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Jessa, Ben and Spurgeon Part Seven


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3 hours ago, nst said:


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If there is a competition I think Jill & Derrick are winning. They moved away, Derrick has a job (of sorts) independent of JB (possibly), they are obviously in love with each other, and as far as we know now, they didn't rush to have another kid. Maybe they are trying and it really is God's will that their babies be spaced out a bit, but they haven't had another one yet and that's a win for them in my book. Jessa is just waiting for SES to be 9 months old so she can acquire more children by whatever means possible.

and it's getting obvious in every posts of late. 

constantly telling us how big Spud is 

it's and she is annoying 

who knew she would be like her mother so much 

Although, even here on FJ there are those who endlessly speculate on if the girls are pregnant, if so is it a boy or a girl, how big, what name, who cares? They suck up the attention. I prefer to rag on them!

And I agree Jill and Derick are winning. For a Duggar to move so far away seems significant.  Although they are probably already back.

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On 6/16/2016 at 3:12 PM, SassyPants said:

Once you have the ability to f*ck  up another being's life, you no longer have any excuse.

My exact POV on fundies. I have sympathy until the day they get pregnant and bring another life into their shit lifestyle. Then they are doing to someone else what has been done to them.

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Jessa's 101 things she is most grateful for addressed to Boob...I made it to #2. No wait...#1. Ok half of #1...anyone wanna sacrifice themselves and read this beauty list because it's not gonna be me.  :P 

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15 hours ago, defraudedbychipendales said:

I wonder if JD is REALLY toeing the line. He has had more contact with the secular world than any of the others (except Joshley...)

And he did say, when one of the girls wanted to fix him up, that there are more girls in the world than she knows of. He could find himself a nice, sweet, loving woman who might not be a part of their inner circle and be even happier than he ever imagined. He could even find himself an independent, supportive, outspoken woman of the world and be happier still.

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On 16/6/2016 at 9:58 PM, socalrules said:

I agree on Spurgeon but at least Albus Severus was based people who that had a great impact on Harry's life and really gave their lives for the betterment of others. Well, and of course Dumbledore and Snape were badass and when your Dad is Harry Potter it likely doesn't matter what your name is. Poor Spurge is stuck with an unemployed dad who can't even work hard at using original material when posting on Twitter. 

Bullshit. Snape was an asshole that couldn't even bring himself to treat mildly okay the child of the love of his life and dumb le dore was a self absorbed bastard.

That kid should have been named Ford Anglia Potter. That car for sure was a warrior that saved his father and uncle from a certain dead

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6 hours ago, MakeItSo said:

Jessa's 101 things she is most grateful for addressed to Boob...I made it to #2. No wait...#1. Ok half of #1...anyone wanna sacrifice themselves and read this beauty list because it's not gonna be me.  :P 

I made it to 


Happy Father’s Day, and “Thank you…”

why is it in quotation marks?!?! 


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I just skimmed it and there were several things I wanted to call foul.

-for taking a date night each week, and prioritizing your marriage;

We have seen how JB and Michelle have 'prioritized their marriage' at the expense of their children and everyone else;

-for changing hundreds of diapers

I won't deny that JB has changed a diaper in his life but I feel like Michelle prob did the brunt of it at the beginning and then we know the J'slaves changed the rest;

for the example of how you've reached out and invested into the lives of others, from the beginning of your marriage and still continuing till this day (opening your home to homeless, church bus ministry, personally bringing people to church, leading bible studies, hospitality, love, giving financially, spiritual encouragement);

Where are these homeless people and new people to church? Oh, the show isn't filming JB and Michelle anymore so no need to continue those things.

-for being cautious of the influences you allowed into our young, tender lives (movies, music, friends);

This infuriates me. Thinking your parents' choice to keep you from having friends that aren't your siblings is just wrong.

I may have missed a few other gems, but the rest seemed to be a bunch of religious propaganda, i.e., 

-for teaching me often that reaching Heaven cannot happen as a result of my good deeds outweighing my bad deeds; 

She also thanks for things like the family oriented church and living in a fixer upper. 

Jessa, why are you praising your dad? He covered up YOUR molestation! 

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4 minutes ago, BabyBottlePop said:

I just skimmed it and there were several things I wanted to call foul.

-for taking a date night each week, and prioritizing your marriage;

We have seen how JB and Michelle have 'prioritized their marriage' at the expense of their children and everyone else;

-for changing hundreds of diapers

I won't deny that JB has changed a diaper in his life but I feel like Michelle prob did the brunt of it at the beginning and then we know the J'slaves changed the rest;

for the example of how you've reached out and invested into the lives of others, from the beginning of your marriage and still continuing till this day (opening your home to homeless, church bus ministry, personally bringing people to church, leading bible studies, hospitality, love, giving financially, spiritual encouragement);

Where are these homeless people and new people to church? Oh, the show isn't filming JB and Michelle anymore so no need to continue those things.

-for being cautious of the influences you allowed into our young, tender lives (movies, music, friends);

This infuriates me. Thinking your parents' choice to keep you from having friends that aren't your siblings is just wrong.

I may have missed a few other gems, but the rest seemed to be a bunch of religious propaganda, i.e., 

-for teaching me often that reaching Heaven cannot happen as a result of my good deeds outweighing my bad deeds; 

She also thanks for things like the family oriented church and living in a fixer upper. 

Jessa, why are you praising your dad? He covered up YOUR molestation! 

and this is why I can't believe anything that comes out of her mouth.  Such bullshit about not allowing anyone in our life to hurt us

the bolded

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On 6/18/2016 at 1:17 AM, Purrl said:

If there is a competition I think Jill & Derrick are winning. They moved away, Derrick has a job (of sorts) independent of JB (possibly), they are obviously in love with each other, and as far as we know now, they didn't rush to have another kid. Maybe they are trying and it really is God's will that their babies be spaced out a bit, but they haven't had another one yet and that's a win for them in my book. Jessa is just waiting for SES to be 9 months old so she can acquire more children by whatever means possible.

I do wonder if Derrick wants such a huge family, Benny 1 of 6 or 9, I can't remember, Derrick has 1 brother.  With Jill being so far from family it is forcing her to care 1 on 1 with Izzy, maybe she's thinking holy crap I'm not having a dozen and a 1/2 kids.  I can see these two doing life time mission work, be it with this awful SOS or with a reputable mission group. Doing over seas mission work with 19 kids isn't exactly feesable and considering  Jill's already had 1 c/s odds are she will need others.  

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On 6/17/2016 at 1:55 AM, LawsonBatesEgo said:

I still hate the name of Harry Potter's son, but at least it is a fictional character who doesn't have to live with that name, unlike poor baby Seeweed who actually has to live with introducing himself as "Spurgeon". 

To be fair to Harry Potter, both Albus and Severus are legit Latin names; they just aren't common in the modern English speaking world. Serverus is the name of a number of Christian saints. Albus is usually a last name, like Spurgeon, but it also means "white" which was probably intentional on JK Rowling's part. Many of the names of those in the wizarding world in HP are Latin, presumably to make them sound like they live in a world with its own naming conventions that are separate from the Muggle world. Since Spurgeon, like a pure blood wizard child, is expected to live within a self-contained world of like minded people, he will probably never know that others find his name strange.

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16 hours ago, Fundie Bunny said:

Bullshit. Snape was an asshole that couldn't even bring himself to treat mildly okay the child of the love of his life and dumb le dore was a self absorbed bastard.

That kid should have been named Ford Anglia Potter. That car for sure was a warrior that saved his father and uncle from a certain dead


THANK YOU!!! Snape was an abusive asshole for years and I cannot get over how Harry and the entire damn fandom was so willing to forget that because he exhibited some basic human decency behind the scenes over his UNREQUITED obsession. (I'm a grumpy curmudgeon so I refuse to call it love when they were never in a romantic relationship.)

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4 hours ago, lascuba said:


THANK YOU!!! Snape was an abusive asshole for years and I cannot get over how Harry and the entire damn fandom was so willing to forget that because he exhibited some basic human decency behind the scenes over his UNREQUITED obsession. (I'm a grumpy curmudgeon so I refuse to call it love when they were never in a romantic relationship.)

Oh god, I can't tell you how much I needed to read this. I am so sick of the "Always" bullshit. James potter was a little shit at 15 and he is suddenly undeserving of anything he got nevermind what he did in the barely six years of life he got after it. And Snape is a fucking murderer and stalker, but it's picked on at school and now it's a martyr. I am so sick of the tumbrl dupmshits

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6 hours ago, Arix said:

Also, Albus Severus has a few non-awful nicknames. "Hi, I'm Al." would go over way better than "Hi, I'm Spurge."

Other side though, at least Spurgeon can ditch his first name entirely and go by Elliot, a completely normal awesome name. I hated the kid names in HP. It was like bad fan fiction to have them all named first and middle after others.

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3 hours ago, twinmama said:

Other side though, at least Spurgeon can ditch his first name entirely and go by Elliot, a completely normal awesome name. I hated the kid names in HP. It was like bad fan fiction to have them all named first and middle after others.

I didn't mind the names too much to be honest - mostly because Rowling picked names of people who clearly meant a great deal to Harry and Ginny. My husband and I will do the same with out firstborn this winter - Anna Elizabeth after multiple women on my side of the family; Brandon Gerard in honor of my dad and BIL, for whom we chose a name starting with Br (they share a first name and it would be too confusing using that one for our baby) and my husband's father and older brother, who share the name Gerard. And my sister and brother-in-law honored family when their son was born four months ago (his first name is my BIL's middle name and his middle name is BIL's late grandpa's first name; my sister said if they have a second child they'll be picking names from our side.)

I think a lot of the pushback on the names are because some of them are quite unusual in our world - like Sirius, Albus, and Severus. But in Harry's world, those names are more accepted and normal. So it likely wouldn't be as big a deal for a kid to be named that in the magical world as it would if parents here chose one of those names for their kid.

As others have said, the same may hold true for little Spurgeon as well. At least I hope so. I don't like to think about kids getting picked on for things they can't control - their names being one of them.

11 hours ago, Fundie Bunny said:

Oh god, I can't tell you how much I needed to read this. I am so sick of the "Always" bullshit. James potter was a little shit at 15 and he is suddenly undeserving of anything he got nevermind what he did in the barely six years of life he got after it. And Snape is a fucking murderer and stalker, but it's picked on at school and now it's a martyr. I am so sick of the tumbrl dupmshits

I've always found Snape to be an interesting character because he's complicated. You start out thinking he's just a massive piece of shit because Harry looks like James, only to learn later there was unrequited love involved with Lily. What is most interesting to me is that this man made Harry's life a living hell, all while putting his own life at risk to keep him safe in honor of his mother. The mental and emotional gymnastics that must have took for the character is mind boggling. It fascinates me a bit (though, of course, it doesn't make up for the things he did.)

Dumbledore is, likewise, fascinating to me. You spend the entire series thinking he wants to protect Harry for noble reasons - only to find out it's really so Harry can die at the right moment in the right way. Yeah, his bet was right that Harry would come back five, but the extreme manipulation after years of presenting himself as a doting mentor is absolute fascinating.

(And just out of curiosity, who did Snape murder? I know it wasn't Dumbledore because that was more akin to assisted suicide.)

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3 minutes ago, VelociRapture said:


(And just out of curiosity, who did Snape murder? I know it wasn't Dumbledore because that was more akin to assisted suicide.)

Not officially, but he had been a devoted death eater for a few years, he probably killed somebody.

(A quick internet search tells me that probably he hadn't killed anyone, because of a conversation with dumbledore while he was plotting to have snape kill him instead of draco)

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23 hours ago, Cleopatra7 said:

Since Spurgeon, like a pure blood wizard child, is expected to live within a self-contained world of like minded people, he will probably never know that others find his name strange.

Quoting this just for the beauty of the phrase "Spurgeon, like a pure blood wizard child"... Can you imagine how many members of his family would be completely appalled to hear him likened to a wizard in any way?

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1 hour ago, libriatrix said:

Quoting this just for the beauty of the phrase "Spurgeon, like a pure blood wizard child"... Can you imagine how many members of his family would be completely appalled to hear him likened to a wizard in any way?

I could have died laughing when I read that earlier. Their reactions would be beyond priceless!!!

1 hour ago, Fundie Bunny said:

Not officially, but he had been a devoted death eater for a few years, he probably killed somebody.

(A quick internet search tells me that probably he hadn't killed anyone, because of a conversation with dumbledore while he was plotting to have snape kill him instead of draco)

Gotcha! It could be argued that he didn't exactly murder anyone himself, but that he's guilty by association. He may very well have been present during a murder and not stopped it - which could be understandable after he turned double agent since he had to protect his cover (like with Professor Charity Burbage), but before turning he has no excuse.

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2 hours ago, VelociRapture said:

I've always found Snape to be an interesting character because he's complicated. You start out thinking he's just a massive piece of shit because Harry looks like James, only to learn later there was unrequited love involved with Lily. What is most interesting to me is that this man made Harry's life a living hell, all while putting his own life at risk to keep him safe in honor of his mother. The mental and emotional gymnastics that must have took for the character is mind boggling. It fascinates me a bit (though, of course, it doesn't make up for the things he did.)

Dumbledore is, likewise, fascinating to me. You spend the entire series thinking he wants to protect Harry for noble reasons - only to find out it's really so Harry can die at the right moment in the right way. Yeah, his bet was right that Harry would come back five, but the extreme manipulation after years of presenting himself as a doting mentor is absolute fascinating.

(And just out of curiosity, who did Snape murder? I know it wasn't Dumbledore because that was more akin to assisted suicide.)

Same here, and I really liked the revelation of his true role in Harry's life, and how messy his feelings, motivations, and actions were. But reading the name Harry gave to his son was like a record scratch. His feelings about Snape should have been mixed and complicated at best...Harry had already literally martyred himself, so why did JKR have to take it even further by making him so forgiving of the man who mentally tortured him for 7 years that he named his child after him? From a storytelling perspective alone, I found it a lazy move. We had our happy ending, why add puppies and rainbows on top of it? Of course, this is a story meant for kids so maybe I shouldn't complain so much :pb_lol:, but one thing I really liked about the series was how it managed to be for children while not condescending to them, so having that neat little ending rankled.

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13 hours ago, Fundie Bunny said:

Oh god, I can't tell you how much I needed to read this. I am so sick of the "Always" bullshit. James potter was a little shit at 15 and he is suddenly undeserving of anything he got nevermind what he did in the barely six years of life he got after it. And Snape is a fucking murderer and stalker, but it's picked on at school and now it's a martyr. I am so sick of the tumbrl dupmshits

I really wish JK Rowling would have done a prequel rather than a sequel to HP. I'd much rather read more about the backstory's of Harry's parents, Dumbledore, Snape, Lupin, Sirius, etc and the original Order of the Phoenix than about how Harry's son has to deal with being known as Harry's son. 

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Drifting away from Harry Potter, the video of Unfortunately Named Child crawling is adorable. Unfortunate name or not, he's a definite cutie pie.

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On 6/17/2016 at 2:05 PM, BabyBottlePop said:

People might think he was named after any old Charles...maybe even Darwin! 

:hello: I'm named after him 

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I never liked Snape. I hate it when adults use their authority to bully and mock children, especially teachers. Snape can sit in syrup.

@VelociRaptor, Anna Elizabeth and Brandon Gerard sound great! So elegant, so handsome.

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10 minutes ago, season of life said:

I never liked Snape. I hate it when adults use their authority to bully and mock children, especially teachers. Snape can sit in syrup.

@VelociRaptor, Anna Elizabeth and Brandon Gerard sound great! So elegant, so handsome.

Aw thank you! Among many other family members, my favorite great-Aunt's middle name was Anna and my late Aunt's middle name was Elizabeth. If we have a girl we thought it would be a nice way to remember them while giving our daughter her own identity.

(Plus, both names pass the Presidential test too.)

And I agree about Snape. I can see why he would have trouble tolerating Harry at times, but the amount of abuse he directed at him was way over the top. The kid hadn't even been at school for a full day before Snape was making him miserable!

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