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Jill and Jessa Counting on--part 3


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3 hours ago, SassyPants said:

Frozen? Beyond tater tots? Canned is more like it.

Supposedly (per one of the parents' books), they eat frozen corn and such from the bag as a "treat".

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bonus scenes coming up from last week's episode

Jessa has a "friend" named Molly she introduces Spud to 

will keep you updated :D


bonus scene - 

Jessa is breastfeeding and said she wanted bangs and she couldn't get them out of her eye 

so Jana did it

Molly =is Jessa's bangs

she is truly the laziest person on earth 

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24 minutes ago, calimojo said:

I am not sure why TLC is taking the route of showing just how unprepared these kids are to live on their own.  If the Duggars really see this as their mission, then I would think they would want to show the successes of their crazy lifestyle.  We should all be seeing these kids with spotless homes, decent meals, etc , so we can sit back and admire the great parenting skills that JB and Michelle supposedly did.  Instead,  we see girls in their 20's who can barely boil water or clean, we see at least 1 girl with 1 kid who apparently can't remember how to pack a diaper bag.

I think they're full of it.  Jessa was always presented as the organized one - the one who packed and coordinated packing for the family prior to trips.  No way she can't handle a diaper bag.

As far as meals, they should be able to read well enough to follow a recipe if they want a change from TTC and fast food.

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24 minutes ago, calimojo said:

I am not sure why TLC is taking the route of showing just how unprepared these kids are to live on their own.

I think it's a response to criticism. Yes, Jessa already went on tv saying "we never said we were perfect" but actions speak louder than words. So now TLC is showing them in an imperfect, relate-able way (not that I find it relatable, but I think that's TLC's angle) as part of the rebranding.

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9 hours ago, SnazzyNazzy said:


I swear to god, after hearing how "dangerous Central America" is, god knows how many times, I wanted the lot of them to be kidnapped. It would have ended the incessant stream of promos for their stupid show. I also kind of wanted to push them off that trail they were walking on (it didn't look too steep). 


I wouldn't be too sure that getting them kidnapped would help.  TLC would probably pay the kidnappers to film the Duggars in captivity (Think of the ratings!) and there would be a collection of money among humpers to raise the money for the ransom (Sierra could auction her strawberries!) and TLC would film that, and the reactions of the Duggars who stayed home, etc.  And the episode of their triumphant release would almost top the ratings of JessaJill's weddings.   And there would be more promos...

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4 minutes ago, EmCatlyn said:

film the Duggars in captivity

That's pretty much the scenario for any unmarried Duggar 18+, right?  Even without a kidnapping side-plot.

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9 minutes ago, missegeno said:

I think it's a response to criticism. Yes, Jessa already went on tv saying "we never said we were perfect" but actions speak louder than words. So now TLC is showing them in an imperfect, relate-able way (not that I find it relatable, but I think that's TLC's angle) as part of the rebranding.

That could be.  Maybe they're thinking that the little imperfections they're faking exposing on TV will distract from the massive failures associated with Josh-gates 1 and 2.

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2 minutes ago, Dandruff said:

That could be.  Maybe they're thinking that the little imperfections they're faking exposing on TV will distract from the massive failures associated with Josh-gates 1 and 2.

that will never happen 

some of us won't let that happen ever 

there was another bonus scene about jana and her nails and ben and the roof

but i was on the phone :D 

so there you go 

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OK, watching an episode now and my god, how is it that they sound even more scripted than before? Yo, TLC...you want people to buy the shit you're peddling, you need to invest in intensive acting classes for these people. 

Honestly, I almost wonder if TLC wants them to look bad. For example, why would they edit Jinger so it sounds like she said "Central America" in two sentences in a row? That's just weird, not least of which because NO ONE says Central America when talking about a specific country. 

Oh, and Jessa and Ben? Stop calling it date night. It's not a date every time you two go out, you stupid tools. 

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If ya'll are watching, come on into chat and let's watch it together  :)

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1 minute ago, hollywood said:

What is sad is that Ben is actually more dull and hard to listen to than John-David. 

I think it's a tie 

clearly Ben is so over it 

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5 minutes ago, Yaoichan12 said:

oh Anna. Saying her husbands not available to babysit...any chance to bring up Josh

Which proves that Jessa correcting Ben on babysitting was strictly about not making the same public mistake Jill and Derrick did. Every single one of them see fathers as nothing but occasional caregivers. 

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Ok everyone, I am filling in for Buzzard tonight………..here goes the


Ben just said its his “first time babysitting” his kid. Really dude. Jessa called him out on it. Apparently Jessa, Jana, and Anna are going for coffee without the spawn.  Ergo, Ben is on his own with the the Spurge.

Anna thinks its beneficial for moms to have short times away from their kids. Emphasis on “short”. She makes a bitter little comment about “My husband is not here so I’m bringing Meredith”

Now Jinger and assorted male siblings are going to a used car auction. She wants to “invest” and buy and sell a car. JD, Joseph and…Jeb? Are with her. According to Jessa, Jinger has been going to care auctions with her dad and brothers for years.

Joseph thinks Jinger is “very wise”. Also, I just learned that a pinstripe detail on a used car means that its been wrecked.

Apparently Jinger has “spent the most time in prison” ergo, going down to Juvie to witness to the sinning teens. Also, she’s the only left handed Dugger. Whoopee…aa actual unique characteristic.

One of the boys just gave a painfull explanation of how an auction works…Jinger is afraid her hand might keep going up.  But success!!! She bought a mini van for $3400.

Now that she owns it, apparently all the other siblings are going to do all the work for her. Joy took a “car detailing class”  Dafuq is that?


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3 hours ago, CreationMuseumSeasonPass said:

In 7th and 8th grade junior high, we had classes called Industrial Tech and Family and Consumer Science (basically home ec) You could choose different stations to learn various life/home skills. I had the laundry/sewing unit for one session. One of the requirements was to sew a button on a piece of fabric. And, they tried to make this as easy as possible. It was a GIANT yellow button on a piece of felt. The first attempt, my button fell off. The second attempt, I had accidentally sewn two pieces of cloth together. As for the third attempt, I don't remember what I did, but I do recall asking the teacher for help MANY times. Finally, she just came over and said if I stopped bothering her so much, she would give me an A. I'm 28 and I still can't sew at all. That's what Mr. Museum is for lol. As for cooking, I'm no amazing chef, but if there's an online tutorial or recipe, then there's no problem. If you can read, you can cook. There's probably similar sewing tutorials, but nahhhhh....

I did go to a real school for junior high, and had to take Home Economics with all the other girls (the boys all took Industrial Ed). By this time, I had already been responsible for all the cooking, cleaning and laundry in my house for three years, so I could cook pretty much anything with no problem. Sewing was another matter entirely. I managed to completely screw up every sewing assignment, broke a sewing machine and caused the serger to seize up. The teacher was ready to throttle me, so they kicked me out of Home Ec, and the school made an exception to the sex segregation and enrolled me in Industrial Ed. 

I think the powers that be assumed that I'd cut my fingers off (better that than wreck another sewing machine) but I learned a lot and have used those skills as a starting point in a lot of the home renovations that I get myself into. 

I'm just now teaching myself to sew.... /eyeroll

I can't fathom how these SAHD could be so clueless about cooking and managing the home. It was a matter of survival in my world, and it seems that most adults at least pick up enough basics to get by, so the whole incapable of anything to do with managing a home and getting food on the table schtick rings false to me..

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Thoughts so far: Jinger has been going to car auctions for a long time according to Jessa, but she's only being "allowed" (JD's words!) to buy a car now... and TLC thinks that will be impressive to me? Like oh look they let their women out of the house... eventually... for the cameras... if they must...

Bin and the infamous "wives don't like it to be called babysitting" comment is actually WORSE than they made it look in the commercial. I thought it was just a snarky comment or something or maybe trying to show his ~so progressive~ knowledge, but really Jessa told him not to call it babysitting (like someone said only because of the Jill backlash) and he still had a snark fest over being asked to look after his own kid.

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