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Duggars By the Dozen - General Discussion -14

happy atheist

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http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publicat ... 12_18_2012

http://hrweb.mit.edu/worklife/youngadul ... tml#beyond

Not breaking links because nimh and MIT. From what I've read from other sources the brain isn't completely developed until 25, but by early 20's it's closer to an adult brain than in the late teens. Of course it's a continuum and every individual will be different. I've been lucky and had some pretty responsible kids and my life is certainly not anything more than anecdata but I did see a huge jump in maturity and reasoned judgement after 20 than late teens.

I'd love to see the military enlistment age raised to take this into account. The argument is often that people can join the service before they can drink beer and that's such a legit point...I would just argue for raising enlistment age rather than lowering drinking age.

Although that would probably never happen, I would join you in that argument. I'd like to see the age of enlistment be raised at least to age 19 or 20. However, my brother enlisted when he was still 17. My dad had to sign the papers allowing him to do so, and he turned 18 while in boot camp (September birthday). For my brother, it turned out fine. The discipline of the military suited him and he stayed in the military for nearly 20 years, until his early death from disease. For other kids though - first time away from home, away from parents' rules, being offered beer after a hard day's work, I could see how that would cause some young adults to overindulge and get into trouble.

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it is 16/18 here and yes culture is different. btw interesting note on havong to finish school at 21 because i finished at 22. (came to school at 7, moved and got taken back a year , moved to a 6th form school(11=13) and repeated a year to gain access to it. finished school at 22 on the dot ;)

but then marks/grades count here and not credits ad these days you are with your class save for electives from year 5 to 12 (13)

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Regional attitudes do have a much larger impact than the laws. Does Canada prosecute those who provide alcohol to minors? In America, parents can got to jail for providing alcohol to minors. Or at least my town in Wisconsin did, I'm not sure if its national. But I think that made a difference because then the parents were risking their livelihoods if the provide.

There might be a law on the books, however I've never heard of it applied. I mean haven't you heard this story:

http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatche ... -1.3234979

The RCMP showed up at a "Frosh Slosh" which is a party thrown by Grade 12 students for incoming Grade 9 students who are known as froshes, and they get them drunk. In the past ten years there have been some tragedies at or surrounding these events (two girls were hit by a car this year, one had passed out near the cars and the other girl tried to get her out of the way, a few years ago a car full of 12 to 15 year olds - no legal driver no one was drinking as they were on their way out to the party, was involved in a head on collision, resulting in the deaths of the 12 year old, 2 13 year olds and a 14 year old, with the 3 15 year old surviving), so the focus of local police is not on stopping the events, but preventing tragedies.

Most of these things happen on farms or in gravel pits (Pit Parties are huge out here), and again, either older siblings or friends provide, or the parents do.

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In Alabama: Driver's permit at 15, driver's license at 16, buy cigarettes at 19, legal drinking age 21. And I'm all for raising enlistment age to 21.

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differing states in Australia have different age laws. In Victoria you can get your learners permit at 16. Probationary licence at 18, but you can only have 1 passenger . After a certain time period you move to a less restrictive licence and then on to a full licence. Even though you can buy alcohol at 18, learners and probationary drivers must have zero alcohol in their system while driving.

People get the vote at 18 and can join the armed forces at 18. The age of consent for most things is between 16 and 18.

It is interesting to see how the 'norm' is very different depending on culture and need.

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There is also a different culture here with regards to alcohol. Parents are told to never let their children drink. They don't usually see adults drinking and there is a stigma associated with drinking in general. This is why robotripping is popular in Utah. Teens can easily get ahold of cough syrup but not alcohol so they use that to experiment with.

My understanding is that parts if not all p of Europe have a different alcohol culture. Kids watch their parents consume alcohol at dinners. The kids might get a chance to sip it on special occasions. Teens can drink alcolic beverages like beer and wine but have to wait until they are older to drink distiller spirits. I know in Switzerland, you can drink beer and wine at age 16 but are legally not allowed to drink distiller spirits until they are 21.

I live in Switzerland, and you can legally buy and drink spirits here once you turn 18.

Basically, you are considered an adult and can do anything an adult can once you turn 18 (with some rare exceptions, like you have to be over 20 to be able to get a drivers licence for certain types of big and dangerous vehicles )

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FWIW, in my state, the drinking age changed between my older sister's 19th birthday and my 21st birthday. One of my English teachers said that the federal government had tied highway funding to raising the legal drinking age. Raise the legal age and we could have money for new roads. Leave it at 19, and we could find our own money. We wrote essays about whether we agreed or disagreed with the method.

(Also, my sister started drinking at 16 or 17; 2 years before she was legal. I waited until I was almost 21; a month before I was legal. Guess I've always been a rule follower.)

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OMG.. I just saw this. There really is something wrong with him. It's all about sex with him. And then he wonders why his son Josh turned out the way he did. Good Lord. to do that in front of your daughter... I just don't know what to say.

Funny thing is, Jessa is embarrassed, but she's not turning away. I think Ben is. Most kids would just have a fit and turn away. But I guess if you don't appease dad in that house, there's hell to pay.

Every time I see him I feel all skeevy and I want to shower and scrub myself. Now more than ever.

I think that is the same take three times. Just with different sounds / talking added.

If you watch Michelle's lips and body language (at some point she crouches) it seems to be exactly the same.

So what we saw in the show was probably what happened. This show just repeated it three times in order to make it appear worse.

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I think that is the same take three times. Just with different sounds / talking added.

If you watch Michelle's lips and body language (at some point she crouches) it seems to be exactly the same.

So what we saw in the show was probably what happened. This show just repeated it three times in order to make it appear worse.

Dear TLC,

I didn't want to see JB humping J'chelle once; there was no need to show it to me three times. Please stop having this family on your network.

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Louisiana was the last state to change the drinking age to 21. Up until 1995, we could buy booze at 18. The fed leaned on the state government & basically said, no more road money if you don't raise the limit. We used to be able to go to high school till 21, it's been recently changed to 19. Driving permits can be issued to 14 year olds, I think they can be 15 & licensed but most wait at least 16 because drivers ed here is mandatory now it's crazy expensive. Many many rural community kids drive that young here.

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Dear TLC,

I didn't want to see JB humping J'chelle once; there was no need to show it to me three times. Please stop having this family on your network.

At least TLC didn't do one of those inane fact boxes with the fun fact that in order to have 19 children, JB humped Mechelle a gazillion times. Sorry, gagging now, but I couldn't resist sharing this thought. :disgust:

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At least TLC didn't do one of those inane fact boxes with the fun fact that in order to have 19 children, JB humped Mechelle a gazillion times. Sorry, gagging now, but I couldn't resist sharing this thought. :disgust:

Oh god! Where's the brain bleach? :oops: :pink-shock:

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Oh god! Where's the brain bleach? :oops: :pink-shock:

:brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach: :brain-bleach:

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I have used many gallons of brain bleach in my years of Duggar watching. I just don't get how they reconcile

Jboob's sleaze with all their supposed piety, with "Nike" and all that foolishness. The hypocrisy here is amazing, but their whole life is hypocrisy. Jim Boob is a nasty dawg.

Oh, and what about all the premarital hand sex between Josh and Anna? Why did Boob and Jchelle permit it? I almost felt like a voyeur when they did that, they needed to get a room.

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I have used many gallons of brain bleach in my years of Duggar watching. I just don't get how they reconcile

Jboob's sleaze with all their supposed piety, with "Nike" and all that foolishness. The hypocrisy here is amazing, but their whole life is hypocrisy. Jim Boob is a nasty dawg.

Oh, and what about all the premarital hand sex between Josh and Anna? Why did Boob and Jchelle permit it? I almost felt like a voyeur when they did that, they needed to get a room.

I have no idea that hand sex freaked me out. It was uncomfortable and like you said I felt like a voyeur. Ugh. And yeah JB and pure do not go together. He's such a creeper.

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... And yeah JB and pure do not go together. He's such a creeper.

At the bottom of JB's concern with purity is really a narcissist's desire to control and restrict other men's sexual access to women. Consider how a man whose relationship with his own father was problematic now is the "patriarch" of a large family. His reproductive success makes him feel superior. Insisting that his children remain "pure" is a way to exert control. His sons are reminded that he is the big man, the only man in the house who is allowed relief for sexual urges without being sinful. When they marry, they are supposed to go forth and repeat the patriarchal pattern, thus adding to JB's reproductive success. His daughters are his to "give" to men he deems worthy,using them to expand his sphere of influence through having controlled other men's access to their sexuality.

Michelle has her own issues, but I think she is also a victim of brain washing and, with a man different from JimBob, she would not have become this procreation zombie. I make no excuses for her failure as a parent; I am just noting that she was the first to drink the kool aid. She takes all her sense of self-worth from the number of kids she has put forth and JB''s sexual satisfaction with her. For all that these two keep talking about spirituality, they are grotesquely materialistic and physical in their preoccupations.

It strikes me that the whole appeal of Gothardism for converts may be that it doesn't require a lot of thinking, just following rules. It tells followers that the spiritual is accessible by a simple formula that is often reduced to very physical preoccupations. (Curly hair is not a spiritual attribute-- just an easy way to feel spiritual while being physical.)

Anyway, yeah, I agree too. The Duggar parents make a mockery of the whole idea of purity.

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Sorry to jump topics. Just curious- I'm not on Facebook so I don't read all of what Pickles writes but I'm able to see some. I just started looking there a couple of days ago.  Sorry if this has been discussed before but does she really get insider info? Some of what I read we talked about on here before.  Also is she um.... Grouchy to put it nicely. Some of the comments I read that she posted were very terse seeming.  I guess I'm just looking for a bit of info on what her deal is.  Maybe it's a great site and I am missing something or maybe it is because I can't access everything but it seems like it's kind of a rip off.  Free jinger is wayyyyy better no matter what! 

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Omg i love that. But the last one is... scary as fuck and i don't ever want to see that again.:brainbleach:

this is why arachnophobic people shouldn't click links from strangers at work. Thankfully my arachnophobia isn't as bad as it was when I was a kid so I didn't scream.

That would have required a lot of awkward explaining.

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pickles is a 50+ lady that once had a run in with fj and decided it was not her fav people. she seems to have the one or other inside source.

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pickles is a 50+ lady that once had a run in with fj and decided it was not her fav people. she seems to have the one or other inside source.

interesting! Thanks for the info :) 

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pickles is a 50+ lady that once had a run in with fj and decided it was not her fav people. she seems to have the one or other inside source.

interesting! Thanks for the info :) 

I sometimes think we are her inside source.

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pickles is a 50+ lady that once had a run in with fj and decided it was not her fav people. she seems to have the one or other inside source.

interesting! Thanks for the info :) 

I sometimes think we are her inside source.

that is what I was thinking/wondering!

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