wrote on my Always Learning Facebook page; "My husband has a job. He works eight to ten hours a day, and he supports not only his four kids, but my two, and me. He works hard all day long. As of this moment, I don't work outside of the house, so my job is to help keep the house clean, teach and raise children, and do the jobs my husband can't do because he isn't home. He would love to be home, but how would we survive? So I help him do what he can't do. At least one parent/spouse has to work, so the one at home must take up the other half of the work!"


Also Lori's dental hygienist works two days a week. Lori probably hates her being out of the home two days a week, but of course she won't tell the dental hygienist that.


Even the woman who cleaned my teeth the other day at my dentist office who works two days a week exclaimed, “I don’t want my husband to help with the housework! He works so hard every day, fixes things around the home, and needs some down time. Besides, I do a much better job keeping the home clean and tidy” and she’s not even a Christian!




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I have to say, being able to afford a housekeeper and nanny would make being a SAHM the best job ever! You could enjoy your kids, do messy stuff with them w/o worrying about cleaning it up while they move on to create chaos in a different place. You could take a shower w/o worrying that your child will kill themselves in ten minutes. Someone else could do all the drudgery & you could have all the fun. Even nap.

But for most of us, we have to work for money reasons or sanity reasons or whatever. Most SAHMs go back to work at some point. We usually don't have a choice. Lori has made a cult of worshipping this lifestyle. I don't think it is about God for her, it's about making what she wants the rigid rule for women everywhere. To make herself feel better about her life?



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