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Jessa Duggar Seewald Pt 5 - The Smug is Strong With This One

happy atheist

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BEN AN ACTOR HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't make me laugh! You need to be flexible and open minded to act. Can't get into silly arguments over things on set either. I do Extra work on a certain tvshow that comes on ABC at 10/9 C and having a 10+ hour day isn't out of the normal. I don't see any of the Duggars being able to do it.

Plus, unless he does just fundie movies like Fireproof/Courageous/War Room (where he'd find only modest success), he might have to do things like kiss other girls or play unsavory characters or learn to play characters with nuance and complex motivations. And he's no Matthew McConaughey. Also, if he pursued acting and got roles handed to him because he was on a reality show, I'd be ridiculously pissed off on behalf of my friends who actually studied the craft of acting, truly have talent, and are still waiting tables and constantly going to auditions for off-off-off-Broadway plays, summer stock, and commercials.

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Anyone else notice some media sources are reporting that Jessa said she will NOT have 19 kids when asked in Orlando? If true, that would be a 180 from what she said this past summer and would imply that she now intends to use some form of family planning! :pink-shock:

Source: etonline.com/news/172811_jessa_duggar_seewald_reveals_family_with_ben_seewald_will_be_different_than_jim_bob_and_michelle_duggar/?viewFull=true

Fast forward to about 1:00 in the video.

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This interesting page was referenced in the comments below the Inquisitor article about the negative posts the Southern Woman's Conference event got about Jessa being a speaker.


Agree with many other posters that say Jessa and Ben have zero chemistry. They are like two awkward teens in a high school play who can't quite get their roles right. I have yet to see Jessa flinch when Ben touches her but she doesn't seem to relax into him either.

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Ben is such a piece of work. I still can't believe he goes along and plants himself to talk to a bunch of women at women shows...

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One thing that struck me as interesting from the few articles I've read about the Woman's Conference is that people are not only noticing that the Seewalds have no chemistry, they're also pointing out that neither of them have any charisma.

I honesty believe that both of them could have a career in televangelism (lord help us) if they took some public speaking classes and if Jessa could learn to be more relatable on camera. Ben comes across as the more approachable of the two - he's awkward as hell on camera, but he seems sweet, and that's fixable. Even Smuggar learned to speak well in public after he got some training in. I've heard of several instances where people who met Jessa in person actually thought she was very sweet, but the problem is, she comes across as contemptible on camera. She projects as having no patience for anyone, even if she does actually care. She'll have to at least pretend that she cares if she and Ben are going to minister on camera.

Either way, I say either go big or go home. Pick an angle. If she wants the televised ministry career, she should learn to fake it until she makes it, or if she would rather tell the world to go to hell (and give them directions if they don't get it the first time) via social media, then go that route and be honest about it. She'd have her fans either way, but the televangelism career would make them lots more money.

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Those knees Jessa showed defrauded so many in the audience :roll: Guess the fundie boys and men won't be able to watch that video or view the pics of Smugessa. :naughty: :lol:

I could actually respect Smugessa if she would stop being so darn passive-aggressive in her 'I am a fundie in word but not in all deeds' actions. She could easily cherry pick from fundie teachings and choose more 'worldly' influences and stop her hypocrisy. I would be so proud of her if she would just do it but I am not holding my breath :whistle:

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Ben was so trying to play like he wasn't an obsessed fanboy with the lie that it took him a while to fall in love with Jessa. :lol: At least Jessa has the awareness to know better.

ETA: Wait a minute. Why is Jessa claiming that their friends are warning her about how different their life will be once the baby comes and all the paraphernalia they'll need to travel? Like she doesn't already know. Look, Jessa, I know you're trying to be relateable to your audience by playing the new mom angle and pretending that you have friends, but when you're famous for being the organized packer of a family of 19 children, claiming to be unaware of the logistics of a new baby is disingenuous as hell. People are stupid, but not THAT stupid.

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Well but all that Jessa knows is that there were always lots of babies and lots of caretakers in the Duggar home. Assuming she and Ben don't intend to live with all her sisters, it will be the first time she's the primary caretaker running the whole show without sisters to chip in. It would be a change from newly wed life despite being well versed in diaper changing etc. I think.

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Sure, your own baby is different, but Jessa of all people having to be told that she won't be able to travel with just one little suitcase once the baby arrives? Nope. Her "friends" did not tell her that. She already knows. She's trying to pretend she's a normal person from a normal family and it just comes off as fake.

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The dating video - Ben reminds me of a gobbledygook generator with whatever he's pulling out of his ass to cover his ass.

Ben Seewald, the actor??? [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]

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Painful. (But the Dating Game bloopers that follow below are to die for).

I think they are actually scheduled to speak at a few more of these things.

I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the concept that anyone besides fundie teenyboppers would pay money to listen to these two talk about anything. I feel like Larry the Cable Guy could do an "only in America!" segment about Jessa and Ben as motivational speakers.

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Ben is such a piece of work. I still can't believe he goes along and plants himself to talk to a bunch of women at women shows...

I think part of the reason Ben was attracted to Jessa was because she was part of the TV Duggar clan. It didn't hurt that she is good-looking and was at the right age for courting. The guy is a fame whore. It doesn't matter to him that his name isn't even on the speaker list for these gigs - by god he's going to join her on that stage. And he'll sit at the autograph table and sign his name to Jessa's photographs, because he's Ben Seewald and he's destined for great things! I bet JimBob doesn't even make him do any actual work at this point, but instead probably just gives him some weekly amount to cover their expenses.

These two are very stilted. It makes me laugh when I read Ben would like to be an actor. He's playing the role of loving husband and soon-to-be father and he's crap at it. (Although, he could probably do ok in a commercial for allergy medication - the before version. His snuffly voice is more grating each time I hear it. I wonder how Jessa stands it.)

I hope these two love each other, but I question whether either of them has the emotional maturity to truly love another person. After nearly a year of marriage and with a baby on the way, they still don't seem to know each other well. What do they talk about when they are alone?

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I think part of the reason Ben was attracted to Jessa was because she was part of the TV Duggar clan. It didn't hurt that she is good-looking and was at the right age for courting. The guy is a fame whore. It doesn't matter to him that his name isn't even on the speaker list for these gigs - by god he's going to join her on that stage. And he'll sit at the autograph table and sign his name to Jessa's photographs, because he's Ben Seewald and he's destined for great things! I bet JimBob doesn't even make him do any actual work at this point, but instead probably just gives him some weekly amount to cover their expenses.

These two are very stilted. It makes me laugh when I read Ben would like to be an actor. He's playing the role of loving husband and soon-to-be father and he's crap at it. (Although, he could probably do ok in a commercial for allergy medication - the before version. His snuffly voice is more grating each time I hear it. I wonder how Jessa stands it.)

I hope these two love each other, but I question whether either of them has the emotional maturity to truly love another person. After nearly a year of marriage and with a baby on the way, they still don't seem to know each other well. What do they talk about when they are alone?

They don't, they just screw.

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Bin was beyond infatuated with Jessa from the very start. They even moved him into the compound. (which was probably mainly to aid with filming) For all we know he probably crept into the house and slept on the floor outside the locked girls room just to be that much closer to her.

I wonder if he had gotten some shady requests for possible acting gigs from desperate producers. He isn't too bad on the eyes, but he sounds just dumber than rocks.

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Bin was beyond infatuated with Jessa from the very start. They even moved him into the compound. (which was probably mainly to aid with filming) For all we know he probably crept into the house and slept on the floor outside the locked girls room just to be that much closer to her.

I wonder if he had gotten some shady requests for possible acting gigs from desperate producers. He isn't too bad on the eyes, but he sounds just dumber than rocks.

He'd probably be better off modelling than acting. Jessa too.

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He'd probably be better off modelling than acting. Jessa too.

Oh God. Don't give them any ideas.

Next on the Seewald agenda: design their own line of modern modest clothing and insist on being the ones to model it.

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Watching that clip made me sad. I teach undergraduate college students, and 22 is just about when I lose them to the Wild Blue Yonder. They're so amazing, 22-year-olds: funny, opinionated, eager, terrified, determined, silly, idealistic, smart, creative, emotional. No matter how close we've gotten over the course of their college careers, they pull away a little, and I'm always happy to let them launch.

That young woman could have been all those things, but the intellectual curiosity has been systematically stamped out of her. And now she's trying to be a person and she doesn't have the tools to make herself into one. The best she can do is make the outside look pretty and hope no one notices that she has no skill set.

Thank you, that was a great input on Blessa to whoever says Jessa is super duper smart just because she's bitchy, snarky and mean. She is not intelectually smart, emotionally smart and not even street smart.

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I think part of the reason Ben was attracted to Jessa was because she was part of the TV Duggar clan. It didn't hurt that she is good-looking and was at the right age for courting. The guy is a fame whore. It doesn't matter to him that his name isn't even on the speaker list for these gigs - by god he's going to join her on that stage. And he'll sit at the autograph table and sign his name to Jessa's photographs, because he's Ben Seewald and he's destined for great things! I bet JimBob doesn't even make him do any actual work at this point, but instead probably just gives him some weekly amount to cover their expenses.

These two are very stilted. It makes me laugh when I read Ben would like to be an actor. He's playing the role of loving husband and soon-to-be father and he's crap at it. (Although, he could probably do ok in a commercial for allergy medication - the before version. His snuffly voice is more grating each time I hear it. I wonder how Jessa stands it.)

I hope these two love each other, but I question whether either of them has the emotional maturity to truly love another person. After nearly a year of marriage and with a baby on the way, they still don't seem to know each other well. What do they talk about when they are alone?

I am also amazing he has the balls to appear with her on stage - but at the same time it was he signed up for - I truly don't think either of them has the emotional maturity to be actual parents

and I Love your post :D

as for the moving in part and sleeping in front of the girls room - that ME ROFL on so many levels

they purely did that for for filming and to speed up the courtship - there is nothing more than that - because what do people love - they love to see two people court even if they are doing it an insane slow way :D

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Thank you, that was a great input on Blessa to whoever says Jessa is super duper smart just because she's bitchy, snarky and mean. She is not intelectually smart, emotionally smart and not even street smart.

Come on, none of us really knows how smart anyone else is. But you're welcome to keep calling her stupid, and I will keep defending her.

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He'd probably be better off modelling than acting. Jessa too.

Maybe...if he could be convinced somehow to open his eyes all the way. I've always been creeped out by his heavy-lidded stare. Gives the appearance of someone high on something, or just not all there. 8-)


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Maybe...if he could be convinced somehow to open his eyes all the way. I've always been creeped out by his heavy-lidded stare. Gives the appearance of someone high on something, or just not all there. 8-)


Maybe he's going for that bedroom eyes look that only works on a select few guys (Oscar Isaac comes to mind). You really have to have the right face and the right demeanor for it to come off as sexy and soulful instead of baked as hell.

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Ben is a normal looking guy who's in good shape. I don't think he could cut it as a model. Definitely not a actor, I mean come on, the first time I saw him on the show I thought, "Wow, this guy is super awkward!"

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Ben is a normal looking guy who's in good shape. I don't think he could cut it as a model. Definitely not a actor, I mean come on, the first time I saw him on the show I thought, "Wow, this guy is super awkward!"

I don't think he would be good at extra work either. That's what I've been doing and he definitely doesn't have "it"

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