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Jill & Jessa Special, Sunday, December 27

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3 hours ago, Buzzard said:

Jessa - this is a perfect fit for jill.  She loves the "latin" culture and midwifery is her thing.  She's been on a role, getting stuff done and getting certified. She just got her certification and now she can use it on her mission.


Derick TH - this was a good opportunity to practice my conversational spanish.  I have a lot more to learn, there are 100,000 words and I know 136.


I realize "role" was a typo for "roll," but what an appropriate one!  Buzzard, that was surely a Freudian slip.  Jill is definitely playing some sort of "role."   (Jill, the Compassionate Missionary Midwife.)

Note to Derrick:  You don't measure your knowledge of a language by the size of your vocabulary! (If your 136 words include useful nouns and necessary verbs, you can communicate.  If your 136 words are just nouns and adjectives...).

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Buzzard's recap was much more exciting than the episode itself. Am I the only one that thinks that Jill had no idea what the woman at the clinic was saying on Spanish? Jill just sat there with a confused smile on her face. I think Jill just isn't smart. She attempts to speak intelligently and just repeatedly fails. I am convinced Jill believes that her midwife skills really are on the level of an OBGYN. 

I am no longer sure if Ben is really dumb or if he has a problem converting his thoughts into words. It seems as though there is a disconnect there. He starts a sentence and then seems to lose the ending of it. There are no words for Ben's hair. I feel like it is an updated male version of Farrah Fawcett's feathered hairstyle. 

I didn't really care about seeing the birth but I will admit that Jessa looked pretty good for being in labor. 

I really like Cathy. I want Jill and Derrick to go back to Arkansas just for Cathy. She is the warmest person I have seen in the presence of the Duggars and I wanted to cry with her when she talked about leaving. Someone mentioned that they though Jill was somewhat detached from Izzy. I think she just wasn't raised in a warm touchy-feely family. She learned to be a mom from hands-off after six months Michelle. Cathy crosses me as the Mom/grandma that wants to cuddle with the kids, play with them and just spend as much time as possible with them. For Jill, there may just be motions she believes parents are to go through. 

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2 hours ago, pumpkie0 said:

see this bothers me now she is okay to talk to and get along with yet in the beginning they didn't appear to be very welcoming or kind to her.  Did they help her yes because they  were told to but they never had a close relationship or talk to her like they are doing now.  Just another instance of the duggars using the victim when it suits them

Could be they are nice to her only because they can use her.  Or it could be that having them live with them and seeing her genuine faith and good intentions has impressed Jana and Jinger and Joy, while Jill and Jessa, from their own experience as married women have an inkling of how well Anna has handled what was a horrible situation.   

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4 hours ago, Buzzard said:


The warning is flashed about live births... The front lawn is COVERED with parked cars



Thank you Buzzard for staying awake to recap for those of us who won't/can't watch.

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4 hours ago, lascuba said:

I know Teresa has dark hair, but that's it. The midwife could have been anyone. It's telling, though, that they refused to name her or even say the word "midwife," just "birth team." 

I'm not surprised they didn't show the attendant (birth coach) that "assisted".  If you remember all the hoo-ha on the Mommy's Butterfly page, it's her m o to screw up a birth, then leave, leaving the family to go to the emergency room while claiming the birth was unattended.  Teresa's name won't appear in any hospital/ems reports and no one is the wiser.  That's how she has apparently gotten away with so much in NW Arkansas.

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7 hours ago, Buzzard said:


The warning is flashed about live births... The front lawn is COVERED with parked cars

11 AM - 20 hours of labor

Jana - She's been in labor and is a trooper

Shot of Jessa groaning that its painful.  She is wearing a purple shirt that isnt quite a tank top, but definitely show shoulder.  She walks with Ben out a door.  Michelle coos "jessa is doing awesome in labor."  A green sheet is hanging in a hallway, not sure whats up with that.  Meeshelle tells us that they're going for a walk.  They walk into the kitchen, all the blinds are closed and its dark (why??) Michelle follows them, she may be filming - there is lettering on a door outside that says "be of god."  Michelle says "its a good day to be born."  Jessa leans on Bin.

Michelle - Ben was solid, he stuck by her side... 

They walk in the backyard holding hands, her dress looks like it may be "modest swimwear."  Michelle continues to narrate: "Jessa is 8 centimeters dialated Having really good contractions, doing great"

Bin TH - As labor was ramping up she was in pain and I was feeling it too. I was like "hopefully the baby comes soon so this will be over."  It kept draggin on, I was like "ugh."

A sign hangs above the window that says "happy fall, yall."  Its hand made

A phone rings - its 4 PM - 25 hours in labor.  Joy answers, saying its JInger.  Joy appears to be back at the TTH

Anna stands by, theres no baby yet... Jinger says she's dilated to 9... Anna says "any minute!:

6 PM - 27 hours

Michelle films on an iphone.  Jill was video chatting.  Jessa groans, Ben holds her.  

Jinger - It was hard to hear jessa in so much pain.

Michelle coos "good job, jessa."

Jinger - It was hard not being able to do anything, so I just prayed for her.

Voice - I want you to feel that, right there, thats your baby's head

Michelle - Thats your baby, right there.

Boob (TTH)

Reads text that Jessa is pushing.  

Back to Jessa - she groans and pushes.  She says that it hurts.  Ben holds her shoulders.

Jessa TH - WHen I got to the point where my body started pushing it was encouraging... 

She is laying ON TOP of Ben pushing.  Someone is wearing Gloves.  Jill watches on the phone.  Spurge is born, bloody... wrapped in a towel... and cries. Michelle says the date and time "praise jesus."  Tells Jessa she's a champ.

The text comes through at the TTH - Jordyn answers the phone because she's Jessa's buddy... Its a boy!

They all celebrate. Anna yells congrats.  

At the house JIll tells Jessa that she always guesses wrong.

Bin - WHen the baby finally arrived it was a big sigh of relief.  We got to see our son for the first time.

Jessa - We got to snuggle with him for a while...  Then things kind of changes a little bit.

911 call - Michelle - Mother is bleeding after birth, she's alert and awake.  baby is doing wonderful.

Michelle TH - Right after the baby was born she had a gush of blood, and it was more blood than what should have occurred.

Bin TH - It was kind of scary, it was like "whoa that a lot of blood all at once. I was a little bit nervous."

Jana TH - There have been a couple of births I have seen where a mom has lost blood.  This was the most I had seen and at that moment you kind of go into panic mode and I was thinking of these other situations and I was like "this cant happen to my sister."

The next day at the hospital

Michelle - The Dr checked Jessa out at the labor and delivery room and said she was doing good. and that she was not having major bleeding at that point.  The next day as she would get up she would be light headed.

Jessa gets a blood transfusion.  Bin jokes she'll be more energetic.

Jessa is shown WEARING A TANK TOP at the hospital, holding spurge, with Bin in the bed with her. 

Producer - Was childbirth better or worse than you expected?

Jessa - WORSE.  I said to my mom, I dont know how you did this 19 times.  I think the size probaby had something to do iwth the difficulty

Michelle TH - Jessa was MY biggest baby, I was shocked to learn that this baby was 9 pounds 11 ounces.  It was really a shock

(Bin wipes spurge's butt)

Michelle - Just the size of his head, chest, shoulders... he was like a barrel.

 Back at the house, the family arrives to meet spurge.  They all want to hold him.

Jinger TH - it was a unique situation, passing around a nameless child... Grandma duggar hold Mer and spurge... They joke about not having a name... 

Jessa TH - We decided on his name last night... they discuss whether they are sure about the name.

Bin - Spurgeon Elliott Seawald...  

Shots of various duggars holding spurge.

Joy - I think that after all that has happened over the last couple of months its really good we have something we can smile about and just enjoy.

Anna - Children are such a blessing.  I think god knew that, in this season of life that we're in, with all that we have walked through, this year especially this summer, to have a new baby going into the fall and just the time to say "ok, breathe and start fresh."  (Um, so we forgot about YOUR new baby, Anna?)

Josie and the others hold him...

Jessa TH - I cant believe he's ours... bad music plays... 

Bonus scene - Bin - The birth was amazing... Jessa has bangs...


Well Michelle didn't give birth 19times. Let's hope baby seaward is an only child for a while.  

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Derik's Mom looked good. It's nice to see her doing so well after her long Cancer battle.

Drives me nuts how Jill calls her Miss Cathy. Even Anna calls Michelle "Michelle"....

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I know God is older and wiser and it's not my place to tell God how things should be done but if it's someone's God given calling to convert Christians and educate midwives  in a Spanish speaking country, why couldn't God make it their parents' calling to make sure they devote some time during their education to becoming fluent in the language?

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1 hour ago, Toothfairy said:

Well Michelle didn't give birth 19times. Let's hope baby seaward is an only child for a while.  

umm... what? I think she did... am i missing something?? :huh:

C-sections are still giving birth.... and each twin must be born... she wasn't pregnant 19 times, bit i would say she gave birth 19 times... 

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When Jessa was on the stretcher, was that blood all around her pelvic area, because that looked like a horrifying amount. Was it red cloth? 

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12 minutes ago, YourGodIsNotMine said:

When Jessa was on the stretcher, was that blood all around her pelvic area, because that looked like a horrifying amount. Was it red cloth? 

I believe we came to the conclusion that it was the red vinyl of the stretcher. It was too low to be blood and it had a regular edge. If it was blood from Jessa, it would have an irregular edge and be higher up. 


10 hours ago, nst said:

last week's episode had a bonus scene - that needs to be discussed in detail

later on - it will be 


Can we discuss now? What was it? 

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8 hours ago, YourGodIsNotMine said:

My thoughts: while I feel sorry for Anna and understand that she had her own talking heads, I noticed she made sure to loudly insert her own comments and thoughts into EVERY scene as if she were being paid by the word. Or she's trying to get her old show back. She doesn't shut up. 


I physically recoiled at the thought of Jill educating or assisting with any pregnancies or births. What a frightening thought for reasons we've all discussed. 


First, why should Anna shut up about anything? It's not her turn to be quiet and humble. I think she's played along nicely for too long, she better voice what's on her heart and mind. Go Anna. 

To the second, I don't know about the situation in Guatemala. Are there midwives available everywhere? If that wasn't the case and I'd be a very pregnant woman about to go into labor with no help around then you bet I'd be glad to have Jill around. Other than that, you're probably right. Jill wouldn't be a first choice. 

I can't snark on Jessa. I think she's glowing, motherhood does suit her well. I pity her for being stuck with such a doofus like Bin, though. 

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8 minutes ago, Pretzel said:

First, why should Anna shut up about anything? It's not her turn to be quiet and humble. I think she's played along nicely for too long, she better voice what's on her heart and mind. Go Anna. 

To the second, I don't know about the situation in Guatemala. Are there midwives available everywhere? If that wasn't the case and I'd be a very pregnant woman about to go into labor with no help around then you bet I'd be glad to have Jill around. Other than that, you're probably right. Jill wouldn't be a first choice. 

I can't snark on Jessa. I think she's glowing, motherhood does suit her well. I pity her for being stuck with such a doofus like Bin. 

I too pity anyone stuck with Ben. 

About Anna, I'm fine with her expressing herself. I'm just saying that in every scene, she's loudly commenting on something or another. "She's been pushing for an hour. "  "As long as you name him before he's 18 it's ok. " She doesn't have to be quiet and humble but she's definitely making sure she's still part of that show. Also could she stop baby talking to her kids? It's like nails on a chalkboard: "Are you excited to see baby Seewald?" in an incredibly high pitched whisper  voice. 

What can I say? I never liked her before and while I pity her now, she's not exactly endearing to me. 

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9 hours ago, 2manyKidzzz said:

Well, Ben did stay right there and hold Jessa during the labor in the film anyway. Better than Joshley. Can't believe i'm paying Bin a compliment. 

We only saw a couple of minutes of her long labor so I'm not sure he's worthy of a compliment. We see only what TLC wants to project.

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18 minutes ago, Pretzel said:


To the second, I don't know about the situation in Guatemala. Are there midwives available everywhere? If that wasn't the case and I'd be a very pregnant woman about to go into labor with no help around then you bet I'd be glad to have Jill around. Other than that, you're probably right. Jill wouldn't be a first choice.

How realistic is it  though? Let's say you are pregnant in Guatemala  and all alone because there are no midvives in your country, and you know of  no experienced aunties who have attended to approximately the same number of births Jill has. There is an American woman somewhere who could perhaps help you, but she spends her time taking care of her baby and husband and talking to cameras and can't even be bothered to go to a language class to learn your language. How will you find out about her skills in time for her to help you?


JMO if there happens to be a shortage of midwives in Guatemala, Jill would do far more good organizing some fund raising efforts to educate more midwives in Guatemala...than going there to maybe attend to a birth or two while not conversant in the language.

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I just have to say this: Anna looked really, really good during the scenes at Ben & Jessa's house where everyone was meeting Spurgeon. I think it was the best I've ever seen her look! WOW!


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I am shocked that Jessa allowed them to film her during labor.  I am also shocked she gave an honest answer about how painful and tough labor is. I was expecting a fundie "keeping it sweet" answer.

It would be interesting to see how Jill will handle a woman living in abject poverty coming to her for birth control advice. While Jill and her crew can pop out baby after baby, its not really feasible for people who don't have running water or steady food supply. I don't see the god will provide reasoning applying here

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22 minutes ago, ElegantMajesticPearls said:

I am shocked that Jessa allowed them to film her during labor.  I am also shocked she gave an honest answer about how painful and tough labor is. I was expecting a fundie "keeping it sweet" answer.

It would be interesting to see how Jill will handle a woman living in abject poverty coming to her for birth control advice. While Jill and her crew can pop out baby after baby, its not really feasible for people who don't have running water or steady food supply. I don't see the god will provide reasoning applying here

I'd like to believe that Jill, as a medical professional, will be able to separate her religious beliefs from her job. 

Ha ha ha ha! 

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1 minute ago, YourGodIsNotMine said:

I'd like to believe that Jill, as a medical professional, will be able to separate her religious beliefs from her job. 

Ha ha ha ha! 




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@actuallyjessica......yes I agree that Anna looks wonderful. Pain and suffering become her. 

I do not understand at all why any of these women want their labor/delivery filmed. Is it because children are a blessing and they are better than the rest of the evil world that might use BC? I really don't get it. 


I still find that John David's earlier statement about Josh and that he wants to be a good role model for his many siblings was very sweet. That was more emotion or feeling that I've seen him express. He seems to be a genuinely good guy. And I'm glad he isn't married, seems like he "gets" the program of the endless children. I could be wrong. I was once.

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3 minutes ago, 2manyKidzzz said:

@actuallyjessica......yes I agree that Anna looks wonderful. Pain and suffering become her. 

I do not understand at all why any of these women want their labor/delivery filmed. Is it because children are a blessing and they are better than the rest of the evil world that might use BC? I really don't get it. 



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10 hours ago, VeryNikeSeamstress said:

Technically isn't it only 17 times since there are two sets of twins? Also Josie was an emergency C-section, and there were some other C-sections too. I don't know much about birth, but wouldn't a woman having a C-section be on some sort of narcotics or pain relievers?

She delivered more than 17 and there is sometimes labor between the 2 deliveries, so, technically no.

And lots of people have labor before they end up with a c-section. Did Michelle have elective cesctions without labor? Maybe with the first set of twins???

Jackson and Jordyn were breech/transverse babies, but like Izzy (haha), that was not discovered until she was in labor, IIRC. And obviously Josie was born early via c-section.

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2 hours ago, YourGodIsNotMine said:

I too pity anyone stuck with Ben. 

About Anna, I'm fine with her expressing herself. I'm just saying that in every scene, she's loudly commenting on something or another. "She's been pushing for an hour. "  "As long as you name him before he's 18 it's ok. " She doesn't have to be quiet and humble but she's definitely making sure she's still part of that show. Also could she stop baby talking to her kids? It's like nails on a chalkboard: "Are you excited to see baby Seewald?" in an incredibly high pitched whisper  voice. 

What can I say? I never liked her before and while I pity her now, she's not exactly endearing to me. 

I don't agree here.  I don't think she was trying to inject herself everywhere.  I'm glad to see her relaxed around them enough to be herself and say what's on her mind.  I thought she was lighthearted and not obnoxious at all.   Talking to babies in an exaggerated voice is good for their speech development so if she said that to Meredith I don't see a problem there.  If it was to Mac or Micheal then it's too much but she's probably used to including the babies when she speaks to all her kids.

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I agree that Anna looks amazing. If I was in her shoes I'd look like death warmed over, I'm sure. I can't help but wonder if she's been made-over in a desperate attempt to keep Josh from straying. Nothing wrong with looking as good as you can if you're doing it for yourself, but I find it sad and concerning if she's doing it to restore her marriage.

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